10-08-2005, 11:29 PM
Create a monster, and please don't overdo it, it must have to be possible to beat him. You can also make a party of 3 monsters if you please.

Name: Zlivea
HP: 31000
MP: 15000
It looks: Big sharp head with 2 sharp horns, 2 smal pixel depressed eyes with vein covered around it, small circle mouth, 2 small ears, long horn sticks out of his hook. The rest of the boody is like a big worm attached to his head, it is easy to see his guts and intestinem between his head and boody, and 2 feets that looks intestine and slack... He is slimy, cold and got 2 long arms with big hands with alot of nails on it...

Attacks: 3 Random Punch(each characters) Zombie, poision and berserk. 660 dmg
Blm: Thunderja - 420 dmg
Whm: mighty guard
Special attack: lethargy - sticks his head in to his boody and goes into a lethargy while his boody becomes immune to the most while regaining hp/mp pluss his ultimate attack ''Zooka beam Trance'' Does 3010 dmg to every characters. Regains (1200hp and 100mp and 2 strenght sphere)

To be found - inside Sin

Edit: This don't mean it has to be a FFX monster then... Com up with your own attacks and stuff...

Swedish Fish
10-09-2005, 03:07 AM
Name: My Brother
HP: 50000
MP: 9999

Looks like an 8 year-old. Indian (from India) skin color. Huge mouth. Razor-sharp fangs. Large claws. 3 foot 4inches tall. When at 20000 HP, transforms into large pig-looking creature, with "knives" on the ends of it's feet, even sharper teeth, even larger mouth, becomes 4 times it's normal size, and gains an insatiable appitite.

Form 1:
Super annoyance Skill: Instantly confuses, beserks, drains all MP, reduces life to 1, and pisses you off 100% of the time. Possible to cure or prevent all said status ailements.

Slash: Runs up to you and slashes at you with claws.

Bite: Runs up and bites you with teeth.

Form 2:
All of the above, plus:
Bodyslam: Jumps up and bodyslams you.

Magic: Casts Basic elemental spells (fire, fira, firaga, thunder, thundara, thundraga...)

Explosion: When killed, it remote detonates itself, for massive damage.

To be found in my living room:p .
No really he's almost that bad...

Heero Avaren
10-09-2005, 01:45 PM
Name: Master Varuna


HP: 20,000,000
MP: 1,000,000
Attack: 255
Defense: 255
Magic: 255
Magic Defense: 255
Agility: 255
Evasion: 255
Luck: 255
Accuracy: 255


Looks like a Varuna, except he's red insted of black.


Is immune to every negative status effect. Has constant NulAll, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Regen and Haste. Begins battle with Auto-Life that will fully regenerate his HP and MP one time.


Attack: A normal attack.
Counter Attack: Used anytime when anyone does anything.
Magic: Can use Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga, Blizzaga, Bio, Death, Drain, Osmose, Flare, Ultima, Curaga, and Reflect.
Triple Cast: Casts three magic spells in one turn.
Mana Burn: Spends any ammount of MP to inflict that much damage.

Overdrive: Mana Beam

Used when his Overdrive Gauge reachs full. Damages all characters for Master Varuna's current MP ammount.

Found: After beating Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon and Nemesis. He will be standing where Omega Weapon was. After being beaten he can be fought again at the Monster Arena.

AP: 1,000,000,000
Gil: 1,000,000,000

Items: Dark Matter x99
Abilities in dropped Weapons: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter, Magic Counter, One MP Cost and Magic Booster.
Abilities in dropped Armor: Break HP Limit, Break MP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Haste, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Potion and Auto-Med.

Like him? He's the ultimate boss. Nearly Immpossible to beat yet the reward is worth it. Make sure everyone get's a turn for the AP he gives. And having Gillionaire would double your pleasure too...

10-09-2005, 02:06 PM
So this is not a fiend, this is some kind of a boss... He is invincible, how can we defeat it? You sure did overdo it :p

10-09-2005, 02:51 PM
Okey man if you want to overdo it ill give you a round, beware you can't beat this one!

