10-21-2005, 12:27 PM
I just killed Ultimecia with a Meltdown that did 300 damage.

Other reasons:
I was told Ultimecia was tough. I unlocked two things in her castle, magic and limit or whatever it was in FF8. When i got to Ultimecia, i came into the battle with selphie, Squall and Irvine. I used aura on squall and killed her with one limit.
I was told Griever was tough because of his draw skill. He took a water from selphie and killed her (she had 900 hp). Rinoa replaced her. With aura still on squall, i used 2 limits and killed griever. He used his move thing he does before he dies and killed Rinoa and Irvine.
I was told Griever junctioned to Ultimecia was tough. Irvine was replaced by Zell. I used aura on zell and tripple casted curaga with Squall. I used two of Squall's limits and one of zell's and killed Ultimecia again.
I was told final form Ultimecia was tough. I hadn't got Quistis yet so i was left with a dead rinoa, Squall on 9000-something health and Zell much the same. Her hells judgement took them both down to 1, but trippe curaga got Squall back to full health and zell at about half. I got zell to double cast aura, and used renzokuken on ultimecia. Then Duel, then Renzokuken, then another Hells Judgement. I tripple casted curaga again, and got zell to use duel again. but before he did, his draws were blown away. So he was hitting 300's or something close. I thought i would be able to kill her easier if i was to use meltdown on her. She died from the meltdown.
No holy wars/heros used.

Finished game in 4 days.

Ultima Weapon was shit easy.
Didn't bother with Omega Weapon because switching to my other team was a shit idea. I know Omega Weapon is the tough one k.

I got Tonberry on the second disc rather easily. I didn't bother the first time i played because i had shit draws and was told he was tough.

I was lvl 100 before i entered lunatic pandora. Mainly because Odin appeared during lots of battles on the island closest to hell/heaven.

Most bosses could be killed by one/two limit.

Selphie's little character picture that would show up in the "Switch Party" menu/in a save file looked like a man.

The ending was shit.

10-21-2005, 01:53 PM
You're done?

OK, let me re-phrase that.

You're done.

10-21-2005, 02:42 PM
Wow, you beat Ultimecia by whoring limit breaks and junctions. Tell me this: Was it any less challenging than Miming Knights of the Round against Safer Sephiroth? Was it less challenging than Getting 2 Atma Weapons, a Genji Glove and the Offering and beating the shit out of Kefka? Was it less challenging than getting max strength and the Celestial Weapons in FFX and killing the final boss in 3 hits?

So tell me, what the fuck were you expecting?

And the ending to FFVIII is easily the best in the series.

10-21-2005, 02:45 PM
Nonono - all endings, including this one, weren't up to scratch - FFx's...I cannot remember it well D:

10-21-2005, 02:49 PM
Well, i had trained up to lvl 100 about halfway through disc 3, with all the gf's and all their skills. i had all the weapons and i had done a few side quests. HOLY FUCK, WHATS THIS, I WORKED HARD AND GOT STRONG AND CAN KILL EASILY HOLY SHIT. The challenge was getting there, friend. I had Squall only for most of the first and second battle. He couldn't use gf's, items, revive, recover or any of that other junk. Squall's lionheart was created to be whored, thats why they TRIED to make it hard to get, even though it isn't. So, yes, i beat Ultimecia with 2 characters, using one for healing and one for attacking. It was easy, only a little bit harder than killing safer seph with the knights. But, obviously, just so it isn't easy, I SHOULD OBVIOUSLY JUST TAKE OFF ALL MY JUNCTIONED MAGIC AND JUST ATTACK NORMALLY AND DO NOTHING ELSE, OTHERWISE I'D JUST KILL HER WAY TOO EASY.

The ending was shit because they jumped from the time compressed world to Balamb garden with no story.

EDIT: I was expecting her to be as hard as people say she is. "WOW, she is so tough, better use a holy war or she will kill you!!!" That, was what i was expecting.

10-21-2005, 03:16 PM
All of the final bosses from FFVII-present are easy. That's what optional bosses are for (fight Omega damn it!).

What more story do you need in the end anyway? Time compression was prevented, and all the happy Ewoks are dancing around the camp fire. FIN. Sure, Square could have through in some crap in between, but why bother?

10-21-2005, 03:20 PM
The only reason I was in a rush to get to Ultimecia was because about a year ago, while playing FF8 for the first time, I saved over my game by accident with a crappy file. So believing she was tough, and not having a butt-load of holy wars in my inventory, i went straight to Ultimecia. I've got two saves at the castle, one before Ultimecia, and one at the entrance. If i want to go fight Omega Weapon any time in the future, i can.

Also, they should have bothered so it made sense.

10-21-2005, 03:29 PM
It made perfect sense.

