10-18-2005, 12:18 PM
Free 4 ALL
(Mostly FFVII, FFVIII, FFX, FFX2 and FF:U )

Disclaimer: Ok let�s start off by saying I don�t own Final Fantasy or K/H in anyway shape or form!!!! And since there are a lot of Cids, there will be called; Cid7, Cid8, Cid10 (For 10 and 10-2) and Cid-Chan (FF:U).

A/N: This is just a bunch of random crap!! I hope you enjoy!!!

Warning: May cause itching, head-pain and loss of memory!! You have been warned!!!

Summery: Ok I have captured the FF characters and am forcing them to do this Fanfic!!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHAHA!! HAHAHAHAHAHA-BAAA!!!

Chapter 1

On top of a 1000ft cliff the FF characters from all of the above, have decided to go Kamikaze together�

�Ok, everyone ready?!� Yuna shouted.

�WE�RE READY!!!!� Yuffei, Renoa, Elena, Tifa, Lisa, Aura, Ai, Lou, Miles, Scarlett, Rikku, Lou-Lou and Pain said, holding each other�s hands.

�This seems a bit extreme� and stupid�� Vincent exclaimed.

�Yah, it�s dumb!!� Squall said.

�But� Squally poo�� Renoa gave him puppy eyes.

�Oh, just jump off already BITCH!!!� Squall said with anger, he really hates that nickname�

�The probability of our surviving this fall is low� very low�� Cid-Chan said.

�So, you�re saying we shouldn�t do it?� Kadaj asked.

�Well, DUH!!!� Sephiroth answered.

�You�re mean big brother�� Kadaj scowled.

�Ok, this is stupid!!!� Cloud said.

�I totally agree with him!!!� Yu said.

�No you don�t!!!� Ai yelled.

�Ai, maybe we shouldn�t do this�� Clear said to the pink haired girl.

�No, we�re doing this and that�s final!!!� Ai replied.

�But sis�� Yu started.

�NO BUTTS!!!!� She said and grabbed her brother�s hand.

�Kaze help me!!!� Yu shouted to the person wearing black a coat.

The dark haired man looked at the boy then turned his head back.

�Hn!! Chobi!!! Help!!� Yu called to his Chocobo companion.

The bird looked up at Yu, �Qweii!!!� he said and started running towards him.

�Wait Chobi!!!� Yu said, but Chobi knocked him off the edge of the cliff.

�Hey no fair, he had a head-start� Ok every one� GOOOOO!!!!!!!!!� Elena shouted.

�KAMIKAZE!!!! They all yelled and jumped.

�Huh?� Kaze looked around, because he had heard some one say his name, as the others fell to their cretin doom.

Kaze then looked to his right to see others who had more common sense.

�No way I�m jumping�� Cloud said.

Sephiroth then pushed his blonde brother, �HAHA!!� He laughed.

�S&*%t!!! I�m not going alone!!!� The blue-eyed warrior grabbed Sephiroth�s long silver hair.

�NO!! NOT MY HAIR!!!� The tall man squealed like a little girl.

They both fell�

�Hey, how come he didn�t fall?� Cid8 said pointing at the floating man dressed in white.

�� White Cloud?� Kaze said seeing Makenshi.

The green-eyed man looked confused for a second, �Huh? Oh yah� I forgot, I can fly� no point in me jumping off a cliff then�� He laughed.

Just then Reno came back from the bath room, �Hey, where is everyone�� He asked.

�� There�� Squall pointed at the edge of the cliff.

�HUH? What do you mean� there�� Reno asked.

�They went Kamikaze�� Makenshi informed the redhead.

�What� Oh-no, Rude, Tseng, and Elena� my friends� Noooooooooo!!!!!!� He yelled.

�Get over it�� Cid7 said.

��� ok�� Reno walked over to Kaze, �Wanna be my new best friend?� He smiled.

Kaze didn�t even turn his head to look at the man next to him, �No.� He said flatly.

�Oh�� Reno made a sad face, �Hey do you want to be my friend?� He asked Makenshi.

Makenshi looked at the young Turk, �Umm, no not really�� He said.

�What, why not?� Reno asked.

�Because� you do other peoples dirty work�� The white cloud replied.

�Uh, that�s not a good enough reason!!!� Reno argued.

�I�m gonna make some coffee�� Squall said and then walked towards the random coffee maker and table behind them.

Kaze followed him.

