10-31-2005, 03:30 AM
^___^ wee lol i can play around 30 different FF songs.. Man Some are Super Super SUper hard and some are easy ^_^
super super super super super hard one is JENOVA from ffvii coz it has 20 notes per SECOND on the piano and in the end u need 2 funny when i tried to play that song wif one piano in front of all my friends >_<
But my FAV Has GOT to Be the.... get ready for it..

THE CHOCOBO THEME ^________^ WEEEE also known as cinco de choco in final fantasy 7... come on u kno that song is the best in the world lets all start a huge band and play togehter... dum di dum di dum di doo di doo... di dum di di di dum... di dum di dum di dooo~~~~~~ lol well i'd like to here about you guys now ^__^

11-04-2005, 06:21 PM
i've tried to play a few FF tracks on my violin, but its hard/impossible for me to find decent sheet music with a suitable instrumental line, most i find are just piano sheets and i end up botchin together a poor arrangement of it from the piano music or just printing off suitable scores from any midi downloads i like. if you or anyone here knows where i can find decent violin (or orchestral/chamber) scores for FF music please tell me :D

Anyway, ive tried to play:
Dont be Afraid (FFVIII)
Melodies of life (FFIX)
Hymn of the Fayth (FFX)
A Fleeting Dream (FFX)
1000 Words (FFX-2)

11-05-2005, 04:00 AM
I can play alot of FF arrangements on guitar.
Aerith's theme
Tifa's theme
Sight of Spira etc...alot

11-05-2005, 02:50 PM
I play a mean rendition of To Zanarkand on my Jew's harp!

Gentleman Ghost
11-05-2005, 03:01 PM
"Chocobo Theme" ~FF3 Version

11-05-2005, 03:02 PM
I can play the piano in Nebliehim in FFVII

11-05-2005, 11:50 PM
I can play simple melodies by ear on my violin...To Zanarkand, the piano arrangement of Tifa's theme, Eternal memory of light waves or something I can play on some other things I don't care to remember.

11-06-2005, 01:52 AM
I can play Memories of Lightwaves on the piano also! I don't play it quite good though. :(

11-06-2005, 12:25 PM
lol teaching myself to zanarkand from ffx on the piano... man it sounds sooooo goood ^__^ i love the song more than the chocobo theme =D... lol and its pretty eassy too except for a bit near the end .. but im working on it ^_^

11-07-2005, 01:28 AM
Hahaha I really don't like to brag, but i can play quite a few.

On Piano i can play:

Aeris' Theme
Steal the Tiny Bronco
Cid's Theme
Tifa's Theme
Main theme of FFVII
Cait Sith's Theme
Decendant of Shinobi
Interrupted by Fireworks

Eyes on Me

Daguerro, the Hermit's Library
Kuja's Theme
Behind the Door
Beatrix's Theme
Unrequited Love (i think it's called that)

To Zanarkand

I can play bits of songs like Jenova and One winged Angel but not something complete.

On guitar i'm learning 'Breezy' from FF8, my friend is teaching me how to play it.

At the moment i'm working on learning the Piano version of 'Fighting' from FFVII, just found the sheet music thanks to you lovely guys at the Galbadia Hotel ^^. Awesome, awesome site, sorry i've used about 4 gigs of your bandwidth this weekend since discovering here.

It's great to find some other people into playing FF stuff, does anyone own any of the scores in physical form as opposed to downloaded? I have the books for 7 and 9 and the black mages score (although i can only play bits from that on the guitar).

Edit: To pick a favourite, i'd say Steal the Tiny Bronco as it's really exciting!

11-07-2005, 07:31 AM
XD thats not really bragging... if u wer bragging u would say this:
Hmm well i dont mean to brag but i can play this :
Piano~ sorry my memory is kinda bad now... lol i could say more but im sleepy
Tifa's Theme
Aeris' Theme
Red's Theme
Great Warrior
Cinco de choco
Cosmo Canyon
Rufus Welcoming theme
FFVII Theme song

Eyes on me
Julia *kinda the same as eyes on me*
fishermans Horizon

To Zanarkand
Suteki Na de
Ending Theme (badly though)
Rikku's theme
Tidus' Theme

Final Fantasy XI opeing Song

lol of course i've only mastered three or four songs *cough cough aeris, tifa, zanarkand and cinco de choco* lol but the other are acceptable ^__^ (yes i can play all the above stated)

And this is just my final fantasy list o.o i also play many pieces from animes ^__^


11-07-2005, 09:19 AM
Ah forgot about Great Warrior. I always forget what i can actually play when people ask me lol.

Ahhh, when you say FFXI opening theme do you mean the one that plays during the FMV? I really love that piece of music, just noticed gh has the sheet music for it too *downloads*.

Fisherman's Horizon is definatley something i'd like to play, but for me songs with 4 sharps or flats in the key signature take a lot longer to site read.

If you are looking to learn a new peice i highly reccomened Steal the Tiny Broncho, just octave the left hand in the last section to make it sound more interesting.

What anime pieces can you play? I've only just got into anime since i started university. The non FF things i can play aren't that great, some basic Zelda songs, the MGS theme, and a fair bit of my own stuff. But it's harder to find VGM from other games that you can turn into a proper piano peice without a great deal of arranging.

Gentleman Ghost
11-07-2005, 09:38 AM
You guys are too much! WOOOW

11-08-2005, 06:59 AM
lol songs with lots of flats or sharps arent that hard to sightread... omg ur in university o.o im still stuck in high school =( anyway i have 3 folders fulll of anime songs... if u want good anime pieces then here is the best site to get them from ~

it has hundreds of anime songs... lol well at least since the last time i looked.. ^__^

and this is a site that has a midi file and the sheet music to anime... but has a significantly less number of songs than the above links ~

^__^ happy playing

11-09-2005, 05:24 AM
ive always gotten sheet music from this site, i am new to these forums didn't know they had them! i love playing squaresoft music i think it is very beautiful, even tho i hated piano when i was younger i am glad my mom forced me to take lessons lol..sorta, now i can read and play some songs (with alot of effort!) i am currently learning aeris's and julia's theme (ff7 and ff8). i am also trying to tab out this song i downloaded from a filesharing program. the song name is ff8 sad piano theme. i never heard this song in any ff game, but it does sound very familiar, anyone know what song i am talking about?

