11-03-2005, 03:12 AM
What about ff9 just really annoys you?

I don't mean this in a way that says "Hey, I don't like ff9 because:" Nine is actually one of my favorites. Still, there are some things that drive me crazy.

For example:
You can never use Blank again after that first time.
You can't use Beatrix ever again.
Aloha t-shirt and related items have no noticable use.
Save The Queen is completely useless.
Zidane SUCKS at stealing things and it's really annoying having to wait 1000 turns to kill something because you really want to steal that last item from them.

Seriously though, I want to see more of 9. OK here we go... Final Fantasy IX-2
Why not? Those guys from Enix will go for anything. Hopefully the newer releases will include references from IX. I want to see less of 7.

Buster Sword
11-03-2005, 03:18 AM
i'm gonna warn u buddy, u just dug your own grave and tied your own noose.
there's gonna be swarm of #7 fans coming in here and callin you down, man. As they say in the lion king,"BE PREPARED."
For example, me, my name IS BUSTER SWORD.
The only FF games i've played is 7 and 10. they were bothe awesome. if you're looking for problems in 9, you'll get em'. from people who love FFVII and don't like as much FFIX.
So, yeah, Is it Squall or whatever in #9? Well even if he does make it to the big screen nothing will ever replace the Cloud and his obvious superiority.
Best of Noobness,
Me....the guy who just wrote this....

that's it

11-03-2005, 03:27 AM
What's a 7 fan doing here anyways? You don't know what you're talking about and I would appreciate it if you don't post here again you pathetic waste. 7 and 10 aren't the only ones out there. Squall was from 8. Cloud was made of crappy polygons. Go play 9 and then maybe you will learn. Pathetic.

11-03-2005, 03:32 AM
i'm gonna warn u buddy, u just dug your own grave and tied your own noose.
there's gonna be swarm of #7 fans coming in here and callin you down, man. As they say in the lion king,"BE PREPARED."
For example, me, my name IS BUSTER SWORD.
The only FF games i've played is 7 and 10. they were bothe awesome. if you're looking for problems in 9, you'll get em'. from people who love FFVII and don't like as much FFIX.
So, yeah, Is it Squall or whatever in #9? Well even if he does make it to the big screen nothing will ever replace the Cloud and his obvious superiority.
Best of Noobness,
Me....the guy who just wrote this....

Shut up. FFVII fanboys may be twats, but most of them know better than to do what you're suggesting. The only one stupid enough to post about it, in fact, is probably yourself.

On topic, I was quite annoyed by some of the truly awful camera perspectives in the game.

11-03-2005, 03:35 AM
Oh yes, especially on the world map it was very difficult.

11-03-2005, 05:52 AM
Okay, let's work this out:

You can never use Blank again after that first time.
You can't use Beatrix ever again.
You can use Beatrix twice. And you can't have everything. Necessary because of the storyline. Besides, you can use editors to hack them both in.

Aloha t-shirt and related items have no noticable use.
I think the idea is you equip them and it's like fighting with no defense, if you want a challenge.

Save The Queen is completely useless.
Unless you hack Beatrix into the party...

Zidane SUCKS at stealing things and it's really annoying having to wait 1000 turns to kill something because you really want to steal that last item from them.
Boost Zidane's steal by leveling him up and using his helpful abilities. Otherwise, suck it up. It doesn't take a thousand times and besides, all Final Fantasies have stuff like this you have to go through --- sometimes its a lot worse.

11-03-2005, 05:56 AM
So are you going to say that NOTHING in 9 annoyed you?

11-03-2005, 05:57 AM
Yeah, Trance --- there were a few things about it that were suckage.

11-03-2005, 05:58 AM
I hated the fact that I always seemed to go into trance right before a boss battle. There were obviously some issues there.

11-03-2005, 11:04 AM
i'm gonna warn u buddy, u just dug your own grave and tied your own noose.
there's gonna be swarm of #7 fans coming in here and callin you down, man. As they say in the lion king,"BE PREPARED."

WHAT!? Why would they call him down!? I think you tied your own noose by saying that shit in an FFIX forum.

For example, me, my name IS BUSTER SWORD.
The only FF games i've played is 7 and 10. they were bothe awesome. if you're looking for problems in 9, you'll get em'. from people who love FFVII and don't like as much FFIX.
So, yeah, Is it Squall or whatever in #9? Well even if he does make it to the big screen nothing will ever replace the Cloud and his obvious superiority.
Best of Noobness,
Me....the guy who just wrote this.....

