Caim Furiae
11-17-2005, 04:45 AM
>Answer any question you can
>complete forgotten parts
>find any important mistake
>make your own questions for another

(still going to be complete this thread slowly)

Rough divid
It�s after-hours
All facilities except the are closed
After curfew you�re not allowed to go out
�every single year you get trouble makers entering
oh how I enjoy scolding them�!�
I�ve been here since the garden was established
REN. Activates multiple blows with gunblade like the attack command
The finishing blow is different for each type of gunblade
EXP is gained even if you escape as long as you damaged the enemy
Strength < > vitality
Magic < > spirit
High magic >> do abnormalities and restore more hp with
Healing magic like cure
Speed < > evade
Hit > accuracy up / level of enemy evade
Luck > affects numerous actions of the caracter in the game
And an advantage during battle
EXP > enemy level high exp more final blow bonus exp
AP > use gf for learn ability
Holy is what kind of magic in side of fire water wind etc.?
There are 3 way to obtain magic:
> draw it from enemies
> draw it from draw points
> refine it from items
non-elemental is what kind of element like?
Esuna is what meaning of it?
Meltdown make vit=0
ATB is active time battle
Demi reduces enemy�s HP by 1/4
Gravija reduces enemy�s HP by 3/4
Maelstorm is what doing? AND Apocalypse?
AND shockwave pulser of greiver?

You wanna be cool huh?
Well don�t get hurt in process
Quistis instructor
I am more complex than you think
Just be sure you�re in top condition

Meet in hall at 1600 hours
I�ll announce the team assignment there
Someone explain �1600 hours� to me?

Do not injure your partner while training
Be careful from now on
Field exam participants I will see you all later
I was gonna go this morning but seifer
Then let�s get going
If you�re not too confident yet
You can review your studies at the [study panel]
What a pain?
Food and weapon and magic is prohibited in class
Don�t leave personal possessions in common areas
(work-study-play) HARD
Is para have meaning of parabiosis?

I was kinda in a hurry
Is home room over?
A majority of the students live in the dorms
Got it
You wanna help out too!?
Let�s just continue
You can always check back by accessing [toturial] from the [menu]
Fire covern
40 minute
30 #
20 #
10 #
is any different between them finaly?
Now pay attention
Go over it
Still need to prepare
Quistis trepe number 14
Challenging yet reasonable
This is something you have to watch our for
I forget >>>
5 card take from a man sit in hall out of class
he say to you : confident like always
meet seifer and 2 comrade of him in bar
maybe you find zell in row of hotdog students funny huh?
Explain to selphie area
T.C. a fight maybe
Library pigtail girl (she change in future)
Maybe you need something important
That I don�t remember from her
There are 2 students that read but don�t understand more
[1F Lobby]
Let�s see
[Zell Dincht]
quite a lively fellow loud
I bet you he doesn�t think so
Look : seifer�s just being a pain in the ass
All you have to do is ignore him
(rikku say to leblac : hey you ,I hear you)
Trigger R1 button
I hate it when people wish me luck
Well then
Listen up
Only one way or another
Accompanied with 9 seed members
Well that�s on less worry on your mind
Accomplish the mission
Prove yourself worthy
Will ya?
C�mon ,man!
Just a peek
Why you bein� so selfish!?
Knock it off
Ain�t no turning back now
Do you scared?
Seifer to squall : Don�t disappoint me now


11-17-2005, 05:38 AM
Does anyone have any idea what this is? Also, please don't post thread-titles in all-caps. (I've edited it for you this time.)

If this is some sort of fan-fic, it's gonna be moved to another section.

11-17-2005, 01:03 PM
Wtf?...... please explain Caim Furiae.

Is this supposed to be some kind of guide/ faq??

It is bad.... if you're making one, you should concentrate on a specific section.

11-17-2005, 08:55 PM
I havent got a clue either, maybe its cuse its her first post ..... I would say something bad buuuut I cant, soooo thats that

11-17-2005, 10:04 PM
I havent got a clue either, maybe its cuse its her first post ..... I would say something bad buuuut I cant, soooo thats that

You restrained yourself! I'm so proud of you!

