10-20-2005, 09:26 PM
My favorite weapon when it comes to looks is Clouds Organics Sword

xxThe Highwind xx
10-20-2005, 09:37 PM
i liked barrets arm guns but clouds best sword was the one with triple growth i cant rember the name but it looked cool

10-20-2005, 09:49 PM
Any of Cait's, they are the tits!

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 02:12 AM
Any of the Mexican Weapons.

10-21-2005, 03:28 AM
C'mon people. Of course it is Sephiroth's Masmaune. What is better than a 7 foot-long curved blade?


Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 03:37 AM
Well... Mabye you have a point.

Huntress Krystle
10-21-2005, 03:01 PM
as far as looks go, i also choose Seph's Masamune.

10-23-2005, 06:07 AM
Masamune to the maX!!

10-23-2005, 10:47 AM
Aeris' Umbrella.

Hey, at least it's functional, and besides, it would come in handy if it suddenly starts raining while out on the World Map.. :laugh:

Slanted and Enchanted
10-23-2005, 11:47 AM
When it comes to intimidation based on aesthetics, I'd go with the Organics as well. Anything sleek and smooth fails to impress on me the same gusto to mess one up as Cloud's large jagged sword. Buster Sword, eat your heart out.

10-23-2005, 02:58 PM
I would have to completely agree and say organics as well, it really has to be the coolest sword in the game.

10-23-2005, 03:01 PM
Sephy's Masamune obviously !

10-23-2005, 04:19 PM
Ragnarok. Just cause its name is the shit.

Gentleman Ghost
10-24-2005, 05:56 AM
Organics or Nail Bat ~joks

10-24-2005, 05:48 PM

10-24-2005, 08:49 PM
i liked barrets arm guns but clouds best sword was the one with triple growth i cant rember the name but it looked cool

That would be the Apocalypse blade. :)

Always liked the looks of it.

But seriously, it stands in no comparison to the Masamune blade, that is by far the most awesome sword in the game.

I loved the flashback where you fight the dragon and you have like 160HP and he stands there with his awesome blade and like 3400HP killing the dragon with that nice killing swing and that nice shhing sounds when he cuts it. :)

xxThe Highwind xx
10-25-2005, 08:35 PM
That would be the Apocalypse blade. :)

Always liked the looks of it.

But seriously, it stands in no comparison to the Masamune blade, that is by far the most awesome sword in the game.

I loved the flashback where you fight the dragon and you have like 160HP and he stands there with his awesome blade and like 3400HP killing the dragon with that nice killing swing and that nice shhing sounds when he cuts it. :)
thank yeah thats the name and the flashback is pretty cool

10-25-2005, 11:03 PM
i liked barrets arm guns but clouds best sword was the one with triple growth i cant rember the name but it looked cool

I thought the apocolypse was hideous, it always pissed me off.
The organics was pretty sexy though.

The goddamn BUSTER SWORD you suckers. As if that thing didn't rock your face.

xxThe Highwind xx
10-26-2005, 07:34 PM
no the buster sword didnt do it for me

girlcock fantastic
11-02-2005, 01:17 AM
enhance sword...

11-03-2005, 11:38 AM
Buster Sword and ofcourse how can you not like yuffies original 4point shuriken. i bet all of you were like :O get her in the team!oooooo and tifas gloves they were cool.

dus aeris really have an umbrella :O lkol.

11-03-2005, 05:28 PM
dus aeris really have an umbrella :O lkol.

Yep. She sure does. It's pretty hard to get though, as you'll most likely miss the chance (it can only be gained in disc 1). To get the Umbrella (or Parasol as I've seen it called in some walkthroughs), you need to amass over 3000 points at Speed Square at the Gold Saucer in disc 1. That means taking out the Giant UFO right at the end for the massive point bonus. You can only gain it disc 1 though, as Gold Saucer is closed for much of disc 2, and in disc 3 you'll gain Cid's Flayer instead.