Well if they are the only FF games you have played I suggest you go to those forums instead of pissing people off here.

Let me just state that I loved FFIX before I say the following:
The most annoying thing were moogles. ;)

11-03-2005, 01:08 PM
I was terribly annoyed by the ragtime Mouse, I have better to do than answer silly questions...

11-03-2005, 05:45 PM
lol, Prak I thought you told me that you never start on newbies.
Anyways the thing I hated most about the game was probably the card game I thought to myself this is no where near as sexy as VIII's card game

11-03-2005, 11:06 PM
You misinterpreted. I said that I have nothing against noobs, per se, but can't stand stupid people. Most stupid people around here just happen to be noobs.

11-03-2005, 11:08 PM
I hated the fact that I always seemed to go into trance right before a boss battle.
Yeah, the trance system has to be my least fav part of IX, as is the synthesis stuff.
Whenever i reached a new synth shop, i always found i had already used stuff i needed to synth other weapons, really bugged me. when i played it on my second and third time round i was walkin round with about 50 of each weapon and armour so i was sure never to run out, (if i used them carefully).

11-04-2005, 12:31 AM
Hah, yeah. I don't think I sold a single thing. I've beaten 9 far too many times >_< The last time I beat it I made sure I did about everything with the exception of getting the excaliber 2. This most recent time though, I decided to just go ahead and beat it as soon as I got to the end, as opposed to going back and beating ozma. Doing all the chocobo stuff as early as possible put me in really good shape for the rest of the game.

11-04-2005, 05:01 PM
Although this is a an annoyong/depressing thread I just have to say the Chocobo Quests have to be one of or maybe my favourite thing about FFIX

Tidus 66
11-04-2005, 05:13 PM
Like was stated before: Trance, because when i was getting ready to use it some stupid Grand Dragin appears and triggers all party's Trance....

The Card Game was slightly inferior to VIII

Most Boss Battles were 5 to 10 minutes time.... It's not depressive or anoying it's just something i don't like because i like long battles

Scarlet Rogue
11-04-2005, 07:02 PM
I find Zidanes disgraceful stealing skills incredably infuriating. Quina also annoys me.

11-04-2005, 08:22 PM
most def

11-04-2005, 08:25 PM
most def.....cheers for that whatever it means

11-04-2005, 09:43 PM
most def.....cheers for that whatever it means

def stands for

11-04-2005, 09:49 PM
I realised that after I posted but then it was too late and I was bored and wanted to post something

11-05-2005, 02:41 AM
I have comleted all except 2 and 3, and 9 wow boy, I despise that one and 7 and 2,

Too cartoony Knight-Stiener
You never kept Beatrix-wish stiener left
Why when viv and dumbass are on the team it creates V's sorcerer
Kuja and Zidane look like Micheal Jackson- so does seymor, I hate him too
Theives do not make good leads
weak summons
Mice People?
Its just a true ending to 1, if you follow the Sarah, crystals and garland story-1 had a time loop, if you didnt know
pathetic characters

Its just a true ending to 1-its good and bad
learning passes time

I think its got to many cons, but my friend loves it, in my eyes, LHOOSE HER

11-05-2005, 05:04 AM
I agree that steiner was a really crappy character. Of course he was one of the best in battle, but his actual character and appearence were just pathetic.

11-05-2005, 11:27 AM
I wasn't annoyed by anything in Final Fantasy IX, It was the most enjoyable game for me and I liked everything about it, Making me complete it 12 times..

Although the idea of a sequel sounds a brilliant idea, I'm worried that if there was one they would change it completly, and even ruin the experience of the first game for me, it's very difficult for companys to create sequels for that exact reason.

11-05-2005, 01:33 PM
i love ff ix and i dont have any proplems. I love all the characters (even Quina)
I was always lucky with trance and zidane trances during bosses fights:P

Things that annoyed me are:

I lost the chance to get firaga,thudaga,blizzaga and i had to play the game again:)

In Disc 4 most of the places were blocked and i couldnt visit them.

11-05-2005, 01:43 PM
I didnt mind Steiner the character, I thought he was quite good actually in every way.
And I forgot to mention that in every other FF ive played Summons have always been very powerful but in IX there completly useless

measter yazoo
11-05-2005, 05:45 PM
Okay, let's work this out:

You can use Beatrix twice. And you can't have everything. Necessary because of the storyline. Besides, you can use editors to hack them both in.

