11-17-2005, 05:07 PM
Would be interested to hear everyone's opinion on which game they prefer and why.

Constructive comments would be particularly appreciated ;-)

I'm sure someones already thought of this idea before on here but i'm in a lazy mood today lol.

11-17-2005, 05:29 PM
silent hill

resident evil was ok but they started going downhill then and RE 4 seems just plain retarded

silent hill is more creepy and intelligent

11-17-2005, 06:14 PM

i had a hellofa blast with RE4 but its really more actiongame with a nice horrorsauce then anything else
yes i said sauce.
REmake was horror done right and fucked me up on several occasions(Lisa Trevor, Sharks, Crimson heads, Hunters BASHING thru a fucking room)
RE2, RE0 and Veronica are also great and i cant wait for the day that RE2 gets a remake as it deserves it even more then the original

Silent hill tho
that shit is sumthin else
i could handle the first but i could barely play the 2nd more then an hour straight
the sound and weird charakter of the game is really unrivalled
hell i would bet a million dollars that the makers of SH played allot with the audiofrequency's in sh2 cuzz i would literally get a bad jolt in my head after a certain time and just freeze and really feel ill and scared shitless sometimes

hb smokey
11-17-2005, 06:38 PM
silent hill

resident evil was ok but they started going downhill then and RE 4 seems just plain retarded

silent hill is more creepy and intelligent
Resident Evil 4 seems plain retarded!?





After Resident Evil 4 was released, there were very few games in existence which compared to its greatness. I went back and played Resident Evil 0 afterwards, and it just made my hate for the camera angle increase ten fold. I would argue that Silent Hill was better than Resident Evil. But after RE4 debuted, I'll never say something like that again.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-17-2005, 11:09 PM
Silent Hill series, cos it actually made me nervous. RE is just an action game with zombies in it, not scary at all.

11-17-2005, 11:40 PM
Must say I think the same there.

From what i've seen of the Resident Evil games so far I think the Resident Evil games are good if you are in the mood for an action packed game but not alot else, but Silent Hill has a habit of playing with your mind alot more atmosphere/storyine wise, the way a horror movie would, which is what I like about it and it's sequels although I did find Silent Hill 2 a bit weak compared to what i've seen/played of 3 and 4.

11-17-2005, 11:49 PM
Silent hill was terrible imo. Pretty much everything apart from the great atmoshpere was over-hyped trash.

With that said, i`ve still never been a big fan of Resident Evil either apart from the original on PSone. Although, i haven`t played Resident Evil 4 yet which looks pretty damn good.

11-18-2005, 12:08 AM
does everyone play the horrorgames like they are supposed to btw?
sitting in broad daylight, listening to whatever music you like whilst babysitting yr 8 year ol hyperkinetic cousin isnt really the exact formula

11-18-2005, 12:31 AM
Silent Hill series, cos it actually made me nervous. RE is just an action game with zombies in it, not scary at all.

I do have to agree, even though I'm a huge fan of both series. Silent Hill creates a more suitable atmosphere than Resident Evil, thus it's more scary. The zombies and monsters of RE were pretty scary (for me, at least) back in 96/97 but I can't say the same now. The zombies and the viral monsters don't really get me thinking "that's some scary shit".

SH packs some good scares, a suspenseful ambient and plots that could bend your mind in ways you'd never think possible.

11-18-2005, 07:58 AM
Well SILENT HILL by far!!! Why? Well the SH series is scarier, the music is awesome, the atmosphere is incredible, the story lines are deep and get you attached quickly, the SH series is more of a survival/ horror game then the RE series... SH tests you mentally in how much you can handle and take of its elements and not to mention it scares you mentaly more then anything. I could go on and on forever why SH is a better series... seriously.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-18-2005, 11:32 AM
Well Silent Hill has been more consistantly scary, I mean Silent Hill has been pretty much scary in all of its games. Resident Evil wasn't scary in the beginning, though RE2 is definitley one of the best Resident Evil games made, it definitley wasn't as scary as Silent Hill at the time. But Resident Evil has got more scary upto its most recent installment, Resident Evil 4 being pretty scary in places. But the remake of Resident Evil on the Gamecube was, I think the scariest Resident Evil.

But I think I've got to stick with Silent Hill for this one, though I do bum Resident Evil 2.

