Dark Mage626
10-09-2005, 09:31 AM
Ignor Official in the thread name please.
Okay so I thought I might as well make a thread where all battle discussion will go. Here you can post on all the latest battle news you know, post pics you have seen and links on battles.
Please try and keep all discussion about the battle system and don't spam and don't go off-topic.
Okay so I guess I'll start off with a couple links:




So I guess that starts off the discussion. Hopefully some of that may have been you for you. So discuss what you've just read, and other things that you may know from other sites. Also remember to post pics and links that may help.

Things we can discuss:
Camera Angles (You will always be able to change the angle of the camera using the right analog stick)
Monsters (You know they have A.I. They will even attack each other)
The new ability System ( I havn't heard much on this but there may be something like materia)
And much more

And also don't forget to take part in the poll.

10-09-2005, 11:34 AM
This thread is not endorsed in any way by the staff or administration of Final Fantasy Shrine, and I hearby disavow any acknowledgement of the stupid fanboy remarks guarenteed to be included within.

10-10-2005, 12:45 AM
if u meet the requirements u can summon creatures and they will fight w/ u during the battle <><>

Dark Mage626
10-10-2005, 08:22 AM
Thanks for getting the thread started D.Gray-man seeing as it kinda off on the wrong foot.(Back on topic now)
Very interesting. So they will fight with the party when requirments are met, I wander how they will fight. I think they will fight like the other members on your team except with stronger attacks. Only a guess though.
The summons so far are:
That's all I know of so far.

10-10-2005, 08:53 PM
I think it's a good idea, The Final Fantasy series was getting repetitive(the battle system is what I am referring to). So this new system is a breath of fresh air and should be quite interesting once I get to try it out.

Dark Mage626
10-11-2005, 09:14 AM
I see where your coming from and I quite agree. The sytem for most of the ff games (Except for advance tactics and 11)so far have all been quite similar. I like the idea of A.I for the mosters especially. I think I was getting too used to the old system and things were becoming a little to easy. So this hopefully will be a little more challenging again.

10-11-2005, 02:50 PM
Yes it will, and the characters you are not using in the battlefield are also A.I...that it the one thing I'm worried about.

10-11-2005, 04:42 PM
looks shit.

10-11-2005, 04:51 PM
I prefer FF7 and FFX is battle System... FF6 - more fun and its fast (enjoyable)
FFX - Awesome, you have the advantage to think and the overdrives are cool omg...

10-12-2005, 04:02 AM
not to mention crystal chronicles had a different system 2...........
the old system is the best, but ppl r always looking for something knew. most of the rpg games in japan are now action rpg(wut FFXII is going to be).

10-12-2005, 04:29 AM
best not mention crystal chronicles at all, mir

Also, FF12's system is looking very FF11-ish, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If some small part of our brain could be tricked into thinking FF12 is an MMO, it could help the immersion immensely.

Besides, if you're really aching for old-school FF gameplay, buy a DS - there's a heap of DS and GBA games on the horizon!

Dark Mage626
10-13-2005, 11:44 AM
-In the menu that comes up when battle engages there is an option that says technique, unortunately I didn't see what it could do.
-Also there is an option called green magic. I don't know what that does yet.
-And cockatrices(FFVIII I don't think they were in any other) will return.
-Heres something on the camera system:
Q: Can you tell us how the Final Fantasy XII camera system works?
Minaba: The camera system is fully 360 degrees and closer to FFXI in that you can see from the first person and third person. We aren't just working on backgrounds, but we're also creating things like the ceiling. You'll be able to view the ceiling as well.

10-17-2005, 06:41 AM
first person

I do not really like all this first person talk... I heard that while you walk around on the field you can also switch to first person...

10-17-2005, 07:59 AM
You think being able to switch views while travelling would be bad? What kind of twisted logic brought about that conclusion?

10-17-2005, 10:17 AM
Twisted Logic?....Justify that please.
I am just saying I do not like it. So calm the hell down.
First Person viewing is just an odd addition to the series. It makes the bloody game sound like a first person shooter. I just think the developers are making all of these drastic changes to a series I have been playing since i was 5 years old. Is it wrong for me to get a little worried about "First Person" elements being added to a series that i enjoy?
I am stating my opinion, you do not have to like it, but dont insult my logic, its such an ignorant thing to do...
Yes I can foresee now....here comes the swearing and insults.