Name: Atom Ignition Zero (lame ass)
Looks: Small clown face, with black huge lips with teeths sticking out and huge ears with alot of piercing on and short tiny arms with claws on sticking out of his head, white face and red glimmering nose and huge baby eyes with alot of black makeup. Funny clown hat with alot of different colours, and a big long arm sticking out of his skull with a big white hand.

First Strike: Baby laugh clown laugh - Dossen't do a thing

When you attack (dossen't matter what attack) him you will detonate every pixels and atoms that is apart of you and eventuel the whole world.

Attacks: Sarcastic Trial - He will disable its detonations so that you can hit him so much you want with any attacks but still he will be immune and laugh really loud and wicked and cocky to you (sarcastic)
Special Attack: Pie - he throws his pie on you (inflect you with hastage, mightyguard, NullA, and so on...) So a few seconds later when its your attack he will undo the pie attack and absorb it back and laugh at you.

Music: Very annoying clown music
To be found: Defeating Master Varuna

hb smokey
10-09-2005, 03:38 PM
FurY, how are you this stupid?

Desert Wolf
10-09-2005, 04:05 PM
Name: Master Varuna


HP: 20,000,000
MP: 1,000,000
Attack: 255
Defense: 255
Magic: 255
Magic Defense: 255
Agility: 255
Evasion: 255
Luck: 255
Accuracy: 255


Looks like a Varuna, except he's red insted of black.


Is immune to every negative status effect. Has constant NulAll, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Regen and Haste. Begins battle with Auto-Life that will fully regenerate his HP and MP one time.


Attack: A normal attack.
Counter Attack: Used anytime when anyone does anything.
Magic: Can use Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga, Blizzaga, Bio, Death, Drain, Osmose, Flare, Ultima, Curaga, and Reflect.
Triple Cast: Casts three magic spells in one turn.
Mana Burn: Spends any ammount of MP to inflict that much damage.

Overdrive: Mana Beam

Used when his Overdrive Gauge reachs full. Damages all characters for Master Varuna's current MP ammount.

Found: After beating Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon and Nemesis. He will be standing where Omega Weapon was. After being beaten he can be fought again at the Monster Arena.

AP: 1,000,000,000
Gil: 1,000,000,000

Items: Dark Matter x99
Abilities in dropped Weapons: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter, Magic Counter, One MP Cost and Magic Booster.
Abilities in dropped Armor: Break HP Limit, Break MP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Haste, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Potion and Auto-Med.

Like him? He's the ultimate boss. Nearly Immpossible to beat yet the reward is worth it. Make sure everyone get's a turn for the AP he gives. And having Gillionaire would double your pleasure too...

Not impossible at all.

Neo Xzhan
10-09-2005, 04:29 PM
Name: Master Varuna


HP: 20,000,000
MP: 1,000,000
Attack: 255
Defense: 255
Magic: 255
Magic Defense: 255
Agility: 255
Evasion: 255
Luck: 255
Accuracy: 255


Looks like a Varuna, except he's red insted of black.


Is immune to every negative status effect. Has constant NulAll, Protect, Shell, Reflect, Regen and Haste. Begins battle with Auto-Life that will fully regenerate his HP and MP one time.


Attack: A normal attack.
Counter Attack: Used anytime when anyone does anything.
Magic: Can use Firaga, Thundaga, Wateraga, Blizzaga, Bio, Death, Drain, Osmose, Flare, Ultima, Curaga, and Reflect.
Triple Cast: Casts three magic spells in one turn.
Mana Burn: Spends any ammount of MP to inflict that much damage.

Overdrive: Mana Beam

Used when his Overdrive Gauge reachs full. Damages all characters for Master Varuna's current MP ammount.

Found: After beating Ultima Weapon, Omega Weapon and Nemesis. He will be standing where Omega Weapon was. After being beaten he can be fought again at the Monster Arena.

