Vincent, Thunder God
11-02-2005, 03:11 AM
There is no doubt that Nobuo Uematsu is one of the finest VGM composers to ever grace a game. But... sometimes he grinds out a tune that is just plain annoying! Please post your least favorite Uematsu song here, and explain why you hate it! My least favorite is Treno, from ff9. I do like Scott Joplin, and this song does sound a hell of a lot like Scott Joplin! But there is only so much Joplin you can take! I began to dread visiting Treno just because of that song! And my runner-up least favorite? Wutia, from ff7. So boring and high-pitched... So, post your hated ff tunes here!

11-02-2005, 04:46 AM
Any and all of the Galbadia Desert Prison music from Final Fantasy VIII.

11-02-2005, 05:42 AM
*spoilers for FFX?* As much as I loved the rest of X...I really didn't like the music when you fight your own aeons in FFX, not my bag...neither do I like the final music when you fight Yu Yevon.

11-02-2005, 08:26 AM
Climbing Shinra Tower from FFVII (the music that plays in the Shinra Building in disc 1).

Urrrrrccckkk.. it's just the same four or five basic synthetic notes repeated over and over again (with some slight percussion coming and going in the background), repeated ad nausem. I think Uematsu must have taken the whole concept of 'elevator muzac' a little too seriously...

Otherworld from FFX is absolutely atrocious too, but actually looks good compared with the horror that is Climbing Shinra Tower.

11-02-2005, 09:21 AM
There is no doubt that Nobuo Uematsu is one of the finest VGM composers to ever grace a game. But... sometimes he grinds out a tune that is just plain annoying!

Actually my friend, there are heaps of composers that surpass Uematsu in my opinion. Uematsu was good in his old days, but recently has gotten rather shit. So I cant say he is even "One of the" finest VGM composers. And just for the record I am not the only one who thinks Uematsu has been surpassed a hundred and one times by other VGM composers. (By the way, this was a great idea for a thread)

*spoilers for FFX?* As much as I loved the rest of X...I really didn't like the music when you fight your own aeons in FFX, not my bag...neither do I like the final music when you fight Yu Yevon.

Both the songs you mentioned above are NOT done by Uematsu.
The song where you fight your own aeons is titled "Summoned Beast Battle" was composed by Junya Nakano while the "Yu Yevon" fight called "Decisive Battle" was composed by mastermind, Masashi Hamauzu.
I also believe that both the songs you mentioned were arranged by
Masashi Hamauzu. So basically Uematsu had no input on them. :D

As for the song I think is the most annoying Uematsu composition, I would have to say The Chase of Highway from the AC ost. His work on that WHOLE album was easily the worst up to date. But thats just my opinion.

Vincent, Thunder God
11-02-2005, 09:25 PM
Climbing Shinra Tower from FFVII (the music that plays in the Shinra Building in disc 1).

Urrrrrccckkk.. it's just the same four or five basic synthetic notes repeated over and over again (with some slight percussion coming and going in the background), repeated ad nausem. I think Uematsu must have taken the whole concept of 'elevator muzac' a little too seriously...

I forgot to mention that one! It is very bad... When I was playing the game in the Shinra Building I started improvising drum beats for it just to make it a little less annoying.

11-03-2005, 02:02 AM
I would like to say that after reviewing Uematsu's work on FFX ost. I can honestly say that ALL his contributions on that album annoyed me. Sorry guys, but its true. The only thing that saved that album was Masashi Hamauzu's contributions.

11-03-2005, 02:37 AM
Oh, not fair, there's gotta be something good on there by him. "Otherworld" was his --- right --- that was different, but I liked it. Do you know of a page where one can check to find out which are and aren't done by him on that soundtrack?

Vincent, Thunder God
11-03-2005, 02:49 AM
I would like to say that after reviewing Uematsu's work on FFX ost. I can honestly say that ALL his contributions on that album annoyed me. Sorry guys, but its true. The only thing that saved that album was Masashi Hamauzu's contributions.
Unfortunately I have no ps2 so I haven't been able to sample his work in the latter ffs.