Musical Banana
11-09-2005, 08:14 AM
Anyone in here know the Piano Collection versions? Those ones are, in my opinion, the best versions simply because they are the most pianistic and complex; while some of the DoReMi ones are nice - and fun to play - the majority of them are too simplistic and rather dull. My favorites are "Attack" from the FFX PC album and "Silence and Motion" from the FFVIII PC album. "Tina" and "The Mystic Forest" are some other classic ones...

11-10-2005, 10:12 AM
Yeah the Piano collections are really good, i've only just aquired the sheet music to them about last week after discovering this site but i can't wait to learn some. My favourites to learn are:

Fighting (FFVII)
Vamo alla Flamenco (FFIX)
Fisherman's Horizon (FFVIII)

These tracks are god like, it's going to be a real challenge to learn them. I have to say though i don't enjoy all of the Piano versions, especially Aeris' theme, it has all these little twiddles in it that make it sound really pretentious imo. For that I play an arangment based on the orchestral version. But most of them are good.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
11-10-2005, 10:19 AM
I don't really learn Final Fantasy songs as most of the time there are better songs to be learnt, but I have learnt how to play 'Otherworld' and 'To Zanarkand' on guitar.

Musical Banana
11-10-2005, 10:20 AM
Yup. I learned Vamo alla Flamenco about two years ago, and wow was that a challenge...brings back good memories. I don't play Fighting, but I'd like to learn it eventually. And Fisherman's Horizon is really pretty; the hardest part of that one, believe it or not, is the middle, slower part! Good times...also, if you like those songs, two other really great ones are "Path of Repentance" and "Besaid Island," both from FFX PC, the latter of which is my favorite arranged piano piece for the FF's. And Midianite, I do agree with you about Aeris' Theme - it's arrangement is a bit "flashy" and less "pianistic," but you must admit it is quite beautiful. The first time I listened to it, tears came to my, I'm tired, I'm up too late...

11-10-2005, 05:05 PM
Any chance of a link to where i could download those (the FFX PC)? It's on the list of things to buy but you know, money is tight and everything at the moment.

11-11-2005, 05:55 AM
lol *sob* piano collections are hard... im only 12 rs old and im trying my best to play them.. in grade 7 piano ^_^ lol anyway if you want piano collections there should be some on irc... go to the main site and go to sheet music and it tells u how to get them from irc.. thats where i got all my piano collections sheet music.. the only problem is that i ran outta of black ink to pritn them off =D lol and the piano version of aeris' theme is goood i swear nobou must be a genius to play it.. coz halfway through it has all these triplets in it and the timing is super super super hard to get right... so its harder than having right and left hands playing different things at the same time.. anyway it's a masterpiece.. just listen to it carefully to see how good it is

oh yea if anyone wants a challenge try j-e-n-o-v-a from FFVII piano collections.. it mite look easy at first (well to me it look hard straight away) but u have to play it REALLY fast... and i mean REALLLy REALLLY FAST... i fink the speed was presto or prestissimo which is the fastests speeds on piano for tempo o.o im trying my best to learn it =D

11-11-2005, 12:18 PM
I doesn't look that fast as a whole, about 180 bpm at the most i'd say. I'd have a go but i'm put off by the heavy key signature, i've always sucked at sight reading, i have to go in and write a key signiture like that as if they're all accidentals :S. Ah well, that's what you get for quitting Piano Lessons at grade 5.

Whatever you do, don't stop having lessons till you're grade 8! Seriously!

Unfortunatley I have restricted internet access at Uni for the time being so I can't access IRC or Bittorrent or anything, which is why the GH rocks so much as it's website based!

For referenace also, correct me if i'm wrong but it's not Uematsu that plays the Piano collections of 7 at least, Shiro Hamaguchi did the arrangments and I assume he was the one that played in the recordings too.

And about the Piano version of Aeris' theme, don't get me wrong, it is good, after all it's aeris' theme and any incarnation of it is good, but listening to this I get a more "look how good I am at playing the piano" vibe than a feeling that he's really captured the true beauty of the tune. His little twiddles just remind me of the Sims where you buy furniture and stuff, very annoying. It just doesn't seem to fit the piece at all IMO. The Orchestral version is by far my favourite, so my Piano piece of it is based on that- play through one, second time end the first half with a big crescendo, then increase the complexity of the left hand, making it seem "faster", then end by playing the first half in a really high octave. I'm looking to steal the good bits of the piano version to improve it at the moment though.

11-12-2005, 04:21 AM
lol maybe aeris' theme just depends on the persons' taste ^_^ any nobou doesnt play the piano arrangements o.o wow well then i want shira hamaguchi to be my music teacher =D
haha as if aeris theme reminds u of the sims.. well maybe it does i was never good at the sims.. i always killed myself wif fire before one of my characters even got a job o.o and they all usually die from lack of sleepw anyway if ur put off by those key signatures just try ur best to transpose it to c major / a minor.. and if u sight reading is really that bad.. then try ur best to improve.. just like sight read simple songs and gradually get harder til u can sight read final fantasy songs ^__^ and its worth it.. it really is.. i gave up on j-e-n-o-v-a and gonna pracitse more on the ffx ending theme.. i can never play that start any good =( or at the right speeed

10-29-2006, 02:49 PM
I noticed I have three years old music sheets on my computer. One of them was Eternity ~Memory of the Lightwaves and I was like woot, I wanna play that! So I took my piano on the other day, started playing and noticed something wierd.