Squall gets lost on the way back to his time. He tries to bring Rinoa’s image to mind in order for it to help him get back to his time, but he finds that his memory has been distorted. He then faints, and is found by Rinoa, who thinks he’s dead. She then realizes that he is alive, and they make it back to their time, in the fields where they promised to meet each other.

While you don’t see it happen, it is pretty obvious that a short time later they are found by the Garden, where everyone else has made it back to.

I don’t see why this is so confusing….

10-21-2005, 03:32 PM
What i'm having trouble with is how they actually got back ? Ultimecia WAS the person to compress time, and it was still compressed after she was killed, so it wasn't like it could be UN-compressed. So, how did they get back is what i'm having trouble with.

10-21-2005, 04:00 PM
The logical conclusion is that Ultimecia needed to complete time compression before it would take absolute effect. Squall And co. defeat Ultimecia before she is able to do this, thus Time Compression fails and time returns to it�s original state.

As to how Squall made it back�

Laguna: What place reminds you of your friends? Imagine being in that
place with all your friends. Once time compression begins, think of
that place and try to get there! That's all! That place will welcome
you. You'll be able to get there no matter what period you're in! You
need love and friendship for this mission! And the courage to believe
it. It's all about love, friendship, and courage! I'm counting on you

This is how they arrived at Ultimecia�s castle. This is also how they made it back to their own time:

Irvine: Is it over? Let's go! Let's go back to our time!

Zell: Shut up! Just calm down and think where we have to go.

Selphie: Careful guys! Don't pick the wrong time!

Quistis: Whatever you do, don't fall into a time warp!

Rinoa: I wanna be with... I wanna go there! Where Squall
and I promised. Squall! Squall! Let's go home! Where are you!?

They are able to arrive back in their own time by picturing themselves within their own world, and remembering all the people within it. Squall starts by thinking of the wrong era, thus he ends up at Edea�s orphanage 10 years too early. He then returns into the �time warp�, and tries to use his memories of Rinoa to locate his own time (being the only era in which he knew Rinoa). However, he begins to forget who she is and what she looks like, thus becomes lost in time. However, Rinoa uses her memories of Squall to find him, thus she then is able to return them to the place and time in which they made their promise in the field behind Edea�s house. This is why the area goes from a desert to a field of flowers.

So yeah, memory was the key to getting back.

10-21-2005, 04:45 PM
I've reached ultimecia on level 17 x.x Haven't yet beaten her at level 17, but htats not the point :P

I found her far more challenging than safer sephiroth and yu yevon.

Tidus 66
10-21-2005, 04:50 PM
In Yu Yevon you can't die so no challenge there, my friends sayed that she was hard as hell, i got scared and try and got all the Gf's and all ultimate weapons aswella s everyone 100 minus Irvine and Quistis, results with Squall Quistis and Irvine reached Griver junctioned to Ultimecia then Squall Rinoa and Zell beated the crap out of the last form, talk about disappointment battle

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 08:18 PM
I found her far more challenging than safer sephiroth and yu yevon.

Yu Yevon? Don't make me puke. A few Holys and you've won.

10-21-2005, 08:47 PM
Or just one attack doing 99.999

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 08:55 PM
^^For those of us who train that much and get the break damage limit stuff (not me).

10-21-2005, 11:27 PM
Well it isnt impossibe, but if you want Wakka's legendary weapon then i suggest you prepare your self for 100 games of blitzball (which all of them you will have to win)

10-21-2005, 11:31 PM
The logical conclusion is that Ultimecia needed to complete time compression before it would take absolute effect. Squall And co. defeat Ultimecia before she is able to do this, thus Time Compression fails and time returns to it�s original state.

As to how Squall made it back�

This is how they arrived at Ultimecia�s castle. This is also how they made it back to their own time:

They are able to arrive back in their own time by picturing themselves within their own world, and remembering all the people within it. Squall starts by thinking of the wrong era, thus he ends up at Edea�s orphanage 10 years too early. He then returns into the �time warp�, and tries to use his memories of Rinoa to locate his own time (being the only era in which he knew Rinoa). However, he begins to forget who she is and what she looks like, thus becomes lost in time. However, Rinoa uses her memories of Squall to find him, thus she then is able to return them to the place and time in which they made their promise in the field behind Edea�s house. This is why the area goes from a desert to a field of flowers.

So yeah, memory was the key to getting back.

Makes sense. I thought Laguna said something a little different to that though ? Ah well.

Also, i'd spent most of my time getting spells from the islands and such before lunatic pandora, so my stats were fairly whored. I might try Omega Weapon later if i had more Holy Wars (I have none, just 5 or something heros).

10-22-2005, 01:39 AM
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