11-13-2005, 01:37 PM
This is only based on ff7. Create a limit break that one of the ff7 characters should have. For example. Vincent= Darkness Bite or Tifa= Power Punch or something like that. Also, please also tell there new limit breaks maximum damage they can hit and what stat damage they cause. Another example.

Vincent= Darkness Bite
Damage= 6500
Stat Damage= Poisoned & Sadness

ps. If this thread has already been made then i apologize for time wasting.

Zell dincht X0
11-15-2005, 09:14 PM
super fart:9999damage 9999 times to all enemies + poison

girlcock fantastic
11-17-2005, 01:17 AM
cait sith needs more limit breaks.

cait sith: all or nothin

damage: instant death.

tifa: master's teaching

all opponents multiple hits up to 20 if she can get strong enough times that by 9999 damage....I've created a monster.

Metal Maniac
11-17-2005, 02:01 AM

Kenshins Teachings

Automatic death to all enimies and can't miss.
will hit all enimies including bosses.

girlcock fantastic
11-17-2005, 07:17 PM

Kenshins Teachings

Automatic death to all enimies and can't miss.
will hit all enimies including bosses.

that would be a cheap move against seph. and how would he learn from kenshin? lol

Metal Maniac
11-17-2005, 07:45 PM
I don't know and now that I think of it it is an insult on kenshin.

girlcock fantastic
11-17-2005, 10:43 PM
that's funny lol.

Metal Maniac
11-18-2005, 03:42 PM
Its simply the truth.

11-18-2005, 03:45 PM
cait sith= poker
you get two cards and each turn cards show up and after 5 you get different effects based on what hand you have

girlcock fantastic
11-18-2005, 06:57 PM

Metal Maniac
11-18-2005, 07:01 PM
Its still there

girlcock fantastic
11-18-2005, 07:30 PM
no some dickhead changed it. I would never make mine have that pic. stupid ass wearin a purple suit.

Metal Maniac
11-18-2005, 08:05 PM
Get a pick of kenshin then

girlcock fantastic
11-19-2005, 12:12 AM
I can't. the admin have changed everything about my profile,av,name, and password. and I've seen the show. it rocks.

11-19-2005, 07:53 PM
Stop chatting in threads, also: this thread should've been in the FFVII forum, so I'm moving it there with a warning that the mods there will probably close it if you don't actually discuss anything.

11-20-2005, 02:52 AM
back on topic:

limit break for tifa: flash- tifa exposes herself, distracting all male characters on the field for 3 turns and causes the status ailment bliss, which stops affected character from attacking her for the duration of the battle

11-20-2005, 05:36 AM
back on topic:

limit break for tifa: flash- tifa exposes herself, distracting all male characters on the field for 3 turns and causes the status ailment bliss, which stops affected character from attacking her for the duration of the battle


Swedish Fish
11-20-2005, 02:54 PM
Kick "advent child molester" in ass.

Sir Dyne
11-20-2005, 04:21 PM
Cloud-fires of heaven.(available after aerises death) cloud extracts power from holy assimilates himself into the life stream and scours his opponents from the heavens. max damage 130,000 to all enemies causes burn status. increase power with cetra tomes

girlcock fantastic
11-21-2005, 07:25 PM
Kick "advent child molester" in ass.

mind telling me what you got against me?

11-22-2005, 02:29 AM
Cait Siths Two Missing Limits:

1) Roulette- Little ball spins around the wheel. Damage does 100x the number you land on. If you land on 00 you spin again and do attack 4x.
__________________________________________________ _______________
2) Hold em' or Switch Em'- You get 5 cards and you can return up to two for two new ones. The result is based on how good the hand is following the Texas Hold Em' Rules.
High Card:
Ace: Poison
King: Sleep
Queen: Slow
Jack: Your Character gets Haste
Pair- 1/10 of their health + sleep
2 Pair- 1/5 of their health + poison
Three of a Kind- Cures your whole party's HP & MP by half
Straight- Throws 5 cards at the enemy, 1st card does 1/20 of their health each increasing damage by half of the first cards damage every turn.
Ex. 1. 20, 2. 30, 3. 40, 4. 50, 5. 60.
Flush- Casts Cure 3, 5 times on random party members
Full House- Heals half the partys HP & MP, And hits 2 enemies for 1/5 of their health.
Four of a Kind- Revives fallen party members with half health, and heals living party members HP & MP by half.
Straight Flush- Fully cures HP & MP of whole party.
Royal Flush- Fully heals HP & MP of living and fallen party members and Does 1/2 damage to all enemies health.