(There are actually five of the files, but I think just two will do it.)
Are those files correct or am I just really bad player, since it doesn't sound anything like Eternity when I play it? In fact I think it sounds some other Final Fantasy song that I can't really come up with..

Help, thank you.

Edit; Woops, this is an old topic. Well, I hope somebody answers. :D

11-16-2006, 06:44 AM
hey does anyone know where i can find sheet music for unrequited love? thanks!

11-18-2006, 10:29 AM
My Keyboard is in storage unfortunatlely, but that looks like the opening menu theme to me visually. (The New Game, Load Game, New Game + Menu). If that's called Eternity, then yeah..

11-20-2006, 07:48 PM
i got my midi keyboard 5 days ago and i found a cool piano patch for reason (virtual studio rack program for people who arent into that kinda stuff lol)

so far ive learnt cinco de chocobo and still more fighting. as for j-e-n-o-v-a, im actually in the process of making a cover of it with a mate, although were creating all the midi clips from scratch as were both too crap to play it fast enough lol

the sheet music is here...

the links for all the other final fantasy games are on the left hand side of the page. ive got all of these tracks saved to my computer and it took up less than 31mb to save all 98 zip files for disks 1-4 and the piano collection. enjoy!

11-25-2006, 01:44 PM
Yo, please reply ASAP! I'm in Grade 5 piano would I be able to play Aeris' Theme?!? Then I can start playin...

11-27-2006, 07:35 AM
I can play about half of the FF6 soundtrack on piano (my own arrangments) and I'm currently working on the other half. You can hear some of them at

And there are more within the project "Final Phantom" at

11-27-2006, 07:46 AM
I'll post on behalf of a friend of mine and link this ( =p

As for myself, I can play a couple on my guitar; Interupted by fireworks, the rydia piano arrangementm, vagrant story credits

11-27-2006, 07:52 AM
I learned some on guitar, but theyre nothing special. Things like aeriths theme, the sword of doubt(small part) and vincents theme. Cant remember if theres others right now.

12-01-2006, 05:04 PM
I got about 3 keyboards. I can play about 3 tunes from FF7: The Shinra March theme, Cosmo Canyon, and Wutai.

I like playing Cosmo Canyon the most, and it's a fave. It's got a sweet melody, and it's relatively easy to play.

12-02-2006, 02:16 AM
I can play Rydia, Aeris' Theme, Final Fantasy main theme, and FF6's Decisive Battle on vibraphone, which I guess would also include xylophone and marimba.

12-02-2006, 09:36 PM
I can play eyes on me, Julia's song, Zanarkand, song's of memories, and I think that's about it.......

12-03-2006, 07:09 AM
I love to play March of THe Red Wings on my Guitar!!!!

12-15-2006, 12:58 AM
^___^ wee lol i can play around 30 different FF songs.. Man Some are Super Super SUper hard and some are easy ^_^
super super super super super hard one is JENOVA from ffvii coz it has 20 notes per SECOND on the piano and in the end u need 2 funny when i tried to play that song wif one piano in front of all my friends >_<
But my FAV Has GOT to Be the.... get ready for it..

THE CHOCOBO THEME ^________^ WEEEE also known as cinco de choco in final fantasy 7... come on u kno that song is the best in the world lets all start a huge band and play togehter... dum di dum di dum di doo di doo... di dum di di di dum... di dum di dum di dooo~~~~~~ lol well i'd like to here about you guys now ^__^

I just wanted to inform you on the last page of Jenova, it isn't for 2 pianos, it's completely possible to play with one person one piano! The first staff is right hand, and the other 2 are for left and there is a reasonable amount of time to play it all with left hand regardless the jumps and such :D. Take a look one more time.

My favs would probably be the ever so popular Fighting from the FFVII piano collections and Fishermans Horizon from the FFVIII piano collections.

I think To Zanarkand is a great tune but it's over played, and over liked, so I refuse to like it as much as everyone else lol. It's like the "fur elise" or "moonlight sonata" of classical music. Not to be a hypocrite though since I played it many times ^^;;

12-15-2006, 05:29 AM
Yeah, I figured out Jenova is for one piano ages ago... *stares* it was a long time ago when I said that.

To Zanarkand isn't over played, coz there is a certain point where you hear it so much it loses it's magic (around 100 times, not including when you hear it in the game), then you really can't play it anymore.

My favourite now (and it always changes) is Ami from FFVIII, Farm Boy from FFVII and Fisherman's Horizons.

12-17-2006, 04:51 AM
Oh shit, your right you posted that a year ago O_O. lol.

Farmer Boy is a different choice, usually people ignore it, it does grow on you.

Ami is pretty good, but if your talkin music from the FF8 Piano Collections I definetely like fishermans horizon, eyes on me, and blue fields.

How bout the FF9 PC, mm Loss of Me, and Vamo.

12-18-2006, 03:19 AM
Umm, I can play these on piano, i've been practicing for a few years.

Random FFs:
FF4 Battle theme
FF4 victory
FF6 battle
most chocobo themes
Most victory themes (except for ff10's theme, still practising)

FF8 Battle
Balamb Garden
Force your way
The Man wif the machine gun
Julia's piano
Eyes on me
Find your way
Liberi Fatali (this took me while)
FF8 Winner

The Place I'll Return to Someday
FF9 The battle theme
FF9 victory theme
Melodies of life (easy!!)