11-03-2005, 10:13 AM
Oh, not fair, there's gotta be something good on there by him. "Otherworld" was his --- right --- that was different, but I liked it. Do you know of a page where one can check to find out which are and aren't done by him on that soundtrack?

Well Agent, I have good news for you, there is a site which gives you info on who composed what in VGM OSTS as well as info on who arranged what. Along with a massive data base on S-E composers for all of us, VGM fans.
This is the link for info on almost every S-E OST out, along with decent reviews etc.

To be more specific here is the Final Fantasy X OST album information list:
This link provides you with all the info you need on the OST, enjoy.

Haha, Well agent upon reading this I am sure you will realise that most of the tracks you enjoy on the FFX ost are indeed by Junya Nakano or Masashi Hamauzu. I am not saying the album is SHIT, what I am saying is that Uematsu's contribution to the album was absolute rubbush when compared with Hamauzu's or Nakano's contributions.

Unfortunately I have no ps2 so I haven't been able to sample his work in the latter ffs.

It is a shame, however, if you are in love with Uematsu as I am sure you are after reading what you have said about him in this thread, you can still get samples of his more recent osts from the Blue Laguna website I provided you with before.

11-04-2005, 03:13 AM
Okay, thanks nkwp. Taking a look at it now...

Let's see "At Zanarkand" / "To Zanarkand" --- Uematsu --- wonderful track. "The Prelude," always cool. Tidus's Theme? I liked it pretty well. Victory Fanfare? My favorite "won a battle" Final Fantasy theme ever. "We Are Al Bhed" --- I like this one pretty well. "Men Staked at Blitz" --- is this the piece traditionally known as "Blitzball Gamblers?" That's one of my favorite in the game. Same for "Spiran Scenery," which I think is normally known as "The Sight of Spira." "Yuna's Theme" is pretty neat and I absolutely adore Rikku's. I also see he did the final Seymour Battle theme and was part of the ending music. So overall, I think he did pretty well on this one. Unless you don't like those pieces? In which case, we're gonna have to agree to disagree.

I also thought he did pretty well on the Final Fantasy Song Book.

11-04-2005, 04:23 AM
:O You hurt me!
Did you like any of Junya Nakano or Masashi Hamauzu's contributions?

Nah, we must agree to disagree on this one I am affraid, Agent0042.
Lol, But yea everyone is allowed to have thier own tastes. Its just that I have heard MUCH better from him. I suggest you listen to the two samples he has on his new game for MiskWalker and tell me what you think of those.

I think him resigning from S-E was the greatest thing that ever happened to him, they were holding him back. Also, if you are interested, check out "Distant Worlds", its the vocal theme from FFXI. (Just released).

11-04-2005, 05:15 AM
Both the songs you mentioned above are NOT done by Uematsu.
The song where you fight your own aeons is titled "Summoned Beast Battle" was composed by Junya Nakano while the "Yu Yevon" fight called "Decisive Battle" was composed by mastermind, Masashi Hamauzu.
I also believe that both the songs you mentioned were arranged by
Masashi Hamauzu. So basically Uematsu had no input on them. :D

ah! I do stand corrected...nice catch! =)

11-04-2005, 06:18 AM
Did you like any of Junya Nakano or Masashi Hamauzu's contributions?
The one that I mentioned by Nobuo Uematsu that also had their work in them. "Besaid," definitely and "The Summoning" was pretty good. "The Splendid Performance," absolutely. "I Can Fly" was neat. And "To The End of the Abyss"

I suggest you listen to the two samples he has on his new game for MiskWalker and tell me what you think of those.
Okay, maybe later...

Also, if you are interested, check out "Distant Worlds", its the vocal theme from FFXI. (Just released).
Right, I'll see about that one too.

11-04-2005, 08:03 AM
Ok worst song is trust me from ff8 the part Where Laguna see's Ellone I dreaded playing that part because of that tune. Its just so out of place compared ot the rest of the music in ff8 imo