AP: 1,000,000,000
Gil: 1,000,000,000

Items: Dark Matter x99
Abilities in dropped Weapons: Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Evade & Counter, Magic Counter, One MP Cost and Magic Booster.
Abilities in dropped Armor: Break HP Limit, Break MP Limit, Ribbon, Auto-Haste, Auto-Phoenix, Auto-Protect, Auto-Shell, Auto-Potion and Auto-Med.

Like him? He's the ultimate boss. Nearly Immpossible to beat yet the reward is worth it. Make sure everyone get's a turn for the AP he gives. And having Gillionaire would double your pleasure too...

Auron with first strike, trade for Yuna, summon Yojimbo, pay him and he'll just Zanmato (yes I've trained Yojimbo as much as I possibly could) and I'd win. =]

Desert Wolf
10-09-2005, 04:42 PM

Heero Avaren
10-09-2005, 06:05 PM
Yup, Yojimbo is the way to go! ^_^

I love Varuna, so I wanted to make one that lived up to how awesome it looked! But Yoji is also my favorite Aeon so I made him the only reasonable way to beat my little pet.

Dark Mage626
10-09-2005, 09:45 PM
Attack:Altra death (first move that happens in the battle killing all of your people)
HP:99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999
There you go nice and unbeatable.

Heero Avaren
10-09-2005, 11:19 PM
What about Deathproof?

10-13-2005, 01:40 PM
Since this isn't FFX specific, I am moving this!

Auron: Spira's Guard
10-13-2005, 05:14 PM
Name: Maester Mika (Yep)

Location: If you could go back to Bevelle after beating Yu Yevon thats where he would be.

Hp: 12,500,000
Mp: 9,999

Strength: 245
Defence: 255
Magic: 255
Magic Def: 245
Evasion: 255
Agility: 150 (he is an old man after all)
Luck: 5

Immunites: Everything including Zanmato (it will just say immune above his head if you use it)He is not immune to dispel.

Abilities: Always an Ambush (Like the first fight against D Yojimbo)
Normal Punch which goes as fast as a tonberry (very slowly)
Uses Death every 5 turns on 1 character which gets past deathproof but not ribbon

Black Sky: Exactly the same as in X-2
Banish: Kills one aeon instantly
Comet: Again the same as in X-2

*Characters* Remorse: Kills one character. If it is Yuna it kills all of her aeons. The character disappears like when kimahri uses self destruct. Mika will only use this once.

Auto Life: If he has already used Remorse on a character he can now use it again when revived.

Mental Barrier: Prevents Mika from being hurt by spells. Negates the effects of Physical Barrier
Physical Barrier: Prevents Mika from being hurt by attacks other than magic. Negates the effects of Mental Barrier.

10-14-2005, 04:38 AM
Name: Bondi Tram (random enemy)
Game: FFVII (since watching FFVIIAC I've been on a bit of FFVII buzz lately.. ;) )
Location: Train tunnels in Midgar City, during the attack on the Sister Ray in disc 2. More often found in the section of tunnel near the Shinra Building for some reason..
Appearence: Looks very much like an old fashioned tram (or 'streetcar'), except it's covered in grime, dirt and rust - has two baleful, evil eyes on it's front windows, and carries the souls of the dead, their arms can be seen protruding from it's windows. It's basically an undead train (like the Phantom Train or Doomtrain)

Level: 49
HP: 4587
MP: 855

Power: 109
Attack %: 99
Vitality: 155
Magic: 99
Intelligence: 105
Spirit: 255
Dexterity: 33

Undead - Extremely weak against Holy
Mechanical - extremely weak against Bolt
Gravity and Poison have no effect
Strong against Fire and Wind

Immune to Poison, Silence, Death Sentence, Instant Death, Transform, Confusion, Sleep, Berserk and Paralysis.
Can be Manipulated.


Run Down: Suddenly lurchers forward, dragging a character underneath it's wheels, leaving them either critical, or killing them outright (rarely).
Death: Kills a character instantly. (doesn't use very often thankfully)
Express Run: Casts Haste on itself.
Death Force (enemy skill): Makes a character immune to instant death.
(never uses - can only be gained by manipualting)
Phantom Bell: Similar to the Tonberry's 'Everyone's Grudge'; this does damage to a character in relation to how many enemies that character has killed, multiplied by ten.
Bright Spark: Showers electrical sparks onto all characters (lightning elemental)
Last Stop: Hits all characters with a gravity attack that also causes confusion, sadness and Berserk. Only uses when it's HP is low.

