02-19-2002, 10:32 PM
What's your favorite quote from an anime character?

Whats your favorite moment in an anime?

post them here

02-20-2002, 01:07 AM
"What's wrong with running away from reality if it sucks!" - Shinji(Evangelion)

"Don't put me in a storage room. If you want to kill me, kill me now." - Hibiki(Vandread)

"A sword is a killing weapon, and sword techniques are killing techniques. No matter how you look at it, the truth is still the truth. Kaoru-dono's words are words from someone who's never seen the filthy world before. But I like those words better than the truth." - Himura Kenshin(Kenshin)

Those are just a few. I have a lot more favorite quotes. Most of them are from Shinji.

02-20-2002, 01:14 AM
" He may have my body and he may have my mind, but theres one thing a saiyan always keeps,......his pride....."

02-20-2002, 04:13 PM
"I...will......SURVIVE!!!" -Heero Yuy, destruction of Battleship Libra.

"How many times, in my mind, will I keep killing that little girl and her puppy?" -Heero Yuy, duel with Wu Fei.

02-22-2002, 07:30 PM
My fav moment in an anime waz when kenshin and kaoru were having a moment and then suddenly jinei comes out and kidnaps kaoru. that scared the (blank) out of me and i almost peed in my pants!! lol hahahah lol

02-22-2002, 08:28 PM
Tehehe. I desperately enjoyed the scene when Kenshin was walking home from a battle, feeling really bad, guilty, not well at all. He was already devestated...
While he is thiking about how he could possibly ever pay for all his sins, he turns to cross a small bridge.
A man is standing atop the bridge, the sun in his back, looking down at Kenshin. Kenshin stops, lifts his head... Sees a tall man with white hair who watches him coldly... He recognizes him.
"You�re Enishi?!" he screams, can�t believe his eyes. Heh.

This scene was so excellent. Kenshin and me, we did not expect to run into Enishi! We were both surprised, Kenshin a bit more than me... Yes, that scene was just amazing! Read it, everyone! :D

02-23-2002, 02:48 AM
" Spend your life ruled by another, then watch your race dwindle to a handful..."

02-23-2002, 04:37 PM
"Can...it..." Gohan *gosh, that was so funny*

"Who are you, Saiyaman! You can tell me!"-Videl
"Hmmm...you seem like a trustworthy girl, I guess I can tell you"-The Great Saiyaman.
Vidle waits really anoixuosly.
"I am....THE GREAT SAIYAMAN!!!!!"-Gohan

thats hilarious...:p

02-23-2002, 05:18 PM
i was watching dragonball a couple a days ago when goku was fighting ninja murasaki

ninja murasaki jumped in the air to pounce on goku, then goke dug his power pole into the ground, ninja murasaki landed on it and it went up his ass!

thats not that part that got me laughing though, the part that got me laughing was when goku was on the ground rolling and laughing like crazy

02-23-2002, 06:07 PM
"Target...Lock ON!" Heero Yuy :D I like that...it's sounds cool.

"o_ro"Kenshin's manga--->make him much dumber ;)

02-23-2002, 08:17 PM
I have so many favorite anime moments... I can't list them all...

The Vandread ending where Hibiki boldly asked Dita to go away with him.

For Evanelion, it would have to be Shinji's "elevator" fight against the angel. And also the time when he broke out of the sphere angel after being swallowed. Asuka's fight in the "End of Eva" movie is awesome too.

In Kenshin, I like the time when he hugged Kaoru before leaving to fight Shijo.

In Slam Dunk, when Mitsu collapsed on the floor saying "I want to play baketball".

In Lodoss-Chronicles of the Heroic Knights, Orson dying in front of Shiris(I don't like the fact that he died, but it was a emotional scene).

In Love Hina, when Naru said that she wants to be with Keitaro forever. And also in the manga when Keitaro gave Naru the ring.

In DNA^2 when Junta meets Karin for the first time.

Edit: spelling mistake

02-24-2002, 06:19 PM
The very last scene in Tenchi Universe, where they play that song.

02-24-2002, 06:45 PM
Well I don't have any specific quotes but I do enjoy the dialouge from Trigun, Tenchi, and DBZ.

