10-24-2005, 05:48 PM
Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Anthology
Final Fantasy Origins

Anyone know where can I find them? I want to buy them.
Not Amazon cause it doesnt deliver outside US.
Not e-Bay cause they have age (18) thing.

Any other site please? Much appriciated!

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
10-24-2005, 05:56 PM
What country do you live in?

10-24-2005, 05:58 PM
Singapore at the moment, in Asia.
I do have a US address (used to live there), but its too much of a hassle..

10-24-2005, 09:18 PM
How old are you? If you are to young to open and ebay account, ask your parents if you can use theirs, or get them to create one themselves. Until about half a year ago, my parents were pretty set on not doing ANY internet bidding, trading etc.
But when my dad needed a mobile phone battery for a phone that isn't made anymore, eBay was pretty much his only option. Since then, my parents buy and sell off eBay all the time, and If I want anything, I give them the money, and they buy it for me. It's a good system. Or, if your worried about fraud, you shouldn't be; there are only so many ways to spot fraudsters, and eBay offers protection anyway.

EDIT: Amazon? Not deliver outside US? Never... I suppose there are different services for different areas (I live in UK), but maybe there isn't one for Indonesia (I apologise if Singapore isn't in Indonesia - my geography is not very good)

Swedish Fish
10-24-2005, 10:33 PM
Ebay is good. If you did live in the U.S. then www.gamestop.com would be a good place to look as well.

10-25-2005, 01:06 PM
Singapore is a country, not in Indoenesia.
Anyways, I think I'm gonna get it off E-bay after a few more tries at local shops here.. The problem is that I want the older ones (the ones without Greatest Hits), which is so much trouble, but if I manage to get them, its worth it!

Yea.. E-bay. Btw do you need a credit card or something? I'll speak to my mom soon, she's kinda worried about putting credit card numbers and all..

10-25-2005, 01:30 PM
Sorry about the Indonesia-Singapore thing. Well, some sellers allow you to pay by sending them a cheque (english spelling), but most require you to have PayPal accounts. This is a service created by eBay to stop fraudsters from using other people's credit cards and such. The only requirements for PayPal are that you put in one credit card number. Once you have signed up, when you buy something, you click one button and the money transfers itself automatically. It's probably the fastest way to pay, which in turn, allows you to get your games quicker, because most sellers will ship only after they have recieved payment. I highly reccomend it.

10-29-2005, 08:09 AM
Thanks! Everyone (yes, this is harvestar)
One more question, is around $40 good price for Final Fantay Origins?
Anyways, so far I have-

Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy Chronicles

10-29-2005, 09:29 AM
Awww...Did Harvestar die? What happened? Anyway, I live in the UK so I'll have to guestimate...uh... I'll check it. $40 = �22.5530. Yeah, it's an alright price. But not that good for buying such old games, especially ones on PSOne/GBA/WSC/SNES. I can't wait until we use the Euro! The people in charge of the shops are too lazy to calculate the difference in price, so they use the old ones; GB gets �10 (= $17.7360) off games and stuff!!! Wow!