I think the idea is you equip them and it's like fighting with no defense, if you want a challenge.

Unless you hack Beatrix into the party...

Boost Zidane's steal by leveling him up and using his helpful abilities. Otherwise, suck it up. It doesn't take a thousand times and besides, all Final Fantasies have stuff like this you have to go through --- sometimes its a lot worse.

I agree in VII i found it far harder to steal things than in nine. There is probably another reason that you can get the 'save the queen' like you can get a secret ending with the hammer. Because if you use it to get the tin armor you get a different ending than if you keep the hammer and eikos last summon was doing 9999 with me and she was level 60 I really hate Quina the fat mess kept dying on me and she is the same level as everyone else

11-05-2005, 05:53 PM
i really hated the fact that at level 70 something with garnet having ark and full animation I STILL wasn't doing 9999 and I had to watch that annoying 8 minute summon so I could NOT do 9999. Meanwhile I had steiner doing 9999 per hit, and vivi doing 9999 to all enemies while healing my party (doomsday<3) and then there was Garnet and Zidane. Bah.

11-05-2005, 05:54 PM
Dagger sucks at combat, so does Ark. Vote Eiko!

11-05-2005, 05:57 PM
Eiko, I hate Eiko shes a stupid little brat whos head is bigger than her body, but I agree with Ark

11-05-2005, 06:00 PM
i really do love turn based battle system though, i'm going to be sad if they only do active from now on. Isn't 12 supposed to be active? Y'know, like that new star ocean. That was a really fun game... but still...

measter yazoo
11-05-2005, 06:23 PM
i really hated the fact that at level 70 something with garnet having ark and full animation I STILL wasn't doing 9999 and I had to watch that annoying 8 minute summon so I could NOT do 9999. Meanwhile I had steiner doing 9999 per hit, and vivi doing 9999 to all enemies while healing my party (doomsday<3) and then there was Garnet and Zidane. Bah.

To get it around 9999 put on boost but Eiko is just better her final summon and holy done 9999 without boost. the only handy thing with ark is if you had auto-regen on so you would be nearly fully healed withouy being attacked. So eiko is far superior. But i dont like using Zidane in battle

11-08-2005, 11:52 PM
one word : Ozma

11-12-2005, 02:49 PM
Like mentioned earlier, the card game. Was a few years ago I played the game, but I still remeber how frustrating it was never to be sure on whether I'd take a card or not :[

11-12-2005, 02:56 PM
The card game just never made sense although I still got most of the cards

11-12-2005, 08:02 PM
Final Fantasy 9...After four years of owning it, I completed it a few months ago. There was nothing to complain about, apart from Kuja. What was that change of heart about? I liked him better as an evil, scheming, girly-faced, skirt-wearing idiot. I also have a personal vendetta against Eiko. How does she carry that big head/ego around? And for living with the moogles...Ugh!

11-12-2005, 08:02 PM
Apart from that, it was a great game.

11-12-2005, 10:46 PM
Yer it was a great game but still my least favourite FF

11-13-2005, 04:13 AM
rikkalesca --- you can edit your previous post if you have something to add.

Card game --- pretty pointless, but still kinda fun.

Sephiroth's son
11-13-2005, 05:42 AM
Originally Posted by SaveTheYourself
and vivi doing 9999 to all enemies while healing my party (doomsday<3)

how did u get that, healing with doomsday

11-13-2005, 07:07 AM
You can equip armor / accessories that absorb Shadow damage --- that does the trick.

Sephiroth's son
11-13-2005, 07:55 AM
ahhh yes

11-13-2005, 01:38 PM
Doomsday was sposed to be great and all but I couldnt be bothered to equip accessories that absorb it so I dont use Doomsday but Vivi is still one of my best characters to have in battle

11-13-2005, 11:06 PM
Okay, let's work this out:

You can use Beatrix twice. And you can't have everything. Necessary because of the storyline. Besides, you can use editors to hack them both in.

I think the idea is you equip them and it's like fighting with no defense, if you want a challenge.

Unless you hack Beatrix into the party...

Boost Zidane's steal by leveling him up and using his helpful abilities. Otherwise, suck it up. It doesn't take a thousand times and besides, all Final Fantasies have stuff like this you have to go through --- sometimes its a lot worse.

Dude, you gotta stop being so confrontational.
Let people have their opinion.
You ruin perfectly good threads.

