11-16-2005, 12:55 PM
It may seem bad that I ask another request even though my first hasn't been filled out yet, so if it is bad manners, I apologise.

I am amazed nobody has asked for the soundtrack to Metroid Prime: Echoes. That game has some of the most beautiful pieces ever for a game.
So I'd like to put down a request for Metroid Prime 2 please.

Also, I would like to ask for the music from Tombi/Tomba! I'm especially looking for Tombi 2's music. Thank you for listening and have a good day.

11-16-2005, 02:38 PM
you asked for the Fahrenheit ost first right?

11-19-2005, 07:59 PM
metroid prime 2 is now in the queue. couldn't find tomba

and feel free to request as many soundtracks as you want ^^

09-29-2006, 10:00 AM
Yeah i'm lookin for Tomba! 2 as well! (Tombi is what its called in europe right?) any help would be nice!

01-18-2007, 05:58 PM
I uploaded MP2 ost !
Enjoy !!

01-18-2007, 10:56 PM
Wow, thanks a lot Cherna!
Now we just need Tomba 2 <<

04-21-2007, 04:03 AM
I've got Tomba!2 OST on me, I'll try uploading it tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

04-21-2007, 08:56 PM
OH dude, please, I hope you can get it up for us tomorrow!

05-11-2007, 11:56 PM
Thank you so much Cherna, I've been looking everywhere for that OST.