02-24-2002, 10:35 PM
vicious in cowboy bebop right b4 he kills someone

"You, too, will shed tears of scarlet" o god i almost died because that was so cool

03-02-2002, 01:25 AM
"Hey, your skimpies are showing."- Pilot Candidate That was funny :D.

And my favorite moment is when Krillen ALMOST died. I don't know why, just all that drama is cool in DBZ.

03-02-2002, 05:58 AM
KANEEEDAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Tetsuo from akira.

03-03-2002, 12:29 AM
What's a Gooooooookuuuuuu?

03-03-2002, 01:13 AM
another of my fav moments was when ranma thought genma (panda) waz playin the "guess who?" game on him (cover the person's eyes from behind and say "guess who?") and when he turned around it waz shampoo with panda gloves!! that waz soooo hilarious i waz laughing and cryin and rolling on the ground and the whole shebang!:D

03-03-2002, 08:55 PM
"ha ha ha ha!! Im like a sitting duck over here,Im defenseless!!" - Trigun

03-04-2002, 04:23 PM
"Damn it! Don't talk to me like that you dumb rookie." - Neon Genesis Evangelion

03-06-2002, 01:43 AM

But for a moment...call me a sap but in love hina christmas spesial when naru finds out that keitoro bought her a present with the money he earned working over christmas even after she made fun of him for working then.

I dunno theres alot of good quotes..ill be back.

03-07-2002, 04:45 AM
"If you need a place to stay, you can use my room. Stay with me, wherever I am, in my bed, in my bath..." -Fred Lou(to Gene) Outlaw Star, Eps. 6 <U>The Beautiful Assassin</U>

03-10-2002, 03:18 AM
im glad all of you are enjoying this thread as much as i am

I musn't run away. I musnt run away
I musnt run away, I musnt run away

Bus Driver
03-14-2002, 02:12 AM
My ship works better when I kick it - Spike (Cowboy Bebop)

03-14-2002, 03:46 AM
"Second shortest in the class! Do they stick you in front when they take the class picture?" (Yuzuriha, X/1999)

03-14-2002, 04:14 AM
"That idoit cant be vash the stampede the 6 billion double dollar man"-trigun

03-15-2002, 03:27 AM
"His stupidity is beyond belief" -Vegeta

'look at you the ultimate tub of lard, bucket of bolts'-Vegeta

'Do machines like you experience fear???'-Vegeta

'Well, you're about to face another Super Saiya-jin, and i dont mean goku......'-Future Trunks

Frieza : "Hey, why can't I hit you!" Goku - "Because you didn't say please!"

Vegeta- "What were you doing in there, taking a nap?!"

Vegeta : "I know Truffles stronger than you."

Vegeta : "I know of stronger house plants."

Buu : "Ugly what mean this ugly?"

03-15-2002, 05:11 PM
"It is funny how every time you open your mouth, you prove that your an IDIOT!"

03-17-2002, 03:14 AM
<font face="Bradley Hand ITC">like i can count them . . . O.o;

hmm . . .

i loved the scene where kenshin said goodbye to kaoru! it was soooo sweet, it really touched my heart! i think i cried . . .

in the supers manga, sailor saturn: "wake up. otherwise you will die."

(sailor moon stars spoiler)

in sailor moon sailor stars when uranus and neptune die. that was the saddest thing i've ever seen. i cried when i saw it untranslated; i cried more when i saw it translated.

"we no longer have wings to fly freely in the blue sky" - sailor uranus

i know there's bunches more. i'll get back to ya ^.~</font>

Lady Fett
03-22-2002, 07:25 PM
My favorite scenes in Anime have got to be the really touching ones that et me sobbing. But, I like a lot of the really funny ones too.

Lina, Gourry, Zalgadis and two others are at a table in a restraunt when Lina starts pigging out.
Gourry-"Keep eating like that, and you'll bust everywhere but... your bust"
Lina gets angry and throws a fork that embeds itself in the table making both Gourry and Zelgadis jump.

Pokemon: (Yeah So sue me! :rolleyes: )
Jessie, James, and Meowth are all about to sit down for Lunch when the Squirtle Squad traps them and takes their food. Team Rocket is tied to a tree and they watch helplessly as the Squirtles scarf their lunch. I almost died laughing when James busts out with "I wanna doughnut!" in this high pitched whine.

