11-02-2005, 06:31 AM
don't try to be clever and mention mmorpgs.

honestly I think I put a few hundred hours into the original zelda. I absolutely loved the game but the cartridge was bad and the saved games would randomly be erased so I'd start over all the time ;-;;

I'm pretty bad at finishing games in general though !

gilbert 4321
11-02-2005, 06:39 AM
i beat final fantasy 7 in 50 hours but this was my third time throw i think so i didnt try to beat the hole game throw fast.

11-02-2005, 07:17 AM
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance lasted me about 100 hours before I finally beat the game (at least, to the point where I got the normal ending, you can extend the game by doing all 300 some missions and the extra stuff)

hb smokey
11-02-2005, 07:18 AM
Oh wow, great question. I remember that there were two games, before the Gamecube era, that I never finished. Battletoads N Battlemaniacs, and Actraiser 2. I could just never beat the bike level on BNB. Don't remember what was so difficult about Actraiser 2, but I never finished that either. I spent quite a bit of time on them too. As for the newer generation, I'd say the game would have to be LOTR: The Third Age. I got to the final boss, but I just was never interested enough to finish it. Baten Kaitos was longer. I'm 98% finished with that game, but just quit playing all of a sudden.

11-02-2005, 07:34 AM
Probably Dragon Quest VII, I got to the end with over 90 hours, but never finished it!

11-02-2005, 01:17 PM
i never finished the original Alex Kid that was included in the Sega Master system
damn that random rock/paper/scissor stuff!!
spended well over 100 hours onnit

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-02-2005, 02:21 PM
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time.

I sat through the torturous intro before being able to take control of the characters, made it all the way to that part where you're supposed to go to some city or other on that planet where Fayt first has that rather convenient plot device happen to him, with the destroying of Vendeeni ships and all, forgot where the fuck I was supposed to go, couldn't find the character again to find out where to go, said "Fuck it" and shut the game off and haven't picked it up since.

11-02-2005, 03:42 PM
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time.

I sat through the torturous intro before being able to take control of the characters, made it all the way to that part where you're supposed to go to some city or other on that planet where Fayt first has that rather convenient plot device happen to him, with the destroying of Vendeeni ships and all, forgot where the fuck I was supposed to go, couldn't find the character again to find out where to go, said "Fuck it" and shut the game off and haven't picked it up since.

Strangely enough, my experience and game are identical.

I was having a damn good time with that game, too.

11-02-2005, 03:49 PM
Star Ocean: Till The End of Time.


Me too, but i got to the last boss after 90hrs of play, couldn`t beat him and got distracted by MGS3. Still, Star Ocean was great imo.

11-02-2005, 04:13 PM
I rented Star Ocean: til the end of time, and sent it back after the intro and walking around the place a bit.

My game would probably be Xenosaga 1. I played through a majority of the game (I think) sitting through cutscenes that were entirely too long... and then decided it wasn't worth it and sent it back.

Dark Cloud would probably be another one, as I love the game and have played it a whole lot... but never finished.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-02-2005, 05:00 PM
Holy fuck I forgot all about Dark Cloud.

I retract my previous post. Dark Cloud has definitely got to be the shittiest game I ever devoted so much time to, what with the dungeon crawling fuckup that it was--and wondering why the hell it got so much hype behind it. Rebuilt the second town or whatever before I quit.

Neo Xzhan
11-02-2005, 06:38 PM
I've spend over two hundred of hours on Morrowind, including both expansions and never actually finished the game. I kept trying to do as much as possible and at some point I dropped out of the game. Lost my save game at one point too and though, "fuck it".

11-04-2005, 02:44 AM
I'm starting to think Wipeout Pure. Every month you can download at least 1 new track so since last march, I'm still getting new gold metals.

11-05-2005, 09:36 AM
Ummmm probably FFX. I spent ages playing that stupid game, and then my bloody lil brother went and sold it AND deleted my progress without telling me >.<

11-05-2005, 04:39 PM
probably FF VIII, i think i spent about 120 hrs on it, reached the third disc then just trained for ages and evetully forgot what i was supposed to be doing, so i just started again, and again, and again...

(forgetting what im doing in a game happens way to often, especially when i havent played it for many, many months)

11-05-2005, 04:42 PM
Ive finished every game ive ever played apart from most games I rent from blockbusters

measter yazoo
11-09-2005, 09:25 PM
I spent like 100 hours on pokemon but never completed it
the same with final fantasy tactics

11-09-2005, 11:24 PM
don't try to be clever and mention mmorpgs.

honestly I think I put a few hundred hours into the original zelda. I absolutely loved the game but the cartridge was bad and the saved games would randomly be erased so I'd start over all the time ;-;;

I'm pretty bad at finishing games in general though !

