10-21-2005, 03:36 AM
Like my opinion thread on kindom hearts, i would like peoples opinions on the chrystal chronicles game for gamecube. whats you favorite trbe, boss, level, enemy, weapon? if youve never played FFCC, its a great game and i highly recomend it!

10-21-2005, 02:01 PM
where are ze mods? Closey closey ^_^

10-21-2005, 05:20 PM
one thread was enough thanks

10-22-2005, 12:26 AM
Yeah and im not buying a gamecube just to get it.

10-22-2005, 12:30 AM
Yeah and im not buying a gamecube just to get it.
The GameCube has gillions of better reasons to buy it though. Not least Wario Ware, the funnest game ever.

10-22-2005, 01:39 AM
FFCC was a very goodlooking mediocre game and a low attempt in selling more gba's

10-22-2005, 01:44 AM
meh, single player is still kinda fun though, but i thought the game should be able to produce pc players.

10-22-2005, 01:47 AM
The GameCube has gillions of better reasons to buy it though. Not least Wario Ware, the funnest game ever.

10-22-2005, 08:39 PM
Don't double post. Good god, DS version of FFCC? I hope it doesn't sell.

10-22-2005, 08:41 PM
Lol i wont. There arent that many fans of nintendo left now.

10-23-2005, 01:14 PM
Incorrect. Nintendo still dominates the handheld market and may just be a powerhouse again with its new console.

10-23-2005, 01:20 PM
I love Nintendo, CC just sucks that's all ^___^

10-23-2005, 08:51 PM
Incorrect. Nintendo still dominates the handheld market and may just be a powerhouse again with its new console.

Yeah i know they dominate the handheld market, but no really in terms of consoles they lack quality.

10-23-2005, 08:57 PM
That is a contender for the day's most moronic statement. I challenge you to back that up. Seriously, show how Nintendo's consoles lack quality.

10-23-2005, 09:00 PM
Well the gamecube (no DVD ability) has not done has well as it contenders epecially in NZ and AU, and the Revelution is suppose to be a fly compared to the other new generation consoles, dispite its backtrack ability all the way to the original Nintendo.

10-23-2005, 09:14 PM
So you're judging its quality by its sales? That's a bit (plus a lot more!) of a stretch. Also, the Revolution may not be as powerful as the other two, but that is not an indicator of its quality. Take into account that it will be priced much more affordably. Also consider that it will still be capable of photorealistic graphics.

10-23-2005, 09:17 PM
I see your point on that, but what i didnt state in my last post was that the games are nothing close to new. While everybody still loves a Metroid Fusion or Zelda, maybe even Mario. People will be lining up for great titles like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Halo 3 (that dont happen to be on any Nintendo console).

10-24-2005, 08:05 AM
And how are Metal Gear Solid 4 or Halo 3 truly new? They look like the same old gameplay with a new coat of paint to me. On the other hand, you can look at the DS and the Revolution and see that Nintendo is taking gaming in an entirely new direction.

10-24-2005, 08:15 AM
I'm a bit biased when it comes to picking my favourite console as i grew up with nintendo.
I no longer buy any games on the PS2 as i think they are of poor quality. Really, Sony leaks out so many shit games on PS2 just for a few more dollars.
I'm not a HUGE fan of the XBOX either. I only have a few games on it so i can't really comment on how good it is.
P.S. I've never thought of Halo as a really good game =/
I think of the 3, the gamecube is the best. If the gamecube came with a DVD playing ability, a lot more people would buy it. I know a few people who bought the PS2 just because it can play DVD's and music, and don't really use it to play games. I think Super Smash Bros. Melee, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Luigi's Mansion and Animal Crossing are quite spiffy games! Also i think the Gamecube controller is the most comfortable to hold of the 3.

10-24-2005, 08:23 AM
Personally i hate those kinda games, and the PS2 gives some good quality RPG's. Most of nintendo's games arent exactly new ether like Zelda or Pokemon. FPS games usually have new added features and abilitys given to the player so that they are not just the same old gameplay with a new coat of paint (in this case MGS4). Not much has been released about them so dont ask me. Nintendo havent even released the final design of there controller and this is what people will be using to play the games, one of the most important parts to a console.

10-24-2005, 08:27 AM
Okay, how is slapping a couple new features or abilities on a PS2 or Xbox game any different than putting new features or abilities in a Zelda game? What makes them any more fresh or interesting?

Also, considering how far off its release is, the fact that the Rev controller hasn't reached its final stage is quite acceptable. All the basic functions are there and the design won't have any drastic changes made to it. That's what matters.