The Umbrella is technically Aeris' most powerful weapon going by basic physical strength (58 strength), making it more powerful than even the Princess Guard (which has 52 strength). Mind you, the Umbrella lacks materia slots (it's one of the bizzare 'gimic' weapons, such as Cloud's Nail Bat, Cid's Mop etc..), and as Aeris isn't a strong character, it's doubtful you'll ever use her for melee damage anyway. But that's another story...

11-03-2005, 05:59 PM
well it looks like it has to be the Umbrella all the way

girlcock fantastic
11-03-2005, 07:21 PM
Yep. She sure does. It's pretty hard to get though, as you'll most likely miss the chance (it can only be gained in disc 1). To get the Umbrella (or Parasol as I've seen it called in some walkthroughs), you need to amass over 3000 points at Speed Square at the Gold Saucer in disc 1. That means taking out the Giant UFO right at the end for the massive point bonus. You can only gain it disc 1 though, as Gold Saucer is closed for much of disc 2, and in disc 3 you'll gain Cid's Flayer instead.

The Umbrella is technically Aeris' most powerful weapon going by basic physical strength (58 strength), making it more powerful than even the Princess Guard (which has 52 strength). Mind you, the Umbrella lacks materia slots (it's one of the bizzare 'gimic' weapons, such as Cloud's Nail Bat, Cid's Mop etc..), and as Aeris isn't a strong character, it's doubtful you'll ever use her for melee damage anyway. But that's another story...

that's not entirely true because I got the umbrella in disc 3 and the masamune from the speed square in gold saucer but I haven't gotten cids flayer yet and I really need to see it.oh and let's not forget tifa's god hand!

11-03-2005, 09:46 PM
can ne1 post a pic of the umbrella. ?

buster swrdstill. didnt ne1 want yuffie big time tho wen they saw her weapon!

11-04-2005, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by Eiko
can ne1 post a pic of the umbrella. ?

No prob (taken just now off a save of my old playthrough of FFVII PSX version):

Equipment screen comparison of between the Umbrella and the Princess Guard

Battle shot of Aeris holding the Umbrella.

And again, while Aeris casts Great Gospel. The umbrella really suits the animation for this Limit Break.

EDIT: As the images turned out rather small from my capture card, I decided to change them here as posted images instead of just links..

11-04-2005, 06:32 PM
Thats one mighty Umbrella

Sephiroth's Bane
11-06-2005, 12:29 PM
C'mon people. Of course it is Sephiroth's Masmaune. What is better than a 7 foot-long curved blade?
Nothing is better than a 7 foot-long curved blade. Simple and undeniable truth.

11-08-2005, 09:50 AM
Umbrella?? Where the hell did ya get that thing?? Is it something you can win in the gold saucer??

11-08-2005, 09:59 AM
my favourite weapon is that cool looking purple sword you get around about the time you cross the ocean for the first time, i forget what its called.

11-08-2005, 04:55 PM
Umbrella?? Where the hell did ya get that thing?? Is it something you can win in the gold saucer??

As I said in my previous post on page 2, you win the Umbrella at Gold Saucer's Speed Square by gaining over 4000 points in one 'trip'. As far as I'm aware, you can only gain it on disc 1, because on one playthrough of FFVII I actually missed winning it on disc 1; I eventually tried again on disc 3, but I didn't win it - instead I gained Cid's Flayer.

Therefore, I assume it can only be won on disc 1, unless I did something which removed it from the 'rewards' offered. But that's just an assumption.

11-08-2005, 05:28 PM
that's not entirely true because I got the umbrella in disc 3 and the masamune from the speed square in gold saucer but I haven't gotten cids flayer yet and I really need to see it.oh and let's not forget tifa's god hand!

can u win the masamune?

11-08-2005, 06:01 PM
can u win the masamune?

Actually you just win the crappy masamune blade which is a crappy 'replica', its not even a weapon its just an item, one with absolutely no use for that matter.

11-08-2005, 06:41 PM
Thats pretty cool man, i have never even heard of the Umbrella...Good job. Post any more pics if you have them.

girlcock fantastic
11-08-2005, 07:03 PM
Actually you just win the crappy masamune blade which is a crappy 'replica', its not even a weapon its just an item, one with absolutely no use for that matter.

