10-12-2005, 08:44 PM
friend o mine linked me this great lil site that hosts some videos of him (incl his Robot Carnival short)
sadly not all ofm work and most ofm have a rather poor resolution and all the good ones need fkin real player >_>


you will probably know him from his Animatrix short "Beyond"(along with Matriculated my favorite) and his short "Magnetic Rose" on Katsuhiro Otomo's Memories

he also worked on Akira as one of the chief animators

here is a high resolution torrent of his 1997 epic short "Noiseman Sound Insect" E7%5D.avi.torrent

Like all six episodes of FLCL compressed into one fifteen minute short, with an art style that's been described as "Tim Burton does Dr. Seuss".

An experiment by Dr. Franken goes horribly awry, and his cute companion is turned into the rampaging monster Noiseman. As the monster destroys the lab, Dr. Franken accidentally falls into a machine which separates him into an ectoplasmic balloon-creature and a crystalline essence. On that day, the music died

took me about an hour to dload
Yokko Kano did the soundtrack(wich is to my liking allot of breakbeat/techno)
dont expect anything too deep(15min short afterall) its just a joyride for animation lovers with allota wild imagination and for those who dont like a bit of the good ol hyper editing i'd say stay away

10-13-2005, 04:52 PM
ooooh. so this is the guy who made extra. lol. i have extra. its fucking awesome. always thought it was a music vid but now i'm sure that's the way it is. real nice. fantastic style too.

did you say realplay? fuck i hate that piece of shit.

10-13-2005, 05:15 PM
for those who wanna see Extra seeing as it doesnt work on the site

10-13-2005, 08:04 PM
so then. who's ken ishii?

btw. hey your version is like 49 megs. mine is 25 or so. i'm getting this one. if this stupid d/l button can activate already. 10 seconds is long gone! >.<

i definately like this guy. i want to see more of his works. they should release a dvd with his collection or something. i wanna buy it.

10-13-2005, 11:58 PM
so then. who's ken ishii?

btw. hey your version is like 49 megs. mine is 25 or so. i'm getting this one. if this stupid d/l button can activate already. 10 seconds is long gone! >.<

i definately like this guy. i want to see more of his works. they should release a dvd with his collection or something. i wanna buy it.
ah 1 person to get pumped
mission succeeded* xD

Ken Ishii is a technoproducer who did the track for Extra

Morimoto's shorts will probably get a dvd treatment exclusive to japan i think/hope so when that day comes i'l let you know ^^

and he is bound to make a full lenght feature someday.. just has to happen T-T!

if you wanna see more stuff that has that kinda edge
check out anything from (productioncompany where Morimoto does most of his work)
movie Mindgame is amazing

10-14-2005, 06:21 PM
i love the 3d worlds. so awesome. how on earth do you do that? everything is great.