View Full Version : Thread 25815">ffta job ability combinations�

10-10-2005, 11:16 PM
which combinations do you use, or think are best?

right now ive got a ninja/thief, with several fighter abilities� but i already have a fighter, and im finding that ninja abilities arent terribly useful, only doublesword.
but i gotta keep the character because he has all the thief abilities, and no one else even has three�
anyway, thats my predicament, but also, which ones do you like to use?

ive got:
marche: paladin/fighter + doublesword
montblanc: blackmage/animist + concentrate
human: ninja/thief/fighter + doublesword (hes the problem guy)
human: bluemage/illusionist + concentrate
moogle: gunner/mogknight + concentrate
bangaa: defender/whitemonk + weapondef+
bangaa: templar/gladiator + weapondef+
viera: redmage/summoner + magicpower+
viera: assassin/elementalist + nothin so far
nu mou: timemage/whitemage + nothin so far
nu mou: alchemist/item/sage + nothin so far


10-12-2005, 03:59 AM
with all due respect, can nobody even take a glance at this topic?
im sorry, but if in a forum where theres commonly 50+ people online, a topic doesnt get looked at in 2 days, even once... im outta here.

good day.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
10-14-2005, 03:36 PM
Get the fuck out, then, n00b.

10-18-2005, 03:47 AM
why does monteblanc have concentrate if hes using magic/support a-abilities? you should get geomancy instead. the best combo ive found is gunner with mog knight abilities, simply because you can give him ultima charge with a 9 panel range, and with concentrate, stopshot/charmshot are hilarious. also whats a blue/illu gonna do with concentrate? its only good for enchanted attacks or heavy hitters anyways.