Spoils: Bolt Plume, X-Potion
Steal: Bolt Armlet
Morph: Turbo Ether

Naturally, not a nice monster to meet in the bowels of Midgar..

10-14-2005, 01:53 PM
Name: Raditizh

Game: Future FF!

Location: End of game, last boss, some bashed up rip in space and time.

Appearance: The essance of all evil from all the various FF Final(ish) bosses. A swirling black cloud of energy sucking in everything, red and black, lighting bolts around it- you know the whole frikin deal.

From its dark deaths claws the angry evil essances of past FF bosses and one by one they must be defeated. Their faces anguished and in agony, they want out of their nightmare. Sepiroth, kuja, Griever, Ultimicia, X-death, all of FF's wepeon monsters EVERYTHING that was big and epic. The battle music changes accordingly to each boss as are their moves, ofcourse, a few new moves and tunes are added to each. As each is slain the swirling cloud becomes more unstable etc etc.

Radomily generated. The battle is EPIC. No amount of training can help. The power is addjusted according to your lvl to make ths epic battle last around 40-60 mins. It is a battle of skill and determination.
The bosses all share the same Hp bar tho, in essance it is still one boss. Say they are 15 bosses, each boss has 1/15th of the HP.

woops, damn it let my imagination loose again.

10-14-2005, 02:32 PM
Enkidoh I like the tram one thats a pretty good idea

10-15-2005, 12:19 PM
Yeah, Enkidoh's is definetly the best yet. You should make another one.

10-15-2005, 01:41 PM
Name: Seymour
Location: Farplane
HP: 983333
MP: 999999
Looks: Quite the same but his hair has grown longer , formed as a snake

First Strike: Soul in - reduces all of your overdrives(including aeons) and hp and mp to 1.
Attacks: Eternal Curse - Casts death over every characters and if it misses your party it will repeat every move/turn to it hits. (it will break through death proof armour.
Snake Curse - Same as above hits your party with stone gaze, if it miss it will repeat auto next move/turn,
Snake Fire Breath - You lose a lot of hp and get curse and zombie
Special: Soul Stealer - Steals your soul from one character + drops every abilities, and sphere grid, then he merge it to him so his level goes over 100 + he learn your abilities
Backup - Incase if you should beat him he just takes a soul and merge it with himself, eventuel a boss soul from every ff game and transform it to its looks, then his hp will be fully recoverd.

Zamato will work, but it will leave him to 1 hp left.

10-15-2005, 07:08 PM
Yeah, Enkidoh's is definetly the best yet. You should make another one.

Okay, as requested..

Name: Drowned Rat (I love monsters which are a play on names :laugh: ..) ( random enemy)
Game: FFVII (again)
Location: Wall Market Sewers in Midgar Sector 6 (just before the Train Graveyard) in disc 1.
Appearence: appearence of a giant rat, but, as it's name suggests, it's dead, undead to be precise. Hence, it's saturated, covered in slime and algae, and it's body is rotting. Not a nice thing to face..

Level: 11
HP: 165
MP: 26

Power: 9
Attack %: 97
Vitality: 15
Magic: 9
Intelligence: 5
Spirit: 2
Dexterity: 3

Undead - Extremely weak against Holy and Fire (can be damaged by cure spells)
Water elemental - weak against Bolt
Poison has no effect
Strong against Earth and Water


Bite: Bites a single character. Has a small chance of Poisoning the target.
Rabid Bite: Similar to bite, except this time the attack will afflict the traget with Poison and Slow.
Claw: Attacks all characters with a slash from it's claws.
Bloodsuck: Bites a single traget, draining a small amount of HP from the victim to replenish it's own HP.
Tsunami Tail: Identical to Aps's attack, causes water elemental damage to all characters as well as itself.

