02-19-2002, 04:47 PM
Who do you think is the best chracter is FF7?
Who do you think has the best personality, and which one do you think is most thought out?
I think Yuffie is the best, with her scheming attitude...a bit like me hehe :D

02-19-2002, 04:52 PM
i vote aeris there was just sumthing about her that made u wonder..

02-19-2002, 04:52 PM
Well I think that Tifa ahs the best personality. Cloud was probably the most thought out character. Cloud was also my favorite of them all.

02-19-2002, 07:09 PM
I think that Red XIII is the best thought out character, because of the whole Cosmo Canyon thing, and Red XIII's/Cosmo Canyon music is great.

02-19-2002, 07:53 PM
I would have to say Cloud, cuz well, he was the main character. & I learned more about him than any other character. Although I think Aeris really made me think....

02-19-2002, 10:36 PM
I personally thought the best character in Final Fantasy VII was
Cloud Strife, he was the coolest character because i liked his attitude.
The best personality would have to go with Yuffie because she was always so jumpy, i dont understand her, she was mooving all about and was just irratating.

Bahamut ZERO
02-19-2002, 11:44 PM
All of the characters are well thought out and have incredible depth. (Even Cait Sith...) That is what makes it such an involving, moving and interesting game. In the end, it boils down to a tie between Cloud and Sephiroth.

***Look out... It's The Spoilers!!!***

On the one hand, you have the rookie who idolises his hero, strives to be as strong as him, but isn't powerful enough to avert disaster. His memory is flawed, but he strives to do his best. He is led by his main enemy to almost bring disaster to the world, and then recovers to save the world from that disaster and finally confronts his nemesis and puts to rest the memories.

And then you have Sephiroth. This man is probably THE biggest villain ever. He starts off as a dark, moody hero, and then discovers something about himself that should've remained hidden. He twists this knowledge and eventually creates himself as the saviour of the planet, and to bring about the return of his people. He then decides the planet isn't worth it and wants to sacrifice it and everyone to become a God.

I'd go for Sephiroth. He is mean, evil, twisted and will do ANYTHING to obtain his goal.

02-20-2002, 12:43 AM
The best thought out character is obviously Cloud. He's the main character, and the whole story revolves around him.

02-20-2002, 12:45 AM

02-20-2002, 12:38 PM
Sephiroth !

02-20-2002, 12:48 PM
Sephiroth is the cool character for me.....also, he has cool sword too.;)

02-22-2002, 04:10 AM
Nanaki is so cool. he is red...and so cool. He has a mane, and claws that would just go all sabatical on you in a second! I sure wish he could transformatize into a vendum machine to kill skellingtons. That would rock.

02-22-2002, 06:37 AM
Aeris. It's hard to explain though.:uh?:

02-22-2002, 10:10 AM
CAIT SITH!!!!!!!!!

Who would have guessed a harmless thing like a tiny cat riding a giant mog with a zipper would be SPOILERS a spy for the enemy...

And his weapon is so original...I dont know of any character in any game in the history of gaming that had a megaphone as a WEAPON...

02-24-2002, 09:42 PM
Cloud...because you had to go into the Lifestream to find out his past...and he kept on flipping out when he got near sephiroth...that normally doesnt happen in real life...and he just seemes to be the most interesting...

02-24-2002, 11:04 PM
sephiroth, that guy had style. he was just so menacing. good dress sense, loved his mum, like all good guys shud, and he had a big sword.

SPOILER (i think :confused: )

that FMV where he is killing ppl in the flames, then turns and faces the camera, then dissapears in2 em...class, pure class. and, he dies in a classy way too. if they made a musical of FF7, he wud have kool songs :D

02-25-2002, 02:21 PM

02-25-2002, 11:32 PM
Hmm. I'd say Cloud, Aeris, Red and Tifa (in that order).


Much of the game revolves around Cloud, and you do get at scene in the lifestream, the hidden "movie" in the Shinra Mansion basement and his fake past.

Aeris has a few scenes, her background using the vidoes.

Red's is mainly the first visit to Cosmo Canyon.

As for Tifa, well I'd have to say it's mainly Cloud's memories in the lifestream. I can't think of anything else that relates to her past.

The others don't seem to be thought out as much.

02-26-2002, 09:32 AM
Probaly Cloud, (most thought out)since he has the mind problems and lives a lie
best character and personality: Cid... The first playable Cid and he's so great xD

02-26-2002, 12:41 PM
I choose Aeris because you just can not turn down her attitude and caring nature. Her past was also very detailed revealed at the end of disc 1 in the Temple of the Ancients and some more in disc 2.

02-28-2002, 12:41 AM

Anima Relic
02-28-2002, 12:47 AM
the whole sephiroth/hojo/jenova/gast thing was quite developed I thought...

Out of the heroes, Cloud or Aeris.

03-06-2002, 02:35 AM
id say cait sith, cause he is a on top a huge toy mog.