10-28-2005, 11:10 AM
I should note that I'm levelling up before Macalania Temple, so I haven't gone past the part of the story where Yuna decides whether or not to marry Seymour under the lightning structure in the north plains.

I was under the impression that resets of any kind will eliminate your lightning dodge count, but...

The book in the agency keeps track of consecutive strikes AND total strikes. You seem to get prizes for reaching certain levels of both (like an ether and X-Potion(x2)

There are contradicting views on which is necessary to receive Lulu's sigil (or crest...whichever). What's the definitive answer?

I do have a question about receiving KIMAHRI's SPIRIT LANCE. I got the chest to drop, but it won't open. Any idea why? Anyone else have a problem with opening the chest?

10-28-2005, 11:11 AM
Do you need the Celestial Mirror in your inventory to open the chests?

10-28-2005, 08:53 PM
Sports guy is right Kimahri's weapon. As for Lulu's, If you dodge 200 IN A ROW you get one of the items that unlocks Lulu's weapon. Very hard to do. Be sure you have a no encounter weapon equiped, but if you dont have one, fighting will not interupt the count.

Also you get rewards if you get hit alot. The way i did it was equip a no encounter weapon, go near the lake, north, on the left, and leave the game running when you go to bed. Im pretty sure I got 2 warp spears for that, I cant remember though. IMO not worth the time, later in the game you will get all of the items and more, and alot eaiser.

Social Distortion
11-16-2005, 05:39 AM
For Lulu's weapon, you have to get 200 consecutive dodges. If you enter the Travel Agency, save your game, or leave the area, the counter resets. I found that the best place to dodge is in the scene north of the Agency to the right of the point of the fork in the path. Lightning will strike there about 7-10 times a minute. Pause after about every 20 to give your eyes a break. I tried pausing after every 40 or so, and got struck after 41! Very time consuming.

High Summoner Yuna
11-16-2005, 01:05 PM
You need the celestial mirror to open the chests that contain the weapons.

11-16-2005, 05:57 PM
The best place that I have found for dodging lightning is the two small craters just before the Save Sphere near the exit from Guadosalam. Step in between the two craters and a lightning bolt should strike within less than a second. Doing this, I achieved about 20 bolts a second.

11-16-2005, 07:42 PM
Doing this, I achieved about 20 bolts a second.

Your having a laugh aint you?

Neo Xzhan
11-16-2005, 10:22 PM
Rude666, shut up unless you have something to contribute.

11-16-2005, 11:52 PM
The Cloudy Mirror can be found in the Calm Lands and if you go to the Macalania forest, and activate the Cloudy Mirror, it will become the Celestial Mirror and then now you can use it to open up chests that contains the characters' Legendary/Ultimate weapon.

I strongly suggest that you activate each and every single character's ultimate weapon when you have the airship. It make the job easier and faster.

11-17-2005, 08:50 PM
OK I normally would now admit to what I say but seriously what was he on about?
And keeping on the subject..... I only ever got 4 ultimate weapons, I couldnt be bothered to get the others, like with Lulu's..... I cannot be bothered to dodge bolts 200 times

11-18-2005, 12:44 AM
I figured out a way to do this without taking too much time and without using "no encounter" weapons.

I walked to a place just north of the travel agency and to the left of the first lightning tower in the north plains. Then I just stood there...not walking/running or anything and waited for lightning to strike. My character kept leaping backward toward the entrance to the area, so when I had dodged 10, I moved back to the same spot (and had to fight one or two battles along the way), but lightning didn't strike me on the way back...only when I seemed to stand still. Do that 20 times (which sounds like a bunch, but really wasn't) and VOILA!

11-18-2005, 06:06 PM
OK I normally would now admit to what I say but seriously what was he on about?
And keeping on the subject..... I only ever got 4 ultimate weapons, I couldnt be bothered to get the others, like with Lulu's..... I cannot be bothered to dodge bolts 200 times

If you're talking about me, when you say "he", I was just telling SportsGuy where he could dodge 200 lightning bolts that was quicker than the way that Social Distortion advised.

11-18-2005, 08:36 PM
Ignominy I was talking about you because you said I achieved about 20 bolts a second.
Whats all that about?

Social Distortion
11-18-2005, 09:36 PM
If you're talking about me, when you say "he", I was just telling SportsGuy where he could dodge 200 lightning bolts that was quicker than the way that Social Distortion advised.

First off, that way I advised is the way many guides tell you to do that part. And, sorry, but I doubt you could even press X and recover from the dodge twice in one second, let alone 20 times a second. Recovery alone takes at least a second. Am I right? Yeah, I am....

~Edit~ and Rude666 is right. He just said something before I had the chance to.

11-18-2005, 09:42 PM
Rude666 is always right BABIE

Social Distortion
11-18-2005, 09:48 PM
Rude666 is always right BABIE

lol confident, arent we?

11-18-2005, 09:49 PM
Well if your from the Ghetto like me.....

Social Distortion
11-18-2005, 09:50 PM
How bout the boonies??

11-18-2005, 09:52 PM
Errrrrrrrr..... What?

11-21-2005, 04:54 AM
Okay, now I see why you said that. I accidentally put "20 bolts a second" instead of "20 bolts a minute." I can be such a dumbass sometimes.
Anyway, I went back on another save file and redid the lightning bolt dodging to see how many I got from there. I got about 30-35 a minute, maybe a few more.