Spoils: Vampire Fang, Phoenix Down
Steal: Vampire Fang
Morph: N/A

EXP for defeating: 33
Gil gained after defeating: 14
AP gained: 2


Name: Sapphire WEAPON (optional boss)
Location: the ocean between the Eastern and Western Continents (between Junon and Costa del Sol) in disc 3. Will only appear after defeating all the other WEAPONS (Ultimate, Diamond, Emerald and Ruby). Can only be fought from the Submarine (like Ruby WEAPON it sticks it's fin up out of the surface of the water. Pilot the sub into it to fight it).
Appearence: Just like it's appearence in the FMV sequence when it attacks Junon earlier in the game, except it's injured. Basically a giant bluish-purple fish-like dragon beast, larger than a five storey building.

Level: ??
HP: 999 999
MP: 9999

Power: 255
Attack %: 255
Vitality: 150
Magic: 105
Intelligence: 50
Spirit: 75
Dexterity: 15

Water elemental - weak against Bolt
Water and Poison have no effect
Strong against Wind and Fire
Immune to ALL negative Status effects except Slow.


Positron Beam: Fires a powerful laser blast that hits all characters for 9999 HP damage.
Flare Storm: Blasts all characters with a flame attack that does damage equal to their current default (i.e non weapon based) strength x 100.
Element Guard: absorbs any elemental magic damage that it is hit with as HP.
Prima Materia: Does damage to one character equal to the combined AP of the materia they are currently equipped with.
Goner: Multiple negative status effect that hits all characters (afflicts Poison, Slow, Stop, Darkness, Confusion, Slow Petrify and Berserk)
Planet's Fury: Powerful Earth elemental attack on one character.
Fallen One: Identical to Kefka's attack of the same name from FFVI, reduces a character's HP to 1 HP instantly. (Doesn't use very often)
Tsunami: Hits all characters with a massive water elemental attack which has a chance of knocking them completely from battle. (Only uses when it's HP drops below 1000 and it's MP is zero).
Pandora's Box (enemy skill) Deals large non-elementasl damage to all characters. Only uses as it's 'final attack'.

Spoils: Megalixir, Stardust
Steal: Touph Ring
Morph: N/A

EXP for defeating: 33000
Gil gained after defeating: 100 000
AP gained: 20 000

Naturally, bragging rights are about the only the reason for wanting to fight it, although the EXP, Gil and AP isn't too shabby either...

J. Peterman
10-15-2005, 07:19 PM
um... for whatever

HP: 1
MP: 2
Banana Eating: Monkey deals 1 damage to itself.
Drops: Super Dooper Monk Weapon (99,999,999 ATK)
Steal: Poopoo (Destroys any monster in the game)
EXP: 312465723897937489237946535462345634
GIL: 38593486058690578056879030689024830
AP: 99,999,999,999
Looks like a monkey, but it has the face of a dollar on it.

10-15-2005, 07:52 PM
We should have a competition.... Like a battle... Create our own bosses and post them here, for those who has the best boss(not overdo it) wins.... ugh...

10-15-2005, 10:43 PM
Okay, as requested..

Name: Drowned Rat (I love monsters which are a play on names :laugh: ..) ( random enemy)
Game: FFVII (again)
Location: Wall Market Sewers in Midgar Sector 6 (just before the Train Graveyard) in disc 1.
Appearence: appearence of a giant rat, but, as it's name suggests, it's dead, undead to be precise. Hence, it's saturated, covered in slime and algae, and it's body is rotting. Not a nice thing to face..

Level: 11
HP: 165
MP: 26

Power: 9
Attack %: 97
Vitality: 15
Magic: 9
Intelligence: 5
Spirit: 2
Dexterity: 3

Undead - Extremely weak against Holy and Fire (can be damaged by cure spells)
Water elemental - weak against Bolt
Poison has no effect
Strong against Earth and Water


Bite: Bites a single character. Has a small chance of Poisoning the target.
Rabid Bite: Similar to bite, except this time the attack will afflict the traget with Poison and Slow.
Claw: Attacks all characters with a slash from it's claws.
Bloodsuck: Bites a single traget, draining a small amount of HP from the victim to replenish it's own HP.
Tsunami Tail: Identical to Aps's attack, causes water elemental damage to all characters as well as itself.

