10-28-2005, 01:05 AM
I question that is playing on my mind is what will become of the end product?

We understand it is PSP format which will provide enough capacity for a feature length game but the period in Final fantasy 7 from which this game is inspired is fairly limited.

Also we have seen cloud flashbacks from the original game, plus spoiled ourselves with the Last Order OVA

IMHO this game isnt worth the umd is is written on.

10-28-2005, 02:38 AM
IMHO this game isnt worth the umd is is written on.

If that really is the case, then it fits in perfectly with the rest of the FFVII universe!

10-28-2005, 06:55 AM
I agree to some extent. personally I would've much rather had before crisis released here rather than Crisis Core. screw cloud and zack, turks ftw. <3

I do think it's a bit early to assume it's going to be complete shit though. it's not like we've even seen gameplay footage.

10-28-2005, 03:07 PM
I agree to some extent. personally I would've much rather had before crisis released here rather than Crisis Core. screw cloud and zack, turks ftw. <3

I do think it's a bit early to assume it's going to be complete shit though. it's not like we've even seen gameplay footage.

True however i am starting to get irritated by the cash cow thing.

I also presume that BC and CC will tie together somewhat BC playing from the turks POV then moving into the flip side for Zack Sephiroth and cloud with CC.

As a bit of a touchy subject they might as well remake FFVII and add in those story boards as flash backs or attainable "levels" after satisfactory game completion.

I dont really see the point in deepening the current story, or is it somehow filling in holes that I have overlooked.

(turks reign supreem minus Elena personaly I think she is irritating)

10-28-2005, 03:29 PM
In my opinion, noneone could possible say "IMHO this game isnt worth the umd is is written on.". Granted, we all know the story surrounding the Nibelhiem incident but the game will be more than that, it must be. Square-Enix have said that this will be the main story of Crisis Core but apart from that, that`s it. As of yet we know no knowledge of the graphics style, gameplay etc..

So i think it`s way to early to be jumping to conclusions. But i feel that yes, it will be the main overall storyline of CC but expect a bit more.

06-23-2006, 10:14 PM
IMHO I think it's going to be pretty good. No reason for any of you to believe me but I just have a good feeling about it.

06-27-2006, 06:59 PM
Im looking forward to its release...but i dnt know much about the game at all really.. does anyone know when its out?

12-07-2006, 11:42 PM
I think its a fantastic idea. And so what if ff7 is a cash cow, isnt that the point of a company, to make money?
As a ff7 fan, ive wondered what exactly went down with zack and sephiroth, and what sephiroth was like before he lost his mind. Yeah, weve already seen what happens in the flashbacks. But im sure they will elaborate on it and answer questions we all know we had about the jenova project, ShinRa and all kinds of stuff. And of course, it will most likely be very pretty.

12-10-2006, 01:05 PM
I personally cant wait for this game. Watched a trailer and it looked pretty good. Plus I like Zack, and will love playing as him.

12-10-2006, 03:35 PM
Oh Jesus Christ, are you guys still shouting into your own asses about this? Stop complaining! If you don't like it, don't buy it. Problem solved. Otherwise, just buy it and enjoy it like I do.

01-01-2007, 02:02 PM
If anything, I'd wager to say that everyone's a little on edge and worried that SE is going to butt rape yet another great title. I can't say I blame them. Kingdom Hearts II, for being a 'conclusion' to something that reeked potential (much like FF7) was disappointing in countless ways (I won't bother listing them unless prompted to), FFX-2 was an embarrassment to their name because they crossed Sailor Moon with FFX and had the gusto to put it on shelves, and despite all of the hype, DoC turned out to be a big let down gameplay-wise.

Given Square-Enix's current track record, they have every reason to complain. Now that SE is a much larger corporation, it seems like they're lacking in the story department and producing games that could be cool if they had more of a plot. It seems that more and more lately, SE is producing games that rock out in every way except one category; thus dropping it's overall value to 80%, instead of the 100-110% fans are used to.

So, given the above, I ask that you retract (or at least rethink) your comment.