11-23-2005, 11:58 PM
Hey dudes,

I got a psp as an early birthday present from my partner as well as the game untold legends.
I am considering purchasing another game but I have three in mind and am having a hard time of deciding which to take the plunge on....

1) Mercury - I played a game very similar to this on the sega genisis and I loved it yet I am a tad afraid of what mecury may bring.

2) Medievil resurection - this looks interesting for some no brainer fun! as a kid I always thought that I was too good for medievil, what after mario 64 and such!

3) Wipe out Pure - This look fast and fun, no dedication required.

Anyhow, if anyone has played any of those titles would you mind sharing your opinions about them - I would really appreciate the input.

11-24-2005, 10:33 AM
For starters, don't bother with Mercury. If you want a puzzle game, go with Lumines - it's 10 million times better.

Wipeout Pure: dedication is the name of the game. Trust me - if you ever plan on playing on anything but the lowest, slowest difficulty level, you will have to be able to play this game in your sleep. I'd highly suggest renting one of the original PlayStation Wipeouts first, and see if you like the gamestyle (not the PS2 Wipeout - it feels different).

As for Medievil - the analog nub really lets it down in places.

There are many, better games on the system - if you enjoyed Untold Legends but found it a bit repetitive, I HIGHLY recommend X-Men Legends II. I just bought it today and haven't put it down for 4 hours - however, Australia only got a few copies, so you might have trouble tracking it down.

If you want fast, fun racing, Burnout Legends (heh, bit of a theme here) is definately the way to go. It can be challenging, sure, but it's the best racing game on the console and doesn't require the same dedication Wipeout Pure does.

Also, if you enjoy Tactical RPGs (like Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) or card games like Magic: the Gathering, i'd also highly suggest Metal Gear AC!D. It may not be canon Metal Gear, but it's a top notch title none-the-less.

Also, remember that Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories comes out next week, if that's your style!

Tidus 66
11-24-2005, 06:52 PM
I also got a PSP a while back, so does anyone know about games released in Europe that are good to buy, i have Medivil but the analog is annoying me :(, i'm very interested in wipeout since i play the demo, what are your advices?

I live in Europe and the variety of games isn't much around here ( My Country), so can you say which are best and easy to track down?

BTW, how can i put videos in the PSP?

11-24-2005, 07:14 PM
Wipout Pure is the best out of the three you listed; buy it.

The racing is exciting. Up to twelve tracks makes the game interesting. I can say the game is stable and visually exciting, but I have only played against one person in ad hoc mode, which worked well. I don't know how well it works with eight people, though.

11-24-2005, 07:18 PM
I agree that Wipeout Pure is the best of the ones you listed, Vala, but there are better racing games on the PSP. Personally, I think that Ridge Racer is more fun that Wipeout, although I have to say that Burnout Legends tops them both.

11-24-2005, 10:00 PM
Well guys I ended up by getting too desperate and went out and purchased one because there were no answers to this thread last time i looked, lol silly me.

I forgot about liberty city stories arriving however that game was only really a non linear exploration for me.

I ended up by buying mercury , (gasps i hear) but it is really good, I havent been able to put it down as yet, a simple but clever game that has its fair share of challenges - plus the mercury graphics are pretty as they claim.

11-25-2005, 01:38 AM
Well, as long as you can't put it down, that's a good sign!

Speaking of which, time to start up X-Men again...

11-25-2005, 02:15 AM
Hey uh, raidenex did you ever get the boot loader for version 2.0 working?
Everytime I try my psp Just freezes and please believe me when I say i have followed the developers exact instructions.

I have a feeling that the boot loaders do not work with our version of firmware as i cannot find specific info to say otherwise.

11-25-2005, 10:46 AM
The boot loader works fine for me - does the psp actually freeze loading the boot-loader itself, or when you try to run programs? Also, you might want to check what firmware version you've got in the settings.

I've got a US PSP with firmware version 2.0, but Australian 2.0 PSPs should work fine as well. Also, make sure you've got the latest version of the boatloader, and ONLY that version's files on your memory stick.

11-28-2005, 07:42 AM
Bootloader freezes when loading the tiff image, however it doesnt really matter i suppose.

11-28-2005, 08:11 AM
XMEN Legends II for the PSP is awesome, especially with Cable and X-Man! Cannonball's pretty sweet too!

11-29-2005, 01:39 AM
Go for:

Marvel: Nemisis - Awesome gameplay with Marvel Superheros

Tony Hawk: Underground 2 - Good to pass the time.

and just stick with Wipeout Pure.

11-29-2005, 04:44 PM
Add my recommendation to the ones already listed for X-Men Legends 2. I just got the game and I've been playing it obsessively for two days. It's the only beat-em-up ever that's managed to keep my attention.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-29-2005, 04:46 PM
One word: Infected.


12-01-2005, 08:47 PM
Yeah, Infected is good, just getting used to the control scheme takes a little time is all.

12-06-2005, 03:13 AM
Go for:

Marvel: Nemisis - Awesome gameplay with Marvel Superheros

You're joking, right =/

Nemesis' gameplay is about as awesome as your spelling.