Oh and by the way, i never said it would be bad. I just said I do not like it. How would I know if it would be "bad" or not considering the game has not even been released? Please Read the post properly before you judge and assume.

Dark Mage626
10-17-2005, 12:43 PM
I agree, although I have not been playing as long as you perhaps, I still enjoy the ah, how do you say...the old view. I don't really like the 360 degree idea myself. I guess we will just have to wait and see how it turns out. Perhaps it may suite the game. I just hope they don't change too much though. I think if they change too much they may ruin the game.

10-18-2005, 07:18 AM
I agree, although I have not been playing as long as you perhaps, I still enjoy the ah, how do you say...the old view.

Yes i agree, the "old view" was what I loved

I don't really like the 360 degree idea myself.
Thank you!!! someone agrees!!! haha

I just hope they don't change too much though. I think if they change too much they may ruin the game.

They have changed quite a bit. I hope they bring back airships that you can actually fly around. I was shocked in FFX where you could not control the airship! :(

And of course, they changed the composer. But then again, the current one has done some AMAZING work.

10-18-2005, 09:42 AM
Twisted Logic?....Justify that please.
I am just saying I do not like it. So calm the hell down.
First Person viewing is just an odd addition to the series. It makes the bloody game sound like a first person shooter. I just think the developers are making all of these drastic changes to a series I have been playing since i was 5 years old. Is it wrong for me to get a little worried about "First Person" elements being added to a series that i enjoy?
I am stating my opinion, you do not have to like it, but dont insult my logic, its such an ignorant thing to do...
Yes I can foresee now....here comes the swearing and insults.

Oh and by the way, i never said it would be bad. I just said I do not like it. How would I know if it would be "bad" or not considering the game has not even been released? Please Read the post properly before you judge and assume.

Actually, I didn't have any swearing planned, but I do intend to insult your poor comprehension skills. I suppose I'll have to spell this out like I would for a five-year-old. If it's still too complicated for you, let me know. Also give me your name and address so I can have you removed from the gene pool.

In your post, you said that it would be possible to switch to first-person view. You then said that being able to switch, despite being able to use the other view, would not be to your liking.

I then called you on the pathetic reasoning of that statement, pointing out that if you don't like it, you don't have to use it. You can easily do without it and never even know it was there. It is just another option that you should be able to ignore.

Thus, your logic is twisted. Also, please do not tell me to calm down when I am being clinically rational. Assuming someone is upset just because they disagree with you is rather retarded. And for the record, I'm still not upset with you in the slightest, although I am holding an increasingly low opinion of you. On a more positive note, at least you don't have much further for that opinion to fall!

10-18-2005, 11:32 PM
so I can have you removed from the gene pool.

Oh how very clever, I am pissing myself from laughter.

In your post, you said that it would be possible to switch to first-person view. You then said that being able to switch, despite being able to use the other view, would not be to your liking.

Like I already said, I do not like the first person element. Just because I can pretend as if it were not there does not mean anything to me. The fact is, that the first person element is still in the game. And i was simply saying I did not like it. It makes the game sound more like an action RPG rather than what it is. Thats that.

Thus, your logic is twisted.

If you have studied what I have studied this term "Twisted Logic" has a completly different meaning to me than it does to you. That is why I was offended. Your opinion on "Twisted Logic" seems to me that, you are saying i have Twisted Logic because you do not know why I have reached that conclusion on the first person element. I have already justified that in my previous post.
Now, if you said I had pathetic resoning it would have made much more sence, however, you did not, you used the word "Twisted Logic" and I perceived it a totally different way to what it was intended. And for that I am sorry, but you should have used the proper words for the situation instead of that lame attempt to insult me.

Assuming someone is upset just because they disagree with you is rather retarded

Once again, an improper use of the word "Retarded", go check up words in the dictionary before you use them. It will make matter so much more simpler and we would not be having this discussion in the first place.

I am holding an increasingly low opinion of you. On a more positive note, at least you don't have much further for that opinion to fall!

Why is this? Because I challenged what you said?
I honestly do not care if you hold an increasingly low opinion of me. I am not here to impress.

10-19-2005, 01:07 AM
You are absolutely hopeless. However, I will humor you just this once.