�Hey, can I have a coffee too?� Reno asked.

�No.� Both Kaze and Squall said and gave the redhead icy-glares.

��� Reno pouted�

�Hmm, no-one likes you�� Gippal laughed.

�Oh, shut up, you�re not too popular yourself� I mean I don�t even know who you are, so you cant be that good�� Reno shot back.

�!!!� Gippal was stunned.

�Mmm, this coffee is good�� Vincent said.

�Yah, it has better taste that Renoa�s wardrobe�� Squall added.

�You�re very rude�� Vincent said to the brown haired teen.

Reno jumped up, �RUDE?! WHERE?!� He said looking around.

�Sit down you moron�� Cid7 said getting a coffee mug from the cupboard that came with the table.

�No!!! I don�t need to take this from you!!!� Reno shouted and ran to the cliff, �ELENA!!! WAIT FOR ME!!!!!!!� He said as he went over the edge of the cliff.

�Wasn�t he supposed to say �Kamikaze��?� Makenshi questioned the others.

�Hmm, if gets him away from us, then who cares�� Squall said bluntly as always.

�You have a point there�� Cid8 said sipping his coffee.

�Hey partner! Kupo!!� A voice said.

Everyone looked up to see a white Moogle with a black cloak on.

�Moogle�� Kaze said.

�What?! You�re kidding, that�s a Moogle?!� Cid7 asked.

�It looks more like a cat�� Vincent said.

�Yah, and an ugly cat�� Squall added.

�Are you always this insensitive?� Makenshi asked Squall.

Squall paused, �Uh� Yah.� He said.

�Hey, where�s everyone? Kupo!� Moogle asked.

�Jumped off the cliff over there� They went Kamikaze�� Gippal said.

�WHAT? Kupo! You let Miss Lisa, the twins, Lou and your sister jump off a cliff to die!!! Kupo!!!� Moogle yelled.

�No� not too die�� Kaze said.

�What do you mean �Not too die�? They jumped off a F***ING CLIFF!!!!!!� Squall shouted.

�Umm� please don�t yell�� Cid-Chan asked nicely.

�Shut up, why don�t you go jump off the cliff yourself!!!� Squall snapped.

�Fine!!! You�re just plain mean!!! Good bye!!!� Cid-Chan jumped off the cliff.

�So� they�re not dead then, Kupo?� Moogle asked Kaze.

�No, they�re not�� Kaze answered.

�What, of course they�re dead!!! How can they not be?� Cid7 asked.

Kaze didn�t answer him.

�Oh, you don�t know now do you, nyeah, nyeah!!� Gippal mocked.

�Yes I do�� Kaze said.

�No, you don�t!� Gippal snapped.

�Yes, I do�� Kaze said.

�No, no, they are DEAD!!! D-E-A-D!! Dead!!!� Gippal yelled.

�No they�re not�� Kaze said.

�Yes they are you FU-� Gippal was shot by Kaze before he could finish his sentence.

�Hey!! Nice shot!!� Squall complimented Kaze.

�Yah, but why do you think they�re still alive?� Cid8 asked.

Kaze didn�t say anything, all he did was point to the cliff�

�Huh, what?� Cid7 asked.

Everyone turned around to see the other who they thought where dead�

�No F***ing way!!! You�re supposed to be dead!!! Damn it�� Squall said.

�How are you� I mean, how did you� umm�� Cid7�s mind went blank.

�We jumped on the trampoline�� Yuna said cheerfully.

�Huh, what trampoline?� Cid8 asked.

�The one at the bottom of the cliff�� Renoa said.

�Yah, didn�t you see the sign?� Ai asked.

�What sign?� Squall asked.

�That sign�� Lou-Lou pointed to the right.

There stood a 50ft sign, with flashing lights and fireworks around it. It said �Welcome to the great Kamikaze ride� jump off the cliff and bounce back up!!!�

�What� that wasn�t there before�� Cid8 said.

�It was always there�� Vincent said.

�What you knew the sign was there, and you didn�t say anything?!� Cid7 yelled.

�It was obviously there� we thought you�d notice�� Makenshi said.

�Alright show of hands, who saw the sign?� Cid8 asked.

Kaze, Cid10, Makenshi, Moogle and Vincent raised their hands.

�Ok, I did see the sign� but I had no idea what it meant�� Squall said.

�� Ok� but what about Reno, he jumped off a few minutes after you�� Cid7 said.

