10-20-2005, 05:37 AM
can some one plz help. i need to get past lady Yunalesca but each time i get close to killing her 3rd form i die can some one plz help.

10-20-2005, 08:19 PM
Have you checked a walkthrough (like on gamefaqs.com)?

10-20-2005, 08:51 PM
1) use descriptive titles ("need help beting lady yunalesca" vs "HEEELLPPP")

2) put your stuff in the right forum

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 02:41 AM
At the last form, make sure that at least one character is Zombified. That makes them immune to Instant-Death moves. Be careful though. Even seasoned players die on her.

10-21-2005, 03:08 AM
Have you checked a walkthrough (like on gamefaqs.com)?
yes i have i even have her stats but it wont help.

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 03:15 AM
Try getting everyone and all Aeons in overdrive and unleash hell on her 3rd form.

10-21-2005, 05:07 AM
Really the best thing you can do is just train, train and train it solves all problems.

Kreth Drey
10-21-2005, 07:16 PM
Really the best thing you can do is just train, train and train it solves all problems.

I agree with Benny

Take the Time out to just train for about 30 mins and then gradually build on that

It is alot better IMO to train and take ur time then to rush through the game :-D

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 08:23 PM
Training? FFX doesn't require training. Just use every character in most of the battles with decent exp and you'll be fine. FFX is meant for strategy. You're characters can be maxed out, but one Death-All spell is all that you need to die. Preperation, in terms of weapons, armor, team groupings, and timing are all you need.

10-21-2005, 08:42 PM
Training? FFX doesn't require training. Just use every character in most of the battles with decent exp and you'll be fine. FFX is meant for strategy. You're characters can be maxed out, but one Death-All spell is all that you need to die. Preperation, in terms of weapons, armor, team groupings, and timing are all you need.

FFX does require training in case you didnt notice. You get ability points for fighting and you use those to increase your stats.

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 08:59 PM
No training required. Just proceed with the game and you'll be fine. Just do normal battles. During boss battles, switch all your characters in to make sure they get exp too. No training is needed. And yes, I have beaten the game.

10-21-2005, 10:47 PM
She was the only boss/enemy to kill me. 3 times. Someone said it before, just make sure your overdrives are full and have at it. Save before you fight her so if you die again you can use your overdrives.

10-21-2005, 11:29 PM
No training required. Just proceed with the game and you'll be fine. Just do normal battles. During boss battles, switch all your characters in to make sure they get exp too. No training is needed. And yes, I have beaten the game.

Mate you full of crap of course you have to train you cant go through the game and not train, there are always bosses that get you stumped.

10-27-2005, 12:54 PM
If you have Farplane winds (I'm not sure how many), you can customize a weapon to have Deathproof on it.

I beat her by keeping two characters as zombies (Yuna and Rikku), keeping one of them in at a time, and putting Zombie Proof on Auron and Tidus. On the turns when she uses Hellbiter (the zombie attack), I got a few hits with Auron and Tidus. When she used Mega Death, usually Yuna/Rikku is quick enough to get in the next turn, with which i used a Phoenix Down on Tidus and Auron.

So basically, I slowly chipped away...

10-27-2005, 06:43 PM
It took me a while to beat her and i used some real complicated stratagy that i cant remember. Just try to make use of your overdrives i guess, use them at the right time though.

10-29-2005, 03:31 AM
OK she aint that hard use Tidus Una & Auron

Charge aeons Overdrives first
Train till 4000 health, I do 10 sphears with veryone then procede, Time consumeing but makes life easy.


Only dezombify Tidus


10-29-2005, 05:32 AM
THANK YOU. Finally someone knows what they are talking about.

10-31-2005, 01:43 PM
can some one plz help. i need to get past lady Yunalesca but each time i get close to killing her 3rd form i die can some one plz help.

whilst you are on the third form you should be in zombie.stay in that status but cure 1 person.make that your strongest person. by now you should have learned tidus's 4th overdrive. Blitzace. if not go and learn it you will need to use overdrive 80 times. the best way to charge up your overdrive is customise a weapon with TRIPLE OVERDRIVE, and OVERDRIVE AP and then set mose to WARRIOR and it will fill quicker. yunalesca can be a bitch and you should have everyones attacks at 9999 even 99,999 is your lucky (if u customised a weapon that has BREAK DAMAGE LIMIT. i did with tidus i had CAPTURE with BREAK DAMAGE LIMIT so yunalesca was gone in 1 shot) if u take some time to learn the sphere grid you will be fine :) good luck

10-31-2005, 02:11 PM
No training required. Just proceed with the game and you'll be fine. Just do normal battles. During boss battles, switch all your characters in to make sure they get exp too. No training is needed. And yes, I have beaten the game.

I think that it doesn't take much training to just get thru the game if you know your strategies, but if you want to do side quests such as the dark aeons then you need to train like a bitch.

I equiped someone with that item to increase the frequency of random battles(forgot what its called) went to some cave and made my sister sit there and bash the X button.

Safer Sephiroth
10-31-2005, 05:46 PM
I beat Yunalesca last night actually. Here is what I did to beat her.

1. Use the Party members Auron, Tidus and Yuna

2. Fill up all of their overdrives before fighting Yunalesca

3. Fill up all of Yuna's Aeons Overdrives before fighting Yunalesca

4. Use Yuna as a Healer to cure and use Dispel when Yunalesca casts Regen on your Zombified party members to rid them of the status effect.

5. DO NOT use any Summons or Overdrives until Yunalescas 3rd form.

6. When fighting Yunalesca she will constantly cast Blind on any party member that uses Melee attacks on her. Be sure to have Esuna ready or 50+ Eye Drops to cure this status effect and continue beating on her with Tidus and Auron until her third form finally appears. It's a long task but it can be done.

7. On Yunalescas 3rd form start out by using Tidus's strongest Overdrive attack then by using Auron's strongest then use Yuna's Aeons starting with Bahumut working your way down to Valefor {He should be your last remaining Aeon by the end of the fight.}

8. By the time all your Aeons use their Overdrives they should all be dead only leaving your party and Yunalesca with around 5,000 - 6,000 HP to spare. Quickly start beating on her with everything you've got before she begins using Obsorb and Osmose to regain HP.

That's how I beat her. The time it took was around 45 minutes to 1 hour.

07-26-2006, 07:08 PM
I actually only died once and that's because I made the mistake of healing my zombified characters and she used mega death. But I just kept Yuna Zombified and used her to heal while Tidus and Auron whipped Yunalesca. Then I summoned Aeons and unleashed their overdrives and used them till they died or got cursed. If you do that hopefully she won't curse them before you get the chance to use their overdrive twice.

07-27-2006, 07:35 AM
i beat her last night and i had trouble but i just made 1 person zombified (tidas and rikku have auto med) and yuna revived them, then i used all the aeons till she was gone, the aeons shud have full overdrives and be as strong as yuna

07-27-2006, 03:24 PM
I didn't think she was really all that hard. The only problem i had was her using mega death and catching me off guard. But she doesn't use that till her third form. So I guess that really isn't a problem.

And about training. I think X requires more stragety then anything else cause you can train till the cows come home but if you don't know what you're doing then a tonberry is going to whoop your ass.

08-09-2006, 08:42 AM
thnx every 1 4 your help, i found away my self the other day useing yojimbos zanamato (soz bout bad spelling) so thnx 4 all cya