11-22-2005, 03:13 AM
mind telling me what you got against me?

Mind telling me what you got against purple suits?

Anyway, Barret: Plagiarism. He turns into Mr. T and beats the crap out of the opponent, causing 230894756230498571098 damage. Particularly effective against Italian boxers played by Sylvester Stalone.

girlcock fantastic
11-22-2005, 07:21 PM
Mind telling me what you got against purple suits?

Anyway, Barret: Plagiarism. He turns into Mr. T and beats the crap out of the opponent, causing 230894756230498571098 damage. Particularly effective against Italian boxers played by Sylvester Stalone.

I just don't like purple.

Gentleman Ghost
11-25-2005, 10:31 AM
Yeah I know its not made up..... but if Cloud could do Supa Nova that would be cool....

11-25-2005, 03:38 PM
Mind telling me what you got against purple suits?

Anyway, Barret: Plagiarism. He turns into Mr. T and beats the crap out of the opponent, causing 230894756230498571098 damage. Particularly effective against Italian boxers played by Sylvester Stalone.

falls to the ground laughing

11-25-2005, 03:51 PM
Cloud Death Time

Cloud Jumps On All The Other Characters the Jumps And Slices The Enemys Head Off (Instant Death To One)

Won't Work If The Two Characters You Are With Are Dead

Won't Work When Cloud Is On His Own Fighting Seph At The End

11-30-2005, 06:35 PM
Hi everyone. Great replys. some of them abit to much power lol. Keep them coming in. :)

12-02-2005, 09:57 PM
The limit break i would make would be called, " Total annihilation " a limit for Cloud. It would hit 25 times always doing 9999.

12-02-2005, 10:00 PM
Final Doom... Hiting 30 times and after that Summon all summons

12-02-2005, 10:46 PM
Im sure "Total annihilation" could wipe out any boss lol. And "Final Doom" sounds very effective. Any stat damage?

Keep em coming in :)

girlcock fantastic
12-02-2005, 10:53 PM
wouldn't all of those moves just be equal to clouds omnislash? My cloud could kill anything with his omnislash, except emerald weapon.......that bastard took forever until I pulled out the right materia.

12-02-2005, 11:30 PM
Im sure "Total annihilation" could wipe out any boss lol. And "Final Doom" sounds very effective. Any stat damage?

Keep em coming in :)

99k :p

girlcock fantastic
12-02-2005, 11:54 PM
except that.......oh wait nvm.

12-03-2005, 07:30 PM
lung cancer

cid blows his cigarette into the enemies face and kills the enemy from second hand smoke

12-03-2005, 07:52 PM
lung cancer

cid blows his cigarette into the enemies face and kills the enemy from second hand smoke


Another for Cid: Cleanup time. Only available if he has the mop equipped. He cleans the ground in front of the enemies, and the next time they attack they slip and fall and receive 3095873 damage.

12-04-2005, 12:05 AM
Hahaha lung cancer. Thats a good one griff. I supose it would cause poison?

12-04-2005, 02:15 AM
Hahaha lung cancer. Thats a good one griff. I supose it would cause poison?
guess so

Metal Maniac
12-05-2005, 02:34 PM
Mega Fucking Slash
Summons odin then he dissapears cloud rides the horse (who shoul have 8 legs not 6) and does intand death on all enimies excluding sephiroth it does 99999999 damage on him.

Gentleman Ghost
12-08-2005, 09:45 AM

For Barret,
A light on his Gun-Arm lights up and he looks all worried and braces himself..
Camera zooms in to see his face, has him yelling something like "MARLENE!" or "F$#@! YOU!!"
He then gets bathed in a pool of light, then like on Megaman, a gun transforms onto his arm.....?.......then he goes ballistic firing his now Spirit-Looking gun-arm at all opponents 20 consecutive times....

Damage: Whatever Barrets Level it is repeated eg. if he is level 43 the damage is 4343.

