02-19-2002, 09:21 PM
does anyone know where i can get some really good pic of Fujin....i cant seem to find any, anywhere.

and also.....


when does Fujin start talking probabley...i cant remeber which part of the game it was

02-19-2002, 09:49 PM
I don't know where you can get some pics, but I do know it's in lunatic pandora, right before you fight seifer for the (sigh) 4th time.

Anima Relic
02-19-2002, 10:42 PM
If you want pics, you have to ask for them in the image request thread or one of those threads in the site help/info forum there. To answer your 2nd question, I believe Fujin talks not only in LP, but i think in the end FMV if i'm not mistaken...

02-19-2002, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Krelian
If you want pics, you have to ask for them in the image request thread or one of those threads in the site help/info forum there. To answer your 2nd question, I believe Fujin talks not only in LP, but i think in the end FMV if i'm not mistaken... I think you are right, i think that is was aroyund the Lunatic Pandora.

02-19-2002, 11:45 PM
(heh, when I saw this thread's title I thought "oh crap, now what did I do?!" :o ) and have galleries. If you're looking for an avatar, keep in mind that geocities doesn't let you use pictures from their servers so the first link is useless. And I can't get a picture from the second one to work as an avatar here either, although it works at Questria's forums. :confused: Let me test it out here...

- This is my avatar. FFShrine claims it's not a valid JPG. :eye: RAGE. I just now realized that [img] code is off. Oh well. I still don't know why I can't use this as an avatar.

While we're on the subject of Fujin, I may as well ask two questions I think I've asked here before but never got a response to. First of all, why do so many people spell her name "Fuujin"? And secondly, when in the game does it say her and Raijin's last names? I keep seeing people on the internet call them "Fujin Kazeno and Raijin Hefty."

02-20-2002, 12:41 AM
I havent seen poeple calling them that, or spelling if fuujin. but i do know that fujin is japanese for woman/female or heartless/inhumane. thats all i know sorry.


02-20-2002, 02:57 AM
Originally posted by Prophet
I havent seen poeple calling them that, or spelling if fuujin. but i do know that fujin is japanese for woman/female or heartless/inhumane

Or both, in which case my username is Japanese for PMS. :p

Err, actually, I've heard that Fujin and Raijin are the names of the gods of Wind and Thunder in Shintoism. Which would make sense, since Fujin uses Wind attacks and Raijin uses Thunder attacks in battle.

02-20-2002, 01:15 PM
If you want it as an Avatar, right-click and save it to your harddrive; then you can upload it as your Avatar.
Like mine....

02-20-2002, 04:17 PM
Did it work...?

It worked! :) HAPPY. Thanks, Test!

02-20-2002, 05:50 PM
Do you think it's compulsery or is she just . . . odd.

02-20-2002, 06:45 PM
Do you think what's compulsory?

02-20-2002, 06:52 PM
What the topic is about, read the first post.

02-20-2002, 07:09 PM
You mean does she have to talk the way she does? The issue is never addressed in the game so I guess no one really knows. (the game also never addresses why she wears an eyepatch. Personally, I like my theory about being headbutted in the face by Cloud Strife... :uh?: )

But I don't think she has control over how she speaks. I'm replaying the game right now and I noticed that, during the scene where Squall tells Fujin and Raijin that Seifer might be dead, whenever Raijin says anything he looks at Fujin and she nods to him, kind of like Raijin's trying to speak for her, like how Kiros always translates for Ward. That, I think, is what makes her "speech" scene with Seifer so cool. It would be one thing to say "Raijin talked Seifer into realizing that the sorceress was evil," but to have Fujin be the one to do the talking in that scene, it really shows how important Seifer must be to her. I mean, that must have been really difficult for her.

02-20-2002, 09:18 PM
......Hrmmmmmm...dunno....they need an FF8 spinoff; we don't even know how Seifer met Fujin and Raijin; I mean, Squall came to Garden at about the same time as Seifer, right? So.....hmmm...dunno......Anyhow, Fujin ownz.

02-20-2002, 09:26 PM that ezboard.
Now I have a really tiny picture of myself as my avatar.
Oh yes, and Fujin still ownz.
.....Egad, picture looks pretty bad at 100 by 100 pixels and such....ahh well, screw it; it's still a picture of me, though it does look slightly more effeminate...

03-04-2002, 01:07 PM
Nice theory, Fujin. At first I thought that Square only had Fujin talking like that to give her an eccentricity. In fact, you know what I think? I think Fujin may have secretly been in love with Seifer. She may seem harsh and uncaring most of the time, but, as we discover on disc 3, she does have a sensitive side.

03-04-2002, 04:29 PM
Oh yeah, she definitely has feelings for Seifer. She seemed really concerned about him when he returned from the SeeD battle in the beginning of the game. Or how about when Squall tells her that Seifer's dead, she really freaks out. ("LIES!")

If you want to see others' takes on the Seifer/Fujin relationship, try to find some FFVIII fanfic about them (I've seen Seifer/Fujin stories called "Saifuus"). Try I warn you, though, you will be taking your life in your hands. There's some really good FFVIII fanfics out there, but there's also a lot of crappy stories, porn and, worst of all, stories based on N'Sync songs. :uh?: I do not recommend browsing unless you're willing to brave the dangers.

Speaking of Fujin, like I said in another thread, I just replayed the "Balamb liberation" discovered something I didn't really get last time because I hadn't known who the "captain" and "commander" were....

...Raijin likes to sleep behind parked cars. :uh?: Or did, until Fujin accidentally almost ran him over.

*wonders if Raijin has something severely mentally wrong with him, ya know? :p*

03-05-2002, 09:42 PM
does fujin ever start talking in the game?? lol wow i need to play ff8 again whut do YOU think? :eye:

03-05-2002, 10:52 PM
Purcifer, yeah, she talks normally for one scene in the game, when she and Raijin convince Seifer to stop being a "sorceress' knight." I just tried surfing the net for a quote or screenshot of it, but couldn't find it. (I did, however, find an animated gif of Squall in a pink bunny suit. :uh?: The internet never ceases to frighten me...)

03-06-2002, 05:26 AM
Where didja find the gif of squall in the bunny suit? all my friends like squall better than Seifer an' i could use that to make them shut up bout' how great an' manly squall is. (IMO, he's a dumb @$$.)

03-06-2002, 05:41 AM
Click here to be traumatized. (

BunnySquall also appears quite often at Final Fantasy Creamy Goodness ( a corny site that deserves some credit for being one of the few Fujin shrines out there. Credit which is then deducted for having not been updated since Christmas. (It has a picture of Fujin wearing a Santa hat. Not quite as traumatizing as BunnySquall, though. *shudder*)

And don't diss Squall! :Whatever: As an "aloof" introvert myself I thought Square did an excellent job with Squall. You see how he acts all rude to people and then proceeds to think "Why are they acting like that about me? What did I do? Why are they judging me?" Like he says to Rinoa, "I care too much about what people think about me. I've always hated that about myself."

But... whatever. :rolleyes:

03-18-2002, 06:47 PM
I believe Fujin was hiding her true feeling by her voice, and it helped make her sound like a tough chica. :D