FF7 Battle theme
Aerith's theme
Tifa's theme
Victory theme

To Zanarkand
Yuna's theme
Suteki Da ne (original version, not ff10 version)
Place of ordeals
FF10 Battle theme (I love playing this theme)
Song of prayer (Easy to play)

Kingdom Hearts series:
Gummi ship theme
Hand in hand
Traverse town
Dearly beloved
Roxas theme
Kairi theme
Dark shrouding cloud (Some one plz play this on piano, coz its so good, you'd like it too, then you'd know wat it feels like)
Detasti: dive into the heart
Halloween town theme (this is halloween)

One of the most difficult songs i've been trying to learn is the Sephiroth's theme One winged angel...and Jenova as well as the Hallow Bastion theme for KH

By the way, for some songs wif out sheet music, you get a midi program, open the midi and print the notes out, songs like dark shrouding cloud and other don't have a sheet music, so use a midi program to break them down. More recent songs from KH2 im still learnin like "Twilight town."

And all yu people are right.. the glory of being able to play a song from a favourite video game truly brings the heart at ease!!

I learn piano ONLY to play FF, Golden Sun, KH music, some game music *cough~Riviera~Cough* and a lot of anime. I know, im kinda sad...

p.s if anyone learns to play monotachi tatakau from FF7 advent children, notify me, coz i can't find sheet music or a midi!!

12-18-2006, 12:25 PM
Is you Final Fantasy sheet music from the Piano Collections?

12-18-2006, 01:00 PM
Yes, some are, some aren't. Coz i download some of the piano collection, and some from the transcript versions (I do that to vary the difference), umm, do you want the url to go to that site?? Also, some sheet music i learn from are ripped myself from various midis to play on the piano. ^_^

Some songs such as Riviera and other games songs have no sheet music or midis, thus you listen to the song repeatedly, slowly learn, then improvise. BUT most people know its easier to dl or buy the sheet music and play it off that.

Here is the link for Final Fantasy Sheet Music:
even though its for ff9 music they have a WHOLE lot of other Final Fantasy sheet music for u guys to enjoy urselves wif.

KH sheet music was collected from various sources. I might put the urls later

Enjoy playing

12-23-2006, 05:05 AM
playing the FINAL FANTASY 7 BATTLE THEME on my guitar

12-23-2006, 05:21 AM
Thanks to the sheet music on this site, I've mastered quite a bunch of pieces on piano in the last couple years.

Chocobo Theme
Clash on the Big Bridge/Battle with Gilgamesh
One Winged Angel
Bombing Mission (it sounds pretty cool on piano)
Still More Fighting
Cosmo Canyon
Foreted Temple
Barret's Theme
It's Difficult Standing on Both Feet
Weapon Raid
Stolen Materia
Liberi Fatali
Shuffle or Boogie (as well as the piano collection)
Don't Be Afraid
Force Your Way
Balamb Garden
Dance With the Balamb Fish
Under Her Control
Fithos Lusec Wecos Vinosec
Succession of Witches
Eyes on Me
Slideshow part 1 and 2
Man w/Machine Gun
Kuja's Theme
Vivi's Theme
Black Mage Village
Jesters of the Moon
Steiner's Theme
Vamo Alla Flamenco
Silence Before the Storm
Between Ordeals
Otherworld (not really piano material but it sounds cool coming off the sheet music)
Miihen Highroad
Hymn of the Fayth
Seymour's Theme (minus the last part)

Beat that.

BTW, anyone know where to get Kingdom Hearts sheet music? I've been trying to learn "Captain Hook's Pirate Ship" forever... a lot I've figured out by ear, but that one's a bit of a killer... and yet I happen to really like it.

12-23-2006, 07:36 AM
Okay I'll try to beat that

I can play

Jenova from PC (piano collections)
Tifa's theme from PC
Aeri's Theme from PC
The main theme from PC
gold saucer from PC
Cinco de Choco from PC
Welcoming Ceremony or whatever it's called from PC
Farm Boy from PC
Cosmo Canyon from PC
Fighting, well kinda, okay not realy from PC
Great Warrior

Blue Fields from PC
Ami from PC
Eyes on me from PC
Fiserhman's Horizons from PC
Waltz of the moon
Those other dark sounding ones that I don't know the names to, from PC


FFX and X-2
To Zanarkand from PC
Ending theme from PC
Tidus and Yuna Theme
Suteki Da Ne
Rikkus theme from PC
1000 words
Hymn of the Faith
Yuna's Determination
Auron's Theme
Tidus' Theme from PC

Final Fantasy in general
The Final fantasy Theme (no idea what it's called, but its in FFXII during the load your game screen)

any Final Fantasy Song not from the Piano Collections, 'cause I can sight read. "A impressive tempo with very few slip ups" is what it said on my Grade 7 piano exam for the sight reading section.

So, did I beat you?

12-23-2006, 07:49 AM
Alright guys I need a new song to play. Farm Boy is getting old, Ami is also getting old, Fishermans Horizons is starting to get boring and Blue Fields is just too easy to play.

So, since I don't have any songs from the FFIX piano collections, guys what's the Best Sounding song from the FFIX Piano Collections besides Melodies of Life?

12-23-2006, 12:26 PM
You came quite close, and I'll admit you possibly did. Learn One Winged Angel and Liberi Fatali and some FFIX songs and we're even. Still, you probably won, anyway. Heh.

As for FFIX songs, all of the ones I mentioned are pretty good... at least in my taste, I mentioned the songs in volume order, so anything you see between X and VIII is probably IX. Other than MoL, there are some nice pieces for piano such as Treno, Jesters of the Moon (how the hell is that not on the collection!), and Vamo 'Alla Flamenco. My personal favorite, is Vivi's Theme, but all the ones I happen to like actually aren't on the most popular list, but in my opinion it's definately worth it as well. Or you can play FFIX and decide for yourself.
But this is coming from someone who really likes "It's difficult Standing on Both Feet".

12-24-2006, 08:40 AM
Balamb Garden is a refreshing song, it was the first melody i heard on FF8 and fell in love wif it immediately.
Haha LOL, I admire all of you people...impressive skill in playing!!
I haven't played FF7 before. not much of FF9, and probably 1/8 through FF8, I gave up on FF10 and i'm playing KH series.