Caim Furiae
11-18-2005, 08:03 AM


[central square]
Let’s move out
I can take on anyone even if they do fight dirty like you
didn’t get along
you’re like, all buddy-buddy
this aint no ordinary battle
I’m tellin’ ya we have to stick to orders
If we’re gonna go let’s hurry
That sucks
I’m gonna pass on that subject
Frickin hell
Swatting flies
Damn you…
In no way
Let’s get goin’
By sundown you’re free ‘til then
Ok dismissed
Those are rather cruel words for an aspiring student
a mediocre instructor like you will never understand
don’t be so stuck on yourself
you’ll never be a seed
entirely without any sympathy for you
there are so many issues at hand here
pretty scary
from now on, as a member of seed
you will be dispatched all over the world
seed soldiers are combat specialist
seed is a valuable assets to garden
it’s reputation is solely dependant on each one of you
handle your missions with care
rank report
I’m looking forward for the garden festival
Do your best even if you don’t stand out
Try to control your emotions a little
Finally… a gunblade specialist
This end the seed inauguration. Dismissed
Battle meter
We’ll talk privately one day
Which day?
What do you mean why?

Conduct =40
Seed rank=3

Any change for any action can be in up there?
Is that different for anyone after mission?

As a seed member you will be paid a salary at regular intervals
The salary is determind by seed rank
Seed rank goes up according to your actions in battle
Same actions will cause your rank to go down
S’ up
I remember >>>
In some part of game party need to go
In house/room of zell then selfie lie in
Zell bed and a question? Then zell be rank down
Yea… am I cute or not? or something like that
Is that real? Rank down?
Anyone have rankups actions in game?

See ya
Gotta go
Yeah, I guess so
So you’ll dance with someone you don’t even know,
But you can’t stand being around me?
It’s kind of awkward when you don’t say anything
I was like that myself
I wonder what’s to become of me?
“secret area”
it’s where students secretly meet up and talk after curfew
violating curfew
if that’s the case forget it leave that for the disciplinary committee
use a sleep attack against T-rexaur just junction
‘sleep’ on to your St Atk-j and attack
learn boost for GF
press select button then rapidly press [ ] square button
for boost attack of GF
what’s your record in boost a GF?
125% to 175% for me
magic with no status change like fire
can not be junctioned
junctioning to st-atk
gives that status change to attack
the status change probability is indicated in %
chance of afflicting
I don’t wanna talk about it
Save Ellon
It’s not like every one can get by on their own, you know?
It took me forever
Looks like we’re going to [Timber] meet [by the front gate]
One more minute
T-bounds are prohibited
Within garden
Oops, sory!
I couldn’t see T-bouns(a skate that zell come with that)
During game again (out of garden)?
(but tidus get revenge when make slide on ropes for saving yuna)
we’ll be judges of that
confiscate it
nevertheless you’re still students of this garden
furthermore because you seeds, you must
set an example to all others and abide by the garden’s rules

Timber mission
There you will be supporting resistance faction
That is your mission
The forests of timber sure have changed
But the owls are still around
That is a password
We have agreed to do this mission for every little money
Normally, we would never accept such request but…
Judgement based on the situation
Give your all to carry out the faction’s plan
It’s a cursed item but if one with power uses it, it should be
of great help

[Magical Lamp]
LV? Up with you, hard to get it!
Rush attack and demi and maybe gravija
I don’t dare wait to get it in end of game(before meet ultimecia)
But it’s good exp when you have lionheart limitbreak
And I never can get gravija in game or make it

11-18-2005, 08:31 AM
Okay, Caim Furiae, you need to start explaining exactly what it is you're on about because as weirdly entertaining as this is, I'll have no choice but to close it if you don't.

Zell dincht X0
11-18-2005, 05:39 PM
wtf is this are we supposed to understand this

Tidus 66
11-18-2005, 05:59 PM
It looks like a Fanfic all in bits, do you expect us to puzzle them out or something? Or is it menus and tutorial info? and also dialogues, did you puzzle all of the game? :s

11-18-2005, 06:32 PM
It looks like a game in progress.....