Firstly, you took the position that having the first-person element in the game was detrimental. My point here is that it shouldn't even matter unless your brain is seriously warped. But for some reason, you persist in stating that you don't like it, although you certainly have not been able to sufficiently justify that. All you have said is that is "makes the game sound more like an action RPG." You understand that it isn't an action RPG, don't you? So why does it bother you? It makes no rational sense, thus your logic is entirely twisted.

There is no inappropriate word use there. Your logic is twisted because it exists in spite of facts that prove it is wrong. As for my use of the word "retarded," there's really nothing to defend there. There is such a thing as slang, and provided that it is easily recognizable, it is widely accepted as a valid form of communication.

10-19-2005, 01:16 AM
Prak has finally found a worthy adversary to spend time on.

10-19-2005, 01:19 AM
No. Just someone particularly stubborn. I have no intention of spending any more time on this one.

10-19-2005, 01:25 AM
Yeah, but you can't look down at them for not having the same opinion as you

10-19-2005, 01:25 AM
But I can look down on people for having unreasonable opinions that unsupported by any factual basis.

10-19-2005, 01:59 AM
No you cant really this isn't history, you have your own reasons for your opinions and nobody should be put down for them.

10-19-2005, 02:28 AM
Is that so? You're an idiot for thinking that. Your opinion sucks and is unsupported by the fact that the world does not work like you claim.

10-19-2005, 02:33 AM
Prak do you really think i care what you think or say.

10-19-2005, 02:40 AM
Prak if you state yourself for a superior and mature, you shouldn't mind this, go away if you are so much better then us.

10-19-2005, 02:43 AM
But for some reason, you persist in stating that you don't like it, although you certainly have not been able to sufficiently justify that. All you have said is that is "makes the game sound more like an action RPG."

My opinion is the justification, thats all that matters to me. I do not need to justify my opinion to you, its an utter waste of time because all you have done is insult my logic. I have tried to, and instead of having an open mind, you just insult. So be it. I presume you are insulting my logic because my views are contrasting yours. I suppose thats the way you win discussions, by insulting other people instead of debating like a normal human being.

You understand that it isn't an action RPG, don't you? So why does it bother you? It makes no rational sense, thus your logic is entirely twisted.

I understand that it is, nevertheless the first person element makes it "sound like one". It does not bother me, I just do not like it. Is it wrong for me to say that?

Your logic is twisted because it exists in spite of facts that prove it is wrong. As for my use of the word "retarded," there's really nothing to defend there. There is such a thing as slang, and provided that it is easily recognizable, it is widely accepted as a valid form of communication.

Since you have insulted me every chance you got, I am going to incorporate the same childish technique. You say my "Twisted Logic" has been proved wrong? How has it!? You said I had twisted knowledge even before you attempted to prove me wrong.
I quote "What Twisted knowledge brought about that conclusion"
Look over your posts dude.
How can you prove my opinions wrong? By saying I do not like the first person element in the game does not mean it is right or wrong. ITS AN OPINION! So why dont you stop the fucking insults and grow the fuck up huh? You seem to forget that this is a forum and that there are many opinions on shit flying around.

There is such a thing as slang, and provided that it is easily recognizable, it is widely accepted as a valid form of communication.

Well if that is the case, i shall use this word, which i have been holding back for a while because i was trying to be civil. FUCK YOU! There, that is easily recognizable, and it is a widely accepted from of communication.

But I can look down on people for having unreasonable opinions that unsupported by any factual basis

Why is it unreasonable? I have already said I do not like it, and the factual basis is that, I have been playing this series for a long time and the developers have made some drastic changes to certain things that have become tradition. Is that so wrong?

No. Just someone particularly stubborn. I have no intention of spending any more time on this one.

I am not stubborn. Just because I do not cave into your bloody reasoning does not mean I am stubborn. On the contrary I am standing up for my opinions. Unlike you, you are just insulting them every chance you get. A psychiatrist would say you were very unsure about your opinions and to back them up you insult other peoples knowledge and logic, thus making you feel rather big. Well it aint gonna work buddy.
" have no intention of spending any more time on this one"
I will hold you to this, I do not expect to see another post from you "spending time on me"

Yeah, but you can't look down at them for not having the same opinion as you.

No you cant really this isn't history, you have your own reasons for your opinions and nobody should be put down for them.

Thanks for that.

10-19-2005, 02:49 AM
You showed him, he a little whining bitch that backs up with insult to make him the grown up one.