�Oh yeah, we saw him on back up�� Elena started.

Flash back�

�ELENA!!!!!� Reno yelled as he plummeted through the air.

�What?� Elena asked.

�Huh?!� Reno looked to his left to see Elena and the others going back up.

End flash back�

�This is so bazaar�� Cid7 exclaimed.

�AAAAHHHH!!!!� Cloud and Sephiroth landed back at the top.

�Wow, that was fun�� Cloud said.

�Yeah, a real blast� now, LET GO OF MY HAIR!!!!� Sephiroth shouted at his brother.

�Ok, so should we just wait for�� Vincent suggested.

�Yeah, ok�� Everyone groaned.

�Can�t we just leave him?� Squall asked.

�No�� Vincent said.

�Yeah, because if he finds us again he�ll make up for lost time�� Cloud said.

�Ah, good point�� Squall said.

So now they�re all standing at the top of the cliff waiting for Reno� and waiting� and waiting� and waiting� and waiting�


�Man I am soooo board�� Reno yawned, still falling.

Reno then saw something below him. �Hey, what�s that?� He looked again, �Hey cool a trampoline!!!� He said.
Reno continued to fall, until eventually he missed the trampoline�

�Ehhhhhhhh� eh� ow� paaaaiiiiiinnnn�� The redhead croaked, �Oh, I�m gonna feel that in the morning�� he said.

Back at the top 3hours later�

�Ok, so where is he?� Ai asked stomping her foot.

�I don�t know� do you think he missed the trampoline?� Elena asked Rude and Tseng.

Rude was silent�

�Well� I wouldn�t put it passed him�� Tseng said.

�So you�re saying he has bad karma?� Lou asked.

�� yes�� Tseng replied.

�So do we still have to wait?� Yu asked.

�� yes�� Tseng replied again.

�Well he�d better hurry up� I�m hungry!!� Rikku whined.

�Yeah, and I have a special meeting with President Rufus�� Scarlet said lustfully.

With Rufus�

�Huh, she�s late� YAY!! She�s not coming!!� Rufus shouted with joy, �No I can get on with my important work!!� The young man started spinning around in his desk chair, �Weeeeeeee!!!� He said.


�Ah!!! Finally� I�ve� reached the-top�� Reno huffed.

Everyone was asleep except for a few�

�What took you so long?� Sephiroth asked.

�Oh, I missed the trampoline�� Reno laughed nervously.

�Typical!� Sephiroth scoffed.

�Hey, I have a lot of bad Karma!!!!� Reno snapped.

He was then struck by lightning�

�Wow, you really are unlucky�� Kadaj said.

�WHY!!!! WHAT DID I DO NOW YOU B**CH!!!!� Reno shook his fist at the sky,� LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!� He began to run around.

�Hey, watch the cliff�� Kadaj started.

�AW SHIT!!!!� Reno fell off the edge of the cliff� again�

�Do we still have to wait�� Squall asked.

�� yes�� Tseng said.

End chapter one�

How was it? Tell me!!!=)

Reno and elena
10-18-2005, 01:30 PM
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo that rocked and even i elena had some lines
i broke my little toe on a trampoline once ah good times

reno says that soooooooooo true

10-18-2005, 02:42 PM
Pink_chocobo: I have an unreasonable curiosity about insanity, so I must ask.

Why do you feel the need to write an FF fanfic, when you have never played any of the games? And indeed, you cannot even spell most of their names correctly. Also, your writing style is unreadable. There is a reason why most fiction is not just an endless diatribe.

Reno and elena: You are not reno and elena. You are not acting out a character, even a schizophrenic one. It would do you well to remember this.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-18-2005, 03:41 PM
God, what utter shit.

Seriously, whoever wrote that should slit their fucking wrists and remove themselves from the gene pool.

10-18-2005, 04:19 PM
I didn`t bother reading that. But it looks and sounds like literature rectum juice.

10-18-2005, 05:19 PM
What a steaming heap of shit. You might improve in the writing department but this is just awful. I read half of it, decided to reply saying it's shit, thought I'd read it all in case it got good and still thought it was shit. I feel as if many of my brain cells have went kamikaze. Also kamikaze is not neccasarily a term for suicide, but suicide with the intent of causing damage or destruction, especially against an enemy or a kamikaze attitude is a reckless one. This story doesn't satisfactorily fit either definition imo.

