11-26-2005, 12:47 AM


revoplx <3

11-26-2005, 01:06 AM
3 of the reasons were "a nintendo game will be on the nintendo system." Sounds like they were struggling to make their list! If they're having that much trouble, then maybe the Xbox 360 isn't so bad after all!

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-26-2005, 03:52 AM
Better than the "Get a 360" list, which consists of:

1. We have Halo 3!

2. Better than the PS2!

3. Better than the Xbox!

4. Better than the Gamecube!

11-26-2005, 04:36 AM
I remember seeing that article and starting to read it and thinking "Wow, this is probably the worst article I've ever read."

I don't doubt the "you should get an Xbox" one is just as bad if not worse! Boy, I wish I could be an IGN writer. Imagine getting paid to sit around and pick your butt and put whatever you find there on the internet.

11-26-2005, 05:34 AM
That is, quite simply, the most unprofessional, grab-what-the-fuck-we-can-to-fill-space article I've ever read.

All it misses are some McRibs.

The Xbox 360's power adapter is roughly 1,000 times larger than Earth.LOL XBOX IS FAT LOL

God. I hope IGN Xbox 360 whips out a "10 reasons to not buy a revolution," with #3 being "The Revolution will only be played by little girls and faggots."

iconoclastic pastry
11-26-2005, 07:01 AM
I'm not a little girl or faggot.

11-26-2005, 07:07 AM
God. I hope IGN Xbox 360 whips out a "10 reasons to not buy a revolution," with #3 being "The Revolution will only be played by little girls and faggots."

wouldn't it be little girls and old people

The Ricky
11-26-2005, 08:22 AM
That really was the wirst list I've ever seen. If I wanted Nintendo propaganda, I'd go to

11-26-2005, 08:50 AM
There is way more Nintendo propaganda on IGNCube than on

The Ricky
11-26-2005, 08:53 AM
And to be honest, that is very sad.

11-26-2005, 03:25 PM
Well, those reasons were utter bullshit.

Although i still think the 360 doesn`t look that good at all. Don`t get me wrong, i was really looking forward to getting one but recently my mind has been changed. I think i`ll just hold off until we find out a little more about the Revolution and PS3.

11-26-2005, 03:56 PM
I'm not a little girl or faggot.

Enjoy your Xbox360!

11-26-2005, 04:22 PM
they had "too much money" listed twice on there too. ; ;

Sounds like they were struggling to make their list! If they're having that much trouble, then maybe the Xbox 360 isn't so bad after all!


11-26-2005, 11:37 PM
#8. 360 Doesn't Have Legend of Zelda

Sounds like a good reason to buy the 360!

11-26-2005, 11:48 PM
Sounds like a good reason to buy the 360!
I agree, I've never liked Zelda for some reason but everone else is like "OMG IT'S THE BEST GAME SERIES EVER. EVER!"

11-27-2005, 01:03 AM
I remember seeing that article and starting to read it and thinking "Wow, this is probably the worst article I've ever read."

I don't doubt the "you should get an Xbox" one is just as bad if not worse! Boy, I wish I could be an IGN writer. Imagine getting paid to sit around and pick your butt and put whatever you find there on the internet.

then show us the facts, Jack! give us the REAL story. the truth. and make it right. I'm gonna correct it! I gotz a masters in englush! or link us to "real" articles that are "serious". or whatever bullshit you preach.

personally what really has me curious is what articles your comparing it too. what do you read? newspapers are shit. the web has no credibility no matter what site you look at. and the only few magazines worthy of respect in terms of journalism and shit like that are probably time and national geographic. or forbes. not sure. the only mags out there that don't bullshit in anyway shape or form and do actual research.

besides, did you really take it that seriously. on both lists (buy and don't buy). it's obvious they're more the type of articles that FANS would agree with. written in a way where you know a specific group is going to agree with you 100%. it wasn't written like a real analitcal pros and cons decide for yourself type. simple way to look at it: what would you EXPECT to read from a nintendo power magazine? I don't even think they're ALLOWED to talk about other systems on that mag. I've subscribed to 3 years of it once, I can't remember. lol PSM was more layback and they did compare and make fun of other systems.

but its not the type to take seriously if you HAPPEN to be undecided and ACTUALLY thinking about which system to get. i'm sure most of us aren't "thinking" about it. most of us have already decided since we first heard rumors that these systems were coming out. why get all pissy and shit? Its like your angry that maybe this article is "right" and your like "oh shit...and i got an xbox360 :("

as for the "girly" systems reference and shit like that.

do me a fav. and shut the fuck up.