10-19-2005, 02:53 AM
You showed him, he a little whining bitch that backs up with insult to make him the grown up one.

LOL! I agree, very childish really. Go play somewhere else Prak, your insults are really not wanted here.

10-19-2005, 02:55 AM
gud on ya guys

10-19-2005, 03:00 AM
My opinion is the justification, thats all that matters to me. I do not need to justify my opinion to you, its an utter waste of time because all you have done is insult my logic. I have tried to, and instead of having an open mind, you just insult. So be it. I presume you are insulting my logic because my views are contrasting yours. I suppose thats the way you win discussions, by insulting other people instead of debating like a normal human being.

There's not much to debate, actually. Your opinion is completely unfounded and based on something that can hardly be considered logic. I called you on it. Pretty simple.

I understand that it is, nevertheless the first person element makes it "sound like one". It does not bother me, I just do not like it. Is it wrong for me to say that?

Does it threaten you somehow? It makes no sense for you to be sensitive about a game having extra options. Unless, that is, you feel the series should never change and continue to stagnate until nobody bothers playing them because they're all exactly the same.

Since you have insulted me every chance you got, I am going to incorporate the same childish technique. You say my "Twisted Logic" has been proved wrong? How has it!? You said I had twisted knowledge even before you attempted to prove me wrong.
I quote "What Twisted knowledge brought about that conclusion"
Look over your posts dude.

Looking over my posts shows that you have misquoted me. Pathetically enough, you quoted me properly only a couple sentences before that.

How can you prove my opinions wrong? By saying I do not like the first person element in the game does not mean it is right or wrong. ITS AN OPINION! So why dont you stop the fucking insults and grow the fuck up huh? You seem to forget that this is a forum and that there are many opinions on shit flying around.

"It's just my opinion!" "It's only an opinion!"

I hear that shit so often it's sickening. Opinions can be horribly wrong, you know. Would you think someone was an idiot if they clung to the opinion that the moon was a giant quarter that got spit out of a vending machine? I know I would.

Well if that is the case, i shall use this word, which i have been holding back for a while because i was trying to be civil. FUCK YOU! There, that is easily recognizable, and it is a widely accepted from of communication.

Ah, so you finally give me the victory I was seeking! I have broken you!

10-19-2005, 03:01 AM
Celebrates over Prak's ignorance*

10-19-2005, 03:06 AM
My, you guys are certainly full of shit. However, I am satisfied with the results of this little tussle and shall not bother you any more. Feel free to revel in your retardation as long as you like.

10-19-2005, 03:10 AM
Does it threaten you somehow? It makes no sense for you to be sensitive about a game having extra options. Unless, that is, you feel the series should never change and continue to stagnate until nobody bothers playing them because they're all exactly the same.

If you have not noticed, they have made quitr a few changes. I am not saying the game will be shit, i think it will rock. But consider the long term FF player, all of these changes should strike some fear in ones mind. It did in mine, I was worried that the series would take a whole new direction at once as opposed to easing the new aspects and gameplay gradually.

Looking over my posts shows that you have misquoted me. Pathetically enough, you quoted me properly only a couple sentences before that.

In what way have i done that? I have coppied and pasted everything you wrote, unless my computer is terribly bad at cutting and pasting, i can assure you everything is right.

"It's just my opinion!" "It's only an opinion!"

I hear that shit so often it's sickening. Opinions can be horribly wrong, you know. Would you think someone was an idiot if they clung to the opinion that the moon was a giant quarter that got spit out of a vending machine? I know I would.

Even if that were the case, the persons opinion should be respected as opposed to being put down and even insulted. If the person believes in it why hurt their feelings? Unless...oh i see, it brings you pleasure. How utterly pathetic. Opinions are very importans things, and are held close to ones heart, why go out of your way to stuff them up?

Ah, so you finally give me the victory I was seeking! I have broken you!

Just because i swore, does not mean you won boy. I figured since you were being a moron, I would incorporate the same style you use to show you how bloody annoying and rude it is. And nay, I won, because you said you did not want to spend anymore time on me, and yet you replied. So yes, Thank you so very very much.

10-19-2005, 03:13 AM

10-19-2005, 03:17 AM
...I thought you were leaving?

10-19-2005, 03:18 AM
Prat havent u even considered the fact that nkwp may be right and you have made a complete stuff up.