The only way i know about these songs are because i have the soundtracks. So if you people know any good songs, plz reccommend, I only know a few from the soundtrack coz they sound appealing (with my taste that is) and from the FF8 game itself.

Also, with Final Fantasy Advent chirldren. The theme where Tifa fights Loz (Tatakau monotachi is the name of the piano piece) Can anyone play that??? It sounds pretty elaborate.
Right now im focused on playing KH songs, but i will learn some FFX2 songs, I recently mastered Real Emotion through Midi ripping of sheet music.

btw, are there any good songs from FF11 or 12 ayone would like to recommend?

Arigatou Minna (thanks everyone)

Phil S
12-24-2006, 11:04 AM
I can only play Relm on my piano.
I'm trying to become a better pianist.

12-24-2006, 01:40 PM
Remember practice makes perfect!

12-24-2006, 10:12 PM
I can play One-Winged Angel from Advent Children on the drums. I can play other stuff but it would be improvised since many songs of FF don't have drums.

12-29-2006, 12:33 AM
Zanarkand - FFX, on piano.

12-29-2006, 05:17 AM
i wanna play 1 winged angle so much!

Duke Fleed
01-11-2007, 05:03 AM
Well, there are very many, but wind scene on accoustical guitar (Chrono Trigger) and Suteki da Ne (FFX) are my favourites. I could never play anything complicated like "Still more fighting" from ff7. But sometimes the simple melodies rock, too.

01-15-2007, 03:20 PM
only 1000 words and melodies of life, both on guitar

01-17-2007, 07:40 AM
I don't feel like compiling a huge list of songs like you guys have lol. So basically just check out my youtube, and you can desipher how many FF pieces I've played so far and see if I beat your long LONG lists ^^'


01-17-2007, 10:22 AM
yeah, but you take playing piano seriously ;) Anyway's how your piano going... one day it's gonna break because your play so hard.

Anyway kyle, care to recommend any good piano songs? It doesn't matter how hard it is, as long as it sounds good, I'm all for it - except for Fighting from FFVII, you should know why :) I wish I had bigger hands. Sometimes it sucks to be just 14.

I'm trying to find a really good song that I can sit down and master. I have a habit of learning a song half way (play it decently, but with a couple of mistakes), getting bored with it and ditching it. Most song's only excite me for a day... sometimes just a few hours. The only song I've really liked and spent a lot of time perfecting (besides the ones I'm forced to play... stupid exams...) was Zanarkand from FFX, and that was like 3 years ago. Right now I'm having fun with "Kids around the corner" from the Final Fantasy VI Piano Collections.

I have a strange way of telling if a song is good. The better the song sounds, the better the song is. This is to say, even just a simple melody can be better than an 18 page symphony composed by Mozart.

01-18-2007, 02:47 AM
I can play a variation of the chocobo them on saxophone and I worte one for piano. I've also played through a good number of songs from FFVIII (my favorite) I know Tifa's Theme by heart. Right now, I'm working on the prelude for fun and "Eyes on ME" (PIano Collections Version) for my recital in May.

01-29-2007, 08:02 PM
Hey, I have big respect for anyone playing FF theme songs on piano...I know nothing about it (I can scrape through an aeris theme) but most of the arrangements seem pretty hard!!

I play guitar, and I had a phase a while ago when all I played was Black Mages, 'maybe I'm a lion' being my favourite. Sweep picking is fun!

I recently did a guitar arrangement of Liberi Fatali which sounds alright I's a bit weird to hear it on guitar, but anyway...

Uematsu's music translates through instruments really easy, and theyre always great fun to play.

Duke Fleed
01-29-2007, 08:08 PM
Hey, I have big respect for anyone playing FF theme songs on piano...I know nothing about it (I can scrape through an aeris theme) but most of the arrangements seem pretty hard!!

I play guitar, and I had a phase a while ago when all I played was Black Mages, 'maybe I'm a lion' being my favourite. Sweep picking is fun!

I recently did a guitar arrangement of Liberi Fatali which sounds alright I's a bit weird to hear it on guitar, but anyway...

Uematsu's music translates through instruments really easy, and theyre always great fun to play.

The solo finale of maybe I'm a Lion is extremely difficult to play. I can rough it but the pitch is fucked. Same with the battle theme in FF7...wish I had some more skillz.

01-29-2007, 08:14 PM
Yeah it's quite hard, it doesn't move around the fret board much though, so it's ok. It's the descending part at the very end that's tricky alright.

The solo in Hunter's Chance is harder I find. Damn that 6/8 timing. So funky, yet so complex to solo over.

01-29-2007, 08:14 PM
Yeah it's quite hard, it doesn't move around the fret board much though, so it's ok. It's the descending part at the very end that's tricky alright.

The solo in Hunter's Chance is harder I find. Damn that 6/8 timing. So funky, yet so complex to solo over.

02-09-2007, 04:15 PM
Well, Alvinz, don't feel bad for being 14. I'm 19 and even tough I have practiced piano for some years, there are still many, many things I just can't do beacuse I re-started playin at 17.

Anyway, I can do:

To Zanarkand (FFX)
Cinco de Chocobo (FF VII? Can't remember)
Prelude (it's funny I tried to figure it out for months and its pretty damn easy)
Eyes on me (FF VIII Piano collections, partly)
Tina (FF VI Piano Collections)

Acoustic Guitar
Eyes on me (FF VIII)

@Duke Fleed: Well, I dropped playing electric guitar because I couldn't figure any great song, only some simple riffs from eric clapton and things like that. I just say: you can play "Maybe I'm a lion", I respect you.

02-12-2007, 02:33 AM
My girlfriend can play the Prelude on a skin flute.

02-17-2007, 03:02 AM
Ive worked out quite a few parts from FF songs on keyboard but mostly by accident when ive just been messing around.