10-19-2005, 12:04 AM
Not much need for me to post here since others have sufficiently bashed this piece of tripe. However, I do feel that I should at the very least add my name to the list of people who want your hands cut off so you can never type again.

10-19-2005, 01:40 AM
What a steaming heap of shit. You might improve in the writing department but this is just awful. I read half of it, decided to reply saying it's shit, thought I'd read it all in case it got good and still thought it was shit. I feel as if many of my brain cells have went kamikaze. Also kamikaze is not neccasarily a term for suicide, but suicide with the intent of causing damage or destruction, especially against an enemy or a kamikaze attitude is a reckless one. This story doesn't satisfactorily fit either definition imo.
the idea of them yelling divine wind and jumping off a cliff is pretty entertaining, though.

Reno and elena
10-19-2005, 09:19 AM
you prats wouldnt know good literature if it hit you in the fucking face

and hey were fucking casts of reno and elena show us the respect we deserve u fucking spanner tarts

(i appologise deeply for the swearing but we wouldnt be the turks if we didnt hehe)
red means it was wrote by reno>:O

i mean hey its good for a chocobo i mean come on how many chocobos do u know that can write fan fics come on

10-19-2005, 09:20 AM
Excuse me!!! When I said I didn't own FF I ment I don't own the Characters You twits!!!>:O

Reno and elena
10-19-2005, 09:34 AM
do do dodo do dodo do dodo do sephiroth dodododododo sephiroth

hey wait were the turks why are we singing that?????

do do dodo do dodo do dodo do the turks dodododododo the turks

hehe much better

10-19-2005, 09:36 AM
Ok, you two really are nuts.... I love you guys!!!!

Reno and elena
10-19-2005, 09:47 AM
thanks we want another story there funny

but more elena plz and thank you

10-19-2005, 09:51 AM
That fan fic didn't make much sense at all but I found it really funny!

10-19-2005, 09:53 AM
Thank you, very much!!! You are now my friend!!!!

10-19-2005, 06:50 PM
you prats wouldnt know good literature if it hit you in the fucking face

and hey were fucking casts of reno and elena show us the respect we deserve u fucking spanner tarts

You really are a tard.

10-20-2005, 12:25 AM
God, this board is overrun by twelve year olds.

I hate to tell you, but this 'fiction' really was utter tripe. I'm not going to even bother listing off what creditentials I have that make me a master of the English narrative word, but I think it's a fair bit that if you write something your English teacher would cringe at, you shouldn't have written it.

...unless they're cringing because of the subject or content, in which case it's ok and funny.

Also, reno and elena: just a hint, ok? Odin, Dirge, Mossy, Prak and I are what you would call senior members of this site. I am doing you a favour here when I say that if you keep up this ridiculous split personality thing, you will NEVER, EVER be accepted here. We had one person who did that, and they weren't even doing FF characters, and they were generally humiliated.

Real life isn't a game. If you go around talking for reno and elena at your school, then kudos to you. Sure, you need a mental ward, but whatever. If it is instead, only something you do here because 'lolz final fantasy board letz be ff chars', then stop it before you hurt yourself.

10-20-2005, 02:57 AM
you prats wouldnt know good literature if it hit you in the fucking face

and hey were fucking casts of reno and elena show us the respect we deserve u fucking spanner tarts

Shut up idiot. You can't even spell right.

Reno and elena
10-20-2005, 09:09 AM
well as senior members of a forum you shouldn't be that nasty and critical to someones story and telling someone to go and slit their wrists because you didn't like their story was completely out of line. I don't actually care if you don't accept us on this forum because I am a member of plenty other Final Fantasy forums who are all nice and can tell a joke when it kicks them in the balls.

10-20-2005, 09:10 AM
Also, reno and elena: just a hint, ok? Odin, Dirge, Mossy, Prak and I are what you would call senior members of this site. I am doing you a favour here when I say that if you keep up this ridiculous split personality thing, you will NEVER, EVER be accepted here. We had one person who did that, and they weren't even doing FF characters, and they were generally humiliated
o gee thanks lee. i love you too.

10-20-2005, 09:16 AM
well as senior members of a forum you shouldn't be that nasty and critical to someones story and telling someone to go and slit their wrists because you didn't like their story was completely out of line. I don't actually care if you don't accept us on this forum because I am a member of plenty other Final Fantasy forums who are all nice and can tell a joke when it kicks them in the balls.

