Rabid Monkey
02-21-2002, 03:34 AM
Ok...I can see how this is gonna end before I even start it but I'm gonna do it anyway.

Do you prefer the newer (FF7-10 and Tactics) or the older (FF1-6 and The Mystic Quest IF you count it as an FF)?

No, the Gameboy ones are not included because they are not really Final Fantasies...just released under that name to sell more copies...kind of like a certain game that goes by the initials of CC that shall remain nameless.

Anyway, I for one love the older FF's. They were harder and had much better story lines in my opinion. Also, they actually had some form of character development *cough*FF8*cough* and decent endings *cough*FF7*cough*. The only reason I think people pick the newer ones over the older FF's is because they started with a playstation one and got hooked on the graphics, then when they played one of the older ones couldn't get past the lesser graphics to see that it had a much better story line than the later games.

Anyway, enough from me...gonna turn it over to you guys now to either add to what I said or rip it to shreds...

Bahamut ZERO
02-21-2002, 11:46 AM
I haven't had the opportunity to play the older FFs. (They never saw the light of day here in Europe.) My first Final Fantasy game was Final Fantasy VII, and I played VII, VIII and IX to completion. Haven't played Tactics because, to the best of my knowledge, it wasn't released here either, and Final Fantasy X also is in the process of being released. I cannot make a fair judgement until I've played the older games. So until then, by default, the newer games are the better ones.

02-21-2002, 12:00 PM
Well, this is my choice:


Older:Only FFVI

02-21-2002, 04:05 PM
Older FF's for me cause the are the best period.
who needs graphics?

02-21-2002, 09:29 PM
I loove the newer FF's but i'll have to say the older ones ment more to me. They were all such classics, and when I go back to play them after many years I always fell good inside.

02-22-2002, 12:49 AM
As much as I like the old games, the newer ones are better. FFVI is still the best game to me, but let's admit it, the time has changed. FFVI may still be my favorite game now, but what about 5 years from now? Maybe square would release a game with the story of FFVI and graphics of FFX. Besides, FFVI is about the only older FF's that stand a chance against the newer games. Graphics may not be the most important, but they do make the game more enjoyable. Personally, I find it hard to go back to the 2d sprites after playing all the newer FF's.

Divine Strike
02-22-2002, 01:30 AM
the only old ff that i have played is FFIV and i didn't think that was such a great game other than the dragoon Kain...and Rydia

So i like the newer FF's much better.

02-22-2002, 06:31 AM
I like the newer ones cos they have better graphics,I have played most of them,I like them more and understand them better.:)

02-23-2002, 12:23 PM
older. ive completed them all apart from FF2j and the gameplay is often a lot better. FF5 and 6 are far better than FF8 and 9, if they had been on the PSX or PS2 theyd have been better than FF7.

02-23-2002, 12:53 PM
Well.. seeing as FFVII is my favourite FF, I'd say the newer FFs.
But then again, I thought FVIII really sucked, and haven't played FFIX and FFX (not planning on playing that last one either o_O)

I have played some of the older FFs though, and I really liked them :D So.. I'm gonna go for something in-between. FFIV - FFVII, those were the best in my opinion ^_^;;;