I'd have to agree with you there because I haven't found a use for it either but it makes me wonder why the hell would square make something useless? or is it just to make the player feel good that they have a fake?... fuckin ripoff

11-09-2005, 05:38 AM
There are a lot of items that are useles..


11-09-2005, 10:46 AM
Organics is just the best looking weapon of all time. It even looks better than Ultima weapon.

11-10-2005, 02:53 AM
I like the Ragnarok myself.

11-16-2005, 12:43 AM
Easily Vincent's Sniper CR and Shotgun own the screen.
Cait Siths Battle Conch is very cool too.

Off topic....

the VERY best weapon in all final fantasy is Amarants Dual Claws!

12-02-2005, 10:49 PM
Sephiroths sword of course. Looks good and deals alot of damage.

12-02-2005, 10:52 PM
Sephiroth's Masmaune

Squall Strife
12-03-2005, 05:28 PM
When it does come down to looks i'd probably say the Ragnarok is the coolest

12-03-2005, 05:52 PM
Ultima Weapon and Masamune

Desert Wolf
12-03-2005, 05:53 PM
Yeah.Ultima Weapon is the coolest.

12-10-2005, 04:25 PM
this is a tiny bit off topic but where do you see red's weapons chane. It's dosn't matter wherre you look his head or whtever it is never changes.
my fav weapon had to be one of the turks weapon (i think it was reno)
that thunder stick hurt in ways i never dreamed

12-11-2005, 09:14 AM
I really liked the organics and I used it for as long as I could until it became abosolite.

12-13-2005, 02:47 AM
I'm sorry, but I heart the buster sword! It just rocks my socks. Although, I did enjoy the Ultima Weapon...ah well, I already said buster sword and I'm not taking it back hehe!

12-19-2005, 12:21 PM
Barrets gun rocks

Cloud's #1 Fan
12-20-2005, 08:13 AM
For me i think it would be a waste of time to get aeris a strong weapon because shes just gonna die!

12-20-2005, 08:47 AM
The best weapon is Cloud's first sword, i like it, it's pretty cool to me.

Desert Wolf
12-20-2005, 05:17 PM
It looks cool yeah but I think his last one looks better.

Final Fantasy VII-7
12-21-2005, 07:48 AM
I like whatever weapon Aeris has. Cloud's huge sword looks okay, I guess.

06-15-2006, 04:17 PM
Force stealer for cloud is nice, but my favorite is buntline for vincent.

Safer Roco
06-15-2006, 07:04 PM
the Venus Gospel

Cloud On A Stick
06-16-2006, 12:06 PM
the mop

02-04-2009, 02:13 AM
I like cid's Mop

execrable gumwrapper
02-04-2009, 02:39 AM

04-16-2009, 04:28 PM

(EDIT: oh, sorry)

04-17-2009, 05:44 AM


Shadow mage
04-19-2009, 02:51 AM
Sorry this sounds random...but i liked Cloud's Hardedge

04-19-2009, 02:56 AM

06-05-2009, 02:05 PM
Barret's boxing glove and his pincer type weapons are pretty good

Isn't there a sword for Vincent too?

06-06-2009, 02:22 PM
That would be Rocket Punch and Atomic Scissors. Trouble with them though is they're classed as short-range weapons, meaning if you're up against certain flying mobs (Bottomswell at Junon beach is an example), he'll just stand there uselessly as he won't be able to hit the enemy. At all. Of course, it can be counted by using the Long Range Materia, but still.

And Vincent's weapons are exclusively firearms of different types, from pistols to rifles and shotguns. As far as I'm aware, he never uses a bladed weapon of any kind in FFVII (although his Hellmasker Limit Break form attack 'Splattercombo' does use a chainsaw, so I guess that's kind of like a sword. But it's still a long shot.

Neo Xzhan
06-08-2009, 08:24 AM
My weapon > all of FFVII's weapons.

My weapon can now close this thread, that originally died THREE FUCKING YEARS AGO.