Pokemon: ( Again? :p )
This is in the St. Anne when James stupidly buys a Magikarp with his and Jessie's salary advance. Needless to say Jessie and Meowth both beat the crud out of him over it. Which was funny enough. The boat sinks and they try to get the Magikarp to swim them to safty. Ash and the gang come across them and think they're dead. When Team Rocket revives suddenly, they knock Meowth off their back and back into the water. Meowth struggles to get back onto the makshift raft crying out "Somebody help! My furs gettin wet! Wha!" When he gets back onto the raft he looks like a wet rat.

I cried at the Scene in the episode "For The Love Of Goddess" in the Ah! My Goddess! series where Belldandy was being taken back to the heavens and Keichii was struggling to reach her. I still cry at that scene even though I've seen it so many times.

I also cry when I watch Ah! My Goddess! The Movie.


03-23-2002, 11:18 PM
"Welcome home, big sister!" Lain, while her sister walks in on her taking her navi apart and putting it back together, with some nice, new tweaks might I add.

03-23-2002, 11:45 PM
This isnt anime but i simply have to share it...

Mr.Burns:"I will wreak a TERRIBLE vengeance!!"

03-24-2002, 12:48 AM
another cool moment is in the first episode of Cowboy Bebop

this might be a spoiler

at the end of the chase scene when the girl in the ship shoots her accomplice (the guy that uses the red eye stuff) and right before she dies she gives spike that look, i dont know that part just kinda got to me

03-24-2002, 01:09 AM
"You're really going to fight dressed like that, Gohan?"-Piccolo.

This one's even better.
"I want your balls."-Ryoko
"No, you can't have them!"-Tenchi, putting his hands over his groin.

That was hilarious.

03-24-2002, 06:12 AM
"Macho Chick! Built like a stick! Dumb as a brick! Thighs are too thick! Can't even kick!" -Ranma 1/2 (Ranma, to Akane)

Ranma- Come off! Like you really know how to read Chinese?!
Nabiki- Of course I don't...but there's a Japanese translation right here!
Kasumi- Silly us!
-Ranma 1/2 (Nabiki reading "The Laws of the Amazons.)

Announcer- The crowd grows restless! Are they protesting the change in pairs?!
Crowd- Who cares about that?! That girl's costume just isn't sexy!
Ranma 1/2 (Crowd commenting on costume Ranma-chan is wearing at Martial Arts Ice Skating Contest.

All of my favorite quotations are from Ranma!! Duh *glances at screename*

03-24-2002, 06:43 AM
Ryoko:"...What? i didn't do anything.."

This famous line has gotten me out of many a pickle.
Kudos Ryoko...Kudos.

03-24-2002, 07:57 AM
My all time favorite word/quote:

" Oro? "

- Kenshin ( from Rurouni Kenshin )

I can use it to express many feelings :D

03-24-2002, 06:27 PM
Spike and jet were going down an elevator and spike wa sleaning against the back smoking a cigarette. Jet says " Sorry Spike, but the sign says no smoking." Spike looks at him strangely, makes a goofy face and then swallows the cigarette, ashes and all.

03-24-2002, 08:56 PM
so many dbz quotes, but nobody's said the best one yet.

*points down at sig*

Dragonball Z movie 12: the Fusion Revival

"I am neither Goku nor Vegeta. I am the instrument of your defeat."

Gogeta is hardcore.

03-24-2002, 10:59 PM
ok heres a dbz one

"I was the perfect saiyan warrior, cold and ruthless. I lived by my strength alone, unclouded by these petty emotions!"

"And then i found the strength that ive been striving my whole life for, was surpassed...by a mere child. Your half-breed son, Kakarot, had succeeded, where I...had failed..."

and my favorite part of all in dbz (well actually i have 2), Is when vegeta shows everyone that he turned into a super saiyan(during the android saga)

And my very favorite is when vegeta says "He may have control of my body, and my mind, but there is one thing a saiyan always keeps...his...PPPRRIIIDDDEEEE!!!!" and then powers up to ssj2

man that was cool....

03-25-2002, 01:09 AM
Originally posted by Kotetsu DX
Spike and jet were going down an elevator and spike wa sleaning against the back smoking a cigarette. Jet says " Sorry Spike, but the sign says no smoking." Spike looks at him strangely, makes a goofy face and then swallows the cigarette, ashes and all.