Same. I think I finished it though but I really don't remember. I used to play that game for hours doing absolutely nothing.

One I'm sure of is Star Ocean 2 though. Because I played to the end and had my save erased, then played to the end again, unlocked the final bosses secret badass mode and realized I'd have to do an ungodly amount of levelling to put up a fight. I fought him for 40 minutes once before giving up and never played the game again.

Swedish Fish
11-09-2005, 11:45 PM
457 hours for Pokemon Gold. I never caught all of the Pokemon.

11-09-2005, 11:58 PM
I've spend over two hundred of hours on Morrowind, including both expansions and never actually finished the game. I kept trying to do as much as possible and at some point I dropped out of the game. Lost my save game at one point too and though, "fuck it".

same, I cant really think of any others, maybe counter strike ^^

11-10-2005, 12:43 AM
defineately morrowind, a game that teaches you that for 30 gold you can get away with randomly killing anyone you want, no matter how many times you do it.

Faye Kipling
11-10-2005, 08:40 PM
Tomb Raider II. Seriously.

Oh, and Theme Hospital. I saved it during an epidemic crisis by total accident. That one save continues to frustrate me to this day!

11-10-2005, 10:40 PM
FFX. The Dark Aeons are just too powerful imo. I've spent the last 20 hours or so (about 120 playing all together) on nothing but lvling and still get my ass raped by all of them ;[ It's not like the rest of the game is all too hard either, so you're totally dominated when you reach them, making the lvling unbelievably time consuming and tiring :|

Also, Jade Cocoon on PSX. Spent several days straight trying to beat the Eternal Corridor, but failed and gave up ;/

Da Monstar
11-13-2005, 11:33 AM
i beat final fantasy 7 in 50 hours but this was my third time throw i think so i didnt try to beat the hole game throw fast.

what?!? i havent played this game for 1� year (my friend borrowed it) I got the whole day of on this tuesday so i can complete it again, and you're saying it'll take about 50 hours... lol :D
if I remeber correctly, i beat the game in under 30 hours. but if it was 50... damn am I gonna be tired when i have to go to school they next day :D

anyway, the games i spend most time playing is FFX (that count goes way over the 200 hours) and perhaps the pokemon games combined when i was younger.

The game i completly wasted time with must be Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3.... never before have I been so dissapointed over a game before, it just the 2nd game with new characters. and your supposed to go through alot of stuff to complete it IMO.

-Da Monstar

12-18-2006, 06:22 PM
Probably Dragon Quest VII, I got to the end with over 90 hours, but never finished it!

haha! me too! except i didn't get to the end. i think i have about 70 hrs on it and then school and stuff got in the way. but i'm hoping to finish next summer!

12-18-2006, 06:34 PM
Final Fantasy 8.

About halfway through the game I realized I hated it and was only doing it because I felt like I had to. So I kept feeling like I had to all the way up to the last place, where I simply couldn't take it anymore and I never picked the game up again for fear of going insane.

12-18-2006, 07:20 PM
Uhm....I played Star Ocean Till the End of Time up until the last two dungeouns, then quit because my brothers had to return to school (they like to watch me play through RPGs, so I didn't want to go on without them). Then I went back to college... and now my brothers just have to many extra activities outside of school and are almost never home.... so whenever i get the chance, I hope to finish it, as it is a wonderful game (nowhere near Star Ocean the Second Story....but close enough...).

12-18-2006, 07:28 PM
Final Fantasy 8.

About halfway through the game I realized I hated it and was only doing it because I felt like I had to. So I kept feeling like I had to all the way up to the last place, where I simply couldn't take it anymore and I never picked the game up again for fear of going insane.


12-18-2006, 08:28 PM
I dunno, there are a lot of games i have played most of and haven't finished i always lose interest. :(

i dont even remember where i was in star ocean. maybe on the second disc. was there a second disc?_?

12-18-2006, 08:30 PM
I dunno, there are a lot of games i have played most of and haven't finished i always lose interest. :(

i dont even remember where i was in star ocean. maybe on the second disc. was there a second disc?_?

There are two discs, yes. By the way, are you talking about Star Ocean Till the End of Time or Second Story? Just wondering.