Yes I agree, in all my internet life I have never been treated like this!!! This site is supposed to be a place where fans of FF can have FUN!!! In short I hate those who have been beyond mean, and I will write more stories like this just to spite you!!! HA!!! :-P

10-20-2005, 09:17 AM
well as senior members of a forum you shouldn't be that nasty and critical to someones story and telling someone to go and slit their wrists because you didn't like their story was completely out of line. I don't actually care if you don't accept us on this forum because I am a member of plenty other Final Fantasy forums who are all nice and can tell a joke when it kicks them in the balls.

Don't you just love it when noobs join the forum and then start telling us how the site should be? Heaven forbid the people who've been here for a while should define the atmosphere of the place. Oh no. Of course the stupid noobs are going to know better.

If you don't like it here, then go away. No one will care and no one will miss you. Don't tell us how to act. We'll just mock you for it until you either learn or leave.

10-20-2005, 09:19 AM
You are a mean, mean man!!!! >:O

10-20-2005, 09:19 AM
Thank you.

10-20-2005, 09:21 AM
You jerk!!! I'm gonna throw sponges at you and call you names!!!

Slanted and Enchanted
10-20-2005, 09:23 AM
Since there was a warning that the entire chapter would be inept, anyone who is whining now must have missed it. My critique is basically that the entire fic was just dialogue and was therefore boring; however, if you cut down on some of the speech and fleshed out the environment, maybe even lending a plot to the piece of work, you'd go farther.

Well, you'd certainly get less criticism from these fellows, anyway.

10-20-2005, 09:23 AM
If you say so, but I'll be very disappointed with you if you do not manage to come up with a neat sponge-throwing gif in very short order.

Gentleman Ghost
10-20-2005, 09:23 AM
LOL!!!! to everything, everyone has posted!!

!!!!I've had such a good laugh!!!!

10-20-2005, 09:27 AM
To: Slanted and Enchanted

Thank you, at least you're not mean like the others, if they used constructive criticism like you have there wouldn't have been such a big arguement!

10-20-2005, 09:29 AM
I (and most others around here) only offer constructive criticism to people who have a marginal amount of talent with the written word. If you can reach a level where your writing does not kill brain cells, then you'll get tips on improving.

Slanted and Enchanted
10-20-2005, 09:30 AM
Not everyone can post criticism that doesn't want to make the writer crawl into a corner and die, I guess.

10-20-2005, 09:31 AM
To: Prak the prat!!!

My stories on the Fanfiction net are written like this and I have never had any Flames ever!!!! (Throws a sponge) Doody head!!!

10-20-2005, 09:34 AM
Pink_Chocobo, I appreciate the prat comment, but I'm very disappointed that you did not come up with a neat sponge-throwing gif. You have one chance to salvage your damaged reputation and you are failing miserably thus far.

Please do not post again without a neat sponge-throwing gif.

10-20-2005, 09:43 AM

10-20-2005, 10:03 AM
This thread is geting better and better with every post.

10-20-2005, 10:20 AM
My only question is, why would you post a bunch of "random crap"? Here of all places? You should have known everyone would eat you alive. Besides, don't you have any pride in what you write? Don't you have a desire to make it better? Unless you don't really like to write and you felt like pissing everyone off. If so, kudos. You've succeeded in your endeavor.

10-20-2005, 04:58 PM
well as senior members of a forum you shouldn't be that nasty and critical to someones story

Why not? Anyone who writes that badly can't expect us to say "O Gee!! i loled at that i sure did!". And don't say we should have offered constructive criticism either as there was nothing in that piece of work to build on. If anything we've been constructive by suggesting he/she stops writing as they clearly lack the ability.

Don't you just love it when noobs join the forum and then start telling us how the site should be? Heaven forbid the people who've been here for a while should define the atmosphere of the place. Oh no. Of course the stupid noobs are going to know better.

If you don't like it here, then go away. No one will care and no one will miss you. Don't tell us how to act. We'll just mock you for it until you either learn or leave.

I totally agree here. Forget any opinions you have on what a forum should be like. You may be used to forums were everyone talks about Final Fantasy and posts threads on "Who has the coolest hairstyle", but things don't work like that here. The majority of regular members barely enter the Final Fantasy sections and that might be difficult for you to comprehend seeing as this is a Final Fantasy fansite. If you don't like how things operate here, leave. I'm sure there is a forum out there to suit you.

You jerk!!! I'm gonna throw sponges at you and call you names!!!

