11-26-2005, 05:10 AM
I don't know how many people are interested in this, but Jenny Lewis's (from rilo kiley) solo album, Rabbit Fur Coat was leaked onto the internet! I am listening to it right now and really enjoying it, so I thought I'd share it for anyone who is interested.

It's got an old school country/folky/gospel feel to it. Some of the tracks remind me of Laura Nyro, who is one of my favorites! It's not twangy poppy country sounding at all though, so don't let the word country scare you off.

Anyways! If you like folk and country music from the 50's/60's/70's, odds are you'll like this! It doesn't really sound like rilo kiley stuff at all, but fans should check it out anyways.

My favorite tracks are Happy, Melt Your Heart, and It Wasn't Me!

Run Devil Run (
Big Guns (
Rise Up With Fists (
Happy (
The Charging Sky (
Melt Your Heart (
You Are What You Love (
Rabbit Fur Coat (
Handle With Care (
Born Secular (
iT Wasn't Me (
Happy (reprise) (

Alice Wonderbra
11-26-2005, 06:54 AM
definitely ndi music. i like.