Anyway, the most depressing part of ff9 was how Vivis grandpa died. Also when all the mages were killed (that part was cool though cause Vivi got all pissed ands heroic).

When you stand at the edge of the cliff at vivis grandpas house it says that there is a white object layoing floating in the water. Its probly gramps. And if you go to that part of the water on the world map it shows bubbles. Is this jusy sumthing interesting or can you do sumthing about that. Just wondering.

Whoever knocks the card system is retarded. That game was SOOOOOOO fun!
The first time you can be Vivi I played with the cards I found for HOURS! I loved beating the nobles for their good cards!

11-14-2005, 01:10 AM
Dude, you gotta stop being so confrontational.Let people have their opinion.You ruin perfectly good threads.
You think I'm confrontational? You just wait until you've been on the Shrine a bit longer and see some of the people around here who are really confrontational. Confrontational? Ha! Boy are you in for a rude awakening. I think that post was mildly confrontational at best.

Whoever knocks the card system is retarded.
Oh, calling people "retarded." Yes, really witty and not at all confrontational.

11-14-2005, 01:30 AM
You think I'm confrontational? You just wait until you've been on the Shrine a bit longer and see some of the people around here who are really confrontational. Confrontational? Ha! Boy are you in for a rude awakening. I think that post was mildly confrontational at best.

Oh, calling people "retarded." Yes, really witty and not at all confrontational.

I was pointing out a fact. There is no way someone in their right mind would not enjoy that card game. Its way too addicting. They obviously just wanted to disagree with sum1 and keep the thread going.

But, you took what someone said they disliked about the game and had to prove every one of their points wrong.


11-14-2005, 04:20 AM
What the? What kind of opinion is it that nobody wouldn't like that card game. Let's see --- it has no point, it's pretty-much impossible to figure out, you receive no rewards for it (except for the one exception of a Rebirth Ring in the tournament) --- just what kind of crack is it you're on and where can I get some? To quote Zidane, "Man, you're really going off! Hello?!"

Oh, and if you had actually read my post thoroughly, which I'm betting that you didn't, you would have learned that despite all that, I actually like the card game.

11-14-2005, 04:34 AM
Wow, this thread was a complete failure. The idea was to sort out your negative thoughts about the game but in an enjoyable manner. I generally feel better when I talk about something that is crappy because it allows me to move past that thing. Obviously all it did here was allow negativity to cause more negativity, as opposed to canceling itself out and leaving room for positivity.

11-14-2005, 04:44 AM
Sorry, SaveTheYourself, you're right. That Alelluia_LOCKandLOAD just really gets under my skin. I think I'm through allowing him to though.

Nothing else from me to see here, folks...

11-14-2005, 05:43 AM
Nah agent, you're cool with me. It's just the nature of people ya know?

11-14-2005, 04:44 PM
What the? What kind of opinion is it that nobody wouldn't like that card game. Let's see --- it has no point, it's pretty-much impossible to figure out, you receive no rewards for it (except for the one exception of a Rebirth Ring in the tournament) --- just what kind of crack is it you're on and where can I get some? To quote Zidane, "Man, you're really going off! Hello?!"

Oh, and if you had actually read my post thoroughly, which I'm betting that you didn't, you would have learned that despite all that, I actually like the card game.

Yes, I agree the card game is useless.
It's an extra fun thing to do. There is nothing to dislike about it.
Just a little quirk Square added.

And, I never said you dislike it. I know you like it.
I read every post on this message board very thoroughly to make sure I didn't repeat what was already said.

Crack is bad for you.

11-14-2005, 04:48 PM
Wow, this thread was a complete failure. The idea was to sort out your negative thoughts about the game but in an enjoyable manner. I generally feel better when I talk about something that is crappy because it allows me to move past that thing. Obviously all it did here was allow negativity to cause more negativity, as opposed to canceling itself out and leaving room for positivity.

Thank you for proving my point.

I pointed out how he was trying to prove peoples opinions wrong, and I find that confrontational. He went out of his way to prove EVERYTHING one person put in their post wrong.

I apologize for hurting the productivity of the thread, I just want people to be able to voice their opinion.

11-14-2005, 04:53 PM
The most depressing part of ff9 was how Vivis grandpa died. Also when all the mages were killed (that part was cool though cause Vivi got all pissed and heroic).

When you stand at the edge of the cliff at Vivis grandpas house it says that there is a white object laying floating in the water. Its probly gramps. And if you go to that part of the water on the world map it shows bubbles. Is this just sumthing interesting or can you do sumthing about that. Just wondering.