Don't be moronic please.

To: Prak the prat!!!

That's a good one! Would it have been awfully hard to have thought of 'Prak the prick'? It might have gained you a little credibility.

In conclusion, the story is an awful piece of writing. Surely the author too must realise this. It has been hit with constant criticism and with good reason. And also, people like Reno and elena will soon come to recognize that this isn't a forum that suits them, they can either adapt or leave. And that's all I have to say.

Shadow flare
10-20-2005, 08:50 PM
Well even though most people thought that this story wasn't any good I thought that it was kind of funny, with all the random things happening. But like what people have said the spelling wasn't great and most of it was dialect, like a play or something. I think that next time you should check the spelling of the names of the characters before you post your story up on a forum. Overall all I didn't quite understand the whole story but what I did understand was ok.

10-20-2005, 09:17 PM
Hmmmm the story is too confusing lol

E&R: Plz act as one person. Thank you.

10-20-2005, 09:23 PM
hey heckie whats up,

hmmm nice story hehe

reno and elena can you please try to take it calm
or should i say dark queen
you sounds like you are 2 users but i know its only u as u dont have any friends,

to a admin: i wouldnt have this member in this forum she are just a lier belive me there, and she talk like she are two ppls well she are only the dq, and well i tried to be her friend back at my forum but hey it didnt work do u know why she still keep lying,

blecky-bleck aka admin at ff ultimate forum

Shadow flare
10-20-2005, 09:32 PM
Wait there is someone trying to be 2 people on a forum... are you suggesting that Reno and elena and Pink Chocobo are 1 person? I feel confused now

10-20-2005, 09:34 PM
I think he meant Reno and elana's psuedo schizophrenia.

Shadow flare
10-20-2005, 09:37 PM
Oh thank you I thought for a second then that there was some sad little person with no friends talking to themself over the forum using 2 accounts.

10-20-2005, 09:40 PM
That's possible though. Really I like that idea a lot. Two completely terrible fan fiction authors really being the same person.

Shadow flare
10-20-2005, 09:45 PM
Yeah it would be extremely sad if someone was doing that. I hope that this thread doesn't inspire any individuals to write a fanfict and rate it themself as a different log in.

10-20-2005, 10:05 PM
hey heckie whats up,

hmmm nice story hehe

reno and elena can you please try to take it calm
or should i say dark queen
you sounds like you are 2 users but i know its only u as u dont have any friends,

to a admin: i wouldnt have this member in this forum she are just a lier belive me there, and she talk like she are two ppls well she are only the dq, and well i tried to be her friend back at my forum but hey it didnt work do u know why she still keep lying,

blecky-bleck aka admin at ff ultimate forum


terra child
10-21-2005, 12:11 AM
this is the craziest thread ever

10-21-2005, 09:15 AM
hey heckie whats up,

hmmm nice story hehe

reno and elena can you please try to take it calm
or should i say dark queen
you sounds like you are 2 users but i know its only u as u dont have any friends,

to a admin: i wouldnt have this member in this forum she are just a lier belive me there, and she talk like she are two ppls well she are only the dq, and well i tried to be her friend back at my forum but hey it didnt work do u know why she still keep lying,

blecky-bleck aka admin at ff ultimate forum

Blecky-Chan, that's so not what I'd expect to here from you!!!! That was harsh!!!!

Reno and elena
10-21-2005, 09:17 AM
excuse me double user my ass

this is mean wat have we done i know were the turks an all but hey

how can u compair our crappy 5min fan fic to pink chocobos masterpiece and excuse me but me and reno came to this site with open arms (thinking it was a fan site for the turks) and we have never been so insulted in all our perfetic lives (yes they are quite perfetic getting beaten by cloud every day isnt that interesting yah know)

Tidus 66
10-21-2005, 04:59 PM
Reno and Elena and Pink Chocobo just admit your the same guy/girl or guy/girl or girl/girl or whatever, just stop posting! If you are going to be always the same, if you like the other forums go there and annoy them, and if you don't like this one just leave

10-21-2005, 05:06 PM
it was a slightly idiotic story, but pretty hilarious. Unfortunately, I've just read all of you arguing, and that is just very boring. I would like to make the following points:

Prak is right, senior members are more used to this site, and really are right in most senses; they've been here for longer and know most of the peoples attitudes.

It was just a goofy story, why do you have to burn it? Hell, it wasn't even serious!!

