Vincent, Thunder God
11-20-2005, 05:39 PM
Imagine you are working at Square-Enix in the publicity department. One of your jobs is to create an interesting catch-phrase or slogan for an FF Game. (It can be any one from 1-12, or even a spin-off like Before Crisis). What would it be? Post your ideas here. I've got one for FF X-2: "The only game with an algebraic title!" Your catch-phrase can be serious, humourous or anything in between.

11-20-2005, 05:56 PM
i'm willng to bet that some people would use "Buy this and you'll regret it" for X-2, however, i prefer

"Skimpy and mathmatically challenging, a great combination"

or possibly

"this has THE longest dungeon, THE most retarded secondary characters and THE EASIEST final bosses, ever found in a Final Fantasy game"

for X-2

as for the others i would use

"A delight for fans of grown up crybabies, watch the main character fight back the tears as he watches Auron beat up everything in his path while he cant get past the sandwich on his plate"

for X and for IX

"Play this game to see gender confuse badies, chronically obese queens and a demontration on how to be a hairdresser"

(btw, these are my three favourite FF's)

Imagine you are working at Square-Enix in the publicity department. One of your jobs is to create an interesting catch-phrase or slogan for an FF Game.
i would be sacked from this job pretty damn quickly :)

11-20-2005, 10:46 PM

Do you have a heart of a lion?


pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-21-2005, 09:51 PM
FFVII: Fanboy Bullshit

FFVIII: Fanboy Bullshit

FFIX: Fanboy Bullshit

FFX: Fanboy Bullshit

FFX-2: Fanboy Masturbatory Material

FFVI: This game doesn't suck.

FF Tactics: This one is pretty decent, too.

FFMQ: What the fuck were we thinking?

FFCC: What the fuck were we thinking?

FFTA: A slightly dumbed-down version of FF Tactics.

Did I miss anything?

11-22-2005, 08:48 PM

You missed FFXI.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-23-2005, 06:31 PM
FFXI: A Generic MMORPG with Final Fantasy stamped on the label. You would enjoy World of Warcraft or EverQuest more than this.

11-24-2005, 04:09 AM
FFI: We don't have much confidence in this
FFII: Okay, maybe it wasn't really final...
FFIII: Dream on, U.S.
FFIV: Americans divide by two (or) Cecil gained a level, Cecil gained a level, Cecil gained a level, Cecil gained a level, Cecil gained a level, Cecil gained a level, Cecil gained a level
FFV: Arr! Crossdressing Pirates!
FFVI: Woah, that's a lot of characters! (or) Americans still divide by two
FFVII: You can make out the shapes if you squint (or) Materia 101
FFVIII: How I learned to love my GF
FFIX: Nostalgia sells
FFX: Woah! That character just talked! (or) The Sphere grid and you -- how to handle your AP
FFXI/T/TA/CC/MQ: Almost like a real FF game!
FFX-2: An actual sequel?


Chrono Trigger: Totally "not" Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy Adventure/Legends: It's not like this is really Seiken Densetsu/SaGa or anything...

Vincent, Thunder God
11-25-2005, 12:30 AM
Those are some excellent catch-phrases there Ecootoo. Very clever and funny.

11-25-2005, 04:32 AM
The odd thing, actually, is that I had just been thinking of such catch-phrases for FF games the other day (yes, I do that sort of thing when I'm idle)
Oh, and I feel the need to add...

Final Fantasy -- The Spirits Within: In name only! (hate that movie...)

12-05-2005, 06:38 AM
Saying anything about cross-dressing characters sums up 9,10,12

12-05-2005, 08:00 AM
FFI: �Play it, and people will think you�re sophisticated.�

FFII: �A leveling system so ridiculously flawed, we had to put bugs in it so people could get further than 20 mins into the game�

FFIII: �We had to make it 3D so people would actually play this piece of shit�

FFIV: �We don�t know what the hell we were thinking with the row system either��

FFV: �Hopefully, the job system will allow you to forget you spent most of the game fighting a tree�.

FFVI: �You�ll love it, namely because you�re too much of a cunt to admit you like FFVII�

FFVII: �Hey, if it turns you into a homosexual that�s your problem�

FFVIII: �You�ll wish you could junction a GF and forget about that lame orphanage plot twist as well��

FFIX: �This game is awesome�but you�ll never know because you�re too busy playing PS2 games. Dick.�

FFX: �Will look even better after you've played its sequel�

FFX-2: �If we had been allowed to ditch the story entirely and turn it into a hentai game, we would have.�

FFXI Online: �This game ensures we�re still getting your money, even if we NEVER release FFXII�

FFXII: �Coming 2004�*giggle*�

FFT: �If anyone asks, it�s a Final Fantasy game.�

FFTA: �We actually made this game as a joke to piss off Europe.�

FFCC: �It�s a load of crap, but if you own a Game Cube that probably doesn�t bother you.�

FFVII: BC: �Well, if you�re an FF fan, it�s not as if you�ll be using your mobile for anything else��

FFVII: AC: ��.Oh fuck it. You�ve all already downloaded it anyway.�

FFVII: DoC: �Some how, we�ll find ANOTHER way to bring Sephiroth back.�


FF: TSW: �Jesus Christ. Alec Baldwin should have paid us to put him in this movie��

12-05-2005, 09:52 AM
FFVII spinoffs and FFX-2: "We were not meant to be :'("

12-27-2005, 08:14 PM
FFI: �Play it, and people will think you�re sophisticated.�

FFII: �A leveling system so ridiculously flawed, we had to put bugs in it so people could get further than 20 mins into the game�

FFIII: �We had to make it 3D so people would actually play this piece of shit�

FFIV: �We don�t know what the hell we were thinking with the row system either��

FFV: �Hopefully, the job system will allow you to forget you spent most of the game fighting a tree�.