This was an earlier post of mine I would like to bring back. It may have been overlooked on account of the slight "disagreement" between me and Agent0042. Does someone wanna answer that I'm just curious.
*I fixed the few spelling errors I had for easier understanding.

11-14-2005, 05:07 PM
yeah the camera angles in kudjas palace where a bitch

11-14-2005, 05:44 PM
Im bigging up Alelluia LOCKandLOAD, as Agent is a Nobhead

11-14-2005, 05:46 PM
Im bigging up Alelluia LOCKandLOAD, as Agent is a Nobhead

Thank you...
One person who decides to side with me....

P.s. If there are others out there who would like to TELL ME they agree please do so.

11-14-2005, 05:58 PM
No Problem

11-14-2005, 06:03 PM
No Problem

What are YOUR thoughts on Vivi's origin?

11-14-2005, 06:11 PM
MY thoughts are what are said in the game.
There was an Airship that flew over with a shit load of black mages and Vivi fell off in the sea below his Granpas home.
He fished him out and raised him up to eat him but he grow so fond of him he didnt eat him and Vivi ascaped and went to Alexandria where are story begins

Tidus 66
11-14-2005, 06:14 PM
Vivi was a Black Mage Prototype, he would last longer than the other Black Mages, he finally died in the end of the game

11-14-2005, 06:16 PM
MY thoughts are what are said in the game.
There was an Airship that flew over with a shit load of black mages and Vivi fell off in the sea below his Granpas home.
He fished him out and raised him up to eat him but he grow so fond of him he didnt eat him and Vivi ascaped and went to Alexandria where are story begins

How long would you say Vivi was with his "grandpa" or rather how old would you say he is?

11-14-2005, 06:19 PM
I dont remember but it says the answer (pretty sure) in his cave.
If you dont know where the cave is its right near Treno.
But as a guess Id say he was there for about 1 year

11-14-2005, 06:19 PM
Vivi was a Black Mage Prototype, he would last longer than the other Black Mages, he finally died in the end of the game

I don't believe that Vivi died.

11-14-2005, 06:21 PM
I dont remember but it says the answer (pretty sure) in his cave.
If you dont know where the cave is its right near Treno.
But as a guess Id say he was there for about 1 year

Yeah, I know where the cave is.

Did you notice ...... you know what just read what i posted a little while ago it takes a while to explain. It is about his grandpa.

11-14-2005, 06:32 PM
What are you on about?

11-14-2005, 06:36 PM
What are you on about?

I mentioned how it was depressing that Vivi's grandpa died and that got me questioning the way Zidane says "There is something white floating in the water? looks like foam" when you look over the ledge at Grandpas house (he says sumthing like that). When you go to that point on the world map there are bubbles in the water. Just curious if that has anything to do with a secret in the game or not.

11-14-2005, 06:42 PM
Yer if you use the dead pepper while standing at the edge (it will give you a little exclamation mark for it) you can get some special items or you might have to have the Chocobo with you or something like that

11-14-2005, 06:43 PM
Yer if you use the dead pepper while standing at the edge (it will give you a little exclamation mark for it) you can get some special items or you might have to have the Chocobo with you or something like that

Where do you get the DEAD PEPPER?

11-14-2005, 06:46 PM
Do the Chocobo Quest (its actually really good and my favourite thing IX) it may take a while but you will soon get the Dead Pepper

11-14-2005, 06:47 PM
Do the Chocobo Quest (its actually really good and my favourite thing IX) it may take a while but you will soon get the Dead Pepper
ok cool

11-14-2005, 07:12 PM
Alelluia_LOCKandLOADm, please can you stop double posting! There's an edit button at the bottom of your post if you want to add more to it.


11-14-2005, 07:15 PM
Alelluia_LOCKandLOADm, please can you stop double posting! There's an edit button at the bottom of your post if you want to add more to it.


I only double post when the two things I talk about have nuthing to do with each other! Why is it a big deal! However, I do apologize for any problems this may cause.

11-14-2005, 07:16 PM
OK now go back to your Pancreas

11-14-2005, 07:17 PM
OK now go back to your Pancreas

What do you mean by that?

11-14-2005, 07:19 PM
If you look at Vyvyan's location

11-14-2005, 07:20 PM
If you look at Vyvyan's location

Oh, haha!