02-17-2007, 03:15 AM
I can play most of the arrangements of ff main themes on the piano, i can also play Rydia, Theme of Love, To Zanarkand, Yuna's Theme, Yuna's Ballad, Aeris' Theme, Cosmo Canyon, Gold Saucer, Tifa's Theme, Farm Boy, Cinco de Chocobo, Ahead on our way, Highwind Takes to the sky, Descendent of Shinobi, and Auron's Theme.

Desert Wolf
02-18-2007, 06:39 PM
On electric guitar:
To Zanarkand(FFX)
Electric de Chocobo(FF7)
Those who fight further(FF7)
The Decisive Battle(FF6)
Matoyas Cave(FF1)

02-21-2007, 10:54 PM
I can play various songs on my piano. Like Tifa's Theme, Aeriths Theme, FFVII Main Theme, Kids Run Through The City Corner, To Zanarkand, Melodies Of Life, Balamb Garden Ami, The Succesor, Eternal Memory Of Lightwaves, Fishermans Horizon, those are just a few, but damn it was hard to learn "Kids Run Through The City Corner" Especially the beginning part of the song.

Rakuen no Tobira
02-23-2007, 04:56 AM
I've managed to learn by ear 'Cloud Smiles' from Advent Children, the 'Chocobo Theme song' and 'Suteki da ne' from X on my flute.

02-24-2007, 04:09 AM
Ocarina- I like playing Zelda music xD it amuses me to no end.

02-24-2007, 05:23 AM

02-24-2007, 08:10 PM
Does anyone know some sites where I can get videogame sheet music for guitar? Not just Final Fantasy, but others too (preferably Zelda and Street Fighter)

02-24-2007, 08:11 PM

02-26-2007, 01:07 PM
I play both the piano and the flute though my number one instrument of choice is my voice. I'm an aspiring vocalist. Anyways, I can play a select few pieces from FF on the piano though if I had to choose only one, it would be "Kefka". Aeris' theme is the only thing I have played derived from the FF series score on the flute and it is beautiful with a quartet. I have found that the compositions involveing vocals in FF games have not proven very interesting save for one. The operatic version of Celes' Theme is beautifully sung and offers a challenge for me. I absolutely love it. I just wish I was talented enough to play the piano version. ^^

Sensi Hawso
02-26-2007, 02:40 PM
Suteki da Ne - Violin/Piano
To Zanarkand - Piano
Eyes on me - Violin/Piano

02-26-2007, 05:21 PM
�About buying music sheet... I remember Squaresound (.com?) There you can find music sheets even for Chrono Cross (which doesn't have a piano version) at decent prices.

Vincent Von Doom
03-03-2007, 02:31 PM
well there are a few songs i can play on the guitar....

my personal favourites are Vincent's Theme, Village of Dali, Eyes on me, and Breezy.... ofcourse there is also Zanarkand, RedXIII theme, yuffie's theme, aeris' theme, prelude, Matoya's theme... i think that's it..... OH YEAH... THE CHOCOBO THEME SONG, HELLZ YEAH...

03-05-2007, 11:35 AM
learning Breezy from FF8 and Scars of Time from Chrono Cross on my acoustic.

oh, and a couple of The Black Mages songs on my electric. that counts, right?

03-13-2007, 05:51 PM
FFX - To Zanarkand on the piano.. currently trying to learn Eternity from FFX-2

03-15-2007, 06:25 AM
I play a couple of songs..
zozo city of ff6 (guitar)
wall market of ff 7 (guitar)
ancient city of ff7 (guitar)
breezy of ff 8 (guitar, though)
terra of ff 9 (guitar)
qu�s marsh of ff9 (harmonica)
tantalus of ff9 (harmonica)
zorn & thorn theme of ff9 (piano, of course)
oilvert & ipsen�s castle of ff9 (harmonica, they are same notes)

03-15-2007, 08:20 AM
"Eyes on me" form FFVII was the first song from the series I ever played on the piano.
If I had a piano now, I would try "To Zanarkand" from FFX.

03-15-2007, 04:41 PM
I play a couple of songs..
zozo city of ff6 (guitar)
wall market of ff 7 (guitar)
ancient city of ff7 (guitar)
breezy of ff 8 (guitar, though)
terra of ff 9 (guitar)
qu�s marsh of ff9 (harmonica)
tantalus of ff9 (harmonica)
zorn & thorn theme of ff9 (piano, of course)
oilvert & ipsen�s castle of ff9 (harmonica, they are same notes)

Isn't Terra from FF6???

03-15-2007, 09:10 PM
my mistake.
I mean the song in ff9 where zidane is chasing the girl in terra

03-16-2007, 04:22 AM
Ok I was like O_o...

BTW, I'm learning One Winged Angel from VII Piano Collections.... Freaking hard! But I think it will be worth my sweat

Duke Fleed
03-16-2007, 04:38 AM
I think this thread needs to be closed now. I regret submitting to it.

03-21-2007, 04:17 PM
Hey! Nice to see so many musicians out there ^^

Even though I'm originally a drummer, I play a great many video game tracks on the flute, gitarr and piano. But I like 'em in their original sound better, though ;)

My fav's are
Great Warrior
Aerith's Theme
Matoya's Cave
Corneria Castle
Wily Stage 1 (MM II)
Tengu Man (Rock & Forte)
Celes' Theme
Bloody Tears
Vampire Killer..

Too many favorites to remember!
I'm working on diffrent arrangements so that one day I can put em all together into on nice jazz-kind-of-sound CD! That would be my dream ^^


03-22-2007, 02:32 AM
The piano collections are pretty nice... nice job by Masashi Hamauzu!

I printed out a few (although I'd like to get an original copy sometimes...) and can make a passable stab at Via Purifico (ie: "Path of Repentance" in the game-arrangement sheets), People of the Far North and Song of Prayer.

