12-12-2005, 04:59 AM
Having opened this thread, you are now obligated to go listen to <a href=>this band</a> and post your thoughts. I saw them live tonight and was really impressed, so I met their singer and bought a five-song CD off him for three bucks. They're touring a little around the east coast so if you're lucky you just might be able to catch them. You should, because if you like these songs on record you will flip for them live. They are about a million times better when they're pounding out of live amps.

12-12-2005, 05:58 AM
They need to have their songs for download and not streaming. I can only hear it in bursts on 56k.

I heard 3 fragments of a pretty sweet opening bass line tho!

12-12-2005, 05:59 AM
haha. Yeah, 56k sucks for listening to stuff on myspace. =/

I will surely send you some songs via some sort of chatting device, though.

12-13-2005, 12:38 AM
They are about a million times better when they're pounding out of live amps.
Well, I guess my listening experience is their live show divided by one million then! I didn't especially like them to be honest, although the bass at the beginning of Nightmare in Pink was pretty nifty, in general I found them to be pretty boring and almost clinical in their approach. I felt that each of the four songs I heard had its own individual positive, but none of the songs really combined each of those positives into a single really memorable song. One of the comments calls them the next Shins which I disagree with a lot. There are similarities but the Shins music seems to capture a mood perfectly and through heartfelt melodies, create songs which really stand out as beautiful.

Considering you seen them live, I can definitely see how that would have been a better way to hear them. Their songs seem to be a little subdued but an energetic live act would remove a lot of the clinical veneer that their songs are coated with, and pretty certainly make for a rawer, more memorable experience.

Also, having listened to them a little as I typed this, Nightmare in Pink is a very good song and the Go Girls A Go Go is also quite impressive but again seems somewhat subdued, like the band is afraid to go all out and would rather remain in some conservative position between the Shins and, this is a bad example, Interpol.

Yeah, I'm aware that a lot of what I've said might not make an awful lot of sense, but I struggled to word my thoughts effectively and I don't think it's that confusing.

12-13-2005, 07:24 AM
Nah, it does make sense. A lot of why I said they're a lot better live is because the attack of the guitar is so much better when you're right in the room with it. They actually even played Nightmare in Pink a little differently when I saw them—their guitarist played the chords of the chorus the same as in the recording once, and then again in harder form on the heavy strings. It sounded a lot cooler.

I'd say if you decide to give them another try, listen to it as loud as you can. It helps a lot.

Also: You guys both commented on a bassline, which I didn't think was anything special in any of their songs? Oh well. X_X

Alice Wonderbra
12-13-2005, 08:02 PM
i dont like it.

they sound like a plethora of many other bands. nothing distinguishing. it could have been anyone.

12-14-2005, 09:29 AM
But they aren't anyone! They're the... DANGER O's.

I didn't like it either. Except for the bass line with... ok, I didn't really notice anything special about that either.

Nice pick, TK. Nice pick.

12-15-2005, 03:18 AM
Fair enough, but I think you're crazy if you think there's nothing distinguishable about them. I mean pretty much every band sounds like a plethora of other bands since influences are mostly how a style is developed.

Oh well. Wrong audience I guess!