LOL I just saw that last night

03-25-2002, 03:41 AM
Vegita : If the Reporters Come to my house i will simple Destroy them

03-25-2002, 04:41 AM
"RANMA, YOU JERK!!!"-Akane, the overused punchline of Ranma 1/2.

I just had to bring up a classic.

03-25-2002, 05:28 AM
"NIHAO!" ~Shampoo's famous greeting
I like it when Genma is holding back something that he doesn't want to tell the rest of the group, he turns into a panda and he acts all innocent. THAT MAKES ME CRACK UP!

03-27-2002, 02:47 AM
Why was i made? Who made me?And what did they make me for?

03-27-2002, 03:04 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Millenia
[B]"His stupidity is beyond belief" -Vegeta

'look at you the ultimate tub of lard, bucket of bolts'-Vegeta

'Do machines like you experience fear???'-Vegeta
Vegeta- "What were you doing in there, taking a nap?!"

Vegeta : "I know Truffles stronger than you."

Vegeta : "I know of stronger house plants."

I love all of those quotes....I was gonna post the first one...oh well I quoted your quote Millenia

03-27-2002, 04:16 AM
Hrm...this could be a Sailor Moon Spoiler if you haven't seen the last episode so yeah WARNING! CAUTION! CUIDADO! lol

Sailor Moon Spoiler:

My absolute favorite anime moment is when in the last ep the sailor stars theme is playing in the background and as the song ends, Usagi grabs Galaxia's hand....it was soo emotional for me and I was just moved! That whole last episode was just crazy. And when after Usagi is all alone Mamoru comes back and so does everyone else............gaaah must go watch it now!

Cetra Angel
04-03-2002, 07:20 PM
okay, you know the first series of sailor moon, well, at the end where it's going on about them all being normal girls again, and Serena is helping out at the hospital.

Darrien - (in hospital bed) y'know, those things on your head look just like meatballs...

that was hilarious... poor meatballhead... i feel sorry for her and i'm sure she has an extreme feeling of deja vu...

and umm

in the orange islands series of pokemon (i'm sad, i'm sad) Tracey's catchphrase...

"I just GOTTA sketch this!"

Is really annoying but in one episode it turns out that he'd been sketching officer jenny, and misty stared picking on him

also in that series...

Tracey - Ohhhhhhh YEAHHHH! I caught a SCYTHER!

Ash - no Tracey your doing it all wrong, observe the posture, no, you're holding the ball all wrong, hold it like this...

oh gee, i'm gonna faint in histerics...


what kind of a word is gee?

04-08-2002, 06:50 AM
I just remembered a funny moment from interrogation int he tank police anime. So if you still have to watch this it is a spoiler since it is fairly funny if you watch it.

hang the suspect from a rope with his legs precariously balanced on a pipe. Stick a grenade in his mouth. Tie a string from the grenade's pin to a bucket of water, also precariously perched on a stool. Then take turns firing off golf balls at the bucket until the suspect confesses.

04-16-2002, 06:20 PM
Ah, the memories! Let's see, favourite quotes:

From Evangelion: "What did you do that for?!" Toji, after Asuka whacked him across the face for looking up her dress.
"That's a viewing fee! Quite a bargin, eh? Asuka.
"It's overpriced, but that's okay; 'cause here's your change!!" Toji, while dropping his pants. More sounds of slapping and German swear-words!

Also from Evangelion: "So, here I am, gardening. Although I'd rather be between Misato's 'melons', this is the place I'd like to be when I die." Kaji.

"Shinji's a big fat dork! He's denser than lead too - he wouldn't know how to relate to another person if you gave him a manual!" Asuka.

"Toji and 'wonder-girl? Don't worry Horaki it'll never happen. Cause if Shinji ikari is denser than lead, then Rei Ayanami is off the atomic scale!" Asuka.

From book 5 of the Evangelion manga; Asuka, "Well, I never could look on the moon and a microbe in the same way."
Toji, "Mm..microbe? You mean me?!!"
Asuka, "Yeah, under the microscope, you're a paramecium, Shinji's a water flea and Aida's mitochondria!"

Alos, there's some classic lines from two of the Lupin films:

From Castle of Cagliostro

Goemon: "I warn you, my sword is feeling thirsty tonight!"