You do get treated worse on some sites. This one is alright, abit nasty sometimes, but okish. Which is why my dear Pink_Chocobo, you expect something like that when you post your story. If you've seen most of the comments to some of the others you wouldn't be complaining as much.

There is one thing. This forum is practically run by adults. Or something like that. If you want a nicer forum try something like <A HREF=> Keiichi Anime </a>. The people there are a little more... flexible.

The split personality is abit annoying to tell the truth, and generally, people like to know they're talking to a real person rather than a character from a game.

And I think I've complained enough. Let's end this on a good note: The story is pretty good for a quick laugh, and it wasn't supposed to make much sense I don't think.

10-22-2005, 12:40 AM
sorry there i was thinking reno and helena was a girl i know

damn what a mistake hehe

10-22-2005, 03:13 AM
I love pink chocobo. I'm going to throw sponges at you. LMfao. Even though your fanfics are really bad, I still love that line. Here is some constructive criticism (sp?). I think that you should throw your present one away (please don't throw a sponge at me, I am trying to help you), and rewrite it. But before you post it, think about stuff like, is this really funny? Are these "jokes" really funny? Yes? No? Most likely it will be no so you can throw it away and try again. It is a really great process! =D Have fun!

Shadow flare
10-22-2005, 11:43 PM
I do think that saying that "I'll throw sponges at you and call you names" was pretty funny.

10-23-2005, 01:27 AM
I do think that saying that "I'll throw sponges at you and call you names" was pretty funny.
Yeah, I don't know how Prak recovered. She was shooting for the head and taking no prisoners. Thank God Prak's a pro or he would have been destroyed by such moronics.

10-23-2005, 02:22 AM
Norma Lee still brought more pain after trying to follow that story.

10-23-2005, 03:57 PM
Yeah, I don't know how Prak recovered. She was shooting for the head and taking no prisoners. Thank God Prak's a pro or he would have been destroyed by such moronics.

So basically, either Prak is teh haxxorz or he is teh uber pwnzorz. =D

10-26-2005, 01:59 AM
excuse me double user my ass

this is mean wat have we done i know were the turks an all but hey

how can u compair our crappy 5min fan fic to pink chocobos masterpiece and excuse me but me and reno came to this site with open arms (thinking it was a fan site for the turks) and we have never been so insulted in all our perfetic lives (yes they are quite perfetic getting beaten by cloud every day isnt that interesting yah know)

hey there isn't this all getting a bit daft now?

10-26-2005, 02:35 AM
Dudes, plz.

Talk about the masterpiece. This is Fiction & Poetry not Sponge Wars.

10-26-2005, 02:04 PM
I think the main faults with this one was that it was pretty much all dialogue and also that there was no plot or anything information to give an overview of the point the story was supposed to have. Also the characters haven't exactly been kept in character.

Still then again this was meant to be random crap so i guess that was to be expected. However "Pink Chocobo" if you really meant it to be a non-serious story rather than a proper fan fic then i think you would have been better off creating a "Random Crap" topic under general discussions rather than trying to pass it off as a fan fic here. This forum is for proper fan fiction, and I think it's the fact you are trying to pass this off as that by posting it under here that is getting peoples backs up.

If on the other hand you wanted this to be taken seriously then again (as I advised in the Turks story thread) you should work on your writing skills before posting anything else here.

11-03-2005, 11:28 AM
i think that you all shouldnt be mean because i think it was very good i play on the games sometimes and i have seen some of the movies and i think that it was wrong of you all to say such mean things dont even try and say that it was crap because its not like she was saying it was from the film or the game, it wasnt. it was just her having some fun with the characters, so stop bitching and get a life you over sentric S.O.B's

11-03-2005, 11:57 AM
Hmmm I wonder who you are.

Neo Xzhan
11-03-2005, 12:57 PM
Smart ass time, for all you self proclaimed psychiatrists, schizofrenia is NOT the same thing as a split personality. Schizo is a severe form of paranoia and delusions.

Aside from that, how are you going to write a fanfic about something you have no idea about? You don't even know the character names. Ever read a book? Then you'd realize your work is just utter shit.

girlcock fantastic
11-03-2005, 07:48 PM
funny... but shity. I hate chocobos...