Swedish Fish
10-24-2005, 10:30 PM
Benny, Prak has won. His arguments make sense, and are true. Saying that you don't like games that are innovative and fun is stupid, not to mention that you are making a fool out of yourself.

10-25-2005, 04:12 AM
Okay, how is slapping a couple new features or abilities on a PS2 or Xbox game any different than putting new features or abilities in a Zelda game? What makes them any more fresh or interesting?

Also, considering how far off its release is, the fact that the Rev controller hasn't reached its final stage is quite acceptable. All the basic functions are there and the design won't have any drastic changes made to it. That's what matters.

Well there will be more than a couple new features added to the PS3 and 360 games even though I hate the 360. They will be making more changes than Nintendo will be. Nintendo has not managed to live up to the other companys as much as they would have liked, over the years they have been knocked out the spotlight. The only real market it controls is the handheld one. If you ask most people the REV wont even be on their wish list, but I do see what you are saying about what the REV is capable of and the new direction it is going in. So hopefully they will be able to make a great comeback with their new ideas that they are bragging about, because I truly do believe that Nintendo have the ability to take back the crown that they owned so many years ago. The 360 however is another story.

I hope that for you and me this discussion will be one of acceptance to the others opinion and not one of pointless hatred.

10-25-2005, 06:13 AM
kill'm Prak

10-26-2005, 01:32 AM
Well there will be more than a couple new features added to the PS3 and 360 games even though I hate the 360.

Bullshit. Try proving that.

They will be making more changes than Nintendo will be.

Absolute utter bullshit.

Nintendo has not managed to live up to the other companys as much as they would have liked, over the years they have been knocked out the spotlight.

More bullshit you'll be hard-pressed to support.

The only real market it controls is the handheld one.

Dominating that market is quite a feat in itself. No company can claim absolute domination in the console war, but Nintendo has a market that is all their own. Also, consider how profitable a market that is.

If you ask most people the REV wont even be on their wish list,

Very likely bullshit. One of the principle concepts of the Revolution is to make games more appealing to people who don't even play games. It's been designed for the purpose of expanding the entire market. I somehow doubt that you speak for "most people."

So hopefully they will be able to make a great comeback with their new ideas that they are bragging about, because I truly do believe that Nintendo have the ability to take back the crown that they owned so many years ago. The 360 however is another story.

You're also underestimating the Xbox360. Since it's going to be the first next-gen console on the market, it will have an instant head start over the PS3. It also has a number of good-looking exclusive titles. I probably won't buy a PS3, but I will definitely be picking up a 360 sometime after Christmas.

I hope that for you and me this discussion will be one of acceptance to the others opinion and not one of pointless hatred.

I've said this before. Anyone who gets upset over forum posts should be kicked off the internet. I don't hate you, but I do believe that your opinions are dead wrong and I will continue to debate them as long as you make them public.

10-26-2005, 04:39 AM
Ok part of me does now think that you are a bit biased towards Nintendo now but i wont argue with you on that even if you want to. and saying that a couple new features will be added is easily understanding not "Bullshit".

Secondly the Microsoft hasnt even had time to wet there paints when PS3 was revealed at E3 and where completly brough back down to earth, and also lets take into consideration that the PS3 has 218 GB while the 360 only has 115 (twice the power). The 360 will also be using DVD while the PS3 will be using BLURAY.

I will honestly admit that the PS3 making more changes than the REV was a complete stuff up lol. I didnt quite mean it that way. I know the changes that the REV will have and im not just trying to cover up because i think your right (incorrect wording).

While we could both be sitting here arguing forever wasting away our lives. I have one to attend to and im sure that you have too, and you may feel free to debate my opinions wheather you think of them as truth or complete utter lies, and you are right in a way about people getting upset over forum posts that is something i can marginly agree with (just not kicked off the internet).

10-26-2005, 10:18 AM
It is bullshit unless you can back it up. It should be easy to prove that the PS3 and 360 have some significant changes in store if there really are any.

You neglected certain aspects of the 360 and PS3. Take into account that the 360 will be able to read its discs much faster than the PS3, meaning load times will be far shorter. Also remember that Microsoft is supposedly planning on upgrading the drive in the future.

Then there's the fact that the machine's power will cease to matter at a certain level, which is probably somewhere beneath the specs of both consoles. The games of this generation won't come remotely close to utilizing the maximum power of their consoles for a very long time, if ever. That means that the PS3's power may just be overkill.

10-26-2005, 06:52 PM
Even you know very well about the new features on the PS3. Holding 7 wireless controllers, and its unreal graphics card which i wont even go into. Detachable hardrive (XBOX 360 has as well). Who knows what else. They do have till like the end of next year to make sufficient changes, but i cant know all the facts im not a walking dictionary. Im 15 not 25.