Spoils: Vampire Fang, Phoenix Down
Steal: Vampire Fang
Morph: N/A

EXP for defeating: 33
Gil gained after defeating: 14
AP gained: 2


Name: Sapphire WEAPON (optional boss)
Location: the ocean between the Eastern and Western Continents (between Junon and Costa del Sol) in disc 3. Will only appear after defeating all the other WEAPONS (Ultimate, Diamond, Emerald and Ruby). Can only be fought from the Submarine (like Ruby WEAPON it sticks it's fin up out of the surface of the water. Pilot the sub into it to fight it).
Appearence: Just like it's appearence in the FMV sequence when it attacks Junon earlier in the game, except it's injured. Basically a giant bluish-purple fish-like dragon beast, larger than a five storey building.

Level: ??
HP: 999 999
MP: 9999

Power: 255
Attack %: 255
Vitality: 150
Magic: 105
Intelligence: 50
Spirit: 75
Dexterity: 15

Water elemental - weak against Bolt
Water and Poison have no effect
Strong against Wind and Fire
Immune to ALL negative Status effects except Slow.


Positron Beam: Fires a powerful laser blast that hits all characters for 9999 HP damage.
Flare Storm: Blasts all characters with a flame attack that does damage equal to their current default (i.e non weapon based) strength x 100.
Element Guard: absorbs any elemental magic damage that it is hit with as HP.
Prima Materia: Does damage to one character equal to the combined AP of the materia they are currently equipped with.
Goner: Multiple negative status effect that hits all characters (afflicts Poison, Slow, Stop, Darkness, Confusion, Slow Petrify and Berserk)
Planet's Fury: Powerful Earth elemental attack on one character.
Fallen One: Identical to Kefka's attack of the same name from FFVI, reduces a character's HP to 1 HP instantly. (Doesn't use very often)
Tsunami: Hits all characters with a massive water elemental attack which has a chance of knocking them completely from battle. (Only uses when it's HP drops below 1000 and it's MP is zero).
Pandora's Box (enemy skill) Deals large non-elementasl damage to all characters. Only uses as it's 'final attack'.

Spoils: Megalixir, Stardust
Steal: Touph Ring
Morph: N/A

EXP for defeating: 33000
Gil gained after defeating: 100 000
AP gained: 20 000

Naturally, bragging rights are about the only the reason for wanting to fight it, although the EXP, Gil and AP isn't too shabby either...

Wow! Awesome. The cool things with the enemies you have created is that they are easy to picture and believable enemies. With both Bondi Tram and Drowned Rat, I could picture fighting them. And the locations choosen seem very fitting for the enemies. And Sapphire WEAPON, finally you can fight him haha.

We should have a competition.... Like a battle... Create our own bosses and post them here, for those who has the best boss(not overdo it) wins.... ugh...

Yeah, sounds like a good idea. You could probably even have a quick rumble for them. Otherwise just a poll would do.

10-15-2005, 11:44 PM
Type: Boss
Name: Nail 'K Weapon
hp: 9000009
mp: 4333323
Looks: His face looks like 2 black shoulder blade and one big glowing scar eye with a lot of nails around it in the middle of the shoulder blade... Every time he breaths the shoulder blade covers the eyes. Huge body his right chest is all rusty metal and huge six-pack 2 large muscle arms with phlebitis and blown up muscle. But his left arm is rusty metal and armored same goes to his sharp helm with nails sticking out. 2 huge thigh (fat) and to tiny legs, and 2 big foots with long military shoes. The whole beasts is a wear, a lot of nail down on his back, he is slimy. Large fish mouth with long snake tong...