10-19-2005, 03:19 AM
I just said I wasn't going to bother you anymore. I can still watch and laugh.

But I see why we don't see eye to eye now. It looks to me like you're a sentimentalist, whereas I'm a pragmatist. Such arguments usually don't go anywhere because sentimentalists don't have their brains grounded in reality.

And Benny, have I ever mentioned that I love when people call me Prat or Prik? It means I've gotten under their skin. This is all sport to me. Nothing more. In other words, you're saying precisely what I want to hear. :) Also, I have not considered that nkwp might be right because I am right.

10-19-2005, 03:24 AM
Nay boy, We do not see eye to eye, because we have contrasting opinions. And of course this debate would have been a little nicer if you did not act like such a dik, and insult Benny, Fury and myself, in order to convince yourself that you are superior and are right.
And yes, just because my opinion is different to yours, my brain is not grounded in reality. Oh how clever,...BRAVO! What clever reasoning. Yes, i noticed it was hanging out of my head today. Shit, you deserve a scholar.

10-19-2005, 03:24 AM
You are just superior!

See now you are going to personal attack now because you are now losing, you can't see the moral facts.

I just said I wasn't going to bother you anymore. I can still watch and laugh.

You are a laugh.

10-19-2005, 03:25 AM
Ok firstly i didnt actually mean so call you prat i mean prak (honestly no lies), and your second comment just shows that you are incredibly stubborn and stuck up. So dont bother us no more

10-19-2005, 03:26 AM
nkwp, you're the one who talked about opinions being important things close to a person's heart and such. I'd call that pretty sentimental and far from being grounded in reality.

Also, I've been insulting FurY since he came here, just like most of the older members who hate his guts. Benny is just a new page in the ongoing traditional of bashing shitposters. You seem to have potential, but you rub me the wrong way.

10-19-2005, 03:29 AM
nkwp, you're the one who talked about opinions being important things close to a person's heart and such. I'd call that pretty sentimental and far from being grounded in reality.

Also, I've been insulting FurY since he came here, just like most of the older members who hate his guts. Benny is just a new page in the ongoing traditional of bashing shitposters. You seem to have potential, but you rub me the wrong way.

Not everyone here hates my guts.

but you rub me the wrong way? You can't expect people to act like you and your way, it is like changing personality on a person, and you seem like a indifferent person.

10-19-2005, 03:33 AM
See now you are going to personal attack now because you are now losing, you can't see the moral facts.

Spot on! Exactly!

Also, I have not considered that nkwp might be right because I am right.

And thus, that ignorance is what will lead you to fail in life. By not considering others feelings and opinions you will lead a life in solitude. haha. Thats a quote by some guy, forgot his name.

And now i must leave, i have to study for my psychology exam tomorrow, its been fun Prak, Prat, Prik, watever the fuck you call yourself. See ya!

And Fury and Benny, thanks for the support!

10-19-2005, 03:33 AM
In case you didnt notice most people consider you a "bashing shitposter" who doesnt post anything else but dry insults. and i certainly dont hate FurY his posts make perfect sense while yours make crap all.

10-19-2005, 03:34 AM
No problem, anytime, cya later on! ;)

10-19-2005, 03:36 AM
nkwp, you're the one who talked about opinions being important things close to a person's heart and such. I'd call that pretty sentimental and far from being grounded in reality.

Thats true dude, but as long as you know you are right, why do you have to insult and put down other peoples opinions? Isnt the fact that you know you are right enough justification to keep you happy and to not insult others?

10-19-2005, 03:38 AM
quite right nkwp, but you cant beat foolishness out of the fool lol.

10-19-2005, 03:41 AM
He is just to stubborn to realize, he is just a little ignorant forum troll.

10-19-2005, 03:45 AM
Oh, I know I'm a forum troll. I have nothing to do between calls while I'm at work but troll forums. As for ignorant though, nothing could be further from the truth.

10-19-2005, 03:56 AM
I told you he was stuck up.

10-19-2005, 03:57 AM
I don't deny that either. I've earned it.

Dark Mage626
10-19-2005, 08:14 AM
...Interesting covosation on the battle system....To get us a little more back on track here are some pics which I thought were interesting with the enemy information at the top. Also in one of the screens the whole battle is surrounded by a couple blue rings. And in one of them the menu appear red with a pic of Basch underneath and obove it, it says enemy.

