10-18-2005, 10:31 AM
does anyone know of somewhere i can get the anime BOOK of Battle Royale cheap-ish?
and is the actual book better than the animated version?

10-18-2005, 02:08 PM
anime book like in manga? or the actual book that started it all?

i havent read the book but the manga is allot better then both of the movies and i've heard from allota people that the book is even better.

10-18-2005, 11:59 PM
The book most certainly is the best form of the three. As for the manga, it's very forgettable, mostly because it completely throws aside a lot of the major themes of the book. The second movie is utter shit, by the way.

10-19-2005, 10:05 PM
WHAT IS BATTLE ROYALE?????????????????????

10-19-2005, 11:09 PM
I can't speak for the manga, but the book and film are excellent. Of the two I enjoyed the book more. The film is great but lacks the character development of the book. This is obviously because the director can't replicate the book completely in a little over two hours but I also feel that the film emphasises the violence much more than is neccasary, and although I still enjoyed it a lot, to some people the movie is only good because of it's excessive violence. Imo, people who view the film like that have completely missed the point. This hasn't really been on topic I guess but I'm going to finish on a quote, and everyone should take note;

The second movie is utter shit, by the way.

10-19-2005, 11:34 PM
i enjoyed the 2nd one as much as the 1st
its just brainless violence and i laughed my ass off

10-20-2005, 03:08 AM
1st Battle royale movie kicked major ass
the 2nd was a big snore-fest

the manga is fun for a while, coz its gorey and pervy
but I still prefer watching the first movie

Da Monstar
11-16-2005, 06:56 PM
The first movie was awesome, it had everything: Great story, funny/bizarre humor, hot chicks and some action. Really one of the best movies i've seen

The second only includes a lil bit of hot chicks and to much action compared to the story and humor of the film. Also it is a big mistake to let the class fight with each other, instead of against each other.

The manga and book though is not something i am familiar with. But they can't be that bad considering the movie.

Albel the Wicked
11-17-2005, 04:45 AM
battle royal kicked ass the manga and the movie...heh so the 2 one wasnt very good huh.....fools

11-17-2005, 04:50 AM
I still say anyone who only thought the movie was "kickass" totally missed the point of it. It's not just a silly action movie. Just once, I want to see someone say something about the social commentary in the film or book instead of how awesome they thought the violence was.

Albel the Wicked
11-17-2005, 04:57 AM
but the violence is the best part.....fools

Da Monstar
11-17-2005, 01:06 PM
Brak is almost right... Though i do not think you need to understand the full point of it, since many of my friends loved the movie without having heard or seen the bonus materials on the dvd or red the book/manga.

The girls are the best part Albel, no discussion there... Also check out Chakushin Ari, a great horror movie featuring both Kou Shibasaki (mitsuko) and Anna Nagata (Hirono) from Battle Royale 1.... Nice....

12-09-2005, 10:06 PM
I buy them from Forbidden Planet or Travelling Man. TM is always a quid cheaper then FP. Or use Ebay or Amazon.

01-08-2007, 03:15 AM
The book is really great. One of my favorites and not just for the gratuitous violence, but also for the character development and social & political commentary. I suggested it to one of my college Psychology teachers and she also loved it.

01-08-2007, 06:03 AM
I have never heard of any battle royal book or animated one but i have seen the 2 movies were they are REAL life people

01-08-2007, 04:14 PM
The book is written by Koushun Takami and translated from Japanese to English by Yuji Oniki.
It sells new for $15.95 but I got mine online for around $10.
If anyone likes the movie, I highly suggest you pick up the book because it builds upon the movie and adds more depth to the characters and their situations. It also explains the entire point of the BR Act better than the movie does. It helped me to see the movie first because it was easier to recognize names and put faces to those names. There are some minor differences between the two such as its a government man who controls the game instead of their old teacher, but in the end it works out better than the movie version.

01-08-2007, 04:50 PM
It also explains the entire point of the BR Act better than the movie does.

Or more accurately, it better conveys the fact that there really is no point to it at all.

01-08-2007, 10:12 PM
Or more accurately, it better conveys the fact that there really is no point to it at all.

Well theres no real point to the actual battle, but, it can always be argued that the overall point is fear of the government by the people.
Hell, if a government can put a bunch of school kids on an island and force them to kill each other, they can do anything they want and no one can stop them so why bother trying?
It keeps the entire country in line.
I went to Shanghai, China last Summer for my vacation and communism really isn't that bad!
Theres very little violence there because everyone knows if they step out of line, they are screwed. I walked the streets there at 2am without being afraid. I live in Florida and there was a murder close by just the other night and I would never just walk around at night alone.
Theres no drinking age because everyone (including the kids) knows that if they go out and get drunk and do something stupid, they are screwed.
China has come a long way since the days of Chairman Mao. No, there is no "Battle Royale" or anything that extreme, but all it takes is the Military Police to march the streets with automatic assault guns to remind everyone to stay in line.

02-02-2007, 11:34 AM
I would rate them in this order: 1. the book -by far the best and most informative. 2. The manga - Closet to recreating the book as well as extremely well drawn, very graphic, but also shows the sincerety of the emotions the words from the book conveyed. 3. The first movie - Departs alot from the book as in character personality and back history, as well as some of the events. Still very worth watching to see. And finally....

4. The 2nd movie. - I liked the movie except the main boy character seemed way too whiny. I loved that they brought back the actors who played Shuya and Noriko, as well as the teacher from the first movie! The best thing about the movie was the political commentary on how the rest of the world sees each other. When the teacher lists the countries in the begining and asks what they all had in common, like any public school raised person in america I thought," They have all had terrorists or tried to bomb us." (Just as we were taught in history.) and then he gives the adults in Japan's view....very thought provoking. Then you get to see the youths perspective of both America and the japanese adults....even better.

02-02-2007, 03:20 PM
I have watched the two movies Battle Royale.They're awesome =)
For the comics,is it this one?
Or this?

02-02-2007, 05:11 PM
Those are the ones! =) (Both links are to the same series.)