02-22-2002, 07:09 PM
Holes in Eternity

time stands still
an instant in the fabric of time
lasts for eternity as I gaze into those azure depths
studying every detail, the smallest river of color

you don't have to say it,
I can see it in your eyes
In that tiny fragment of a moment I saw it
The flow of time stilled itself
For us

A ton of bricks hit me
And at the same time I grew wings
You say the words but
They seem meaningless

For that instant when time stopped
I could see your very soul
I didn�t need to hear the words
They were in your eyes, the story written in that brilliant blue

I never realized that I had doubted you
Not until the moment that doubt was erased
The moment time stopped
The words are in nothing in comparison to such exquisite emotion

But in that instant I also found myself
I knew what it meant
You saw it too, in that instant of stilled time
I finally found that elusive wraith of rapture

What has always been just an inch from my reach
I have finally grasped
What has always been a complex illusion
Has now become real as I stand here, lost in your eyes


Tessa Leigh Heinemann

Copyright �2002 Tessa Leigh Heinemann

02-22-2002, 07:59 PM
Hey thats another great poem. I liked it alot. Keep up the great poems.:)

02-22-2002, 08:10 PM
thanx... lol, I noticed the hillarious transition from my poem to my sig

"love... the tasty snack that smiles back until you bite thier heads off"

02-22-2002, 11:53 PM
I wonderful, well written poem..

I like and respect ur style Tessa, your depth..... real talent.

I would love to see more of ur work.

(I am a sucker for any well written work.)

02-26-2002, 08:50 AM
Excellent poem. I especially loved the lines "I didn�t need to hear the words. They were in your eyes, the story written in that brilliant blue ". I don't think I have to explain why, do I? I think everybody would agree with me that those lines were beautifully matched.

I also like the paragraph
"I never realized that I had doubted you
Not until the moment that doubt was erased
The moment time stopped
The words are in nothing in comparison to such exquisite emotion".
That last line was especially strong because of the word "exquisite". The word gave the paragraph more depth.

The ending of the poem very strong, making good use of the word "love". Good job.^^

02-26-2002, 01:52 PM
that's really good (i'm also a poet) and i rarely see good ones these days, i really like that one..... i like alot


02-26-2002, 04:09 PM
wow!*blushes* thanks guys. I'm really glad you like it.

02-26-2002, 04:56 PM
Beautiful poem, Tessa, this place certainly is full of talent.