Vincent, Thunder God
10-13-2005, 11:05 PM
This thread is designed to ask you what your theories are on Jenova. She is the "supposed" Mother of Sephiroth, but Vincent's love Lucrecia is the real mother of Sephiroth. As a scientist Lucrecia was involved with Hojo and *possibly* Professor Gast (Aeris' Father) and was part of an expirement to somehow birth a child of Jenova cells. How? We don't really know!(This can all be viewed at Vincent's limit break video).
Cloud tells us at one point that soldiers of Shinra are also injected by not only Mako, but Jenova cells.
Jenova is what the Ancients call the one that wounded the land. She was driven out by them, but she somehow remains (sort of like Zeromus in ff4).The Weapons of the Earth are also connected to fighting her. (This can all be viewed in the Secret Films Aeris' parents made-look in Icicle Town).
So now to the meat of the argument: Do you think Jenova is controlling Shinra and Sephiroth by will? Or just Sephiroth? Or do you think that all humans must have some form of hate/evil side, and this is what drives Shinra? Or Sephiroth? Power and greed? Or do you have an even wackier theory you just thought up?
Please post your thoughts here.

Cloud Strife101
10-13-2005, 11:49 PM
wait since when did Aerith's parents make secret films, what is Vincent's limit break video and when did they say Professor Gast was Aerith's father?

10-14-2005, 12:07 AM
Jenova Doesn't control anyone. Everyone that is connected to Jenova feels drawn to her though. I'd like to know what Jenova is thinking when she is locked away like that. She is alive right?

Vincent, Thunder God
10-14-2005, 01:09 AM
wait since when did Aerith's parents make secret films, what is Vincent's limit break video and when did they say Professor Gast was Aerith's father?
Go to Icicle Town, go to a house (Sorry, forget which one) but you will know it as soon as you are in it, because it has a bunch of scientific-looking equipment and two levels (one has a bed) and by clicking the OK button next to a computer screen and you will see several videos made by Gast and Aeris' mother. Don't worry, I'm not BSing. Select which one you want to view,there are two or three of them. It could be that you have to hit one other switch before that. I can't remember.
And Vincent's video you see just as you go to his cave. If you don't know how check a limit break manual. You need the sub, or a gold chocobo.
Neither of these are CG, just a regular cutscene.

Swedish Fish
10-14-2005, 03:16 AM
You people are sorry. Lucrcia, Vincent's lover (to get all that cleared up), was Hojo's wife. Jenova is not Sephiroth's mother. Hojo injected the fetus of Sephiroth, while in the womb of Lucrecia, with Jenova cells. The same experiment was conducted on many a subject, but all turned out to be "failures", like Cloud. Sephiroth was the only one that was a "success". I very much doubt that Gast is Aeris' father. It is possible, but very, very unlikely. Jenova is alive. Anyone injected with Jenova cells is drawn, whether subconciously or consciously, to Jenova. Jenova could not control anyone. This is FFVII not Star Wars.

10-14-2005, 05:51 AM
How is it alive though? What is it thinking?

Cloud Strife101
10-14-2005, 09:04 PM
ok so Professor Gast is Aerith's dad

10-14-2005, 09:56 PM
You people are sorry. Lucrcia, Vincent's lover (to get all that cleared up), was Hojo's wife. Jenova is not Sephiroth's mother. Hojo injected the fetus of Sephiroth, while in the womb of Lucrecia, with Jenova cells. The same experiment was conducted on many a subject, but all turned out to be "failures", like Cloud. Sephiroth was the only one that was a "success". I very much doubt that Gast is Aeris' father. It is possible, but very, very unlikely. Jenova is alive. Anyone injected with Jenova cells is drawn, whether subconciously or consciously, to Jenova. Jenova could not control anyone. This is FFVII not Star Wars.

Where did it ever say that Lucrecia and Hojo were married? From what I had taken in, she had volunteered for the experiment. What is true though is that Lucrecia 'mothered' Sephiroth while in the womb and did concieve him. But for the most part, Jenova is his mother.

Professor Gast had a child with Ilfana, who was an ancient. She gave birth to Aerith and then was taken away by Hojo after Hojo went to Icicle Town and killed Gast. After extensive experiments on Iflana she ran away far enough to sector 7 where she died and Aerith was taken in by her current adoptive mother.

Swedish Fish
10-15-2005, 06:41 PM
I don't remember where I saw it, but I think that I pieced it toghether from pieces of ff7citadel, the game (the part where you get the Death Sentence weapon for Vincent), and from various other sources online. I think I need to go back to Icicle Inn and view those tapes again. It's been too long. Fact is melding with fiction. MY MIND!!! NOOOO!!!

Vincent, Thunder God
10-16-2005, 08:42 PM
Yeah, I don't think there is any scene with it decidedly saying they are married.

10-16-2005, 08:43 PM
They got a divorce in Midgard.

Heero Avaren
10-17-2005, 03:53 PM
You guys know that Sephiroth is in a coma for about 99.9% of the game right? The real Sephiroth is incased in Mako up in the Northern Crater. I don't quite remember what the Sephiroth you encounter is, but I believe it is Jenova Cells.

