10-31-2005, 01:13 AM
Dunno if you've already though of this, or wether or not someone has already raised the issue hear, but I notice some links between the FFVII world and our own, well two at least.

#1: Oil = Mako
Reason: Well, its fairly obvious. 'Life blood' of the planet being sucked out by mega corporations, running out slowly but surely etc. etc.

#2: Wutai = Vietnam
It was called 'the pointless war' (or something to that effect) in the game, as has Vietnam been called pointless. Wutai is evidently asian based, Midgar Western Based (presumeably more American that anything else.) I had more reasons and if I can remember them then I'll edit them in.

xxThe Highwind xx
10-31-2005, 01:18 AM
i understand oil=mako but i dont really understand ?wutai=vietnam?
but if it is what i think it is the oil thing is like a prediction

10-31-2005, 03:08 AM
dont forget the moronic leader of a major superpower in the world that believes if someone disagrees with him they can simply be killed. the game has that as well

10-31-2005, 03:31 AM

wutai is vietnam because they both have slanty eyes ! AND ASIANS ARE THIEVES. JUST LIKE YUFFIE.

it's all so clear now.

Buster Sword
10-31-2005, 04:02 AM
You're right, Guerre! Our lives are just like this video game. Those Japs are smarter than we give them credit for...everything is just a symbol for our world. The trains in midgar represent North America's mass public transit system.... Rufus = George Bush. the old president = bill clinton after he was assassinated by sephiroth who= Osama bin Laden. Ooh ooh! The Mako Cannon/Sister Ray represents the power that America tries to so simply wield and force other nations' cooperation with.
Cloud is obviously James Bond... and Barrett represents Michael Moore. Yeah this is getting good.
Umm...the chocobos represent before it was spoiled by all our excess technology. the icicle mountain is just Antarctica. Fort Condor is really Mount Everest. The Highwind represents the powerful but now controversial issue of flying large aircraft near midgar = U.S.
Ruby weapon, emerald weapon, crystal weapon, etc. = the opposing forces that America is always at war at. they try to "help" other parts of the world when the center of corruption is "midgar" itself.
Holy Crap.
I'm done.
P.S. Meteor = global warming and all the hurricanes

Swedish Fish
10-31-2005, 04:44 AM
I think you mean video games are our lives, not the other way around.

Neo Xzhan
10-31-2005, 11:42 AM
Games should be games, real life should be real life.

Go see a doctor.

10-31-2005, 05:32 PM
What are you on about Bill Clinton didnt get assainated by Osama Bin Laden.
Can anyone confirm this what he just said or am I just seeing things

10-31-2005, 05:53 PM
Sorry Buster Sward, but but i disagree with everything you said, as the name suggests Final Fantasy is a fantasy.

And James Bond doesn't exisit in real life(you did know that...right??) and meteor was cast purposfully by one man whereas global warming was unintentionally caused by practiclly the whole world, and Im not going to go on.

10-31-2005, 06:23 PM
Dunno if you've already though of this, or wether or not someone has already raised the issue hear, but I notice some links between the FFVII world and our own, well two at least.

#1: Oil = Mako
Reason: Well, its fairly obvious. 'Life blood' of the planet being sucked out by mega corporations, running out slowly but surely etc. etc.

#2: Wutai = Vietnam
It was called 'the pointless war' (or something to that effect) in the game, as has Vietnam been called pointless. Wutai is evidently asian based, Midgar Western Based (presumeably more American that anything else.) I had more reasons and if I can remember them then I'll edit them in.

I think your reading into too much tbh.

Sephiroth's son
10-31-2005, 06:28 PM
i think buster sword was being sarcastic

10-31-2005, 10:47 PM
well sarcastic or not, he was right about rufus=george bush

10-31-2005, 11:06 PM
well sarcastic or not, he was right about rufus=george bush

I would totaly disagree. By the the time FFVII was made George "Dubbuya" Bush wasn`t even president. Plus, if it was such a political message, why do we feel sympathy for Rufus?. I don`t know about you but the game at times almost made him a likeable villian, although he was never a true "villian". He had good in him, and he respected Cloud to a certain extent. This doesn`t sound like George Bush or any president for the matter.