Da Monstar
11-18-2005, 01:33 PM
Resident Evil is the best. Though after veronica X it has gone down hill. When i got outbreak i was utterly dissapointed. Resident evil is more of a Gun Kill 'n Action game while being a puzzle game with good background story.

Silent Hill is somewhat of a more complicated Puzzle game. which rely on its pshycological fear causing thingy instead of zombies trying to eat ya.

Both games are real great, it is all up the gamer and what kind of things that freaks ya out.

-Da Monstar

11-19-2005, 06:47 PM
I have never been scared by a game so I can't tell you which one is more "scary". I think SH is poop IMO. I saw a guide to RE 1 way back when in Tips and Tricks, it got me interested in it so I rented it and loved it. I was lucky enough to be a good age when RE2 came out, I waited in line got the T-shirt, I don't think I was ever (or will be) that excited about a game again. I played the shit out of that game. RE was great, love 3, CV was OK, The Remake was outstanding, Zero was outstanding, 4 was outstanding. The Resident Evil series will always have a special place in my heart, 1 and 2 helped me get through some tough times.

I love the RE music, a couple ring tones I made for my cell are the Save Room music from 2 and Nemesis music from 3. I can't wait for 5!!!

11-20-2005, 12:44 PM
I have never been scared by a game so I can't tell you which one is more "scary". I think SH is poop IMO. I saw a guide to RE 1 way back when in Tips and Tricks, it got me interested in it so I rented it and loved it. I was lucky enough to be a good age when RE2 came out, I waited in line got the T-shirt, I don't think I was ever (or will be) that excited about a game again. I played the shit out of that game. RE was great, love 3, CV was OK, The Remake was outstanding, Zero was outstanding, 4 was outstanding. The Resident Evil series will always have a special place in my heart, 1 and 2 helped me get through some tough times.

I love the RE music, a couple ring tones I made for my cell are the Save Room music from 2 and Nemesis music from 3. I can't wait for 5!!!
if i ever get a cell phone i want save room music =(

11-21-2005, 04:23 AM
if i ever get a cell phone i want save room music =(

No prob, p.m. me, i'll send it in a email!

08-04-2006, 08:52 AM
well, silent hill is far more creepier and more horror

but i'll pick RE, especially after playing RE4

damn, RE4 is gold and the gameplay rockzs

that regenerator really make me scared


i had revive and old thread?

08-04-2006, 01:20 PM
Crikey i'd forgotten all about making this thread lol.

As a rule Ekinserge I don't think people are supposed to resurrect threads as old as this one, it's best to just make a new thread so long as another like it hasn't been recently done. =)

On RE4, have to admit I still haven't played that one. It sound as if it's pretty good though from what i've heard.

Meet the Jim
08-04-2006, 01:30 PM
I love silent hill for the scaryness. I love resident evil for the gory flesh eating zombies, the blood and the exploding zombie heads..... Those zombies remind me of my ex-girlfriends mother.......... *shiver*

08-04-2006, 02:18 PM
Silent hill its a game that focus more on horor than action. Its admosphere makes you really feel that som1 is watching you, you are scared to open th door next to you, but at the same time there is a mystery of what happended to the city, the whole place is full of horror and mystery.

08-04-2006, 02:47 PM

08-04-2006, 02:53 PM
Well after recently playing and finishing RE4 my thoughts on the RE franchise have totaly changed. Well, not exactly but RE4 was a great starting point for a new style of RE games to be made. Although it dragged somewhat near the end and got less scary once the villagers were out of the picture it was solid action game that excelled over it`s predecessor.

Now, if Silent Hill can re-invent itself like that i`ll be pleased.

08-04-2006, 03:06 PM
Resident Evil creeps me out more than Silent Hill :sad: , so i'm going to go with Silent Hill. *scaredy cat*

Miss. Rabbitsworth
08-04-2006, 04:09 PM
They are both excellent, but Silent Hill is a little too much for me at times. Resident Evil as a series is far far better, I like the whole "evil company" angle.