11-27-2005, 01:38 AM
then show us the facts, Jack! give us the REAL story. the truth. and make it right. I'm gonna correct it! I gotz a masters in englush! or link us to "real" articles that are "serious". or whatever bullshit you preach.

personally what really has me curious is what articles your comparing it too. what do you read? newspapers are shit. the web has no credibility no matter what site you look at. and the only few magazines worthy of respect in terms of journalism and shit like that are probably time and national geographic. or forbes. not sure. the only mags out there that don't bullshit in anyway shape or form and do actual research.

besides, did you really take it that seriously. on both lists (buy and don't buy). it's obvious they're more the type of articles that FANS would agree with. written in a way where you know a specific group is going to agree with you 100%. it wasn't written like a real analitcal pros and cons decide for yourself type. simple way to look at it: what would you EXPECT to read from a nintendo power magazine? I don't even think they're ALLOWED to talk about other systems on that mag. I've subscribed to 3 years of it once, I can't remember. lol PSM was more layback and they did compare and make fun of other systems.

but its not the type to take seriously if you HAPPEN to be undecided and ACTUALLY thinking about which system to get. i'm sure most of us aren't "thinking" about it. most of us have already decided since we first heard rumors that these systems were coming out. why get all pissy and shit? Its like your angry that maybe this article is "right" and your like "oh shit...and i got an xbox360 :("

as for the "girly" systems reference and shit like that.

do me a fav. and shut the fuck up.

Wow, i'm really not seeing a point to that attack. All TK said was how awful the article was which is, in fact, the truth =/. And he isn't the only one who shared their opinion of how shit the article was.

11-27-2005, 02:03 AM
Wow, i'm really not seeing a point to that attack. All TK said was how awful the article was which is, in fact, the truth =/. And he isn't the only one who shared their opinion of how shit the article was.

Perhaps Tact is, in fact, an IGN STAFF WRITER!

Dun dun dun!!!

(there are actually a few IGN writers I like - Douglass C. Perry usually does pretty good reviews.)

11-27-2005, 02:34 AM
Perhaps Tact is, in fact, an IGN STAFF WRITER!

I think he is just crazy. But in a few years, he'll recognize it and become a stand up human being.

Hey Hogan, you are pretty awesome!

11-27-2005, 03:42 AM
actually. even though i quoted tk. he wasn't my main target. since 3 or 4 others said the same thing he did. "bad article".

and i was trying to defend the article by saying something along the lines.

what "good" articles or good "article writing" do you/have you/ read that make you say this one sucks.


then theres the picture trying to make poeple shut up about "man" games or whatever.

those were my main points.

even though i quote only one person, my post was mostly for the forum in general. i'm too lazy to quote everyone.

and i'm glad rezo finally understands me. i dont' know about me becoming a standup human being, but i do get crazy sometimes. :D

also. to further settle this article discussion. i'd like a link of what you poeple would consider "good". cause imo, there ain't no such thing as a good article unless your reading something like time magazine. something i still question cause imo all journalists suck and sell their souls to the devil.

11-27-2005, 04:54 AM
actually. even though i quoted tk. he wasn't my main target. since 3 or 4 others said the same thing he did. "bad article".

and i was trying to defend the article by saying something along the lines.

what "good" articles or good "article writing" do you/have you/ read that make you say this one sucks.


then theres the picture trying to make poeple shut up about "man" games or whatever.

those were my main points.

even though i quote only one person, my post was mostly for the forum in general. i'm too lazy to quote everyone.