10-20-2005, 01:49 PM
Prak, Your mama ain't shit

10-20-2005, 10:39 PM

10-20-2005, 11:52 PM
Thanks mate, I needed a laugh. Keep up the trolling, but make sure you get enough sunlight, Vit D is good for you.

10-21-2005, 12:56 AM
Thanks mate, I needed a laugh. Keep up the trolling, but make sure you get enough sunlight, Vit D is good for you.


anyway those pictures darkmage posted look good.

10-21-2005, 04:33 AM

anyway those pictures darkmage posted look good.

Yeah im with ya on that one. It looks like quite an improvement from previous FF faults, and the graphics look sharper.

Dark Mage626
10-21-2005, 09:09 AM
lol, well thankyou for actually reading the post and taking a look at the pictures. I wander what those circles were.

10-26-2005, 12:01 PM
I know this is not the right place to ask this but I am going to anyway, cause if I make a thread about it some user will insult me, or something like that and say I could have used a search engine (Which I did and got nothing, thats why I am going to ask it here).

From scans and previews I have noticed a great amount of airships featured in FFXII.
Does anyone know if you will be able to control the airships like previous FFs (like the Invincible(FFIX) or Ragnarok(FFVIII)) or will it be like FFX where you had to input those stupid coordinates and you could not fly around.
Also, will there be a world map where you can roam around or will it be like FFX where ...well you know how it is. I am not sure how to explain the field movement in FFX, but there was certainly no world map where you could roam around.

10-26-2005, 06:44 PM
Hopefully Square Enix has learned from the mistakes they made in the previous FF. Iam expecting to be able to fly the airship around but we cant really know for sure until we play the game really.

10-26-2005, 07:35 PM
Well, thats the thing, if there is a world map there should be a controllable airship. There reason why you could not controll it in FFX was probably because there was no world map. :(

10-26-2005, 08:14 PM
The world map was on the navigation on the ship, but that is not the same...

10-27-2005, 12:37 AM
yeh, you are aware that when I say world map, I dont mean a map of the world. In FF when you say world map you are referring to the method you use to get across the world. FFX didnt have a world map similiar to that of older FFs. Thats why I am curious if FFXII will have one or not.

10-27-2005, 12:42 AM
I cant wait, really i dont see S-O making anything that will not be new and fun. IMO. Change is good.

10-27-2005, 04:26 AM
That is something we will just have to wait for. Unless they announce it of course, which i hope they do. I really dont want to wait till the end of the game to find out, and it better not be the same system as FFX and X-2 that was kinda boring.

10-27-2005, 05:12 AM
aye, It was boring. I was just curious because airship control was quite a big thing in older FF's. I just hope they bring it back in FFXII, because the airships they have in the game are awesome, and how I would like to fly them around.
I have a funny feeling XII will be quite similiar to IX.

Dark Mage626
10-27-2005, 07:42 AM
Well I think they said Airships will have a bigger role than usual in the game. So hopefully we get to controll them as there are some pretty cool looking ones.
Also I think Malboro have come back once again for final fantasy xii. As I was looking at a scan with Vaan looking at a message board of some sort and there was a tiny little pieve of paper with a pic of a malboro on it. Hopefully they won't be too hard like they were on VIII. Well...I thought they were hard on VIII. So they have brought back cockatrices and malboro. Both from VIII.

10-27-2005, 09:58 AM
I will just be happy if my airships returned. hahaha, I was SO upset that they were not controlable in FFX.
And yes, the Malboro were hard. They have been in quite a few FF's actually.

Gentleman Ghost
10-27-2005, 11:16 AM
Please try and keep all discussion about the battle system and don't spam and don't go off-topic.

10-27-2005, 11:24 AM
I reckon the new battle system shows promise of being good =)

It will take some getting used to I think as it's different from previous FF games, but I like the fact it ll be alot less predictable and reckon it'll be more of a challenge though no doubt i ll be pulling my hair out trying to get to grips with it at first lol. Still I'm looking forward to it =)

Dark Mage626
10-29-2005, 03:17 AM
In the top left hand corner, 2 pictures, which appear to be pictures of the world map.

10-29-2005, 05:39 AM
Sorry to say but those dont really look like pictures of the world map. I get the feeling that this game will be much like FFX except its real time.

