10-27-2005, 07:34 PM
Where can I find a replacement cd for disc 3? The game freezes when Squall is trying to get Rinoa out of the sorceress memorial, right about the time he cuts the pipes (?) with his gunblade. I did a search on ebay, but all I found was disc 4. I don't want to buy the entire game if I don't absolutely have to because all the other discs work fine. Any help is greatly appreciated.

10-27-2005, 08:26 PM
I have some advise. My friend let me borrow his game a while ago but it was scratched BADLY. All I did was just switch to another disk like 1 or 2 and after that part is over just switch it back. Trust me itll work. I've done it hundreds of times before I got my own copy. And you will still be able to watch the scene.

Hope this helps. This can work for FFVII, VIII, and FFIX.

10-29-2005, 07:09 AM
I had this problem myself. I loaned it to somebody while i was still wrapping up ff7, and when i got it back, there was a big scratch on disk 2 i think. Anyway, all i did was call the company, they charged me 15 bucks (then it was new). You can do that, they'll send you a new one for cheaper, or free. Or you can just go to the local game shop and pick the whole game up for 15.

10-31-2005, 02:55 PM
You know, that trick never worked for me for VIII or IX only VII, which sucks because now I have to got ahold of disc 1 of FFIX