11-11-2005, 04:01 PM
this about my favourite character:khimari
he has ALL enemy skills,has filled ALL the sphere grids (for all characters), has every weapon, 13,000 hp and was pretty kick ass..

(my other characters were shit btw)

i wanna know if anyone else has characters like mine....

11-11-2005, 04:47 PM
My Khimari wasn't all that, he was ok i supose. Auron and Tidus were my best two. Just set berserk on them, few turns and the fight was over.

btw. why is there 2 of these threads?

11-11-2005, 05:36 PM
i didn't have a very good person but i had a kickass team with tidus, auron and yuna
best team in the game

11-11-2005, 06:52 PM
I hate him, he is poop. My weakest character by far. Also he is poop..

11-11-2005, 08:50 PM
Yeah Khimari sucks, if ronso's are so strong how comes he has hardly any strength nodes on his sphere grid, which is the shortest by far. Also having blue magic as an overdrive is stupid.

11-11-2005, 09:20 PM

She was my strongest character. 75,000 hp and 9999 mp. She can kill monsters with one hit from her rod which does a 99,999 damage.

My other characters are fine, and mostly the same, including Kihmari but Yuna was my strongest.

11-11-2005, 09:40 PM
Kimahri is second to worst to Rikku but my top three are Auron, Wakka and Yuna and my Tidus aint that good and suprising as in all FF the main character is always the strongest but not in X

11-12-2005, 02:37 PM
With equal amounts of training and a bit of sense on the sphere grid, Kimahri can be more effective than Auron in the early parts of the game. He was far from useless when I played the game.

11-12-2005, 02:52 PM
He wasnt useless at the start of the game but as the game progressed he got further away from the main pack of people like Auron

11-12-2005, 03:13 PM
Not really. That only happens if you don't train him equally. The same could happen to any character.

11-12-2005, 03:22 PM
True but its only because he is naturally weaker than characters like Auron

11-12-2005, 03:25 PM
That is absolutely not true. When I played the game, Kimahri was consistently dealing similar damage to Auron all the way through. Combined with Kimahri's superior overdrives, I'd say that makes him the strongest character overall if you're smart with the grid.

11-12-2005, 03:44 PM
His overdrives are extremly poor if I remember all I used was Jump all the others didnt do me much good.
I think your going a bit far with him being the most strongest character unless your sole intention is to make him the strongest

11-12-2005, 03:47 PM
White Wind, Mighty Guard, Death Sentence, Stone Breath, Aqua Breath... He had some awesome overdrives. And anyway, I used Auron and Kimahri equally in battle, except for that time at Bevelle when Kimahri was unavailable. Despite the levels Auron picked up at that time, Kimahri still kept pace with him. Basically, I did nothing out of the ordinary to make Kimahri stronger.

I can't believe I'm arguing over a FF game...

11-12-2005, 03:52 PM
Well isnt what this place is all about, arguing about your opinions over the greatest game in the world

11-12-2005, 05:36 PM
tidus was my best and kimari wsan't that gud in my game

Swedish Fish
11-13-2005, 04:47 AM
My Kimhari was pretty good, but Yuna just kicked ass. Her Holy/Black Magic and Summons just dominated almost any fight.

11-13-2005, 01:29 PM
Very true and she also has the most stength on my game (seriously)

11-13-2005, 07:17 PM
that is just wierd and nice avatar, good old snake

11-13-2005, 08:50 PM
I aim to please

11-15-2005, 04:21 PM

She was my strongest character. 75,000 hp and 9999 mp. She can kill monsters with one hit from her rod which does a 99,999 damage.

My other characters are fine, and mostly the same, including Kihmari but Yuna was my strongest.

cough bullshit cough

Zell dincht X0
11-15-2005, 07:42 PM
kimahri is a poo head.... Always remember to: make sure you and your friend
don't have cuts in your mouths
before you share toothbrushes
....... you won't get HIV this way.

11-15-2005, 08:15 PM
i have full sphere grid with every character and khimari is by far the weakest, wakka is the strongest attacker by far

11-15-2005, 08:28 PM
i have full sphere grid with every character and khimari is by far the weakest, wakka is the strongest attacker by far

Me too, that's how i know he sucks, magic or strength. Even though Wakka is stronger i use Auron.

11-15-2005, 08:38 PM
wakkas last over drive pwns my favourite team is auron,wakka and yuna total pwnage, but i do use other combinations

11-15-2005, 08:52 PM
i have full sphere grid with every character and khimari is by far the weakest, wakka is the strongest attacker by far

That makes absolutely no sense. Kimahri's starting strength is second only to Auron's. Thus, if all characters have exactly the same stat gains after completing the grid, Kimahri should be right behind Auron in terms of power. Either you're bullshitting or you're leaving out an important detail.

11-15-2005, 08:54 PM
well i dont have his last weapon, but when i equip auron or wakka with one of there weaker weapons they still do more damage than him

11-15-2005, 09:03 PM
Then there's still something missing if Wakka is hitting harder. Try equipping them with items that give no stat boosts and you might just see a difference.

11-15-2005, 09:05 PM
i prob would but no thanks i like this beardy attacks :P

11-15-2005, 09:45 PM

11-15-2005, 09:45 PM
wakkas last over drive pwns my favourite team is auron,wakka and yuna total pwnage, but i do use other combinations

Thats my team as well
Yuna is my strongest