02-20-2002, 06:10 AM
Being with you..right now.. right here....

These few precious moments seem vital to me...

I need them...
like a dehydrated man needs water...

like a drowning man need air...

I need you.

We could spend hours together and it would seem like the world and time flew by us in mere seconds...

Nothing... no time could ever be enough...

It seems unbearable to be without you..

unbearable... I cannot face being anywhere without remembering the startling clarity of your words.

Talking with you seems to replenish all of my spent up energy.

Thinking... saying your name throws me into a fit of giggles.. and then my thoughts stray to thinking when is the next time I'll sede you again.

I value you more than I can ever say...

I cannot face this world without you...it would be utterly unbearable...

Each time we part makes only the next time we meet all the more sweeter.

02-20-2002, 06:19 AM
yet again, you honor us with your gift of prose and verse

beautiful poem, reminds me of someone

Allen Schezar
02-20-2002, 06:19 AM
Too Hot, Too Much, Too Sweet.

02-20-2002, 06:21 AM
This is so good. Once again there are some lines that just really catch my attention.

"like a dehydrated man needs water... "
"like a drowning man need air"
These two lines are brilliant.

"Thinking... saying your name throws me into a fit of giggles.. and then my thoughts stray to thinking when is the next time I'll sede you again"
This is a really cute line, IMO.

"Each time we part makes only the next time we meet all the more sweeter"
A very strong ending to a poem. This line is so beautiful.

02-20-2002, 08:14 PM
Wow, another awsome poem. I'd have to say I loved em all so far, and this one is just as good. Keep em commin.;)

Luna Star
02-20-2002, 08:33 PM
Your poems are very nice and I keep them coming.