and i'm glad rezo finally understands me. i dont' know about me becoming a standup human being, but i do get crazy sometimes. :D

also. to further settle this article discussion. i'd like a link of what you poeple would consider "good". cause imo, there ain't no such thing as a good article unless your reading something like time magazine. something i still question cause imo all journalists suck and sell their souls to the devil.
Did you read the article? People were calling it a bad article because all of its arguments were shit. Pretty much all of their reasons are "do not buy the xbox 360 because it isn't a nintendo lol." That is why it is bad, their arguments were repeated and useless, and a much better job could have been done with it, (you know, with intelligence). So for those reasons, I do not see a reason to post a good article as this article is already known to be shit.
ALSO: Why were you trying to defend the article? YOU IGN WRITER

11-27-2005, 03:32 PM
Id Say That Article Wasnt Aimed At The Deficiencies Of The 360 Being As How 70% Of The Document Was OMG REVOLUTION WILL PWN ALL!!!!!!! The Writer Used Most Of The Points About The 360 And Turned Them Into Why The Revolution Is Better Every Single Time. This Isnt About The 360 At All... And A Bad Article In Most Aspects.

11-27-2005, 11:30 PM
ok. to be specific, my reply is for anyone interested :p. (save me quoting time)

this is what i'm trying to say. imagine if you will, reading a nintendo power magazine. or a magazine solely dedicated to a specific system. what TYPE of articles do you HONESTLY except to read from that? you can't REALLY expect a NINTENDO ONLY magazine to even give any other system HALF A CHANCE at an HONEST DISCUSSION/ARTICLE if they wrote one talking about which one is worth ones time/money/thought processes. nintendo will talk nintendo. xbox will talk xbox. sony will talk sony stuff. what do you expect?

so i guess my point is, something we all knew already, IGN is kinda like a Nintendo only site...kinda. they even said it right there on the article intself, IGN called themselves a nintendo "channel" or something like that. kinda like how this ff forum, though it talks about other games and other stuff, is mostly an ff forum.

what i'm trying to say to all of you is, you couldn't have honestly expected anything ELSE from a source like that? now could you?

if you'd like to start a thread where theres REAL talk about which one is REALLY better, along with some list, then a diffrent article should be listed to begin with. from a source that is honestly 100% not leaning to any one side. i think that's hard to find. espeically when I think every internet site out there is secretly working with one of them but tries not to show it disguising themselves as a difinitive source of unbiased news and information. coughyahrightcough. everyones biased. shit. imo they all get paid for it. lol

so whats the deal. that's life. no such thing as REAL news/reports/research/articles ANYWHERE. reminds of all them bullshit health research shit you see on the news. "new study reveals, sex is bad! more later"

fucking journalists. hate their guts.

Neo Xzhan
11-27-2005, 11:58 PM
I'll be skipping the XboX 360, because at this point the system is the least impressing of the three. I've had the pleasure of testing one, but I wasn't hugely impressed, the only thing it had was a graphical upgrade. Ofcourse alot of people want solid graphics these days, but it didn't do it for me. Nor do I doubt the PS3 will roll high eyes for me.

I found some of the arguements they used utter shit, like the looks of the machine. Excuse me? What's more important, that it looks slick, or that the games are top notch? Hmmm hard choice there...

A game series isn't a key ingredient to succes, though a familiar face on a console does help. The no Zelda/Mario arguement was just weak, I have more then enough reasons to buy a XboX, should I find a nice cheap offer I will certainly go for it.

50% of the comments were, the XboX 360 is not going to be a PS3 or Rev and won't have those games! So what? The PS3 isn't going to be a XboX 360 or Rev and won't have some of their games either!

Thanks for pointing that out shithead, ever stopped and wondered why some games are only exclusively available to one system?

hb smokey
11-28-2005, 01:58 AM
what i'm trying to say to all of you is, you couldn't have honestly expected anything ELSE from a source like that? now could you?
I usually expect really great stuff from a website such as It's the first gaming site I go to check out when I need to find out some information.

The only reason that I really don't go out and get an Xbox 360, besides the fact that they will be hard to come by for a while, is the $400 price. Quite simply, I believe that it's not worth that much. Nothing from the console has convinced me otherwise. Heck, even $300 would be a 'maybe' when I buy it.