From Goodbye Lady Liberty:

Zenagata: "Technology, smology! My sixth-sense, tells me that Wolf did it, with a bobby-pin and a piece of string!" (refering to Wolf's brazen and ingenious theft of the Statue of Liberty. I love that line, even if the rest of the film is boring)

And, because this is the FFShrine Forums, I couldn't leave without mentioning a few classic lines from Final Fantasy, The Legend of the Crystals:

"Next time summon something a little more intimadating!!" Linaly's grandfather.
"Sorry, but it's the best I could come up with. It's not exactly like I had a lot of time to think about it!" Linaly, after summoning a chocobo to escape from a huge bug-monster.

"Poor guy; he had a splitting headache!" Prettz, after destroying said bug-monster with the Masamune.


04-17-2002, 03:34 AM
I believe this is the quote Washu says, if it isn't please correct me.

"Just as I suspected... your breasts are sagging!"

And of course... this quote...

Ryoko: "Stop that! It tickles! I'm cumming!!"
Ayeka: "Wasn't that being like a... what was it called again..."
Asaka/Kamadake: "A masochist?"
Ayeka: "Thats right!"
Ryoko: "Actually, princess, I'm more of a sadist..."
Ayeka: "Oh, wasn't that where you got turned on by.. OH FORGET IT!"

I love that quote... ^-^

04-21-2002, 03:21 PM
"You're Trembling" Vcious said with a grin on his face with his snake eyes on faye

04-21-2002, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Kotetsu DX
"You're Trembling" Vcious said with a grin on his face with his snake eyes on faye

Ah, "Ballad of Fallen Angels" Great Episode...

"You sing off key!" -Spike

Crazy Chocobo
04-21-2002, 10:09 PM
Fav Quote: "I will kill you" - Heero to Relena, (yay! I don't like her)

Fav Moment: When Heero kills Relena.... oh wait... that didn't happen... Darn it!

04-22-2002, 06:32 PM
From The Slayers OAV series (I can't remember which episode exactly);

Gourry: "Uh, do you neeed some help little girl?" (thinking Lina is a child in need of protection).


Gourry: "Ah, what happens on 'that time of the month' Lina? I rememeber there was this witch who used to have a shop near my house, but once a month she shut up shop for a week, saying that she couldn't use her magic during 'that time of month'. So what happens during 'that time of the month?" (inadverntly revealing Lina's weakness as well as his own innocence and stupidity).

04-27-2002, 12:32 AM
"Maybe he's a little prince." -Relena. when she sees the shooting star.

04-28-2002, 10:48 PM
Cowboy Bebop: Session 10 "Toys In The Attic"

(If you've seen this session, you saw this coming a mile away.)

Spike: ... and the moral of the story is: Don't leave things in the fridge.

One of the best quotes in the series and it's true!

04-29-2002, 04:04 AM
*Hey Crazy Choco! Thought I'd come here while GW is moving.*

Just about anything Nene says in Bubblegum Crisis. ^^

And, although not a quote. The last scene from X the Movie. Very, very sad.

10-13-2006, 08:47 AM
I always liked ed's lesson in Toys in the Attic:

Lesson #3: If you see a stranger, follow him.

But in my opinion, the most powerful quote ever was one word.


10-13-2006, 11:24 AM
nah the greates Bebop quote is from Spike in the last episode

Look at my eyes, Faye. One of them is a fake because I lost it in an accident. Since then, I've been seeing the past in one eye and the present in the other. So, I thought I could only see patches of reality, never the whole picture. I felt like I was watching a dream I could never wake up from. Before I knew it, the dream was over.

10-13-2006, 05:24 PM
yah that moment was awesome, django. the way faye was totally frozen locked into his eyes, and how serious he is...great moment.

"Don't tell me he wants to conquer the world? Can't he come up with something more original?" - Lina Inverse (Slayers)

Sailor Moon:
Serena: "Is it the world thats going bonkers or is it me?! AAAARRGG!!"

Serena's Mom: "It's you dear, go take a nap."


Luna: "Serena?! Why are you such a wimp?!"

Serena(crying):"I'm not a wimp...! WAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"



Luna: "Lower the decibels, will you?!"


