02-23-2002, 02:09 AM
Did other people actually make a serious attempt at this somewhat annoying minigame? I got up to this part in my game last night and felt like a diversion, then I got sucked into it once I realized I could get some good cards and stuff.

I got a very nice Nova Dragon card at Level 70 and once I got Hippaul up to Level 80 I got a Key item called Athlete Queen, a reward for getting that far. I figured it was all done but then I realised I could continue. He's now up to Level 91 but my fingers are sore and I was wondering if it was worth going on?

Am I going to get any more rewards from continuing? I didn't get anything at 90 but perhaps 100...

02-23-2002, 03:54 AM
He's too fast, better make him thinner, ... I trained him up to level 80, but you know I'm very lazy that I don't want to continue training him anymore...

Divine Strike
02-23-2002, 04:35 AM
sorry to say that the Key item "Athlete Queen" is the last prize that you get from racing Hippaul.....but if i were you i would keep going because it is the pure satisfaction of getting to lvl 100

02-23-2002, 05:23 PM
i could only race hippaul up to lvl 30 before my fingers gave out. is there an easier way ?

02-24-2002, 10:24 AM
Heh, I got up to Level 101. Anything past that is impossible, my fingers are dead. And nothing more to get, so its pointless.

Well, I thought it only started getting sorta hard around Level 70. Thats when fingers started giving out.

The way I do it is hold the controller vertically in my fist, then bash Circle with that hands thumb and Bash Square with my other thumb. On the really high levels I had to sorta tense up my arm for extra speed. I've gotten lots of practice with button pressing speed playing this and the torture sequence in Metal Gear Solid. :cool:

Anyhoo, now I've pretty much mastered the Hippaul part, onto the rest of the game...I'm not looking forward to the skipping rope part. Sigh, trying to get a complete FFIX game is tough work. :p

02-24-2002, 07:29 PM
hehe. ive only got to 16 on the skippin rope. apparently you can do 1000 jumps for a top prize :eek:

The Hurricane
02-27-2002, 08:15 PM
most I did on the Hippaul race was about lv32!
as for the skippin race i did about 56! :cool:

03-05-2002, 10:48 AM
I only made it to level 2 because of the bone crippling disease in mine here fingers. Really sucks.

Now seriously i gave up after about 30 (not cause it was to hard but because it got VERY dull). Maybe i'll play again for the pure satisfaction, or maybe not.... Is there anything actually worthwhile you can win?

zidane tribal
03-09-2002, 02:56 AM
hmmmm lol, i have leprosy so when i play my fingers totally fall off, but dont worry i have a bucket that they fall happily into......


well if you wanna be called an ff9 master you must do it.... other than that, your fingers are going to hurt for no reason.....later...

03-12-2002, 09:09 PM
I know how you guys feel. This mini game, like frog catching and jump-roping, seems so stupid at first, but the cool prizes and just the satisfaction of geting so far on 'em that you get adicted to them. I AHD TO GO INTO REHAB TO GET ME OFF OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
(not really):D

03-13-2002, 12:33 AM
i never treid hippaul but frog catchin was addictin and fun, and jump roping, kinda hard but get ggood przs.