11-04-2005, 04:36 AM
Hey there,
I am writing a research paper about how video games encourage creativity. I was wondering if I could ask a question.

Why do you create fan art? What inspires you to create final fantasy fan art, specifically Final Fantasy? How has it inspired you? (ok so that's more then 1 question)

Of course I won�t use any of your opinions without your consent. Even if you do I will give you full credit.

Thank you for your time =)
~ Julia

Mods feel free to delete this if it�s not appropriate =)

The Advent Child
11-15-2005, 09:40 AM
I Create fan art because you can take your favorate char. and put him in any situation you please. Also, when you draw your favorate char. you tend have more of a connection with that char. and it makes you like him/her even more. What inspired me to create Final Fantasy art is the fact that i LOVED all of the FF's and i just was like well ive played all of the games why not draw them too. Once you get into it, it never stops. The creativity keeps flowing. After i drew my first fan art picture it got me hooked. Each piece inspired me to do better on my next. Basically when you draw fan are it pushes you to out do yourself.

Sir Dyne
11-20-2005, 09:41 PM
personally drawing really dosn't interest me (that besides the point but..............)

08-03-2006, 07:33 AM
mostly to either put him/her in a battle scene, satire, or just to put him/her in a pose.

08-03-2006, 08:20 AM
Well when i really like a character i want other people to see how i picture them so i draw them.

08-03-2006, 09:26 AM
Fan art, eh? Maybe you should write your essay on how videogames stifle creativity. Eh? Eh?

The Lost One
08-03-2006, 04:41 PM
Lemme try to explain:
Most (not all) people play games like Final Fantasy to have a small excape from the real world, full of trouble. Besides that, almost everyone has characters he/she can identify with. When not playing the game, many people still try to have some relation with that world. Thus, people often start drawing things from the game, just to get the ''fantasy world'' feeling back. Just a small fragment of what I mean to say but I hope peeps understand.