12-18-2006, 08:39 PM
second story was really good, i mean till the end of time

12-18-2006, 09:44 PM
second story was really good, i mean till the end of time

YAY! A Star Ocean fan, finally. You won't believe how many people don't even know of the Second Story game. It's quite sad. I've completed Seond Story quite a few times, but I loaned the game to one of my friends and haven't gotten it back yet....which sux cause I play that game all of the time.

Till the End of Time does seem a bit long, but that's a Star Ocean installment for ya...long, deep plots and really believable characters. I wish my brothers could have some time off for me to complete it. -_-

12-18-2006, 09:54 PM
Morrowind- 200 hours all of my major and minor stats maxed. I just failed miserably in the story. Where I went adventuring I took some important items and sold them so I couldn't get any further. I just can't be assed with that game anymore.

12-18-2006, 10:05 PM
87 hours in Final Fantasy 9. And still i have not leveled up any character to 99 or got all the chocographs.

The second one would be Spyro the Dragon (1st one). I have not finished it yet and im at 50 hours. :S Some gems i cant find :(

12-18-2006, 10:54 PM
I've put about 100 hours into the .hack PS2 game series. I still own it and am very close to the end. But there is a very annoying part so I haven't it yet.

12-18-2006, 11:14 PM
I've put about 100 hours into the .hack PS2 game series. I still own it and am very close to the end. But there is a very annoying part so I haven't it yet.

O.O Woah! That's alot of hours ^^ I beat the games pretty quickly. One of the better RPGs I've played, yes.

12-19-2006, 12:43 AM
mega-man x i dont exactly, but its enough i want to shoot myself.

J. Peterman
12-19-2006, 01:30 AM
Dragon QUEST VII like 45:00 then stopped

12-19-2006, 02:22 AM
Although I constantly talk SO2 with people, I've never actually beaten it :shame:. I've got tons of saved games near the end, but just never get to the point where I actually take on the final bosses. I love the game to pieces though, and love tri-ace in general, even with their retarded concept of ridiculously drawn out intros but tons of replay value. I think once you beat a tri-ace game, you should have the option to skip all the boring shit in the beginning, so you can enjoy the replay value.

Dark Cloud also drove me insane, but early on enough where I didn't spend lots of time on it.

Also, I am notorious for getting to the end dungeon/boss, then stop playing.

12-20-2006, 06:13 AM
I know, I hate this. I put about 60 hours into Chrono Trigger along ass time ago and never finished the game, I put about 40 hours into ff3 and never finished, 30 into ffX and didnt finish. Not to mention the times Ive started over in other games cuzz I realized I missed all the good items etc. But hey It happens, fuck it

12-20-2006, 06:47 AM
Chances are if a game was on the NES I didn't complete it, no matter how much time I put into it. Super Mario Bros 3 is probably the one I spent the most time on though. Damn World 8...

12-20-2006, 06:55 AM
I've put in 2000+ hours on my Pokemon Blue game when it first came out.

Gentleman Ghost
12-20-2006, 07:06 AM
Final Fantasy VIII 300+

got into the blue zone ^_^

12-20-2006, 09:59 AM
Well, the only ones that come to mind are, you guessed it, Star Ocean 2 and 'Til the End of Time. 2 I stopped around some stupid ass mountain on like the second (or third?) planet that seemed like it was possible to actually ruin your game if you saved wrong there. I'm not sure, but I walked away, started a new file years later, and never got very far. :/
I got a little past the major plot twist in 'Til the End of Time and was like "wow this is ridiculously stupid", and couldn't be assed to go revisit all the old locations for god know's why.

I've also spent a lot of time with Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, and Arcanum (of Steamworks and Magick Obscura) and never beat them. I plan to start them over eventually.

12-20-2006, 10:02 AM
I'm starting to think Wipeout Pure. Every month you can download at least 1 new track so since last march, I'm still getting new gold metals.

seriously, i'm still playing this game. Above quote is from last Nov '05.

12-24-2006, 03:26 AM
Well, Ive put 589 hours or so into ONE Monster Hunter character. I have finished all the quests, but I havent gotten all the things I want to get(equipment and such)

And Disgaea seems never ending. I have a 400 hour save that I could just keep playing to level characters and items, plus I havent seen all the endings, but thats cause I got bored of playing storyline and never tried.

I only just started playing The Second Story, and gave away Till the End of Time. But I really like The Second Story, so far...

Ummmm....oh, 110 hours in FFX cause I havent finished the battle arena stuff.

I have beaten Champions of Norrath, but if that game told you how much time youve spent playing, my time would be massive. I wasted alot of time on that game.