Sharon Agathon
08-05-2006, 08:43 AM
I love the Silent Hill games because of the creepy atmosphere, graphics and storyline but i had a real fun time with the Resident Evil games especially 2 and 4 because of the gameplay although story can be a little thick on the cheese. I can't decide. It's a 50/50... :(

08-05-2006, 09:43 AM
4 was pure cheese for the fuck of it
almost every new area had an hommage to a classic horror or action movie and Leon's delivery of most of his lines were so damn dry

2 was pretty damn good as a serious horror game

measter yazoo
08-05-2006, 10:31 AM
Resident evil series is better i say this because of the bullet famine which makes the game harder especially when the zombies come back as crimson heads. Then there is 4 which is just the best :cool:

Swedish Fish
08-05-2006, 04:48 PM
In my opinion, the undead don't make a good union with bullets. It defeats the whole purpose of them being the undead. One place where SH really stands out is it's brutal storyline. I wasn't scared, but I was definately on the edge of my seat for most of the cinematics. And in SH4 he was stuck in two of the scariest places possible, a subway and a hospital. RE was a very good series in most aspects, but SH picks up a lot of points with me because of the gruesome horror factor not as prevalent in RE.

08-05-2006, 10:54 PM
They are both excellent, but Silent Hill is a little too much for me at times. Resident Evil as a series is far far better, I like the whole "evil company" angle.

Are the resident evil characters realated with each other from each resident evil? Cuz in sh only sh 3 and sh1 have a connection in characters

08-06-2006, 04:54 AM
Eternal Darkness > Fatal Frame > Silent Hill > Resident Evil

I was rating them on a horror factor, but for the most fun, RE still gets my vote :D

08-06-2006, 08:01 AM
Eternal Darkness blows
great ideas
poor execution

Miss. Rabbitsworth
08-06-2006, 08:01 AM
Are the resident evil characters realated with each other from each resident evil? Cuz in sh only sh 3 and sh1 have a connection in characters

Actually, there are lots of plot elements that get tied together across all the games; characters is one, but the general story all comes together with each new game (except for Resident Evil 4 anyway). Its awesome...

hb smokey
08-06-2006, 04:03 PM
Django I've always found it near impossible to take anything you say seriously, especially with a Tingle avatar.

I'll take Resident Evil 4 over the entire Silent Hill series anyday, but all the ones prior to that are mediocre.

dark phoenix
08-07-2006, 07:58 PM
I prefer the resi series to the silent hill because the way that you get hurt if a zombie is in the area in silent hill. Though the controls are annoying in the resi series i still prefer it

08-11-2006, 08:32 PM
Hmm, glad I found this thread. I am new to this forum. Resident Evil and Silent Hill are my absolute most favorite game series of all time. I am a huge Resident Evil freak so I guess I'll go for it, even thought I love Silent Hill also. I used to be vice pres of the largest RE and SH website to have ever hit the internet, The Horror Is Alive, Back when it was running full capacity, we would get hundreds of hits a day. We features most stuff no other website had, like all CG movies, complete soundtracks to all games, hundreds of high detailed screenshots to all games, and so on.

But now the site is downgraded to a mear forum in which only a handful of the largest Resident Evil geeks in the world use. Funny thing, it uses the same message board as this site uses. The webmasters who run it currently, IceDDZ,Dot50Cal, myself are currently trying to get it up again someday. But because of all of our busy schedules, we really don't do much.

So if your interested in checking our forum out,

Also, I have quite a few RE and SH soundtracks not on the Galbadia Hotel site that I'll try uploading over time. Mainly complete ones. So look out for them.

08-20-2006, 05:36 PM
Hmm personally i say its pointless it would be a huge let down like AVP and Freddy Vs Jason, wouldnt work. Either way Silent Hill kept its scary atmosphere and is generally a scary game, Resident Evil went downhill After Resident Evil Nemesis. The Resident Evil Games just arnt scary anymore. My Thoughts are although Resi is stick a kick ass series you should check out silent hill.

08-31-2006, 01:51 AM
Sillent Hill is beter because the camra does'nt aim at me when I turn a coner and Inever run out of bullets.

08-31-2006, 08:11 AM
Inever run out of bullets.

that means you doesn't like difficult game

Mr. Bunniesworth
08-31-2006, 09:02 AM
Both excellent and leading the genre proudly. Resident Evil gets the win, but only for the nostalgia factor.

08-31-2006, 12:32 PM
Resident Evil!Best horror VG series!The music are good too!

08-31-2006, 12:59 PM
Double post sry

08-31-2006, 12:59 PM
I think Silent Hill is a lot better on the horror part than Resident Evil, but on the other hand RE overrates SH on the action part

08-31-2006, 01:17 PM
Silent hill, totally. the freakish atmosphere and style is much better than the classic zombie epidemic style of RE. I enjoyed SH on much more levels then RE. RE is never, at any point, scary