Black Mage#1
02-20-2002, 10:52 PM
I'm sorry but what's the plot? I mean, I tried thinking about the plot but when I think about it it doesn't make sence. Here how bout I wright the plot as I know it. Your a student in a academe, the main character is Squall, you go on an exam, after that you meet Rinoa. Then you go and try to assanate the sorceress, Edea. Blah blah blah, ( now after the second battle whith Edea ) Rinoa falls in a deep sleep. Edea tells a little bit about Ultimecia and Adel then you go to Esthar, you go to the Lunar whatever thingy. You free Rinoa and go fight Seifer and Adel, then time compression begins you go kill Ultimecia's servents and Ultimecia herself.

The End

I'm really sorry ff8 fans, but I just don't get the plot. Does any one know?

02-21-2002, 12:37 AM
Well basically u got the plot down, theres alot more details then that but thats the basics. Well Squall is a seed, goes on seed misions and in doing so he gets caught in battle many times. Squall tryes to capture some president dude for Galbadia and gets caught because of Zell. Now Galbadia is kinda fighting Balamb and the other gardens. Balamb takes on Galbadia and the new leader Edea, and in the end balamb wins. Edea turns good and tells of the real evil Ultimeca, sum sorceress form the futuere that will destroy the world or something. Riona gets possesed by ultimeca and now squall and his team are like trying to enter the future and try and stop Ultimecas reign before it actually happenes to avoid the whole thing. After going into the Lunatic pandora the use this time compression thing to travel into the future and stop ultimeca,and save the world for sertain death. LOL well thats really all I get. FF8 was the most confusing of all the FF's.

Black Mage#1
02-21-2002, 02:40 AM
Well, I still think that we could've heard more about Ultimecia, like how you know alot about Sephiroth in ff7. But after hearing about the Rinoa/Ultimecia thing, too be it makes me like ff8 a bit more.

Anima Relic
02-21-2002, 03:33 AM
You're looking past the point though. Why did Cid create the SeeD??? To defeat Ultimecia! They SeeD were a Sorceress group! Cid wanted his wife, Edea, to become her regular self. That was the whole point. The point with Rinoa was she was a sorceress herself! Then Ultimecia became her, and that's why the SeeD was created. Cid knew about Rinoa when he assigned the gang to the Forest Owls in Timber. Think about it a bit before saying there's no plot.

02-21-2002, 01:06 PM
Here's one thing I don't get...
Ok, when Cid and Edea where handling the orphanage...I was assuming that SeeD hadn't been created yet; because I thought that Cid had said something about SeeD only being around 10 years old (After the fight with NORG).

Well; if SeeD wasn't created yet, and Cid hadn't wheeled and dealed with NORG yet, then how did he buy the White SeeD ship and send Ellone off?

Remember? Laguna tells you how Cid and Edea were so "generous" in buying the ship and sending Ellone off on it, and how it became like a second Orphanage...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but those White SeeDs looked to be about 20, which would stand to reason that Ellone was on the ship for more than 10 years...

Maybe I'm looking way too much into it, but anyhow...I have a headache.