Squall Strife
12-10-2005, 08:01 PM
Vincent-Shadow Shots
Damage:9999 (If Vincent has Death Penalty then it does this Much Damage to Seph. but Kills Vincent)
Number of hits:25
that's it i think i can come up with one for Cloud let me try....

Squall Strife
12-10-2005, 08:07 PM
Cloud-Sprit Slashes(Only on Sephiroth)
Aeris's sprit comes from the lifestream and goes in to cloud's sword making him invinceble for 5 turns.
No. of hits:What level Aeris was at before she died

And that's Cloud's any1 got anything else?

12-12-2005, 01:44 AM
Okay, be ready for some crazy crap!

My limit break would be called Jeff Foxworthy Show for Yuffie. Yuffie will turn on the TV and start watching The Jeff Foxworthy Show, and everyone around her will die, including your team. Yuffie, being as lame as she is, won't know what did it and continue to watch, even as fire sets to the world around her and mass suicides happen.:smrt:

Strife Lyengard
06-14-2006, 01:57 AM
Heavenly Strike- Uppercut, hurling the enemy into the air then cocooning it in white light lowering its defense drastically, followed by a deadly downward kick.

06-14-2006, 02:02 AM
Poison piss
Red 13 lifts his leg and pisses acid piss onto his enemy and then watches them burn, rolling around on the floor screaming , red 13 laughs until they stop moving then Barret shoots it in the eyes until the blood is totally covering the wall then the entire party eats the enemy's charred flesh which suprisingly tastes great restoring their health and killing the enemy ( even bosses)

Or- Pussy Punch

Yuffie tosses her weapon and punches them enemy so shittily that it breaks her arm killing her instantly (Used if she is below level 98)

Strife Lyengard
06-14-2006, 02:21 AM
holy shyt. ahhhaaah lmao

06-14-2006, 02:28 AM
holy shyt. ahhhaaah lmao

thank u
much appreciated


Vincent gets pissed off and calls his brother the godfather. they come and chainsaw the enemy in a shower stall in Florida then mail the peices in a cake to the enemy's mother and they watch her eat it-9999 times however many times vincent was hit before he used it

Barret goes up and pops the enemy in the head with his gehtto gun-Instant death

Safer Roco
06-14-2006, 02:42 AM
aquired after aeris' death
cloud begins to bitch about aeris dying till everyone kills themselves

06-14-2006, 02:46 AM
Aeris-Invicible- if u somehow get her past level 80 before she dies shebecomes invisible so when sephiroth comes to kill her his sword bouces off her , she turns around and pops shephiroth right in the face killing him ending the game

Cloud On A Stick
06-14-2006, 02:46 AM
Its 4 cloud otherwise it wouldnt make sense...(not a fanboy)

It would be called Reunion and it is accesible after aeris dies

The Lifestream would come out of the ground or from they sky and make Aeris made up of lifestream...she would then shoot 6 beams 2 make a pentagram each beam doing more each time u used the limit and a circle around the enemy...she would then make 1 with cloud and he would jump into the air striking at the enemy dealing 9999 abd the whole party would be healed and have haste

Safer Roco
06-14-2006, 02:53 AM
Cloud-super sex *dun dun dunnnnn*
cloud and tifa have sex making the worst looking kid known to living things. its so ugly that everyones eyes melt and explode and causes brain hemoraging

10-19-2006, 08:20 PM
This is only based on ff7. Create a limit break that one of the ff7 characters should have. For example. Vincent= Darkness Bite or Tifa= Power Punch or something like that. Also, please also tell there new limit breaks maximum damage they can hit and what stat damage they cause. Another example.

Vincent= Darkness Bite
Damage= 6500
Stat Damage= Poisoned & Sadness

ps. If this thread has already been made then i apologize for time wasting.

10-20-2006, 01:53 PM
Barret: Plagiarism. He turns into Mr. T and beats the crap out of the opponent, causing 230894756230498571098 damage. Particularly effective against Italian boxers played by Sylvester Stalone.

Laughing my stupid ass off.