10-29-2005, 08:16 AM
Sorry to say but those dont really look like pictures of the world map. I get the feeling that this game will be much like FFX except its real time.

Sorry old Benny, I have to disagree with you on that one. If you look at the designs of the airships, I have a funny feeling you are going to be able to move them around yourself. Even in a review one of the staff said "Airships are going to have a big role in this one" or something close to that.

I believe it will be on an epic scale, similiar to that of FFIX. This will have a war going on, similiar to that of FFIX as well, except on a much larger scale. The airships designs are also like Old school FF's, I method of travelling will be similiar to older FF's (At least I hope so :().

I just want the game to be released!!!! :( I am so excited.

And as for that lovely picture you found Dark Mage, those two pictures you pointed out could be the world map. It seems huge, I can imagine airships flying around there. LOL! hahaha....

Dark Mage626
10-29-2005, 09:33 AM
Well in the pictures just look at the mountains. Surely you could fly something over them. :) lol.

10-29-2005, 10:57 AM
Well in the pictures just look at the mountains. Surely you could fly something over them. lol.

You have given me a great deal of hope! Thanks ;)

10-29-2005, 07:07 PM
Sorry old Benny, I have to disagree with you on that one. If you look at the designs of the airships, I have a funny feeling you are going to be able to move them around yourself. Even in a review one of the staff said "Airships are going to have a big role in this one" or something close to that.

I believe it will be on an epic scale, similiar to that of FFIX. This will have a war going on, similiar to that of FFIX as well, except on a much larger scale. The airships designs are also like Old school FF's, I method of travelling will be similiar to older FF's (At least I hope so :().

I just want the game to be released!!!! :( I am so excited.

And as for that lovely picture you found Dark Mage, those two pictures you pointed out could be the world map. It seems huge, I can imagine airships flying around there. LOL! hahaha....

Yeah you are proberrly right, and i hope that it is old school style like FF8 or FF7. What you said changed my opinion "except on a much larger scaled".

Thank you very much for the correction nkwp ;-)

10-30-2005, 01:18 AM
:D Well you can have your own opinion. LOL! This is what I am hoping for anyway, I dont know if its true, but from trailers I have seen I have come to that conclusion, you quoted above.

10-30-2005, 01:39 AM
Yeah i have seen a trailer of FFXII and i seemed like the airship will play quite a big role. Thats my opinion.

Dark Mage626
10-30-2005, 08:28 AM
Yeah well they probably will as Vaan does want to be a sky pirate.
On another note Bomb are once again coming back.
Couple scans:
Okay you see in the picture where Vaan is standing in a forest. See the map at the top. See how it's like you got a path to follow. And in the scan I posted earlier it was more like you could run anywhere. So perhaps the one I posted earlier was the worl map.

That's just some summoning.

That's it for now. I'll post some more later if I can.

10-31-2005, 04:46 AM
Yeh, they probably inculde a map (seen in the previous scan) which I am going to call the world map, so you could see where the monsters were (Red dots)

10-31-2005, 05:02 AM
Lol thats awsome. No more random monsters popping out of no where.

10-31-2005, 05:22 AM
HAHA, yea, all the monsters are visible thanks to the new battle system they have set up. What is it called again?

Dark Mage626
10-31-2005, 05:36 AM
The GAMBIT system I do believe.

10-31-2005, 06:10 AM
I thought it was called Active Dimention or something.

Dark Mage626
10-31-2005, 06:54 AM
I dunno, I know somewhere I read it was called the gambit. I'll go and check now....
There you go:
A new Gambit system will allow players to select certain strategies and tactics for the characters controlled by A.I.
And also this is what green magic is:
Other than Black and White, Green is a new branch of Magic. Green Magic will contain buffs like Shell and status-infliciting magic like Blind.

10-31-2005, 12:06 PM
Green Magic will contain buffs like Shell and status-infliciting magic like Blind.

Odd, I thought that stuff was white mag.
They didnt have to go back a new magic, haha oh well.

Dark Mage626
10-31-2005, 12:19 PM
Maybe they want to keep that strictly for stuff like cure and holy.

Dark Mage626
11-06-2005, 02:26 AM

Will masiki be used for retrieving different types of magic and using that magic in battle?