If you took away the sheet music I'd just sit there like a lemon though. :)

03-31-2007, 05:31 PM
The place I'll return to someday sounds very good with my ocarina, music from Zelda too (even if I can't play the song of the windfish. too high:-\ ).

04-01-2007, 01:09 PM
I hear you,HBDV! Same here, as my flute can't reach those notes. But maybe if one lowers it?
If it really doesn't fit, I change some tunes to make it fit =P

04-01-2007, 03:23 PM
It wouldn't be a problem with a recorder (for example), but my ocarina goes only from C3 to F4. It's fit with melodies which don't reach the sky, unlike the wonderful song of the Windfish ^^ .

04-03-2007, 07:31 AM
It's a great song mate! ^^

04-04-2007, 03:05 PM
Recently I've been learning the decisive battle from FF6, using Kurikinton Fox's tab. It's pretty quick, but I'm getting there. The sweep at the end will take me ages to get, though. Anyone here who can play it?

04-04-2007, 08:31 PM
I'm currently learning the PC version of Besaid Island, but my favorite to play is Terra.

04-23-2007, 04:25 AM
Gaah!! I can only play Suteki Da Ne on my violin and I suck on the solo part. But i'm getting the hang of it. I REALLY need a new site for FF music. For Violin of course. The piece I really want and am ooking for is an arrangement for only violin for Eternity Memories of Lightwaves (? Its the song on the title screen for FFX-2). PLEASE!!!!

04-30-2007, 03:14 AM
I can play a few songs... On the trumpet I, (at one point or another) was able to play the trumpet part from the Final Fantasy 9 FMV song, Brahne Appears, The Play Begins. I'm also well known for blaring the Final Fantasy victory theme whenever something good happens, (be it a successful performance or someone getting a cookie :P)

On the piano I can play various songs, mainly ones from FF9. I can play Loss of Me, Something to Protect (sometimes called Protecting My Devotion) Kuja's theme, Wicked Melody, Vivi's theme (and most variations of it) City Under Attack, the battle theme, A Place to Call Home (and most variations) and a few others. A lot of these I'm able to transfer to other instruments, but I mostly play them on the piano.

05-23-2008, 07:07 PM
well, there's no song I can play really... but the ones I can play (without the difficult part in the middle):
The Promised Land (comletely)
Tifas Theme (all pages! ...ok, it's easy XP)
Main Theme of FF VII (all pages but in a slow temp)
Farm Boy (only page 1 and end)
Aeris' Theme (the same)
Eyes on Me (completely)
The Rise of a New Queen
Frontier Village Dali (only page 1 and 2)
To Zanarkand (all pages ...without the short fast part)
Yunas Decision
Ending of FF X (without page 1)
1000 words (without pages 4 and 5)
Wind Crest
Eternity (ok, I only get it 'til page 3...)
Epilogue (eh.. not really but it sounds really nice)
Choc-a-Bye (all pages)
Distant Worlds (completely)
...sry for posting so much XP

Since one year I began to play more and more songs (most from FF but also from Ghibli-Films) and to learn playing piano (without any lessons). My first song was "To Zanarkand" (the only one I can play without any music sheet). One of the most beautiful songs in the series. Today I've found what I searched for many times ago: The FF Guitar Collection (because should be able to play guitar too XP) so I can't say anything about that versions of sheet music.

About the FF sheet music (for piano): There are so many songs, but the most of them who sounds realy nice are difficult too (I hope I'll finally be able to play "Final Battle" (FF IX)some day^^). I hope that I'll never come to a point, where I can play all that music (that will be boring). There is much more to discover in the early parts of the series.

Very interesting to see (or more correct, read), that there is more than "only" piano-music^^

06-01-2008, 09:11 PM
i play mainly FF11 songs on piano, my favorite being the Song voyager, in regards to the OP, my favorite chocobo version would be from ff11 aswell.

06-04-2008, 04:26 AM
Well, I can play Tatakau Monotachi from FF7 Advent Children...
In my school's last Musical Talentime I went on with it and got the 1st place...
I think its not because of ME but because the song was GOOD...
T.T One of the juries said, "can i have the sheets for that piece?"
Oh, and Decisive Battle is good too... the prob is my fingers are too small for that T.T

06-04-2008, 01:11 PM
Holy crap. '05?

Anyways, playing ff songs is usually just a case of printing off the sheet music and having a go at it. Like most songs. ;o

06-09-2008, 04:05 PM
Those Who Fight [Final Fantasy VII (Piano, Original, FF:AC Version)] - Guitar, Piano, Trombone
Chocobo Theme (basic) - Trombone, Piano
Battle 1 [Final Fantasy I] - Trombone
BOSS: Garland [Final Fantasy I] - Trombone (Yes, even the incredibly high B)
Moogle Theme (basic) - Trombone, Drums (lol, I know the drum part)
You're Not Alone [Final Fantasy IX(?)] - Piano, Trombone

That's about it for me. Probably the hardest out of all of that is the Moogle theme for Trombone, just because of the really quick notes, and the fanfare at the end is really hard to pull off after using up a lung for all the other notes. X-x;

EDIT: Holy crap, how did I forget Terra's theme?! That one's my favorite, and I even picked up a flute long enough to learn it.

Terra's Theme [Final Fantasy VI] - Trombone, Piano, Guitar, Flute

06-10-2008, 05:06 PM
Can anyone play the Prelude? It may be a memo I didn't get but I still think its fantastic, especially Final Fantasy X's intro version, before the blitzball game.

06-10-2008, 09:06 PM
I play mostly FFVI stuff. I like to modify the main theme and add little things to the tunes to make them a little better and bring out the emotion. I play mostly my oboe and sometimes go back to my clarinet but with the oboe you get a really great sound. I stick with what I know and which songs I care the most about Strago's theme, Relm's theme, Terra's them (of course)... from the best FF game comes the best FF soundtrack in my opinion and there's plenty of musical genius out there for it.


