11-22-2005, 08:14 AM
Ok, I figure that it's pretty useless for me to list what you get for beating said boss I'd just give strategy for now. Also since bosses' HP changes with Squall's level I won't list those either. Final updates will come very soon. For early bosses, GFs summons are the way to go, but only cause you might not have many abilities yet. Oh yeah, another thing, if you just want general advice for bosses, I'll have a column on that once I'm done with the main guide. Two weeks is all I hope it'll take if I do some every night.

General guidelines for beating bosses

-Use Scan to find out what kicks their ass and exploit the weaknesses like a fuckin banshee.

-Always check to see what magic you can draw from their sorry asses(try drawing all unknown magic).

-If there is a GF to be drawn from the boss, make sure to do that first.

-Make sure magic drawers have a high magic rating to get alot of magic quick

-Use Boost dammit!

-Equip Mug and Rare Item(once you get them) to one character and try it on all bosses until you get a result.

-Limit Breaks are your friend! Use them like an abuser... Whenever you can!

-Don't just run into the fight using random attacks! Try to use a strategy that works for you, I will try to list multiple strategies for bosses as I figure them out!

Boss strategies


Just hit him with Blizzard magic and Shiva, easy shmeasy, right?? Don't worry about his attacks, just focus on killing him unless your HP goes under 100.

Biggs and Wedge

Just spend a bunch of time drawing Esuna from Biggs until one person has 100 uses, then just waste them fast with anything really, they are pitifully weak.


Watch out for his Breath attack and cure if you go under 200 HP. Get a person with a high magic rating to get as much Double magic as you can from Elvoret and draw Siren before he dies.


Use Thunder and Quezacotl, also equip Elem-Atk with Thundara if you want extra help. When on the bridge if you get lucky you can destroy it(not really) for lotso AP. Watch out for Raybomb attack(heal if it does this).

Let's get muggin! Yayaya! Diablos can Mug! From now on, if possible, I'll mention the regular and rare items to mug!(Also how worth it I think they are to mug!) EDIT: I'm doing this tomorrow night! I'm too busy this afternoon.


Draw Shell and Protect like crazy with at least one person. GF them to death and you can mug a Wizard Stone from him. EDIT: I just found out that if you're at level 30 or above that Granaldo has Pain in his draw list, this should be a must have for this early in the game, so try to get everybody with a high magic rating and draw Pain like crazy.

Fake President Deling

Nothing special, just make sure you equip someone with the Item command before you start the fight. Attack normally until Gerogero comes.


He's a zombie so just use a Phoenix Down and he's history.
You can Mug a Phoenix Down also.

Iguions(there's two of them)

These punks aren't too hard. Beware of Acid Breath(stone), draw Carbuncle from them. Limits work great here, so does Brothers.


This punk is easy, try to get a high magic rating for this battle to draw Life magic from him, then beat him down with GFs, normal attacks, it's not hard. You can Mug an Elixir from him.


Simple fight, start by casting Carbuncle and she will Dispel it over and over again, this means no real harm from her. Just have a character with high magic draw the hell out of Life and Double and attack with GFs and limits. Mug an Elixir from her as well.

Biggs and Wedge(again)

Not these shitfucks again, oh well, just draw Haste and Regen from them. If you wanna make sure you beat them, just summon Siren to mute them and draw and attack away! Mug a Regen Ring and Strength Love from them!


Just hit him with Quezacotl, Shiva, and/or Brothers, not a hard fight. How LAME.

Oilboyle(there's two of them!)

Hit em hard with Ifrit and anything else Fire based. Mug Fuel or an Orihalcon if you get the Rare Item(I think?), anyone wanna confirm this?


Master NORG my ass, this guy gets to hide behind his fucking magic shit like a pussy. Just use Siren for the orbs(can't destroy them, but this is close enough). Once his little pod is gone you can draw Leviathan from him, then just hit him with GFs like crazy. Mug a Circlet from this fuckface. Also Mug a Mag Up and Str Up from the left and right pods.


Easy way to beat this punk is to junction 100 Thundaga to someone's Elem-ATK and attack like crazy. Or use the same GFs as last time. Mug an Adamantine from him.


Don't use Thunder-based attacks and you'll be fine. Just watch out for his special and everything will be gravy.

Raijin(he's back) and Fujin

Don't use Wind based attacks against Fujin, same stuff from last boss fight applies to Raijin in this one. Draw Pandemona from Fujin(how fitting). Mug a Str Up and Hero from them.


This punk is easy again. Junction 100 Bios to Squall's Elem-ATK and go to town with Renzokuken. He goes down pretty fast, pitiful shit, huh? Mug a Mega Phoenix from him.

Edea(that bitch, I mean witch)

Okay, so actually you start out fighting a really weak Seifer(pssh), get him out of the way(Mug him for another Hero or a Holy War) and Edea comes down to have some fun with us! Okay, Treatment is your best friend in this fight(next to limits of course). Use it against all status effects used against you, or items if you don't have Treatment. Mug a Royal Crown from her, Draw and use Demi and use Renzokuken like crazy. Yay! She's fucking dead!(I wish)

11-22-2005, 07:12 PM
It's an okay start. Once you have a lot more, I'll do more with it. (i.e. pinning, etc.)

Zell dincht X0
11-22-2005, 09:16 PM
yes, good start but would you put in health, what you can draw and weaknessess... Ya know stuff like that

Swedish Fish
11-23-2005, 12:09 AM
This is a huge undertaking. Try just doing the basics, then building off of it.

11-23-2005, 12:52 AM
Also what you can steal from them?

11-26-2005, 04:06 PM
It looks pretty good, its not to long like other threads have done and its quite interesting but just needs a bit of tweaking

11-28-2005, 05:09 AM
That's kinda what I was going for. Also, lots of swear words were added for pure humor!

Gentleman Ghost
11-28-2005, 09:08 AM
ok looks cool but, yeah i'll come back and look later......

11-30-2005, 03:38 AM
It looks pretty good, its not to long like other threads have done and its quite interesting but just needs a bit of tweaking

This one isn't really any shorter than the other guide threads; it's just not finished yet. These guides aren't for reading through; they're for finding what you need to know when you need to.

Anyway, it looks good. I think you skipped over Brothers, though.

11-30-2005, 06:30 PM
I'm not doing the optional bosses quite yet, so Brothers aren't in it yet.

11-30-2005, 06:42 PM
ok looks cool but, yeah i'll come back and look later......

12-22-2005, 12:00 AM
Erm...I've already written an FF8 boss Guide for all 4 discs...I mean if you want the info and stategy's I can provide...?

12-22-2005, 12:29 AM
I would love to see it added to the information we have here and made part of the Shrine guide project? I suggest sending a private message to chorns about it to possibly get things moving faster.

12-23-2005, 07:50 PM
Sorry I've just been so busy with holiday shit, but I am gonna work on it Christmas night, my Christmas present to the Shrine!EDIT: Or tomorrow afternoon.