Lines can be drawn from anything in any game to real life but many are too vague to be real connections.

11-01-2005, 12:02 AM
FF7 really reflects what our real world is...the current events, what we do to hour Earth....and everything...... I really think SE is a genis

11-01-2005, 12:08 AM
FF7 really reflects what our real world is...the current events, what we do to hour Earth....and everything...... I really think SE is a genis

But the whole "Our world is being deatroyed government suits, and we gotta fight against it" has been done time and time again.

Granted it`s a very thought provoking story but it`s by no means 100% original.

Neo Xzhan
11-01-2005, 06:04 PM
This is just stupid if you ask me, you can relate ANY game back to real life in any form of way as you see fit.

I stand by my original comment.

11-01-2005, 08:54 PM
FF7 really reflects what our real world is...the current events, what we do to hour Earth....and everything...... I really think SE is a genis

Are you honestly claiming that it was ingenious for Square to create a fantasy world with such blatantly obvious parallels to our own? Seems to me that it was just cutting corners, drawing parallels to real life instead of creating a truly new and unique world.

11-01-2005, 10:40 PM
Are you honestly claiming that it was ingenious for Square to create a fantasy world with such blatantly obvious parallels to our own? Seems to me that it was just cutting corners, drawing parallels to real life instead of creating a truly new and unique world.

Furthermore, how can a company be a genius? AND Square Enix was Squaresoft when FFVII was released. Seriously guys, you're Freuding the crap out of this. Next thing you know, you'll hear that President Shinra was searching for Aeris for sexual reasons. Whether or not FFVII is a good story, please don't rip it to shreds with overanalysis.

xxThe Highwind xx
11-02-2005, 12:24 AM
Furthermore, how can a company be a genius? AND Square Enix was Squaresoft when FFVII was released. Seriously guys, you're Freuding the crap out of this. Next thing you know, you'll hear that President Shinra was searching for Aeris for sexual reasons. Whether or not FFVII is a good story, please don't rip it to shreds with overanalysis.

11-02-2005, 12:59 AM
OMG... Rufus = George.W.Bush... ha ha ha haaaaa... Rufus wanted to rule with "fear" and not stupidity... I think its more logical that maybe instead of Squaresoft(back then) making FFVII like the world now but maybe... just maybe... some1 made the world now like FFVII!!! Now think about that! There are people that powerful and hell who wouldnt want to be some1 from FFVII... oh ye if that will happen I BAGS BEING VINCENT!! O.o

Neo Xzhan
11-02-2005, 01:13 AM
Furthermore, how can a company be a genius? AND Square Enix was Squaresoft when FFVII was released. Seriously guys, you're Freuding the crap out of this. Next thing you know, you'll hear that President Shinra was searching for Aeris for sexual reasons. Whether or not FFVII is a good story, please don't rip it to shreds with overanalysis.

Out of context, you're debating how FFVII would be like in our REAL world, it has little to do with plot holes (major plot holes for that matter) or whatever you think is worth defending in a mediocre game.

11-02-2005, 02:13 PM
Man, this arguement is repetitive, half of you think it's all crap, the other half totally agree, personally, I think it's all a huge damn coincidence.

11-02-2005, 02:15 PM
ye it is... its nice to compare things though... lol

11-02-2005, 05:07 PM
Indeed it is.:)

Neo Xzhan
11-02-2005, 06:29 PM
Actually I like to think it's stupid to compare something totally fictional with our real world. It's just as awfull as comparing two bands to eachother who both have their own styles and way of playing.

It has nothing to do with wether I agree with the statements made or don't. Because the part where Oil = Mako, doesn't end up at all. If you are so aware of the story of your all time favorite game, then Mako is the escence of spirits who returned to the planet, forced into energy that cannot be recycled. Oil is just left overs from times long gone, heaps of dead animals, plants and what not is what oil really is.