10-20-2006, 01:58 PM
Cait Sith: Cotton Candy
Effect: Calls fourth a giant bowl of melting candy to deal 9999 damage to all opponents
Stat Effect: N/A


Pimp Daddy McSnake
10-20-2006, 02:17 PM
limit break for Tifa: daterape: First you get to dine with Tifa then 9999 damage + poison

Zell dincht X0
10-23-2006, 03:47 PM
cloud: super duper awesome damage slash of doom killing power zombie hurt boom sword hit stab: cloud delivers 1hp damage to enemy looking awesome

10-29-2006, 12:16 PM
aquired after aeris' death
cloud begins to bitch about aeris dying till everyone kills themselvesSEPHIROFL! I'm sorry that was a bad pun...

Anyway, Vincent pwnes so he should have had more limits in stead of one per level. His ultimate Limit should have been:

Name: Megiddo
Appearance: Looks like Bahamut Zero but smaller.
Attribute: Fire / Earth
Attack 1: Embodyment
Does: Covers the enemy in rocks and blasts it away with a huge fireball.
Damage: 9999 x 2 to all enemies
Attack 2: Elders of Punishment
Does: Summons a tribal council, similar to KotR, but with only 6 elders, all with different elemental attributes. They all enfuse Megiddo with all their power. Megiddo lunges at the enemy and attacks furiously, dealing 10 points of damage for each enemy in the game he has killed. Then finishes off with Megiddo Flare with deals every status effect regardless of defences and deals 9999 10 consecutive times to random enemies on the field.
Damage: First run - 10 points x number of enemies Vincent has killed, does this several times. Second run - 9999 ten times to random enemies on the field.

Valerie Valens
10-29-2006, 04:04 PM
Name : 魔神連殺無影撃/Demon Rage
Description : Character flashes through the enemy, then flashes back, split-image slicing the enemy's back with 5 mirage blades. Follows through with a cross-slash, an uppercut slash, an aerial crescent kick and finishes with a plunge thrust, impacting the ground with a burst of dark energy.
Damage : [2*(ATK+MAG) + (1/4*ATK + 1/2*MAG)*5 + 1.5*ATK*2 + 2.25*ATK + STR + 2*(ATK+MAG) + 2*MAG]*ExpLv (Element Dark/Fire)

10-29-2006, 05:46 PM
causes burn status.

It is not poke'mon

Gentleman Ghost
10-30-2006, 06:20 AM
Name : 魔神連殺無影撃/Demon Rage
Description : Character flashes through the enemy, then flashes back, split-image slicing the enemy's back with 5 mirage blades. Follows through with a cross-slash, an uppercut slash, an aerial crescent kick and finishes with a plunge thrust, impacting the ground with a burst of dark energy.
Damage : [2*(ATK+MAG) + (1/4*ATK + 1/2*MAG)*5 + 1.5*ATK*2 + 2.25*ATK + STR + 2*(ATK+MAG) + 2*MAG]*ExpLv (Element Dark/Fire)


11-06-2006, 02:54 AM
cloud - summon yuna

cloud summons yuna and everyone just spends the rest of the game taking turns to kick her face off!

11-06-2006, 05:58 PM
Sephiroth should have a a limit brake called Elite Skeet. Where he blasts your party with a mixture of blood and cum. That's how Aires should really be killed.

11-07-2006, 10:25 AM
lol that's fucking disgusting!

Valerie Valens
11-07-2006, 12:55 PM
That's the point. :P

Mr Jack
11-07-2006, 02:50 PM
It is not poke'mon

would be good if it was though.....

11-07-2006, 02:53 PM
limit break for Tifa: daterape: First you get to dine with Tifa then 9999 damage + poison

11-07-2006, 11:01 PM

Black Chaos
1: Black Fire 5,000-10,000 After Effect: Silence - Berserk
2: Dark Water 1,000-5,000 After Effect: Darkness - Poison


Destruct Infinet After Effect: Complete distruction of enemy


Death Bite 1-9,999 After Effect: 50% chance of instant death

11-07-2006, 11:18 PM
That was some of the funniest shit I ever read.

