12-11-2005, 11:51 PM
Yea im all World of Warcraft burnt out. And it only took about 11 months....
So im looking into Everquest 2. I need a new world to explore etc. So IF there is anyone here that plays the game i would appriecate it if u could help me a bit. I WOULD post on their official forums if u didnt have to own the game in the first place to be able to post :/

Im planing on downloading the 1.6 Gig demo when i get the chance but on a LAN its hard to find a time when the nets free ( STOP THAT FUCKING DOWNLOAD YOUR LAGGING ME etc etc)

So, afew questions :)
What is this i hear about Adventure packs? The differnce between expansion packs is? And what about the cost?
Also I hear there is no PvP content although it was added in an expansion. True?
And what about maintance like Warcrafts Wednesday matenance.
ANd any other infomation i should know about? (PLEASE dont be a dick and say "its crap" UNless u got a VALID point that is :) )
Are any expansions / advenure packs (??) nesecary? Especially for a n00b at the game.

If noone here plays the game i guess ill copy+paste this elsewhere :)

12-21-2005, 08:59 PM
I played the demo and found it crap. I got to level 6, and there was no guidance in the quests. I was supposed to go kill some slimes or something, but it just said "kill (some number of) slimes" and that was it. I searched everywhere I could find and didnt' find any slimes - there was some hidden path or something I missed? :/ the online stuff I found wasn't very clear.

Still, the combat system had some potential - there was a nifty combo-enabling move that I wanted to play around with mroe, but never partied, so I dunno.

My Physics teacher was addicted to it for quite a while, though, so maybe it's not that bad.

06-15-2006, 10:31 PM
i never liked the first one.