10-13-2006, 07:02 PM
Probably the most powerful scene in an anime I've seen so far, would have to be the preperation for the 3rd Meenageese Battle in the first episode First Move of Last Exile. How it shows the Anatoray soldiers mentally preparing themselves for what very well could be their last battle (especially Mullen who repeats the same line over and over) really hammered home the sheer waste of life that war is (which was the underlying subtext of the whole series).

And of course, this leads into what is now probably my favourite anime quote of all time in the second episode, during the Mexican stand-off between Claus, Lavie, Mullen and the Anatoray troops, after Claus had recited the commander's daughter's message for peace:

Duke Madthane' Chief of Staff: "Look, I don't expect a meer child to understand our nation's respect for chivilary, nor do I expect a vanship pilot too!'
Claus; "B.. but, we do understand it!"
Lavie (butting in): "LISTEN YOU!! When was the last time hunger prevented you from sleeping at night?! You can just screw your stupid chivalry! SCREWWW ITT!!!!" (her voice echoes throught out the airship, shocking everyone aboard and infuriating the troops)
Head Musketeer "Why you!!! FORGET ABOUT ME!! SHOOT THEM!!!"

That scene truly showed just how amazing that series was. Awesome stuff.

10-13-2006, 11:23 PM
I don't know where to begin excpet for these.


When Goku was training at King Kai's he was inhaling food like he always does...

King Kai: Hey! Those were the last of the bean tacoes!

Goku: Uh-oh, beans give me problems.

King Kai: *laughs* ..You just ate a whole potful... *realizes what he said*... Wait, what I done????

Then here's one of my favorites from Princess Mononoke...

Jigo: .... Are you selling soup or donkey piss?

10-15-2006, 04:23 AM
haha. from dbz my favorite is when yamu-cha, tien, and chow-tsu are in king kai's place and they totally ate everything king kai's like

"the foods gone?!"

then everyone says

"but not forgotten"


10-16-2006, 01:55 AM
Yu Yu Hakusho: Poltergeist Report; Hiei:
"Everyone has scars on their hearts; he who doesn't, must be a shallow soul."

10-16-2006, 03:33 AM
I can't think of a favorite quote, but there are some moments that happen to be my favorites from Eureka seveN (my most favorite anime right now), and they are all from Episode 26 - Morning Glory.

First off, I like the part when Renton makes his return to the Gekko-Go! Then, when he appears on the bridge, everyones state of depression seems to dissapear instantly as they are all just thrilled to see him (except for Holland, gee I wonder why!)

Second, when Eureka comes under attack by Charles Beams (who is making numerous attempts at grabbing her and after Renton finds out where she is, he runs out of the bridge and heads towards the ships hanger bay while repeating Eureka's name four times. Then when he gets to the hanger bay, he looks at the Nirvash with very determined eyes and says "Nirvash, Let's go Nirvash".

Thirdly, the rescue. During Eureka's fall to he death in which Charles (after succeding in causing her ref-board to shatter) continues at trying to grab her. Well, that is until the Nirvash (piloted by Renton) comes to the rescue and ends up calling out Eureka's name (not once, but twice). Eureka then calls out Renton's name in respone to this, forces her to move towards him so that she can grab his hand that's reaching out for her. He then pulls her inside the Nirvash and closes the cockpit canopy before begining their talk.

Forthly, Renton's and Eureka's talk once the battle is over which revolves around figuring out what means the most to them!

Well, that is my most favorite part of the show Eureka seveN.

Of couse, I also like the part when Naruto gave Hinata confidence in herself when she was engaged in battle against Neji in the preliminary matches of the Chunin Exams.

Mario Kinnikuman
10-16-2006, 03:35 AM
"Sometimes you learn more when you lose." - Mantaro

10-21-2006, 12:00 AM
Lupin the 3rd: I lost my mind in San Francisco-

When two thugs break into Zenigata's apartment to hide the microfilm, they try using chloriform (sp?) but end up seeing the extent of his madness, even at gunpoint. "Lupin! You son of a (explicit)!! I swear I'll get you if it's the last thing I ever- ZZZ...."

Then the unthinkable happens, Lupin chases Zenigata who has the film in his teeth in a hilarious pursuit, I thought I was gonna die laughing after seeing that episode..=)