10-31-2005, 12:57 AM
FF VII has taught me a lot of things, how about you?

Lesson #1
Invading peoples houses, searching their belongings and stealing their hard-earnt gil is all in a days saving the planet.

Lesson #2
Crazy old people can fly

Lesson #3
A person can be shot, stabbed, blown up, poisoned, burnt, frozen, and drowned, but take em from behind with a ridiculously long sword (about 4 foot should do the job) and they're toast.

Lesson #4
You can still maintain any amount of dignity if you choose to walk around with a lightbulb blonde hairdo bigger than your actual head. After all, should the guards of that powerstation you are blowing up take your sword (or you just can't lift it....) you can always stab them with a well aimed head-butt.

xxThe Highwind xx
10-31-2005, 01:04 AM
lol at least you got something out of it lol

10-31-2005, 03:09 PM
Certainly some valuable life lessons there.

Sephiroth's son
10-31-2005, 06:31 PM
thats was great

10-31-2005, 06:49 PM
FFVII taught me that a fanboys idea of humour is complete bollocks.

Great game though.

10-31-2005, 08:11 PM
If I learned anything, if some "bitch" named Shera invites me in, I should "shut up and drink my goddamn tea". Anyways, that game taught me the true meaning of RPGs and how to strategically beat them in terms of battle strats. For example, you know the stupid Lost Number in Shinra Mansion and his main strengths? If you physically attack him, he boosts his Phys. Def. a lot, and same for the Magic offense. He's technically the most difficult boss in terms of strategy.

10-31-2005, 08:28 PM
It taught me how to run a successful whore house, and bang many a chicks. Even if i'm fat and hairy.

10-31-2005, 10:58 PM
The only thing I learned from FFVII is that even the most shit of games can be popular. I still don't know why though.

10-31-2005, 11:37 PM
things ff7 taught me:
- mr T. should have been the leader of the A-Team
- if you light an animals tail on fire, they can talk
- mayors make great librarians
- no matter where you go in life, the next place you go will have better, and more expensive shops
- if you go off the northern end of the world, you will reappear in the southern end
- nightfall never occurs in most areas until you go rest somewhere

Vincent, Thunder God
11-02-2005, 02:01 AM
Final Fantasy 7 has taught me that somehow, no matter where it is on the world map, if a chocobo runs off of the screen he will somehow end up in the chocobo farm! Teleportation magic? I wish I could use that at the chocobo races... I could teleport to the finish!

11-02-2005, 02:01 PM
Final Fantasy VII has taught me that you can get the crap kicked out of you and amost die, but as long as you have a phoenix down handy, you can get back up and get the crap kicked out of you some more.

11-02-2005, 02:32 PM
FFVII thought me...
-if you get your hand gunned off just simply get it replaced by a bigger gun
-no matter how weak you are/ naerly dead/ poisoned etc. you can still weild a sword bigger than urself
-Vampires are able to turn into different beasts
-Most people anre made out of many blocks
-purple/blue go really well together
-O is the new X
-Summoning great monsters to kill smaller monsters is just everyday stuff
-No matter how battles u have had theres always another one a few steps away
-If you hurt the planet(but not like digging a hole) the planet will summon giant green beams to heal it then you can you merge with it if your mad enough/ your hair is grey enough or you have a REALLLLLY long sword!!!

11-02-2005, 08:11 PM
-O is the new X

xxThe Highwind xx
11-02-2005, 08:20 PM
things ff7 taught me:
- mr T. should have been the leader of the A-Team
- if you light an animals tail on fire, they can talk
- mayors make great librarians
- no matter where you go in life, the next place you go will have better, and more expensive shops
- if you go off the northern end of the world, you will reappear in the southern end
- nightfall never occurs in most areas until you go rest somewhere

FFVII thought me...
-if you get your hand gunned off just simply get it replaced by a bigger gun
-no matter how weak you are/ naerly dead/ poisoned etc. you can still weild a sword bigger than urself
-Vampires are able to turn into different beasts
-Most people anre made out of many blocks
-purple/blue go really well together
-O is the new X
-Summoning great monsters to kill smaller monsters is just everyday stuff
-No matter how battles u have had theres always another one a few steps away
-If you hurt the planet(but not like digging a hole) the planet will summon giant green beams to heal it then you can you merge with it if your mad enough/ your hair is grey enough or you have a REALLLLLY long sword!!!

11-02-2005, 08:24 PM
you can only take it in turns to hit one another

people can fit into your pocket whilst u run around

everyone writes down what they say.

once you kill sumthing, you get to do a little jig :D

you can try running, but suddenly the ground becomes a kind of tredmill an u run on the same spot for hours.

even the mostridiculous clotjhing and hairstyles can make you envy theirattitudes and styles.

11-02-2005, 10:07 PM
why thank you!

11-02-2005, 10:40 PM
i also learned:
-the world has an unlimited supply of huge ass snakes
-in order to gain fanboys you need to have a mother complex
-if someone hits you enough, youll start glowing and do a super cool power move to annihilate them
-giant cannons are easy to transport from city to city
-random animals carry money and useful items for no reason

11-04-2005, 09:47 AM
Nice thread.Lol.

FF7 has taught me that animals can talk to humans.
And it has also taught me that you can carry hundreds of items at the same time yet you don't need a backpack.

11-04-2005, 03:05 PM
Ah, Final Fantasy VII also taught me

-You can float in the air as long as you are hitting your enemy alot.
-A squirrel looking thing can kill you
-You can use an aeroplane as a boat
-Theme park owners enjoy walking around in very little clothing
-Never take a bath at the hunny bee inn, EVER

xxThe Highwind xx
11-05-2005, 01:01 AM
lol this thread is hillarious