11-05-2005, 05:30 AM
So I watched the ending, but I haven't reallly played the game yet... I have gotten to damn near the end of the first disc, but I had to give it back to my buddy. I tried to have my friend explain the ending to me but he forgot what happened or why.
Why was rinoa's face all blurry in the ending sequence from time to time? From what I can gather from researching the net and so forth, it just says that it was due to squall's memory loss? Why is he losing his memory?

And then she holds up her finger alot... what is this whole business about? Is she trying to show off her ring or something? I didn't get it...

And did she get squall's ring at some point in the game, I could'nt find that section anywhere.. did this happen? I seem to breifly remember rinoa getting squalls ring.

Don't worry I don't mind having the storyline spoiled, most of it has already been told to me or I just read it so no worries. Thanks for any hel you give

11-05-2005, 09:50 AM
So I watched the ending, but I haven't reallly played the game yet... I have gotten to damn near the end of the first disc, but I had to give it back to my buddy. I tried to have my friend explain the ending to me but he forgot what happened or why.
Why was rinoa's face all blurry in the ending sequence from time to time? From what I can gather from researching the net and so forth, it just says that it was due to squall's memory loss? Why is he losing his memory?

Cause amensia.

And then she holds up her finger alot... what is this whole business about? Is she trying to show off her ring or something? I didn't get it...

She has a paralysed finger. She can't help it.

And did she get squall's ring at some point in the game, I could'nt find that section anywhere.. did this happen? I seem to breifly remember rinoa getting squalls ring.

Yeah, Squall gave Rinoa his ring. It was a very emotional moment.

Thanks for any hel you give

hahah awesome. "Hel"

11-05-2005, 01:33 PM
At the end Rinoas face goes all blury because Rinoa is Ultemecia but in the future thats why it goes blury cuse he is seeing the resemblance between the two of them.
I think she is holding her finger up because the first time you see her after the Dollet mission she holds her finger up to a shooting star so at the end she just does it again.
Yer Squall did give her the ring but its not a great big deal, well it sort of is.
Hope it helped

11-05-2005, 09:07 PM
Why was rinoa's face all blurry in the ending sequence from time to time? From what I can gather from researching the net and so forth, it just says that it was due to squall's memory loss? Why is he losing his memory?
It's not because of Squall's memory loss. It's because of Time Compression. Time(past, present and future) was all getting mixed up.

And then she holds up her finger alot... what is this whole business about? Is she trying to show off her ring or something? I didn't get it...
If you'll notice in the game, everytime she holds up her finger, there was a falling star/meteor on the scene. That's why she was holding up her finger. She was showing Squall the falling meteor.

And did she get squall's ring at some point in the game, I could'nt find that section anywhere.. did this happen? I seem to breifly remember rinoa getting squalls ring.
She got Squall's ring when Zell gave it to her. Remember, in the game, Rinoa asked Zell where Squiall got his ring. Zell said he doesn't know but he's good at making them. Zell said that he would make Rinoa a ring just like Squall's but he doesn't know what is it like so Zell borrowed Squall's ring. Now, Zell said that making Rinoa's ring would take some time, so Rinoa asked for Squall's ring and she would give it back to Zell when he finishes making her ring.

Don't worry I don't mind having the storyline spoiled, most of it has already been told to me or I just read it so no worries. Thanks for any hel you give

Rinoa is Ultemecia
Not to start and argument or so, but I don't believe that Rinoa is Ultimecia. They're just both sorceresses. That's their similarities. (And they're both women. =) )

11-05-2005, 09:12 PM
Ok I have also heard another theory that Lagunas long lost love (the piano lady) is Ultemecia because of a picture in her castle called red dress. If you remember correctly the piano lady wore a red dress. I dont know if it is true or not but it is what I have been told

11-05-2005, 10:21 PM
true... there was a meteor in most of the places from what I have seen so far, but she held up her finger in the ending movie when they were in the dance hall. You could most definetly see her face being blurred out there too? Was time compression going on at that point in time as well. And why would she hold her finger up.. there wasn't a meteor?

11-05-2005, 10:30 PM
I dont think it was time compression I believe it was a blur because it was mixed between Rinoas face and Ultemecias face because they are the same person. She is holding her finger up to remind them of the first time they meet.

11-05-2005, 10:45 PM
recommendation: get the game, play the game, see for yourself.

11-05-2005, 10:48 PM
Ok I have also heard another theory that Lagunas long lost love (the piano lady) is Ultemecia because of a picture in her castle called red dress. If you remember correctly the piano lady wore a red dress. I dont know if it is true or not but it is what I have been told

true... there was a meteor in most of the places from what I have seen so far, but she held up her finger in the ending movie when they were in the dance hall. You could most definetly see her face being blurred out there too? Was time compression going on at that point in time as well. And why would she hold her finger up.. there wasn't a meteor?
It was just Time Compression going at that point. It was just sort of, rewinding things in time with Rinoa in it.

I dont think it was time compression I believe it was a blur because it was mixed between Rinoas face and Ultemecias face because they are the same person. She is holding her finger up to remind them of the first time they meet.
No. It was probably because they are both sorceresses.

11-05-2005, 10:57 PM
Ive beat the game but its just what ive heard

11-06-2005, 01:30 AM
I don't think ..::RObSKi::.. was talking to you, but rather to the original thread creator.

11-06-2005, 02:16 AM
Yeah my last message to stealthdude.