11-07-2005, 04:49 PM
Don't get me wrong here but I'm one of the new schoolers in this matter, im going to miss the random battles that suddenly pops up and the airship navigation and stuff :(

But anyway, this seems quite aweome though ;)

Dark Mage626
11-12-2005, 08:41 AM
LOOK! ENGLISH SCREEN SHOTS! THEY WERE JUST RELEASED ON THE 11 nov from the demo thats coming out with dqviii. And If you get the demo tell us what it's like.

Sephiroth's son
11-12-2005, 10:22 PM
nice pics

Dark Mage626
11-13-2005, 12:30 AM
I know ay.
Heres a couple more english screens.
Mission instructions ()

Wait or Active Mode ()

So it looks like you will have to do things like missions and things like that to reach things like bosses.

Also wait mode is when it's your turn to pick an action for your character to do, everything stops. And Active mode is when it's your turn to pick an action for you character to do, everything keeps going as usual.

11-14-2005, 03:23 AM
Hello I'm a noob from Australia. Chose to post a few thoughts.

First off - can't believe we'll be waiting till near the end of next year for this game. I've only been following it for a couple of months, for those of you who have waited longer - expecting a Japanese release this year, my sympathies. Yes, we will end up with a much better game.

I'm planning on using this forum and the rampant speculation within to attach a news drip to my arm so I can make it that far. I have intermediate to basic Japanese skills but I don't want the story ruined by getting the import version and missing some of the nuances.

I started on FFVII for PS became hooked and have played every version before and since except XI because I didn't like the subscription structure of online gaming. The main reason I know 12 will be my favourite is the incorporation of ADB and hopefully smarter AI that borrows from the only game I haven't played. Very excited about the battle system.

I have enjoyed each strange implementation of the skill, ability system so far. I think it was the FF9/Tactics weapon equip ability system I liked the least. As a result I'm very pleased to hear the talk about 'Maseki' hopefully functioning similar to Materia (with some limits as to what race can do what etc.) I also lamented the loss of the controllable airship.

I tend to play each game to suck every piece of it out rather than play to finish. In fact finishing a game is the most depressing thing in Final Fantasy despite the excellent conclusions. So I'm glad to see that some of the linearity of the story is removed. The most enjoyment comes from discovering new abilities but also moving to new and old places and going about things your own way. I know I would have enjoyed 11 for this reason.

I also want to admit to being really greedy - I hope to see the emergence of not just the FFT races, but many new ones that have been hinted at. I also would like a large roster of player characters.

Its a big wish list but I blame Square for conditioning me to set standards so high.

Cheers all.

EDIT - Based on previous experience - does anyone know if Australia will get an English only release at a fairly similar time to the US or do we have to wait for the EU version? I forget about PAL/NTSC formats.

11-14-2005, 04:32 AM
EDIT - Based on previous experience - does anyone know if Australia will get an English only release at a fairly similar time to the US or do we have to wait for the EU version? I forget about PAL/NTSC formats.

Usually we get releases about one or two weeks after the EU release =/

With a Japanese release early next year, it will probably be out late 2006 in America - we'll be lucky to see it by 2007.

Unless i'm very much mistaken, this will be the longest time between Final Fantasy releases ever (2003 JP FF11 release - 2006 JP FF12 release).

Just a quick note re mission structure: I highly doubt that you'll see obvious 'mission pages' like that Adamantoise one. It's far more likely that's a demo-only thing, and you'll receive the 'quests' via storyline - ie, someone will tell you that the Adamantoise has the Dragon Key in one of the surrounding towns. Hopefully there will be some sort of quest log, ala WoW.

Dark Mage626
11-14-2005, 05:21 AM
Just a quick note re mission structure: I highly doubt that you'll see obvious 'mission pages' like that Adamantoise one. It's far more likely that's a demo-only thing, and you'll receive the 'quests' via storyline - ie, someone will tell you that the Adamantoise has the Dragon Key in one of the surrounding towns. Hopefully there will be some sort of quest log, ala WoW.
Quest log idea sounds good to me.
I hope missions are just like an extra things you have to do for like money and items or something like that you know. I think that would be much better then making them a compulsary (sp??) thing.

And I hope your wrong about Australia getting it in 2007. I was hoping that the max. time we would have to wait is like 5 months. But I've read on other sites that Europe will get it late 2006. But who knows. Hopefully they will get some dates out soon.

Also I'll be on the look out for more english screenshots as they come out. But that's all there is at the moment.