11-12-2005, 02:09 AM
If this has been posted here already, tell me, and I will edit this post to cute SMG pics. ^^

Gentleman Ghost
11-12-2005, 02:43 AM
cool, i didnt read t any articles, but its cool!

11-12-2005, 07:06 PM
Very nice. I`ll have to take a read of this because i`m really hoping it`s going to be special.

Tidus 66
11-12-2005, 07:26 PM
Nooooo not mission type game please don't totally dislike it but i don't have to play a game based on missions, Vaan will be a Summoner white/black mage eh? Sounds interesting...
Yay Judges will come to FF XII i only hope they don't just stand there and use the whistle

11-13-2005, 02:07 AM
Cool. that was really interesting :D

Dark Mage626
11-13-2005, 02:40 AM
God damn the page won't load for me.

11-13-2005, 03:30 AM
Not working for me. fuck!

11-13-2005, 03:42 AM
If this has been posted here already, tell me, and I will edit this post to cute SMG pics. ^^

Can you post them anyway <3


Nooooo not mission type game please don't totally dislike it but i don't have to play a game based on missions, Vaan will be a Summoner white/black mage eh? Sounds interesting...
Yay Judges will come to FF XII i only hope they don't just stand there and use the whistle

You're an idiot =/

He said missions as in FFXI - obviously it's more quest based, which is a smart move AWAY from the linearality of most FF games, and increases replayability.

Also, I hope you're joking about the Judge thing. They're obviously going to be a major storyline point.

Dark Mage626
11-13-2005, 07:37 AM
I've seen sopme videos with judges in them. They look like they will play a big role. And square i do believe said it themselves that they will.

11-13-2005, 01:06 PM
If this has been posted here already, tell me, and I will edit this post to cute SMG pics. ^^

Thanks for including that link, just read the page, though I knew a bit about what FFXII is going to be like I didn't know as much as I wanted to before. I reckon all the changes they've made will take a bit of getting used to, well for those who haven't played FFXI anyway, but I'm looking forward to trying out the new gaming style once it's out. I can't wait!

11-13-2005, 01:20 PM
Haha, I can't wait to see the reaction of fanboys who buy the game without reading any previews.

"WTF i can'tz control the other characters at the same time WTF"

I'm really looking forward to FF12, and not just because of the storyline, which is usually the only hook for me when it comes to FF games. The battle system sounds like it's a direct rip of KOTOR's battle system, with World of Warcraft's quest system (well, FF11s if you must be pedantic) thrown in for good measure.

Sounds like a good mix to me!

11-13-2005, 02:27 PM
I'm interested in the game for pretty much the same reasons as Raidenex, but with one big difference. I'm not a big fan of the FF stories because the antagonists are never someone I want to see completely and utterly destroyed. If this game has a villain that perfectly embodies cold, calculating, ruthless evil, then I'll probably be happy. If it's another emo fag, I'll probably never play another FF game.

Tidus 66
11-13-2005, 04:59 PM
I never played XI so i can only base my opinions on FFTA and X-2 that had missions, i know that some people llike missions but i like it more linear, but i can't say that i don't like all this new changes, the battle system looks good, and the mission/quest type may be better for XII's storyline

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-15-2005, 07:12 PM
I'm interested in the game for pretty much the same reasons as Raidenex, but with one big difference. I'm not a big fan of the FF stories because the antagonists are never someone I want to see completely and utterly destroyed. If this game has a villain that perfectly embodies cold, calculating, ruthless evil, then I'll probably be happy. If it's another emo fag, I'll probably never play another FF game.

11-17-2005, 10:20 PM
Can you post them anyway <3

(in this picture she is thinking about Ndi)