11-06-2005, 11:16 AM
Sorry bout that

11-08-2005, 01:08 AM
Let me simply state that whether or not the Rinoa=Ultimecia theory is disproven, there is certainly not enough evidence to use it as your explanation for the ending.

Personally, I believe that all the weird crap in the end was Squall trying to find himself in the time-compressed world. If you remember, Laguna said "technically, we can't exist in a time-compressed world." Only by keeping their own identities in mind could Squall and the rest of the characters remain intact in the time compressed world. Eventually, Squall found his way back to the real world because he remembered his friends. At least, that's what I think.

11-08-2005, 07:39 AM
All that shit at the end was just the effects of time compression where Squall had to think of a happy place to be or some bull like that- that's easily explainable but the whole Rinoa is Ulimecia thing........ well i personally think its untrue and way unreliable to base an argument on- I would like to believe that Ultimecia got half of Hyne's powers.... and the other half..... if a remember correctly..... that was hidden away.

11-08-2005, 06:20 PM
All that shit at the end was just the effects of time compression where Squall had to think of a happy place to be or some bull like that- that's easily explainable but the whole Rinoa is Ulimecia thing........ well i personally think its untrue and way unreliable to base an argument on- I would like to believe that Ultimecia got half of Hyne's powers.... and the other half..... if a remember correctly..... that was hidden away.

tru tru

Gentleman Ghost
11-09-2005, 10:40 AM
Why was rinoa's face all blurry in the ending sequence from time to time?

This sequence was freaking me out.
I was all alone at night in my scary house with the lights off..
I practically crapped my ass off!

11-09-2005, 05:13 PM
You crapped your pants at that, Fuck me you fool

11-09-2005, 09:25 PM
Watch it, Rude666.

11-09-2005, 11:55 PM
You crapped your pants at that, Fuck me you fool

Furthermore, why did you capitalize a word in the middle of the sentence?

11-10-2005, 02:04 AM
You crapped your pants at that, Fuck me you fool

I am getting pissed off with your attitude.

11-10-2005, 02:10 AM
Rude666, if you don't have something to say that will contribute to the thread, then DON'T post in the thread. Ok that is all.

Also guys, I suggest we get back to topic. :)

11-10-2005, 09:00 AM
Alright calm down, OK maybe I shouldnt have said a big bad word but its not like these people aint used to it like at school.
FF1WithAllThieves, I used a capital letter cuse the word is very very important to me
NKWP, I dont really care to be honest what you think as you are a.....hmmmmmm what could I use not **** and ****** bumberclut
Yui, I already made a point in the thread and the post that got everyone worked up was just one statment saying why would he crap himself
Thank You for listening (Bows)

11-10-2005, 09:47 AM
FF1WithAllThieves, I used a capital letter cuse the word is very very important to me

No you used it because you fucked up, do not make stupid excuses like that. You have shown me on many occasions how bad your sentence structure is.

NKWP, I dont really care to be honest what you think as you are a.....hmmmmmm what could I use not **** and ****** bumberclut

I do not care, I have proved you wrong once and on that basis you think I am a -whatever you think I am-? That is pretty stupid justification.
And on that note, it is not "NKWP" it is nkwp. Get it right.

11-10-2005, 07:03 PM
Look you have not proved me wrong at all there is nothing wrong with my literature and adding a capital to swear words make it look better.
And I have a bone to pick with you why does your name not have a Capital at the start, HIPPY KY AA MUDDER FUKKER

11-10-2005, 11:09 PM
Jus' chill.

11-10-2005, 11:12 PM
Take it to PM.

11-10-2005, 11:30 PM
Forgive me.

11-10-2005, 11:31 PM
No, not you, I was talking to those who were going on with the arguing.

11-10-2005, 11:56 PM
Hah, yeah I tought it was a bit harsh but I wasn't going to argue with you Agent. :]

back to topic i guess: I thought the ending scene was pretty cool, I managed to compose myself and not crap my pants (but i sympothise with you Tryphloznix)

11-11-2005, 11:24 AM
From beating it a kagillion times, I don't think Rinoa is Ultimecia (I have my own theory, but that's not for this thread). I pay more attention to what Ultimecia is saying as you deliver the last few blows. The FMV is really confusing, but I agree that is has to do with the Time Compression. Also, one reason they look alike is cause they have the same artist doing the character design.

Just my take.

11-11-2005, 09:51 PM
I doubt thats the reason
So why would it go all wierd if it just the artists doing

11-11-2005, 10:28 PM
I doubt thats the reason
So why would it go all wierd if it just the artists doing

I believe that it was in reference to a common reason accepted for the theory of Rinoa=Ultimecia, that they look similar.

11-11-2005, 11:35 PM
I dont think the character designer intentionally made the resemblance but it could be true that it was down that person.

11-14-2005, 02:22 AM
I dont think the character designer intentionally made the resemblance but it could be true that it was down that person.

I agree, but the point about it is that the characters DO look similar, whether it was intentional or not, and so it doesn't really mean anything that Rinoa and Ultimecia look similar, because, well, so does Ellone, and Raine, and every character in the game, and you certainly can't say that every character in the game turns into Ultimecia in the end because they just aren't the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

11-14-2005, 10:27 AM
True, and maybe its a good thing as it leaves people talking and arguing about who was who n' all.

11-14-2005, 06:04 PM
Yer but then no one will ever know what the true answer is.
It could be completly different for all we know