FFVI: �You�ll love it, namely because you�re too much of a cunt to admit you like FFVII�

FFVII: �Hey, if it turns you into a homosexual that�s your problem�

FFVIII: �You�ll wish you could junction a GF and forget about that lame orphanage plot twist as well��

FFIX: �This game is awesome�but you�ll never know because you�re too busy playing PS2 games. Dick.�

FFX: �Will look even better after you've played its sequel�

FFX-2: �If we had been allowed to ditch the story entirely and turn it into a hentai game, we would have.�

FFXI Online: �This game ensures we�re still getting your money, even if we NEVER release FFXII�

FFXII: �Coming 2004�*giggle*�

FFT: �If anyone asks, it�s a Final Fantasy game.�

FFTA: �We actually made this game as a joke to piss off Europe.�

FFCC: �It�s a load of crap, but if you own a Game Cube that probably doesn�t bother you.�

FFVII: BC: �Well, if you�re an FF fan, it�s not as if you�ll be using your mobile for anything else��

FFVII: AC: ��.Oh fuck it. You�ve all already downloaded it anyway.�

FFVII: DoC: �Some how, we�ll find ANOTHER way to bring Sephiroth back.�


FF: TSW: �Jesus Christ. Alec Baldwin should have paid us to put him in this movie��

Holy Crap!

12-28-2005, 10:52 AM

12-28-2005, 02:51 PM
Final Fantasy
"Please, please, please buy this game. Please."

Final Fantasy II
"Yes, we realise the title is an oxymoron. That's why we're not releasing it in English speaking countries, where it will be even more obvious."

Final Fantasy III
"Job system, eh? We'll give it a go."

Final Fantasy IV
"Guess what! We have PLOT-TWISTS! Eat that, Dragon Quest!"
"Haha, Americans are dumb. Let's change the number to II and lower the difficulty to confuse them!"

Final Fantasy V
"Because cross-dressing pirates are where it's at."

Final Fantasy VI
"Well, it's going to be your Final Fantasy, Nintendo."

Final Fantasy VII
"Look! It's 3D! What's that? Plot-holes? No, no - 3D! Eat that, Dragon Quest!"
"So, we've changed the numbering system back. Haha. Stupid Americans."

Final Fantasy VIII
"Isn't love grand? Here's a romantic story...with witches! We were going to have vampires too, but Joss Whedon threatened to sue."

Final Fantasy IX
"Shit, FF8 wasn't as successful as we hoped - it must have something to do with the characters! They weren't super-deformed enough! I know - let's give the main character a TAIL!"

Final Fantasy X
"OK, so we finally did the love story thing well. And look - we finally acknowledged that Japan has a history as well!"

Final Fantasy X-2
"Well, the designers were playing around with the Yuna model in Maya, and after they finished posting all the hentai to the net, we figured we'd use the tame stuff to make a game. By the way, all fans of FF10 because of the storyline: fuck you."

Final Fantasy XI
"Click attack. Wait. Click Magic. Wait. Sit down.


12-28-2005, 03:23 PM

"teh gratest rpgame evar!"

12-28-2005, 03:27 PM
FFTA: �We actually made this game as a joke to piss off Europe.�

Why would Europe be pissed off by FF Tactics Advance?

12-28-2005, 03:45 PM
Europe never got FFT, so when they played FFTA they were probably expecting the �deep, complex story� they had heard so much about.


12-28-2005, 03:59 PM
Instead they got one of the best games on the GBA =/

Sure, i'd like to play FFT some day, but FFTA did anything but piss me off! In fact, it was playing an emulated copy of FFTA that convinced me to buy a GBA.

12-28-2005, 11:43 PM
You peoples really are passionate about this aren't you

12-29-2005, 05:02 AM
No, we just have a sense of humour...

12-29-2005, 09:28 PM
Oh, lost mine long ago. Tragic incident really

01-01-2006, 10:01 AM
LOL, Raidenex.

I can't help but giggle at the catchphrase they DID give FFX-2 (Last time, she saved the world. This time, it's personal.


FFX: Listen to his story... he'll cry if you don't.

FFX-2: Pretty Pretty Princess - with weapons! These aren't your mother's paper dolls!

FFCC: RPG-style fighting is sooooo Playstation.

01-10-2006, 06:18 AM
FFV: Dear Friends --- We Dare You Not to Cry
FFVI: You'll Never Get That Evil Laugh Out of Your Head
FFVII: Really Folks, She's (#@$#@% Fuck! Don't spoil that!)

01-10-2006, 12:22 PM
FFVII - Experience Cloud's BIG sword.
FFVIII - The Lionheart will blow your socks away.
FFX - Yuna will make all your dreams come true....
FFX-2 - Yuna and company will make you cum.