11-17-2005, 04:29 AM

Well there you have it folks - by E3 2006 we'll not only be getting details on Final Fantasy XIII and Dragon Quest IX, but we'll also know if Square decides to go multi-platform.

Personally, I think it would be a bad idea - they'd have to program for the 'lowest common denominator', which would be the X360 in this case. Sure, the PS3 version would still look prettier, but probably not as much so if time had been spent developing for it exclusively.

However, realistically, going multi-platform would be a smart business decision for Square-Enix. They're nearly as big as EA, and they've managed that by publishing on one platform - doubling the platform base doubles their audience, and potentially doubles their profits.

11-17-2005, 04:36 AM
Actually, there's no way that the PS3 is going to be notably superior to the Xbox360 for quite a while yet. They should play exactly the same because both systems are massive overkill and no game will ever (most likely) make full use of either system's capabilities simply because no one would be able to tell the difference if they did. So what if the 360 displays at 100fps and the PS3 displays 200fps. Either way, the human eye can't pick it up.

I think going multi-platform is a natural step for them and is one of the reasons that I'm planning on buying an Xbox 360, but have no plans to buy a PS3.

11-18-2005, 11:28 PM
uh. this also doesn't take into account the fact that games can be written with one console in mind and scaled down to play on the slower of the two? it isn't that hard to do.

also: thank god. it's about time we hear something about Final Fantasy XIII. I was getting worried they totally decided to stop with the regular series.

11-18-2005, 11:33 PM
They might just be saying this to nudge forward a little bidding war between Microsoft and Sony imo.

But if it does go multi-platform i would totaly welcome it. I mean, if it`s only a PS3 exclusive and i don`t get a PS3.....well, you can see the conundrum there.

11-21-2005, 11:22 PM
I am happy to see Square-Enix developing for a wider consumer base, however I Cant understand why they only publish certain titles for certain consoles? I would love to have all the consoles but that is a little above my budget when all I want is to collect the FF series....

Sephiroth's son
11-22-2005, 05:35 PM
as long as there making final fantasy games on ps3 ill be happy so if the go multiplatform its all good

11-29-2005, 05:50 PM
I think it would be really great if they make the games multi-platform. It would let more people play Final Fantasy.