Jenova was called the "Terror from the Sky" because she literally fell from the sky. She landed in the spot now know as the Northern Crater, and by fate or luck managed to fall deep enough into the planet to get to it's core. Or rather, close enough to infect the core.

The planet then responded by creating the 5 Weapons, born to protect the planet from anything that threatened it.

From there... I need to play FFVII again. :(

10-18-2005, 04:29 AM
Jenova apparently infected the ancients with a virus that almost wiped them out. Why? I have no idea.

10-18-2005, 04:35 AM
I honestly think she is a crazy bitch who is the mother of the ultimate video game villin.

Otherwise im rather confused at the whole story of Jenova.

10-18-2005, 09:26 AM
Jenova is not Sephiroths real mother. Sephiroth is the son of Hojo and Lucrecia. Hojo injected Lucrecia's womb with Jenova's cells and somehow made him grow really fast. Apparently, the Sephiroth we see in Cloud's memory is five years old! Crazy, yes. But is explains why Sephiroth is so freakishly powerful; because he is a bloody mutant with Jenova's cells.

xxThe Highwind xx
10-20-2005, 10:05 PM
i dont know its all confusing!!!!!!!!!!:-\

10-20-2005, 10:16 PM
You people are sorry. Lucrcia, Vincent's lover (to get all that cleared up), was Hojo's wife. Jenova is not Sephiroth's mother. Hojo injected the fetus of Sephiroth, while in the womb of Lucrecia, with Jenova cells. The same experiment was conducted on many a subject, but all turned out to be "failures", like Cloud. Sephiroth was the only one that was a "success". I very much doubt that Gast is Aeris' father. It is possible, but very, very unlikely. Jenova is alive. Anyone injected with Jenova cells is drawn, whether subconciously or consciously, to Jenova. Jenova could not control anyone. This is FFVII not Star Wars.

Ha...."Sephiroth I am you mother"!

xxThe Highwind xx
10-20-2005, 10:18 PM
Ha...."Sephiroth I am you mother"!
lol hahaha lol

10-21-2005, 01:36 AM
You people are sorry. Lucrcia, Vincent's lover (to get all that cleared up), was Hojo's wife. Jenova is not Sephiroth's mother. Hojo injected the fetus of Sephiroth, while in the womb of Lucrecia, with Jenova cells. The same experiment was conducted on many a subject, but all turned out to be "failures", like Cloud. Sephiroth was the only one that was a "success". I very much doubt that Gast is Aeris' father. It is possible, but very, very unlikely. Jenova is alive. Anyone injected with Jenova cells is drawn, whether subconciously or consciously, to Jenova. Jenova could not control anyone. This is FFVII not Star Wars.

Guh? Cloud is cloud, he was an experiment, but not from birth. From what I saw, Cloud was normal till the incident. When the town burned, Cloud and Zack where found in the mako reactor and the where experimented to see if they reacted to the jenova cells. Zack didn't, Cloud did. The reason Cloud thinks he was in SOLDIER was because he meshed with Zack in the tanks, therefore gained a build much like a real SOLDIER, and got some of Zack's memories. He is not a Sephiroth clone. The hooded figures with tatoo numbers where clones, but then again, you may be right since Red XIII has a number...

Anyway, I think that the control varies, I mean, Sephiroth was "normal" till he found out how he was created. the Jenova cells in cloud would take control of his body, in some ocasions. Then theres the Sephiroth fight at the end, looked like it was in Cloud's mind, meaning they where fighting for control, or Cloud was "moving on". The whole game is confusing like this, but thats what makes it good!

I don't quite remember what the Sephiroth you encounter is, but I believe it is Jenova Cells.

I don't think so, because that wouldn't explain why he can faze through things and fly. You could just dissmiss it as "he's a freak" but that souldn't make you think, would it? I think its his actual mind walkin' about. And he is also encased in a giant materia, so maybe the materia is giving him enough knowledge to get out of his body. But thats just what I think.

Swedish Fish
10-21-2005, 02:05 AM
I honestly think she is a crazy bitch who is the mother of the ultimate video game villin.

Jenova isn't Kefka's mom.

10-21-2005, 02:06 AM
Jenova isn't Kefka's mom.



10-22-2005, 09:23 AM
Nice theory :P but I don't think it's true. Jenova can only control those who were infected with her cells, like Cloud ^^

xxThe Highwind xx
10-24-2005, 07:16 PM
its really weird and scary looking and i dont think about it because i will get a headache:-\

Vincent, Thunder God
10-24-2005, 08:34 PM
Jenova is not Sephiroths real mother. Sephiroth is the son of Hojo and Lucrecia. Hojo injected Lucrecia's womb with Jenova's cells and somehow made him grow really fast. Apparently, the Sephiroth we see in Cloud's memory is five years old! Crazy, yes. But is explains why Sephiroth is so freakishly powerful; because he is a bloody mutant with Jenova's cells. I agree with you Weaponslayer, I don't think Jenova is Sephiroth's mother either. I agree that Lucrecia is his mother.

Vincent, Thunder God
10-24-2005, 08:37 PM
Ha...."Sephiroth I am you mother"!
Hilarious! lol