"Pussy Punch

Yuffie tosses her weapon and punches them enemy so shittily that it breaks her arm killing her instantly (Used if she is below level 98)"

Valerie Valens
11-07-2006, 11:41 PM
Name : 魔神連殺無影撃/Demon Rage
Description : Character flashes through the enemy, then flashes back, split-image slicing the enemy's back with 5 mirage blades. Follows through with a cross-slash, an uppercut slash, an aerial crescent kick and finishes with a plunge thrust, impacting the ground with a burst of dark energy.
Damage : [2*(ATK+MAG) + (1/4*ATK + 1/2*MAG)*5 + 1.5*ATK*2 + 2.25*ATK + STR + 2*(ATK+MAG) + 2*MAG]*ExpLv (Element Dark/Fire)

11-07-2006, 11:49 PM

1: Last Rights Infinet After Effect: Intantly kill enemy provided it is not a boss!
2:Taste of Death Brings enemy HP down to 1 ( Not on Bosses) After Effect: None

11-08-2006, 06:50 PM
lol that's fucking disgusting!

but fucking awsome.

11-08-2006, 07:24 PM
Vincent: Devilside
Two Angels come from the sky with halos, landing beside Vincent. But the lower they get, the darker they become...until finally as they touch the ground, they are devils. The devils combine and fire a huge Shadowball at all enemies causing about 4000 damage x number of enemies (if there were 5 enemies, the attack would do about 20000 damage on all of the enemies, not total.)

Cloud: TranquilStab (Earlier limit break)
Clouds current sword splits in 2, and he grabs each one in 1 hand. He runs up to 1 enemy, stabs each sword in a different side of the enemies head and jams it in, finally pulling it out. Does about 700-900 damage + Poison/Sleep .

11-09-2006, 02:05 AM
lol that's fucking disgustingbut fucking awsome.

lol true

12-06-2006, 11:09 PM
Barret - "more than meet the eyes"
Barret rips off his gun arm, throws it down and it becomes Optimus Prime... (duh) it then transforms into a firetruck, douses the enemies, transforms into robot form and pulls out a few wires to shock the enemies. This does 9999/level dmg and paralyses the ememy. (note that the transformer is not restricted in size by the guns size:P for your mental image OP is the size he actually is)

01-11-2007, 10:48 PM
Cloud: Grand Finale
Cloud strikes all enemys, 50/50 chance of killing them Enemies who are not killed suffer 13 hits each hit doing 9,999 damage and capable of inflicting any status effect.
Cloud then fully restores the party's health and reacharges everyone's limit breaks

02-02-2007, 11:14 PM
Barret:Avalanche We see Marlene praying then she opens her eyes flash back to Barret in a shooter stance a ghostly image of Wedge Biggs and Jessie each put their hand on Barrets back then Barret fires a swirly Blue white beam that causes massive damage and slow.

Cloud:SOLDIER Mastery we see a group of SOLDIERs come flying at the enemy and slash the monster in the air this repeats till they are in the stratosphere then Zack comes in Slashes then upwards with the Buster sword throws it into the air Cloud comes falling down from the Sun catches the Sword then Cleaves the enemy who then falls onto an upwards pointing Masamune impailing themselves on it then Cloud lands with his back to the enemy and a ghostly image of Zack and Sephiroth appear also like that in a triangle formation. If not instant death ALOT of damage.

02-08-2007, 02:36 AM
I can't. the admin have changed everything about my profile,av,name, and password. and I've seen the show. it rocks.

your post number is 666 as of now anywhy and your avatar is this weird demon thing. weird.

02-08-2007, 02:37 AM
lol true

thank you. very much so.

02-23-2007, 03:12 PM
hey no problemo!

I thought of another one!

Yuffie throws her 4-point Shuriken, then a Minja (ASK A NINJA FTW!!!!) jumps on it and leaps onto the enemy, reaching into each of their individual atoms and like breaking them apart! Causing excruciating pain and a total of... 5 damage plus WTFAMIDGETNINJARIDINGONASHURIKEN? Status, which makes all the enemies piss themselves laughing and not attack, unless its with piss... which is a possibility i guess!


02-23-2007, 03:31 PM
Name : Partners in Crime

Damage : More than Cloud could do with a noodle for a sword.

Description : All characters and thier opposite sex doubles pull a nuke out of their back pocket and simulataneously light them, creating one big mo'fo candle. After small explosion each character must tape eyebrows back on.

Characters that can use it:
Barretboy ~ Barretgirl
Atomnarmor ~ Mrs. Narmor
Mr Denny ~ Mrs Denny
Knegative ~ Kpositive
Hogan ~ Hoganina
Diablo ~ Diablette
Kismocat ~ Kismodog
Mr and Mrs Jack
Trent ~ Trentza
Ghoulies ~ Fannies.