11-04-2005, 03:41 PM
Umm you dont know me actually, my name is Kaz im friends with Reno & Elena so dont confuse me with them. But i guess is people didnt like it then they are entitled to their own oppinion. i cant judge. i dont need hate mail so im just not gunna get on the wrong side of ne one

11-08-2005, 02:07 AM
i think that you all shouldnt be mean because i think it was very good i play on the games sometimes and i have seen some of the movies and i think that it was wrong of you all to say such mean things dont even try and say that it was crap because its not like she was saying it was from the film or the game, it wasnt. it was just her having some fun with the characters, so stop bitching and get a life you over sentric S.O.B's

One point I would like to make.

It was the author of the story herself who indicated that it was supposed to be random crap. It wasn't supposed to be taken seriously or be good from what i read of the note. Thats why I suggested "Pink Chocobo" move it to another section. If she'd entitled it "Random Crap" or something like that under there people would have taken it as the joke it was intended to be rather than a pass off as a proper fan fiction. This forum is for genuine fan fiction and for people who want to read it.

11-08-2005, 05:15 AM
Actually, this forum is for Original Fiction and Poetry.

11-08-2005, 03:40 PM
Thats a point, should have thought of that :)

11-08-2005, 07:16 PM
Well Pink chocobo's (Imoto's) story was good (ish) and a laugh, I was a bit lost reading it at first but I get it all now hehe

Turk Revolution: Are you sure your name is Kaz and not "Laz"?

girlcock fantastic
11-08-2005, 07:21 PM
I thought the whole reno thing was funny as hell but squall is a bitch to rinoa...but then again I wouldn't want to be called "squally poo" either.

11-11-2005, 08:10 PM
Well Pink chocobo's (Imoto's) story was good, I was confused reading it at first but I get it all now hehe

Turk Revolution: Are you sure your name is Kaz and not "Laz"?

erm excuse me but i am not Kaz as i can't spell her user name and as 4 u heck-hebel thinking helen was using my username then ur completely wrong as she dont know my password and Kaz is one of Reno's and Elanors friends aswell as pink chocobo and there are not the same person if they were they would drive me insane. and you scared them away now Poor users

sorry i got a little carried away.

11-12-2005, 12:03 AM
This is all starting to confuse me :confused:

11-12-2005, 12:47 AM
you prats wouldnt know good literature if it hit you in the fucking face

and hey were fucking casts of reno and elena show us the respect we deserve u fucking spanner tarts!

Yeah right *sniggers* - 'tardo! 'nuff childsplay!!

What owes you the pleasure to urge for the respect that we don't have to give???

11-12-2005, 03:09 PM
Yeah right *sniggers* - 'tard! 'nuff childsplay!!
adam you can stop it now you scared them off the forum

11-12-2005, 07:38 PM
YR: I don't know why they are scared of me, they don't know who I am and I was pointing out things that should be improved in their story and to be a bit more mature. I did quote them once more just in case they might not leave, but as you said, I guess they realy have deserted.

Well anyway...

Back on topic....Pink Chocobo's story - Free For All.

Well, In FFVIII, Squall sleeps on his bed in his clothes, and he never seems to wash, so maybe that is why he has a room of his own, not because they qualified him a SeeD, but because he wreaks a hell of alot so no one wants to go near him and that's probably why he's called "Squally poo" hehe.

And let's just say that in Balamb at the time it was occupied by the Galbadian-Army, That woman who's a friend of Zell's Foster mother complained that Squall wreaks while the other people thought the smell came from Raijin's cooking in Mrs.Dincht's house lmao.

So the only one that's attracted to him is Rinoa, as she took so much cocaine, she lost her sense of smell completely but calls him "Squally poo" anyway as others call him that hehe.

Pink Chocobo: Keep going with your story Pink Chocobo as I moved yours in my message board so it has a forum of its own named "FF Free For All". I like it!!!

11-18-2005, 01:31 PM
wooo this is confusing but fun at the same time. my friends are cool. i like spunges they are so soft and squishy :) (DORY: i will call him squishy and he shall be mine...and he shall be my squishy)

11-18-2005, 01:34 PM
Think this thread is a bit dead now

Also it's been mentioned we should stick to the subject of the literature ;-)

Well anyway I thought it was funny enough as a joke, but that it shouldn't have been included here under fan fiction, nuff said

11-18-2005, 04:44 PM
i agree with you dude uhh what was the question again ???

11-18-2005, 08:32 PM
It took 83.4 minutes to read this whole thing.

11-18-2005, 09:16 PM
Oh Moses, I thought this thread had died!

It's certainly run its course.