06-11-2008, 01:29 AM
Right now the only one I can play is the chocobo theme..and a part of the one winged angel..and part of the kefka theme

06-28-2008, 11:35 AM
I like Aerith's theme the best! I've been trying to look for Aerith's theme in the violin, so please, if anyone knows where to find it, PM me!!! :[ I really want to play that piece!!! Thanksss!!!!!!!!!!

06-29-2008, 04:59 AM

It's about half-way down, on Disc 3. It's the piano sheet music, but you should be able to figure it out for violin.

On piano, I can play Path of Repentance (FFX), Wandering Flame (FFX), Drifting (FFVIII), Succession of Witches (FFVIII Piano collection version), and I used to be able to play the piano collection versions of Shuffle or Boogie and Find Your Way (FFVIII).

06-30-2008, 04:03 PM
On piano, from the Piano Collections albums:
Those who Fight(FFVII)
Rufus' Welcome Ceremony(FFVII)
Tidus' Theme(FFX)
To Zanarkand(FFX)
Choc-a-bye Baby(FFXI)
Moblin Menagerie-Movalpolos(FFXI)
Faded Memories-Promyvion(FFXI)
Distant Worlds(FFXI)
Jeweled Boughs(FFXI)

A couple more I either learnt before and lost touch with(like Final Battle from FFIX) or I'm still in the learning process.

07-22-2008, 05:09 AM
Since I began playing the alto saxophone I've always dabbled in arranging sheet music of the music from final fantasy.
Right now I'm currently working with the software Finale Notepad 2008 to arrange compositions of songs from the Final Fantasy series such as:

Final Fantasy
Melodies of Life [FFIX]
Battle Scene [FFI]
Eyes on Me [FFVIII]
Tifa's Theme [FFVII]
Cloud Smiles [FFVIII AC]
Balamb Garden [FFVIII]
Fisherman's Horizon [FFVIII]
Protecting My Devotion [FFIX]

And more possibilities open up to me as time goes on. =]
I love this hobby.

07-23-2008, 07:28 PM
I can play these songs on the piano:
Tifa's Theme [FFVII]
Aeris' Theme [FFVII]
To Zanarkand [FFX]

I love Final Fantasy music. :3

07-23-2008, 10:55 PM
Aeris's theme on piano, but I'll do more FFVI on it too.

I do tons of FF VI and VII on guitar my favorite being Mystic Forest and Epitaph

Occasionally I try to figure out random songs on the Ocarina, but I'm not really that good :s (Zelda ftw)

Leon Scott Kennedy
07-23-2008, 11:38 PM
I recently mastered Yakusoku No Chi/The Promised Land (from Final Fantasy VII - Advent Children), on a Clavinova. It took quite a while to learn it, but in the end it was worth the effort :D

08-01-2008, 11:31 PM
I can play "Aeris' Theme" and "Still more fighting" on a guitar. I'm working on "Still more fighting" for the drums.

The Dunkis
08-29-2009, 02:36 PM
i can play:
Cince de chocobo (FF7) on alto sax
Farm boy (FF7) on alto sax
Melodies of life FF7) on alto sax
Suteki Da Ne (FF10) on alto sax
ONE WINGED ANGEL (WHOO) (FF7) on alto sax.

my fav song is Not Alone from FFIX, dunno why, just is (it's catchy i guess).

08-29-2009, 08:22 PM
lol this post is like 3 years old but the original poster reminds me of ed from cowboy bebop... but i play some final fantasy 10 on acoustic guitar and piano to zanarkand of course my favorite to play.

08-30-2009, 03:03 AM
I can only play one song on the piano... the crystal song the that goes CDEG up the piano then but down backwards, then GABD up the piano then down backwards, then DEFA up the piano and down backwards

Thaius Tydane
08-31-2009, 07:40 AM
Well I've been trying to learn At Zanarkand (Final Fantasy X) on the piano, simply because it is my favorite piano piece... well, ever. Love that song.

09-08-2009, 02:45 AM
I'm a Percussionist, so my playing of songs consists of on the Marimba, which is pretty much piano to be really honest, and the drum set parts of songs. By far, my favorite Drum set part to play to is Those Who Fight Further.

But on Marimba I can do:
-The Chocobo Theme (It really doesn't change much from one to another)
-Victory Fanfare
-Terra's Theme (FFVI)
-Love Grows (FF I or II...can't remember)
-Tifa's Theme (FFVII)
-Aeris' Theme (FFVII)
-Cid's Theme (FFVII)
-Gold Saucer (FFVII)
-Cosmo Canyon (FFVII)
-One Winged Angel (FFVII)
-Those Who Fight Further (FFVII)
-Eyes On Me (FFVIII)
-Vamo' Alla Flamenco (FFIX)
-Distant Worlds (FFXI)

Whew. That's it.

09-08-2009, 04:03 AM
I had a long-ass list of what I could play, but it's been expanded a lot by now. I'll find it and post it later and challenge anyone to beat my list.

09-13-2009, 03:05 AM
Im gonna learn
Final Fantasy 6 Decisive (Boss) Battle on Euphonium
But I have to wait till Monday for my friend from school to translate the music from B.C. to T.C. ( I only play T.C. on baritone sense I switched from trumpet to baritone)
Unless someone here can translate B.C. to T.C. I can send them the sheet music for it :D?

09-13-2009, 03:25 AM
I haven't played any FF songs in a while but I do remember being able to play The Landing and The Extreme on my electric guitar and Balamb Garden on my acoustic guitar.

All the songs were from FFVIII btw.

09-14-2009, 05:30 AM
I can play tifas theme, yuffie's theme, aerith theme, main theme of final fantasy vii of the Piano collections and also from zanarkand, and ending theme from final fantasy X

09-21-2009, 08:06 AM
i cant play any but i LOVE and one with a piano as the main instrument!