If you want you can compare it to Mako that way, but the fact is, they have nothing to do with eachother, draining oil does NOT kill this planet, but draining Mako would have killed the world in FFVII.

And Wutai = Vietnam is utter bullshit from my point of view, please name one war that actually WAS usefull. How is killing millions of innocent people a GOOD thing? Could you be so kind to explain that to me?

Apart from that, you can compare anything to everything if you're going to backtranslate a fictional world to our real world. But the awnsers you get are different depending on who you are talking to.

I hope that awnsers your question.

11-02-2005, 06:35 PM
indeed... man you are one to make a point arent you!

11-02-2005, 11:05 PM
Cloud is obviously James Bond... and Barrett represents Michael Moore.

lol....Talk about comparisons.

11-03-2005, 04:06 AM
Out of context, you're debating how FFVII would be like in our REAL world, it has little to do with plot holes (major plot holes for that matter) or whatever you think is worth defending in a mediocre game.

I was giving examples of things that were completely out of context intentionally. My point is that people are trying to put meaning in nothing. Every parallel I've seen in this thread has been quite a stretch. Mako is nothing like oil; if we drained the oil from our planet, would it crack in to pieces and just dissapate? I'm not quite sure what you're saying I was trying to say, but I definitely wasn't defending FFVII in any way. I was just saying that people are overanalyzing a rather basic story.

11-03-2005, 07:32 PM
Right, so, this is just another chance to argue, you guys, you're all so, hilarious.

Neo Xzhan
11-03-2005, 08:26 PM
This has nothing to do with argueing, I'm making a point of how ridiculous this concept is. The fact is that FFVII is a completely fictional world, with no real references to reality. But you could see references everywhere if you wanted to. The idea of fiction is to fantasize yourself in a different, non excistant, world. Whether the game is good or bad has little to do with the fact that the creators of the game thought up a fictional world with different laws that are far to different of our own.

There is no real point in trying to backtranslate something fictional to something real, mainly because it is fictional. You cannot begin to image where the people responsible for the story got their inspiration from. Not to mention that everyone you'd talk to would have different awnsers to a simple question like: What do you think that looks the most like Mako in our world?

You should not erase the line between fiction and reality, it destroys a beautiful concept.

xxThe Highwind xx
11-03-2005, 09:06 PM
were all going to die a horrible death ether sitting at our computer on gaming consoles. =)

11-03-2005, 10:04 PM
were all going to die a horrible death ether sitting at our computer on gaming consoles. =)
quoted for truth

11-03-2005, 11:58 PM
Ah.... I can see some people are clearly eloquent and mature debaters. Like I said, it's just an idea. I didn't mean that the whole game was a political snipe at George Bush. I was simply stating that certain aspets of the plot ie. Mako, could be derived from features of our own modern world. You'd be right in saying that comparing something totally fictional to own world is stupid, but part of the point I'm raising is that perhaps FFVII isn't totally fictional, and the writers took their ideas from real life.

Against my own suggestion I didn't back up my thought about wutai - vietnam link well enough, so fair's fair, Buster Sword. As you pointed out, you can go on all day making up crap with nothing to back it up. However, a possible link between oil and mako is conceivable. There are reasons to think such a thing, and I already stated some of them. As has been pointed out, the world isn't going to to implode when the oil runs dry, but as I stated before the concept of a greedy people drawing stuff out of the planet for energy which is slowly but surely running out seems familiar. You can shit all over this, as is your right. Thats why I posted it as one way of seeing things.

Dirge, you make a good point in that I could be reading too far into it, then you could say that of many interpretations. George Bush wasn't in office in 1997, but the worlds oil supply was still running out. As I've already said, I wasn't presenting FFVII as a political attack at America or any other country, simply bringing certain ways of interpreting the plot for discussion.

If anyone can be bothered to read all that, then I hope its cleared up what my intentions were.