11-28-2005, 07:39 AM
nintendo will talk nintendo.

so i guess my point is, something we all knew already, IGN is kinda like a Nintendo only site...kinda. they even said it right there on the article intself, IGN called themselves a nintendo "channel" or something like that.
Exactly, so i do not see a reason as to why they made this article if it was going to be shit anyway.

so whats the deal. that's life. no such thing as REAL news/reports/research/articles ANYWHERE.

11-28-2005, 07:40 AM
nintendo will talk nintendo.

so i guess my point is, something we all knew already, IGN is kinda like a Nintendo only site...kinda. they even said it right there on the article intself, IGN called themselves a nintendo "channel" or something like that.
Exactly, so i do not see a reason as to why they made this article if it was going to be shit anyway.

so whats the deal. that's life. no such thing as REAL news/reports/research/articles ANYWHERE.

11-28-2005, 03:58 PM
personally what really has me curious is what articles your comparing it too. what do you read? newspapers are shit. the web has no credibility no matter what site you look at. and the only few magazines worthy of respect in terms of journalism and shit like that are probably time and national geographic. or forbes. not sure. the only mags out there that don't bullshit in anyway shape or form and do actual research.

Sorry, but that's just not true anymore. There are lots of respected sites for news and information on the internet, and ign is one of them!

Unless your argument is "all articles suck and you are stupid to point out that one sucks because they all do unless they are in national geographic".

Which would be a pretty silly argument!

besides, did you really take it that seriously. on both lists (buy and don't buy). it's obvious they're more the type of articles that FANS would agree with. written in a way where you know a specific group is going to agree with you 100%. it wasn't written like a real analitcal pros and cons decide for yourself type. simple way to look at it: what would you EXPECT to read from a nintendo power magazine?

It's pretty silly to compare to nintendo power. Being excited for the future of nintendo is not the same thing as being a nintendo exclusive magazine.

It was written in a fanboyish way, and it wasn't done well. It was a dumb article, and people are saying it was a dumb article, and giving reasons why it was dumb! Not sure what your problem with that is.

Ign's articles are generally pretty decent, but I imagine people poke fun at it even if it hadn't been linked from there.

11-28-2005, 04:11 PM
it was a dumb article, but the xbox 360 still suck.

... right now.

11-28-2005, 05:22 PM
Sorry, but that's just not true anymore. There are lots of respected sites for news and information on the internet, and ign is one of them!

Unless your argument is "all articles suck and you are stupid to point out that one sucks because they all do unless they are in national geographic".

Which would be a pretty silly argument!

i never read nat'l geo. but judging by the commercials, they look dedicated to their work. lol silly. you know i don't 'read'. :p

no but seriously, to be honest...yah. that was kinda my view on this whole thing. nice quote. but i don't think of anyone here stupid. just... not all there "up there". lol ;)

unless your some major big respected source, every article/report out there, should NOT be taken seriously in any way shape or form. (my opinion) or at least immediately just like that without maybe grabbing a few other sources first and then combining them for a better view and understanding on whatever they're talking about.

but i've never been that intrested in anything. so i normally never care. i read one thing forget about it, and move on to whatevers next.

i just got an idear. maybe we should attack the writer instead of ign. who is that person anyway? lets go egg his house. that'll make us feel better. how dare he soil the good ign name.

i guess my real problem is....i agree with everything the article had. rofl. uh oh. now everyone knows why i was putting up a fight. put up yer dukes! this is flaming country! haha.

11-28-2005, 06:10 PM
then show us the facts, Jack! give us the REAL story. the truth. and make it right. I'm gonna correct it! I gotz a masters in englush! or link us to "real" articles that are "serious". or whatever bullshit you preach.
Alright, what the fuck are you even talking about. I don't suppose you've actually written for anyone reputable, nor do you really know anything about the lovely world of games journalism and how totally up their own arsehole IGN are.

