02-20-2002, 12:39 AM
Post any kind of poem here, I guess

02-20-2002, 12:46 AM
Sometimes I dream of poop,
Sometimes I sleep of poop,
And what is most satisfying,
Is taking a big poop,
Some say that it's not neccessary,
But you must do it, you must do it

Yeah, my friend Binh wrote that one, it's been slightly adapted, but it's still pretty much the same thing. Binh's a little weird...

I turn to watch the sun go down
Over the hills behind my home
The reds and oranges forming before me
A wonderful light filled dome

I wonder what it would be like
To touch the sun with my face
And then I remember, what a fool am I
And go back to eating my frosted flakes

The sun is mocking me now,
Drinking his huge Coca-Cola
How did he get that anyway?
He probably stole it

So I figured out that sun is not
Quite what he seems to be
And I hope he still likes me as a friend
And not splash searing hot Coke all over me, because that would suck

I write my thoughts out with my pen
Until the ink runs out again
In blues and blacks and purps and reds
It's the vehicle to the paper from my head
Inside it all shouts and wants to get out
So I grab my pen and commence to write
Long into the emotion filled night
After hours, I seem to ponder
What it is like to simply wander
See the world and all the people inside
Never think twice about going to hide
Show everyone what it is like to be
Mostly happy for eternity
I remember the night I danced with her
Her hair was in my face, my sight was a blur
But I all I could feel was her body against mine
Feeling so comfortable and pure
I wonder if I'll get back there again
To where I felt so good
But for now I'll simply write it all out
And take a step back into the wood

"Garth! That was a Haiku!"
-Wayne, from Wayne's World

Divine Strike
02-20-2002, 06:18 AM
I like Haiku's and those are not Haiku's........Haiku's are japanese poems that have 4 lines and are about nature.

EDIT:...OOPS I had two different kinds of poems on my mind....here is a definition to Haiku:....an unrhymed verse form of Japanese origin having three lines containing usually 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively; also : a poem in this form usually having a seasonal reference

03-14-2002, 05:55 AM
I cut myself while shaving again
He told me that he was going to go
His father lost his job, now they move on
My friend, he's leaving soon
And I saw it coming, I dreamt about it once
So why does it have to happen
It just seems my fault, but I know it isn't...
I stare into the mirror, and look at myself
What would she want with me, why would she care
I'm not even always there, I'm not always thinking right
Too many times I put myself down, let myself down
So then I think I'm not good enough, I don't measure up
My hair doesn't look right, I don't talk enough
I don't know myself, I don't know my God
Jesus, how did this happen so fast...
I feel like crying, I feel my eyes getting watery
I don't want to cry, I don't want to feel like it's gotten to me
But it has, and it will, and I can't take it any more
Just get off my back, let me go alone, I'm my own person
I do what I can, and I do what I want, but dammit
I always mess up, leave me the hell alone...
I don't need anyone else to make me feel worse
Right now, all I have that's making me happy is a girl
And two hands, typing and writing out my thoughts
I need time, I take my time, and it doesn't work for other people
They want everything quickly and loudly and smart
I move slower, think deeper, and respond not so fast
I need time to think, I need time to cry, I need time to finish
What do I need to do to make me feel better
What do I need to do to get to happiness
I don't care about reading a book, I care about my friends
I don't care about a diploma, I care about people
When I'm on my deathbed, the only thing that will tell me that I was ever a good person, is who's sitting there with me
Ow, I guess I forgot I was shaving
Blood's running down my chin, into the sink
I cut myself while shaving again

03-14-2002, 04:21 PM
Hehe those are pretty good. Well done, cool to read. Keep them up!:)

zidane tribal
03-14-2002, 06:02 PM
heres one i picked up while i was in the navy.......

its called, the catskill mountains.......

i handed the priest a golden peach,
but the ox had none,
i opened a can of trees,
and to my glee,
my ferret took a pee....

ok so its not really a poem, and i was never really in the navy but who cares???? :D