11-14-2005, 06:46 PM
Does anyone else DESPISE this game beyond all belief! I am one of those souls and would like to talk about it ;)!

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 06:53 PM
Shut up, tell me what do you have against FF VIII?

11-14-2005, 06:58 PM
Tidus 66 give him a chance
But to be honest I like all FF's, it may not be my favourite but its still really good

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 06:59 PM
I'l give him a chance but he has to point out what makes VIII fall so i can argue back

11-14-2005, 07:00 PM
OK let the battle begin

11-14-2005, 07:04 PM
Well, I always enjoyed the fantasy like aura of the Final FANTASY's, the interesting characters and all things like that. For instance; Cait Sith, Vincent Valentine, Red XIII, Barret's Gun Arm, the whole story in general of 7. 9 was just 100% amazing and perfect in every way.
But, eight..... I didn't like the fact that all the characters were just boring.... humans. Nothing all that great about em'. Shitty ending too. We all came from the same orphanage? Gimme a break! Anyway, you can obviously tell I found it good enough to finish, but it WAS the worst one.

i will admit the gunblade was wicked sweet.

11-14-2005, 07:08 PM
Tidus 66 your turn

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 07:09 PM
VII Characters were pretty boring, only they're backgrounds were what you can call 'cool' because there is no in-depht to they're characters, they just don't develop they're imprisioned in steryotipical and overrated figures, i won't say that VIII characters were better because they weren't, the fact that they are all humans isn't enough to call them uninteresting, the story isn't what makes a game great and VIII was very innovating

11-14-2005, 07:13 PM
VII Characters were pretty boring, only they're backgrounds were what you can call 'cool' because there is no in-depht to they're characters, they just don't develop they're imprisioned in steryotipical and overrated figures, i won't say that VIII characters were better because they weren't, the fact that they are all humans isn't enough to call them uninteresting, the story isn't what makes a game great and VIII was very innovating

To be honest the characters and story is what makes a game a game. The actual gameplay is only a fraction of the enjoyment. Watching the characters develop different friendships and discreptancies is the best part. Following the story and having that on edge feeling whenever the characters are in a tough spot is amazing!

Zell dincht X0
11-14-2005, 07:13 PM
go tidus it's your birthday

11-14-2005, 07:14 PM
GREAT..................what now

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 07:17 PM
And when did this happen in VII? VII characters are nothing more than dummies and both Cloud and Sephiroth are overrated:

" Yowzer Cloud has such a cool and big as hell sword Yowzer he pwnz, he's a lone wolf wooow"

" Seph is the Greatest he sword pownz"

And if i remember correctly the only progress that Amarant ahs through the game is that he doesn't hate Zidane anymore because of that 5 minute long conversation on Ipsen's Castle

11-14-2005, 07:24 PM
Cloud and Sephiroth have EXCELLENT background stories. You follow Cloud as he develops a whole new life on account of his memory loss. He slowly recovers memories of the past and struggles to hang on to those who are most important to him.

And throughout the whole game you follow Amarants story while he is not in your party. There is no need to explain what has already been explained, is there? Also, he never hated Zidane, he was just jealous of him...

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 07:30 PM
If i remember correctly Amarant despised him, and didn't believe in the friendship and teamwork he just followed Zidane to prove that Zidane's win was nothing more than luck and to show that being alone was better, hating zidane was a form of speech, Amarant never explained nothing about his passed he only said how he met Zidane in a poorly way

Cloud background's story is full of holes begining with holes about his parents and how did a brain dead guy mixes two memories into one, also he's a lone wolf almost to the end and feels guilty...

Sephiroth is just a cry baby that got shocked and didn't understand the afcts and thought that Jenova was his mother, what a stupid mother complex he had

11-14-2005, 07:48 PM
If i remember correctly Amarant despised him, and didn't believe in the friendship and teamwork he just followed Zidane to prove that Zidane's win was nothing more than luck and to show that being alone was better, hating zidane was a form of speech, Amarant never explained nothing about his passed he only said how he met Zidane in a poorly way

Cloud background's story is full of holes begining with holes about his parents and how did a brain dead guy mixes two memories into one, also he's a lone wolf almost to the end and feels guilty...

Sephiroth is just a cry baby that got shocked and didn't understand the afcts and thought that Jenova was his mother, what a stupid mother complex he had

Your not exactly supposed to like the bad guy.

Clouds story was supposed to have holes. And they were patched up by the end. The game kept you wanting to keep playing and learn more.

Your thoughts on Amarant just further prove my point. It was not hatred it was jealousy that kept him with Zidane. I'm sure he also wanted to find out why Zidane had such awesome power.

Anyway, enough knocking the best final fantasys let's see you defend 8.

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 07:50 PM
Try to knock off something on VIII and i'l defend it, also i don't like to knock off IX only Amarant being an useless character

11-14-2005, 07:54 PM
Try to knock off something on VIII and i'l defend it, also i don't like to knock off IX only Amarant being an useless character

Amarant is not useless. He is far beyond that. Seeing Amarant join the team created utter joy and disbelief. He was amazing in battle. And, his story was excellent.

Anyway, I already knocked 8's ending.
Let's start with that.


Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 08:01 PM
Amarant didn't have a story his story was: met zidane, became obsessed, went after zidane.

FF VIII's ending ahs nothing wrong, Squall got lost in time compression and he appeared in the orphanage when he witnessed a time cycle being created when Edea or Matron took over Ultimecia's powers, also i think that the whole part when he tried to get to the Promise are was romantic, and the scene on Balamb Garden was one great love scene, seeing everyone just happy by killing Ultimecia, seeing that seifer returned to his former self and just hanging around was great, and Laguna visiting Raine's grave was just touching, the ending had Happyness, Joy, Regret ( if you think that Raine died alone and that Laguna lost two times his love (julia and Raine) ) and Love, VII just kept more empty holes that weren't filled in AC, FF VII is just a big plot hole mess, VIII's ending was pretty good almost as good as IX

11-14-2005, 08:05 PM
Like I said earlier, Amarants story leads up even before meeting Zidane.

But, I thought the story was not important to you, so defend 8s ending in a format that explains gameplay (or at least try).

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 08:10 PM
If were talking about storyline i can't talk abou gameplay of an ending

If you want to talk about the final boss, IX and VII were easy as hell, i only attacked and cured my character memebrs and he was beaten and Necron all i did was jumping and he finally dropped dead, in VIII i took an hour in battling all of the Ultimecia's forms and she took some of my junctioning magic, so i had to fight with a weak Zell, if it weren't for Pandemona's revive i would have lost

11-14-2005, 08:13 PM
Alas, 9s boss was easy, but 7s was near impossible! You cannot honestly say you found it easy!

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 08:21 PM
I found it easy

11-15-2005, 12:07 AM
I think this is something like the third thread of this type that I've had to lock recently. As always, discussion about what you like / dislike / hate FFVIII goes in the pinned topic What Makes FFVIII Stand / Fall? For those that have heard this before --- please bear that in mind and don't continue to respond to threads like these. Also, would people please stop making one-line posts that add little to nothing to what's being discussed?