First of all; IGN got bought by Rupert Murdoc. They are a corporate entity now. They are there to sell things first and be journalists second, this article PROVES this.

personally what really has me curious is what articles your comparing it too. what do you read? newspapers are shit. the web has no credibility no matter what site you look at. and the only few magazines worthy of respect in terms of journalism and shit like that are probably time and national geographic. or forbes. not sure. the only mags out there that don't bullshit in anyway shape or form and do actual research.
Okay, I've worked with various multi and single format magazines over my time. They are not paid to be hype machines. They are not paid to sell something and say "OH MY GOD THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST THING EVER EVER TIMES TWELVE." They are there to talk about the product and, if the think it's good, they're there to say they think so. Yes, there is some room for them to say "har har other console is bad," but they are not there to basically, as IGN are doing there, SELL THE FUCKING SYSTEM AGAINST OTHERS. Comparitive versions? Yes. If anyone with any sort of journalistic integrity was to write for IGN, that article would not exist. Using hasty generalisations is NOT what they are meant to do. IGN are a disgrace.

Also, 'the fuck are you to tell us who reputable outlets are? IGN proved themselves arseholes the moment they put up the giant McRib banners.

Any outlet that had any self-respect wouldn't've let that go up. Not only was it just stupid, it was unfunny and badly written.

besides, did you really take it that seriously. on both lists (buy and don't buy).
Nope. I don't take IGN seriously.

it's obvious they're more the type of articles that FANS would agree with. written in a way where you know a specific group is going to agree with you 100%. it wasn't written like a real analitcal pros and cons decide for yourself type. simple way to look at it: what would you EXPECT to read from a nintendo power magazine? I don't even think they're ALLOWED to talk about other systems on that mag. I've subscribed to 3 years of it once, I can't remember. lol PSM was more layback and they did compare and make fun of other systems. Nintendo Power're shit too. In fact, a few American magazines are pretty awful, mostly because they have such a huge circulation and loyal bases of people who have no ability to distinguish between shitty overhype and actual reporting. GameInformer (actually, maybe they're canadian) are the only people I hold in higher contempt than IGN.

IGN are laid back because they know that they could mash their keyboard 4 times and still get thousands of hits a day.

but its not the type to take seriously if you HAPPEN to be undecided and ACTUALLY thinking about which system to get. i'm sure most of us aren't "thinking" about it. most of us have already decided since we first heard rumors that these systems were coming out. why get all pissy and shit? Its like your angry that maybe this article is "right" and your like "oh shit...and i got an xbox360 :("It wasn't entertaining though. It was just...lame. I'm getting a revolution. I'm actually getting all three, because I like games and it's my weapon of choice as far as expensive gifts to myself go. That and sweet, sweet bourbon. I've written for magazines. I know how things like this go. While some hyping is allowed, nobody half-reputable would actually put that up. Not as a joke. Not as a funny-funny open-the-day-because-we're-low-on-material article. Nothing. There's no reason to have that on there. Filler is one thing, fluff is another, and this is something else. Something very wrong. It's basically an editorial with no balls, no writing skill, and certainly no grounding in reality.

I mean, shit, they made an XBOX IS FAT LOL joke. That's actually the lowest of the low. Bottom of the barrel. Then they make the "NOT PLAYED BY KIDS" line, and I roll my eyes and can see my tiny brain.

as for the "girly" systems reference and shit like that.

do me a fav. and shut the fuck up.
Wait, I'm not quite sure what you're getting at here with your leeched link to an old Penny Arcade story. I'm pretty sure that Tycho and Gabe would agree that that IGN article - nay, the whole of IGN - are pretty fucking awful as far as people go. Are you saying we're all dorks here? Is that it? Or maybe that we're stupid for even arguing about this? But you wrote all that stuff!

What si goign on!?!

Oh wait-

unless your some major big respected source, every article/report out there, should NOT be taken seriously in any way shape or form. (my opinion) or at least immediately just like that without maybe grabbing a few other sources first and then combining them for a better view and understanding on whatever they're talking about.
You seriously have no idea, no idea in the slightest, about what being a journalist is. You do not enter in at Time level, at National Geographic, at Washington Post, at New York Times. You enter in at the highest low-rung your connections can shift you into. The ones that pay $17,000 a year and aren't particularly popular. Then your connections get you recommended and you move up and up. If you think it's a case of joking around like fuckholes and not taking yourselves seriously and getting draft by the National Journalist's League, you're severely mistaken.

This is bound to be good.