Strength: 240
Defense: 255
Magic: 255
Magic Def: 245
Evasion: 178
Agility: 120
Luck: 15

Almost Immune to everything but not: mental break, slow, and dispel

Slime X: He spits a huge slime ball at your party infects - poison, zombie and curse and does 5000 dmg.
Mighty entry: He gives a big boost from the ground and jumps high upon the sky and steps on one of your characters and does 999999 dmg.
Itchy Hell: His nail on his backs spits out and counter your party and inflects them with curse, berserk and poision.
Sucks you: He seizes you with his tong and sucks you and drops 1 sphere of the sphere grid and merge it to himself.
Take that: He takes one of his nail on his back and sticks it on you does 2000 dmg (note this attack is his counter attack)

Black Magic:
White Magic: Mighty Guard, haste, slowage.

Cruel suffering: He takes a deep breath and blows gas on you that inflects you with - slow (he will get auto haste then) berserk, confusion, zombie and poison. Plus he petrified you so you can't move for 3 rounds.
Atlomba destruction: He fires a missile from his chest and shoots crazy from his metal arm, and jumps up in the sky and jumps down as a meteor and takes self-destruct, it will totally destroy the battle arena.

Zamato - will work sometimes.

You can find him in luca stadium...

10-24-2005, 05:06 PM
Ok Ok Ok let me try.
Description: The world around us. Like the Matrix, for instance. If you played FFVIII you will know what I mean when I say that there is a side to destroy and a side to keep alive (look back at fight against Sorcoress Adel); maybe in storyline before, part of Space/Time has been infected etc. and you need to kill it off. Attack it by hitting everything coloured Negative White, an invisible colour that can only be seen when Time/Space has been infected. It flows over objects quickly, but there is a large amount of it everywhere in large clumps, so it is more than easy enough to find.
To win against him, you must also keep the unaffected part of Space/Time alive aswell. To do this, just cast Curaga on the affected part of Space/Time.

Stats: Randomly re-generated every 3-5 rounds except HP.
100000001 HP
Not immune to anything with exception to instant death moves.

Re-generate: Stats are refreshed, and all status effects and the like are removed (this will occur every 3-5 rounds)
Absorb:Absorbs HP from the unaffected part of Time/Space (will happen every 5 rounds)
Compression of Time: That great Compression of Time music from ff8 begins to play, and characters will be transported through their memories, causing 1000 damage to each player every round (lasts for 10 rounds).
Space Abnormalities:Things around you will collapse, fall, destruct, explode etc.
Born again: Reduces all characters HP to 100.
Grow: Evasion decreases drastically, but characters will be inflicted with 4 status effects excluding Petrification.
Undo: Sacrifices 20% of its health to kill all characters (auto-life is a must-have)
His normal attack will appear as a flash of light, and one character will have lost between 100-10000 HP

It only uses Forbiddon magic, with exception to Ultima.
Ultima is cast as a counter attack after 3 re-generations. The amount of times it is cast depends on variables stored since the last Ultima. Its formula is: Attacks divided by Spells cast timesed by (attacks + spells).
It will use Curaga every so often.

He can be found in any of the FF Games when you are onto the final boss of that game, just don't fight that boss, and go back to the place where the game begins. He will appear as a siloohet (that's spelled phoenetticaly cos i don't know how to spell it), and you must talk to him.

Zell dincht X0
11-09-2005, 11:26 PM
Cow with gun


found: Last boss in ff8 after killing ultimacia

unique cow attacks:
drunk gunner- shoots itself and recieves 1000 damage
moo- Instantly kills all gf's
cow stampede- loads of cows come on screen with moo above their heads and deals 9000 damage to everyone
gun gun gun- 9998 to 1 character

counter for killing:
the cow jumpes over the moon and kills all the party (apart from Quistis if you are using her)

uses status changing magic (berserk, break and death) and attack magic like ultima and meteor and heals itself from time to time

looks like: basicly a cow on it's hind legs with an AK-47

Swedish Fish
11-09-2005, 11:53 PM
Fucking rascist.

Zell dincht X0
11-10-2005, 05:53 PM
sorry i'll edit it to something different

11-10-2005, 10:11 PM
Lol, "jumps over the moon and kills all party". Nice one!