11-18-2005, 08:44 PM
I think she is going through the whole game in writing.
But why she wants to do that beats me

Caim Furiae
11-19-2005, 07:26 AM

will you take away
how�s that for line
blow it out your rear
it�s sacred
so just keep out
of course everyone was scared then too
run off
any way
it turns out hyne
tricked the people
big bad rascal
the most gruelling
sign up
new assistant
I am the queen of cards
I travel all over the world to monitor
And enforce the various card rules
-This region�s rules
-the current trend of trading rules
-how are the rules passed on?
The following rules have been accepted in balamb
pay me 30000 gil and I will pass on a new rule to this region
currently the trading rule is based on balamb�s rule
there is little trading taking place
trading rule �one� will spread out from this region
basically, each region has its own rules
the rules you�re carrying are passed on as you travel to various regions
as for the trading rules, they gradually spread out from a region
where the card game is most popular
of course, this region can change constantly
depending on your course and actions
also, my presence in a region can change its trading rules at times

GF in hand long make summon them faster
Store some money to travel with train
Save for review again

Man, I�m beat
It�s gonna last for a while I�m stick of traveling
Timber has this huge tv in the middle of the city
I think business is better there than it is here
We carry various gifts too
Remember number 109
Why? What use of it?
This train is awesome
A transcontinental railroad, baby
Pretty cool huh?
By the way, squall use your ticket before go inside
Seed�s private cabin
You�re so excited
Well let me fill you then
Timber uses to be a country surrounded by deep forests
Galbadia invaded
Fell quite sleepy
It�s said there�s a whole bunch of r.f (resistant faction)
Big and small
Mr. know-it-all-zell
No prob
Yeah, so why are we wasting our time
messin� with these animals?
Deling city
Chill man, it�s cool
We�re not just here for the booze, are we?
We�re got a war to fight
So we�ll get, smashed, and then we�ll chaaarge
You two seem to misunderstand
I quistis trepe, am no longer an instructor as of now
Is that all you are going to say?
It that�s how it was decided you have to abide by it
They told me that I failed as an instructor
Basically, that I lacked leadership qualities
Seed > 15
Instructor > 17
It�s only been a year since I got it�
I wonder where I went wrong!
I did my best�
Are you done yet?
I don�t wanna talk about it
Then go talk to a wall
Aren�t there times when you want to share
Your feeling with someone?
Everyone has to take care of themselves
I don�t want to carry anyone�s burden
No leadership qualities
Says who?
Take me forever
Made it
Watching you guys in action really motivates me
At ease men
Keep�em coming?
Don�t go back on your word
C�mon, go wave to her
Give me a break
My leg�s cramping up
Our popularity rating�s gone up a point
Yeah, but you cut a pretty pitiful figure up there
I�d say you�re about a-3 on the manlines scale
Laguna, we�re takin off
What�s the rush?
May i?
Did I interrup anything?
Not at all
What do I do?
Kind of�
I get nervous(cough)
Were you nervous?
I�m still kinda�
You don�t have to get nervous around me
It�s pretty hard to talk freely here
Everyone�s listening in
If you�d like to, please come by
I�ve been waiting to talk to you
This is too weired to be a dream
I always screw up by talking about myself too much
It�s always been like that
But not tonight
I�m all ears for julia
Time to use my manly charm
Laguna loire
Not at all
Inviting me�
Have a seat
Going so soon?
We haven�t even talked yet
No it�s not that
It�s just that I�m a big fan of yours
So I�m really kinda nervous, y�know?
So that�s why you come to hear me play
So often
You were always smiling while listening, right?
Though they look a bit scared now
I�m not going to pluck�em and eat�em
I just want to talk, gaizing into those eyes
Wine perhaps
Seeing new places n� stuff
Whaddya say?
So I want to quit the army and become a journalist
Loosened up
One of my articles made the reader�s column
Writing lyrics
Come up with something
The many faces you�ve shown me
Times when you were hurt, worried
or felt pain deep inside you�
your smile, your face your eyes
come up with song
meet by the presidential residant on the double
there�s lots of people who resent seed
what a relief
you have all your belonging
we�ll put this incident on hold
here we go�
psyche yourself up, baby
still sleepy
forest owls
so, let�s get on with it what do we do?
Just take it easy here, let me introduce you
Looks like you already met watts
Nap time
ask�em if you get lost
Were we hired to run errands? well?
Seed=speciasl forces

You�ve got some guts, man
It�s just that
You know seifer?
To help a measly little group like us
Approuch your target inconspicuously at a dance party
So it�s work related
Hi everyone
Full scale
I remember >>>
That owls what leader give hand to everyone
And when zell show his hand, be ignored with him
Then zell only clean his hand with pant and head
Then start to warm with combat shadow roles

11-19-2005, 07:31 AM
And... closed! Thanks for playing!

P.S. --- this was easily one of the most bizarre threads I have ever seen anywhere on these forums.