Tidus 66
10-20-2005, 11:16 PM
I am so anxious for this game to come out, i'm a fan of the series and i am addicted to the Sands of time, today i saw the trailer and it fet me even more anxious to the game release, so what are your expectations on the game? And what are you think of the information and trailers released so far?

Here's The Trailer shown at E3:

10-20-2005, 11:20 PM
Although preice of persia was new and quite beautiful my attention ran short very quickly. And after totaly bypassing the sequel i can`t see myself getting interested in the third one. Although i will check up on it.

Tidus 66
10-20-2005, 11:22 PM
I think that The second one was a bit too much of blood and fighting, and three doesn't sound better in that aspect but that isn't a mojer problem, just hope that the storyline will be good and that the gameplay will too, in terms of music i think they just have to keep the level of the previous games, the soundtrack was one of my favourites

10-20-2005, 11:38 PM
Oh my. How can you possibly care about the storyline in a Prince of Persia game? It's not like there was much plot to speak of in the others. They're built around being fun games to play, not watch like some kind of interactive movie.

Warrior Within's gameplay was a significant step up from Sands of Time's, so I'm hopeful that this game will raise the bar again. I just hope they do away with the god-awful rock soundtrack and use music more like that in SoT.

10-20-2005, 11:44 PM
I just hope they do away with the god-awful rock soundtrack and use music more like that in SoT.

This is my main concern too. In strictly gameplay terms Warrior Within was a better game, but for me it was a unique situation were the gameplay wasn't the most important factor. I felt that a lot of the games charm had been lost since the Sands of Time and it hade been shamelessly marketed at angsty fifteen year olds. I enjoyed the game but preferred the Sands of Time, and I'm watching number 3 pretty keenly.

10-20-2005, 11:53 PM
You're definitely right about the game being excessively angsty. I certainly hope that situation improves a bit in the new game, although I'm not getting my hopes up. I'll be happy just as long as the platforming is as fun as ever and the combat doesn't get boring.

10-20-2005, 11:59 PM
I would find it unbelievably hilarious if they changed the Prince's character design so it appealed to the ever-popular emo culture. A character that looked like this for instance;

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 03:17 AM
I personally liked the battle system of PoP1. Although there were a few extremely easy instant-kill moves.

Tidus 66
10-21-2005, 02:30 PM
I don't care much about the storyline, just hope the gameplay will continue like the previous games, i only mentioned the storyline because i would like to see development in the prince's character, but in general the gameplay is the most important thing, i hope the soundtrack won't be too repetetive like Warriro Within was, after half an hour te rock music got pretty annoying hope it's like SoT where the music was good and that fitted in the background