11-20-2005, 01:32 PM
Hi all, I've juts gotton passed Seymor n am now fighting Evrae, but I keep dying! Could anyone help me please? Thanks!!

11-20-2005, 01:40 PM
Hello there.

Just keep up practicing in the airship, make sure Tidus has learned Hastega and quick hit , you should use Tidus, Rikku and Auron in this battle and eventual change to Lulu to use her magic. You should inflict him with slow amd dark attack. But this is only at the close distance.

Far distance you should use Lulu, Tidus, Kimahri and Wakka, use hastega with Tidus again. Just keep bombing him with the missiles. But beware if you decide to fight him at long distance he will use his tail attack or whatever the attack is, it will hurt your whole party.

Hope this helps.

11-20-2005, 01:49 PM
Okies! Thankies alot!

Tidus 66
11-20-2005, 03:38 PM
Adding some tips: If you fight him by far use al bhed potions and stay there until you waste your missiles, use also slow on him, by far use Wakka and Lulu and also Khimari lancet, when your near Tidus, Auron and Khimari, just slash them

11-20-2005, 03:40 PM
I missed one thing: Make sure all of your party members are in overdrive.

Sir Dyne
11-20-2005, 04:11 PM
the only things is hat lulus magic isn't terribly effective on evrae and evrea also casts haste onitself when weakened. i recommend attacking it until it is nearly 1/3 of its health (when it casts haste) and then use ur overdrives

11-20-2005, 04:20 PM
I guess some of us have our different methods though, and anyway i haven't played the game in such a long time >_______<

11-20-2005, 11:42 PM
Just tell Cid to move away the airship from Evrae when your party needs healing. Then move back your characters near Evrae and slash his head off. Use Auron's Power Break and throw some item to Evrae that can inflict Blind on him.

Just a warning for you: When Evrae's HP reaches below 10,000, Evrae's going to use Haste on him/herself and have more turns than your characters. Which means in a few turns, he can unleash his Poison Breath. When you steer away from Evrae, he/she's going to swoop to your characters and attack them, which could hurt your party. Make sure you put your characters in defense before he does this.

ALSO: You can try and silence Evrae whenever he'll use haste to himself.

11-21-2005, 04:23 AM
Having LuLu, make sure she has reflex, then do it over and over, and it will be hard to hit you ^_^

11-29-2005, 09:42 PM
1. Have over 1600HP.
2. Make Rikku use Al Bhed Potions everytime Evrae does poison attack.
3. To avoid poison attack, pull back just as Evrae draws a breath.
4. Then just basically overdrive it if you're not strong enough.

((Some/most of this has probably been mentioned, but I don't really care))

11-29-2005, 10:51 PM
make sure Tidus has learned Hastega and quick hit

You must be crazy to have Quick Hit at that stage! No need for it anyway, that battle is sooo easy, I recently started FFX again and I beat Evrae yesturday.

If anyone cares then this is what I did:

Starting party: Tidus, Rikku and Wakka

Start with "Pull back"
Tidus haste himself and then use slow on Evrae, then haste ramianing party members
Lulu in for Rikku
The third member should at this moment be switched around so that everyone gains AP
Attack with Wakka and cast your highest level magic with Lulu
When Evrae uses his bigger attack (photon... something) bring in rikku and serve some Al Bhed potions
When he flies close throw a smoke granade with Rikku, if you don't have it then use dark buster every turn with Wakka
Bring in Tidus and Auron and start dishing out some damage. Make sure you use Power break.
Finish with Auron's overdrive for overkill.

No need to train for this battle.

06-15-2006, 08:53 PM
1. if by some chance u have chocobo feathers, use them for haste on the party
2. rikku`s mix overdrive is key to winning
3. keep hp up and just focus on its hp
4. my party was auron, rikku, and tidus
5. good luck

06-27-2006, 02:35 PM
guys guys! don't complicate thing up..you can defeat him in just two or 3 steps..no i'm not talking about Evrae atalon in the water, i'm talking about the one on the airship.
first of all, have Rikku's overdrive gauge is filled, train yourself for money and I mean ALOT of money, like 70 or 50K, go battle.first let Rikku mix something good like potato masher, anything that inflicts great damage on Evrae, then throw the money at him using Rikku's spare change ability, throw it all at wonce, it will deal a really nice eal of damage, I used this method, and I didn't even use the missiles.
PS:make sure you are near Evrae!