10-22-2005, 03:35 PM
Wow, I guess i'm the only one in love with my PSP around here, huh?

Anyways, I finally got the chance to try out some homebrew today. I only found out about the Firmware 2.0 EBOOT loader, so of course I immediately whacked it on and prepared myself for portable SNES and Quake goodness.

Of course, what they don't advertise is that my sexy little PSP can only run Super Metroid at 15 fps. And Quake isn't much better.

Needless to say, i'm disappointed. I understand that the homebrew apps can only utilise the processor - and even then, only 222 Mhz of it - but still, it should be able to handle a game that ran on a 4 Mhz processor.

So, all the homebrew hype turned out to be nothing. If anyone has any tips on how to get SNES9X running faster on the PSP, i'd be glad to hear it - don't mention overclocking the processor though, because I don't want to risk bricking my PSP.

Oh well. Guess it's back to playing sexy, fast official games, watching movies and reading books then :)

10-24-2005, 04:50 AM
Wow, I guess i'm the only one in love with my PSP around here, huh? :)

You forgot about me.

I'm having fun with my 2.5 upgrade, by the way. whoo hoo!

Swedish Fish
10-24-2005, 11:01 PM
I like the PSP. But, I don't have the money to get one and the next-gen consoles.

06-16-2006, 05:30 AM
ya psp rox but i choose to stay at 1.5 ^_^ too much cool stuff

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
06-16-2006, 06:18 PM
Wow, I guess i'm the only one in love with my PSP around here, huh?

Anyways, I finally got the chance to try out some homebrew today. I only found out about the Firmware 2.0 EBOOT loader, so of course I immediately whacked it on and prepared myself for portable SNES and Quake goodness.

Of course, what they don't advertise is that my sexy little PSP can only run Super Metroid at 15 fps. And Quake isn't much better.

Needless to say, i'm disappointed. I understand that the homebrew apps can only utilise the processor - and even then, only 222 Mhz of it - but still, it should be able to handle a game that ran on a 4 Mhz processor.

So, all the homebrew hype turned out to be nothing. If anyone has any tips on how to get SNES9X running faster on the PSP, i'd be glad to hear it - don't mention overclocking the processor though, because I don't want to risk bricking my PSP.

Oh well. Guess it's back to playing sexy, fast official games, watching movies and reading books then :)

Most of the homebrew emulators have an option to run the currently underclocked processor on the PSP at it's regular 333Mhz or the current 222 (but it won't allow you to "really" overclock it, it is impossible to brick your PSP by altering the clock settings with the emulator). And you should also check to see if the settings for the specific emulator are set to "original software" or "Emulator +" or whatever. "Original Software" is the way to go.

Also check to see if the ROM you're trying to run was originally created for the resolution/screen settings of the emulator. If it's trying to resize without pixelling out in real time, that's definitely going to bog it down.

Also: Certain ROMS just run slow, while others will have no problem. I can run Super Punchout, Super Basewars, Zero Wing and R-Type 3 on SNES9X with no trouble at all, but Starfox and Super Metroid run as if there is a bullet time effect in play.

Mess around with the actual settings in the emulator's menu (which you can get to by hitting either the L or R shoulder button, or pushing the analog knub to the left, iirc). In other words, read the documentation for the emulator!

I can run all three classic DOOM games, with any WAD configuration I can think of and Quake II on my PSP with no problem as well; so it's obviously something you aren't doing right.

06-23-2006, 12:15 AM
Super Basewars
<3 Basewars

06-23-2006, 12:50 AM
it could be that the emulator isn't ported very efficiently. Give it time and updated versions will surely be released.

Also the Snes is more complex than just the (3.5mhz?) processor, it has a coprocessor for the sound and a few extra chips that all need to emulated. Certain games have extra chips inside to add extra power to the games (superfx chip?)

And keep in mind that the psp isn't supposed to be a homebrew console so it's hard for people to make games with it.