11-14-2005, 11:44 PM
I only double post when the two things I talk about have nuthing to do with each other! Why is it a big deal! However, I do apologize for any problems this may cause.
But it's not allowed, nor is it considered good practice on well, any forum on the Internet. If you have something you need to add to a previous post, you should use the Edit button. If you have more than one thing you wanna say, you can and should say it all in the same post.

11-15-2005, 04:02 AM
But it's not allowed, nor is it considered good practice on well, any forum on the Internet. If you have something you need to add to a previous post, you should use the Edit button. If you have more than one thing you wanna say, you can and should say it all in the same post.


Also, what mentally challenge moron decided it wasn't allowed? Why the hell not?

11-15-2005, 04:23 AM
Well whatever moron it was, has authority over you. That is a lesson you need to learn.

11-15-2005, 06:58 PM
i'm gonna warn u buddy, u just dug your own grave and tied your own noose.
there's gonna be swarm of #7 fans coming in here and callin you down, man. As they say in the lion king,"BE PREPARED."
For example, me, my name IS BUSTER SWORD.
The only FF games i've played is 7 and 10. they were bothe awesome. if you're looking for problems in 9, you'll get em'. from people who love FFVII and don't like as much FFIX.
So, yeah, Is it Squall or whatever in #9? Well even if he does make it to the big screen nothing will ever replace the Cloud and his obvious superiority.
Best of Noobness,
Me....the guy who just wrote this....
that's it

To take something from Billy Madison "We all are dumber from having to (read) that". You are such an idiot, that kind of closed mindedness is how the term "fanboy" started.

So, yeah, Is it Squall or whatever in #9?...Jesus Christ:smrt:

11-15-2005, 08:30 PM

Also, what mentally challenge moron decided it wasn't allowed? Why the hell not?

How stupid can you possibly be? Did you ever consider that there just might be a reason you're not comprehending? How about the extra bandwidth consumed by making consecutive posts? Bandwidth that you don't pay for. Or the fact that it just gets downright annoying to see the same person ranting the same bullshit all the way down a page?

It isn't allowed. Period. End of story. Contest it and you risk being banned. Not that I'd lament that in the slightest, as you seem to be a life form of the lowest order. When I read your posts, I can't help but picture a large amoeba typing by bouncing from key to key.

11-15-2005, 09:48 PM
Newbie again Prak

11-15-2005, 10:09 PM
I know I can edit my posts

People keep telling me that, but my memory is like a siev with a hole in it.

btw, I have more to add to my dislikes about this game.

The story is thrown at you in about one scene. It hurts your brain to take it all in.

Kuja, being the darling poetic nutcase that he is, is far too predictable. I don't know why, but he is.

Garnet is too princessy.

Zidane has a one track-mind.

Amarant is too ignorant.

Steiner wears eyeliner, which does NOT look good on him.

Apart from that, I'm all out of ideas.

I did it AGAIN....

11-15-2005, 10:28 PM
Well if you did it again and you know you done it again, SORT IT OUT OR JOG ALONG

11-15-2005, 10:54 PM

Next time I'm pressing the delete post button.

It's not hard to edit posts. SORT IT OUT.

11-15-2005, 10:57 PM
Yer you tell her the person in my Pancreas

11-16-2005, 12:17 AM
How stupid can you possibly be? Did you ever consider that there just might be a reason you're not comprehending? How about the extra bandwidth consumed by making consecutive posts? Bandwidth that you don't pay for. Or the fact that it just gets downright annoying to see the same person ranting the same bullshit all the way down a page?

It isn't allowed. Period. End of story. Contest it and you risk being banned. Not that I'd lament that in the slightest, as you seem to be a life form of the lowest order. When I read your posts, I can't help but picture a large amoeba typing by bouncing from key to key.

At least you had the decency to give me a reason!

11-16-2005, 02:52 AM
The title of this thread should be, "Argue about forum rules and sometimes mention final fantasy nine"

11-16-2005, 07:45 PM
The title of this thread should be, "Argue about forum rules and sometimes mention final fantasy nine"

Funny one

11-17-2005, 12:01 AM
The title of this thread should be, "Argue about forum rules and sometimes mention final fantasy nine"

We should make that thread.

Funny one

Oh, very...

11-17-2005, 12:07 AM

If you want to continue talking about the topic you can make a new thread but this one is a trainwreck.

I'd ask you to just get back on topic here but somehow I think that wouldn't work since a simple request apparantly needs to be picked to pieces. :/