Zell dincht X0
11-13-2005, 01:33 PM
thank you :) i'll have another go

the lemon squeezer (c'mon i can't think of any gud names)

sour man- makes all chars blind and takes 5000 of all
juicey- squeezes all party on the squeezer all party on 1hp and 1mp
lemon throw- throws lemon at one char for 3000 damage
breeze of air- sends one char into space leaves 2 char's left

counter for killing: same efect as ff8 zantetsuken apart from it it fly's into you and cuts evryone in half (doesn't work if someone is on less than 5hp)

this dude just heals himself and casts demi 3 and aero 3

found: random battle in ff7 on world map

looks like: it's in the name

11-15-2005, 05:27 PM
Keep em comin! Ok, heres one.

Ms. Pacman
We know what she looks like.
Found in the evil designer's workshop (made up place, btw).
Chomp - takes off 1000 hp from 1 char.
Eat Fruit - turns all character blue (they can't use overdrives, limit breaks
etc.) and maximises Chomp to a KO attack. Also casts haste.
Casts Basic magic, but is cast 3 times a turn (not necessarily on different

Counter-magic: Will cast Death twice/Ultima.

Counter-Death: Comes back with 2 lives remaining, stats boosted.
Counter-Death 2: Comes back with 1 life remaining, completely hyper (i.e.
with speed stat almost completely maxed out)
Counter-Death 3: Casts Lv. 5 Death.

Ok that was rubbash but what the hell...

11-15-2005, 07:25 PM
Name: Top-Cat
Found: Secret FFShrine in FFVII

"LOLZ" - Throws the letters "L", "O", "L" and "Z" at the enemy. Each attack causes around 500 damage.
"w00t" - Makes a strange high pitched sound that sounds like the word "woot!" that hurts all characters.
"The Internet" - Characters are struck by an invisible force known only as 'The Internet' and all their hit points are reduced to 1.

Metal Maniac
11-15-2005, 08:01 PM
Looks: A fat guy dressed as batman

Blubber: doedamage equal to level times 50.

Found in any place where food is.

11-25-2005, 08:03 PM
rather stupid FF VII theories

found: anywhere in the FFshrine FF7 section

it appears as either
Cheeze weapon
alpha leviathan
grey chocobo
rainbow chocobo
A revived aeris
saphire weapon
Boxer the gremlin
Sephiroth (normal)
Talking chocobo
Mr dolphin

attacks: SPaM, aggrivating newb threads, and photoshopped pictures

11-25-2005, 08:18 PM
Braska's Penultimate Aeon

Found inside sin


Zell dincht X0
06-17-2006, 02:43 PM
Man: health 1
Attack: oops: man slips giving himself 1hp damage

06-17-2006, 03:47 PM
Name: Ekinserge

Found: "Pigly Wigly" Super Market
HP: 80,000
MP: 500

Basic Attacks:
Frankfurter Punch: -1000HP
Meat Grinder: -500HP
Sausage bubble: Temporarily disables opponent from taking action.

Special Attacks:
Sausage bomber: -500+HP X3
Wall's Sausage Launcher: -1600+HP
Sausage Karma: -10HP Per sausage you have eaten since your birth.

06-17-2006, 04:00 PM
Name: WTF
HP: immune to sensor
MP: immune to sensor
It looks:Omega Weapon elder brother

Attacks: Doomsday - instantly kill all
Blm: Moronic Spell
Whm: hyper mighty guard and final wall
Special attack: Do nothing, just stand still and those who look at him will definitely dead. Weak against Clasko, Calli and Heck Hebel...

To be found - at the back room in omega weapon's house

06-17-2006, 09:46 PM
Name- MurderSheWrote
HP- 1 (you- wtf, me- hold on)
MP- 9999
Looks Like- chocobo/red dragon from ff7 (mix)
Main Attack-Sexy Eyes Shine Suicide
Located- in the depths of Gagazet

The twist is at the beginning of a battle, a question is asked. You get it right, u live, get it wrong and Sexy Eyes Shine Suicide is cast on u. ( fully kills u )