Neo Xzhan
11-04-2005, 12:36 AM
It's not that I am missing your intension, it's that you are trying to link something fictional with something real. Like I mentioned before, in fictional worlds there are different laws of nature for example. Things like magic and materia in this case. There's just no way there's a credible link to reality if you are backtranslating it.

As sarcastic as he is, Buster Sword has a very good point and I'm all over it. I can see and apreciate where you are comming from Guerre, but I have my own ideas about that you should leave things the way they are. I understand your redenation about Oil equalling Mako, but as I explained before aswell, it doesn't fully end up. You could also backtranslate Mako as any modern day fuel if you'd like, and that's the biggest problem about comparing. You can compare anything to everything given the right arguements and make it credible.

That's why I used my example of comparing two bands with eachother, no one tells them how to play, they have their own style. It's like reading a book, the author makes the rules, who are you to defy them?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
11-04-2005, 02:31 PM

11-04-2005, 03:09 PM
It's funny cuz it's true ^^^

Swedish Fish
11-06-2005, 02:52 AM
Yup. And to think. You must be insulting sooooo many people with just one picture.

Neo Xzhan
11-06-2005, 03:12 AM
Yup. And to think. You must be insulting sooooo many people with just one picture.

Insult or wake up call? it's funny how people keep telling you how great this game is, while everything about it is just mediocre.

Swedish Fish
11-06-2005, 03:56 AM
I don't mean that I'm insulted. It was just an observation.

11-06-2005, 09:27 AM
hi im new im just here to say cool picture odin

11-08-2005, 01:00 AM
hi im new im just here to say cool picture odin

And we have a winner!

11-18-2005, 05:59 PM
And President Shinra searching for Aeris for sexual reasons MUST relate to micheal jackson bringing kids to his neverland ranch!!!

11-19-2005, 02:40 AM
I would totaly disagree. By the the time FFVII was made George "Dubbuya" Bush wasn`t even president.

He's not saying that Square created the game based on real life. He's saying that many things in real life seem like the game.

11-26-2005, 07:21 PM
Okay. Dude are you seriously bored or something? Naturally a game will have things the gamers can relate to and hopefully will create a familiarity between the game and the players. Therefore, the characters have humanlike qualities and emotions and similar appearances (Wutai = retarded). However we have to know when to draw the line when comparing certain things. Final Fantasy, in the end, is just a story (how good depends on your tastes),and relating Mako to oil can result in one and only solution: they are both energy sources. The whole thing about greedy people blah blah blah is all your additions to Mako and oil. Assumptions and connections anyone can make about anything. Want an example? Here you are.

Theoritical Analysis of Final Fantasy: Dragoncurry
The different sectors (also known as plates) in Final Fantasy 7 clearly represent the class tensions present in parts of the world today. The slums in the lower sectors are devoid of sunlight and it is clear that the upper classes are slowly, but surely, killing the lower class as is presented in the Sunlight Theory by Darwin in The Origin of Life.

Point Proven.
Moving on, you wished to introduce an element to initiate a discussion about the plot right? Yes, that is what you said. How does Mako = oil or Wutai = Vietnam help start a discussion about the plot of THE GAME? Tell me how. If you can give me an answer, I might be prepared to accept that you (as eloquent as you think yourself to be) are not an empty windbag throwing around random ideas that you grabbed out of your ass.

xxThe Highwind xx
11-29-2005, 12:54 AM
hahaha this is so funny

11-30-2005, 01:18 AM
almost as funny as when that moron asked why aeris died

Gentleman Ghost
11-30-2005, 06:24 AM
Which moron said that? I wanna know...
(o0o I know this is gonna be funny..)

Neo Xzhan
11-30-2005, 12:16 PM
Please stop spamming up the forums or I'll start closing threads.

xxThe Highwind xx
12-01-2005, 12:55 AM
almost as funny as when that moron asked why aeris died
now ur a smartass sorry but i think ur a wan*** pure and simple.
so stop ur sarcasm and get a life>:O

12-01-2005, 04:09 AM
Calm down man. How do you people get pissed off so easily? Just laugh it off. He isn't harassing you. Sheesh. ;)