02-23-2007, 05:16 PM
A limit for Sephiroth - Alphaslash - he slashes em... 472 times, very quickly - and it deals 9999 damage each slash... that would be awesome ^^ and I don't care if he did it on ME! I still lived while it was happening... :-) .... oh sorry I was daydreamin there..

02-24-2007, 12:02 AM
Limit for Cloud:

Poke: Cloud pokes the enemy causing instant Death.

Valerie Valens
02-26-2007, 12:56 PM
Limit for Cloud:

Cock Poke: Cloud pokes the enemy with his dick causing instant Death orgasms.

Fixed. :smrt:

02-26-2007, 06:28 PM

02-28-2007, 10:09 PM
hey no problemo!

I thought of another one!

Yuffie throws her 4-point Shuriken, then a Minja (ASK A NINJA FTW!!!!) jumps on it and leaps onto the enemy, reaching into each of their individual atoms and like breaking them apart! Causing excruciating pain and a total of... 5 damage plus WTFAMIDGETNINJARIDINGONASHURIKEN? Status, which makes all the enemies piss themselves laughing and not attack, unless its with piss... which is a possibility i guess!


lol that was a great episode. The podcast one was my fav though=)

Cloud- Airborn Frenzy

Cloud jumps and thrusts his sword into the ground causing the enemy (or enemies) to be thrown into the air due to the shockwaves. Then each member of the team except Cloud attacks the group of enemies one by one, each dealing about 3,000 damage. After they're all done they pull an Advent Children and help cloud reach the group in the air by throwing him, pulling him, etc. Cloud then does hits the group 14 times dealing about 5,000 damage each time.

Barret- Neon Blast

Barret is temporarily given the power of Neo Bahamut. His gun-arm then is transformed into the form of the dragons head. The world is cast into darkness for the time being and Barret unleashes an enormous blast from his gun arm, obliterating all on the battle field.

90% Instant death on normal enemies. If not death (or used on a boss) then 9,999 damage. If there are still survivors, then Neo Bahamut is then cast and causes about 8,000 damage

03-03-2007, 11:53 AM
hey no problemo!

I thought of another one!

Yuffie throws her 4-point Shuriken, then a Minja (ASK A NINJA FTW!!!!) jumps on it and leaps onto the enemy, reaching into each of their individual atoms and like breaking them apart! Causing excruciating pain and a total of... 5 damage plus WTFAMIDGETNINJARIDINGONASHURIKEN? Status, which makes all the enemies piss themselves laughing and not attack, unless its with piss... which is a possibility i guess!

PEOPLE WHO DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT VISIT:- %3Fpage%3D3lol that was a great episode. The podcast one was my fav though


bahahaha i fucking LOVE that!

buster blade
03-18-2007, 03:55 AM
cloud homosexuality

9 hits = 9,999

cause = poison and sadness

03-18-2007, 10:33 AM
cloud homosexuality

9 hits = 9,999

cause = poison and sadness, except on Barret and Sephiroth, which causes Premature Ejaculation!

There we go =D

03-18-2007, 10:52 AM
Cait Sith - Kittie's Fortune

Cait Sith makes a fortune that can randomly inflict any number of the complete list of status ailments on all enemies.

03-18-2007, 02:00 PM
Hot Fuck: All the charecters and enemies have a hot fuck, causing orgasms.

J. Peterman
03-18-2007, 02:32 PM
Tifa Lockheart
Level 4-2 Limit
Paper Three
1 damage to 1 enemy

Lil' Sain
04-18-2007, 02:49 AM
cloud: Rackahanem (lvl 3 limit) hits all foes 2 times with beams from swords
Vincent: Cactur
Cait sith: fiddy 2 pickup instand 52000 damage Lvl 3 limit
Cid: naa cid sucks

04-19-2007, 01:59 AM
Catastrophic meteor= Omnislash... instead of finishing braver...Cloud meteors stabs each one and knocks it to the enemy...maybe about 10 meteors and x2 speed lol

04-19-2007, 08:53 AM
Character: Vincent Valentine

Limit Break: Breath Of The Dead


By calling upon the powers of True Chaos, Vincent dashes forward with blinding speed and jams his gauntlet-covered hand in the enemies torso. Upon impact with said enemy, Vincent begins to literally suck the very soul out of it.

One of two things can happen: The enemy can be killed instantly and all health would be transfered to Vincent, or it would be inflicted with all status ailments and it's HP would be reduced by 3/4.

However, since everyone has posted God-like hits, this Limit Break can only be used if all other Limits have been obtained, and Vincent's HP has to be near death(I.E. 10 HP left). Also, it has a 20% Chance-To-Hit which makes it even more risky to use.

Lil' Sain
04-22-2007, 02:07 AM
clouds: throws sword at foe knocks out tifa and makes a "mini cloud"

04-22-2007, 01:06 PM
Limit break:Super psyco beam

Hit all enemies five times, and do 9999 damage

05-17-2007, 06:57 PM
As Yuffie was the ninja-type, she should have had some sort of "disappear and randomly attack multiple enemies" Limit Break. Call it Shadow Boxer. Damage depends on how strong you have made her.

I always thought Vincent and Cait Sith should have had the same Limit Break arrangement as the rest of the cast. Two level 1's, two level 2's, two level 3's and a level 4.
Cait could have had:
Level 1:
Trumpeteer: Cait blows his megaphone causing Silence and a small amount of damage to all enemies.
Blackjack: Two cards are dealt and damage determined by what is received. Kind of the same as what the Jokers do near Kalm.

Level 2:
Alley Cat: Cait Sith throws that silly kitty off of his back or swings it like a club. The cats claws do 1/2 the amount of damage Cait Sith would normally do, but it hits randomly between four and six times.
Roulette: (taken from another post, with alterations) A big spinning wheel with numbers comes up from the ground (minor Earth damage to all enemies) and the number it stops on is multiplied by 10 to figure damage. Red adds status attacks against the enemies, black adds status benefits for the party.

Level 3:
Mog Dance: The giant Mog thing begins to trounce around causing major Earth damage (earthquake) and leaving the enemy Confused.
Slots: Cait Sith's usual Limit Break.

Level 4:
Poker: The better the hand, the more the damage. A high card offers only status affects on one target. A pair offers multiple status affects on multiple targets. Three-of-a-kind offers status affects plus physical damage to all enemies. Full House upgrades to major physical damage. Four of a kind heals the party fully, restoring HP and recovering status affects. Straight and Flush offer a variety of element based attacks and a high level of damage. A Straight Flush adds full recovery of HP and status for the party. A Royal Flush deals Death, status affects, element based attacks against all, plus full recovery of HP, MP, and status. Adds invulnerability for three turns against any targets that survive. Poker can not be countered by any enemy, even the Weapons.

Vincent has a gun based attack added for every level. He gets a machine gun Limit Break at level 3. And his level 4 (keeping with his "Transformer" style) includes a metamorphisus with everyone else in the party at the time, becoming one big super thingy with great power and status affect attacks. Each party member would bring something different to the beast form. Tifa and Yuffie bring speed. Barret and Cait Sith make it slightly slower, but very strong. Cloud brings range of available commands. Red XIII (Nanaki) brings the most status affects. And Cid allows for an airdrop attack.

05-17-2007, 10:36 PM
Antilles says:Cait Sith throws that silly kitty off of his back or swings it like a club.

Err....i hope u know that the "silly cat" is Caith Sith!??

zell hell yeah!
06-05-2007, 08:12 PM
Red XIII - Lv 1 limit brk

name - Ink it

Stops in the middle of the fight and runs round to miami ink and picks the coolest design in the shop, comes back and stuns enemies that a dog can get tattoo's. Same effect as dazers lol.

Cid - Lv 4 limit

name - oh shit!!!

Cid realises he's got no cig's left and in a rush to get to the shop to buy more he just hacks at the enemy till his spear is through their head. Instant death.

06-06-2007, 04:55 AM
Name: Grand Finale.

Damage: Fogetaboutit

Description: Cloud Morphs into Zack. Yells at Aeris for cheating on him. Kills the entire party and proceeds to self destruct because Cloud was actually a cyborg sent from the future. TOTAL PARTY WIPEOUT!

Note: Make sure to equip Final Attack & Phoenix/Revive materia combo! 8D

06-18-2007, 04:56 AM